TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Tigerlilly - are you scanning tomorrow??? I hope I have that right, good luck lovely!!
Hey Dwrgi--AHHHH! Its terrible how often things have no clear answer throughout IVF!! I think its the worst part about this whole process. I don't know why getting pregnant has to feel so much like you're going to the casino.

Am I remembering correctly that this is an early scan? I am wondering if there is a window here where you can get some more information before deciding. I think I would want to see how things were looking closer to ER before deciding, but that is me, and of course you incur more cost the more scans you do...

Like you, Im 41 and the genetic odds are stacked against of our little eggs, but if they fertilize and grow to day 3 or day 5, that is already helping to screen some of that. Supposedly the stats for us are generally 1:10 (about a 10% genetically normal rate). If you have 5 follicles and they make 5 me, you're stacking the deck pretty well with that one. Of course we would rather have 20 eggs, but...

So, that is my 2 cents...I would do a couple more scans and hope that those follicles keep going. Maybe decide on a threshold where if it gets worse than that, you stop? And of course, if you could have that conversation with your RE, and they agreed, to me, that would be very reassuring.
dwrgi, I agree with butterfly. I think that would be exactly my thought process. I'm so sorry that you have to make such a tough decision :( It's just so unfair. We hold onto the little tiny bit of hope that "maybe this is the cycle -no matter how bad it looks, it just takes one good egg, right?". And that tiny bit of hope can cost a lot of money...
Lovely Dwrgi :hugs:

That is a real toughie, hun. The fact that you're having doubts, makes me think that you are leaning towards to cancelling this cycle. Could you have a good chat with the clinic, to see what they suggest? I know they're obviously thinking about £££s, but they also want the best for you. If you move on to DE, is there a long-wait to get started? I'm sure you will make the right decision for you and we'll support you all the way :hugs::hugs:

:hi: Daksha :hugs: How did it go with your new RE? I hope they made you feel comfortable and positive! It's all about taking that first step :hugs:

Hey lovely Purple-lady! How are you doing? I hope you and bumpette are doing okay in this heat. Thanks for checking up on me (you're such a sweetie!). Yep, jabs are going okay. Husband has been doing them (I just can't bring myself to do it... such a wuss!), but I really do wish they could produce the drugs in a yummy spread (preferably chocolate) that you could just slather on toast and eat! I think I got confused (I'm blonde, so it's not unusual) about my scan date, it's on Thursday 2nd Aug. I've not noticed any side-effects so far, but I keep waiting for that cartoon moment when I take a glug of water and it all pours out through all the needle holes! :haha:

Beautiful Butterfly! How's the house going? Good luck with the adoption meeting, I hope you get some excellent info :hugs:

Big :hi: and :hugs: to all, I hope you're surviving Monday.

The sun comes out and everything feels a bit better... strange that? Although, we're contending with full-on Olympic set-up down here. We've the Olympic torch tomorrow, then again down the Thames on Friday and we've the cycling road-race over the weekend. Booking a driving lesson during this period was not one of my brightest ideas! :rofl:


C xx
Hi girls! Thanks for all your help and advice.:hugs:

It's a funny thing, isn't it? This idea of the completely unpalatable; when the doors close in your face, you HAVE to be realistic and consider them.

I CANNOT justify going ahead with the cycle with five follicles. If I had eight eggs from 14 follicles, or whatever it was in March, then that suggests I might only have 2-3 eggs. OMG-I DO NOT want a repeat of last summer, that was the pits: two eggs and no fertilization.

If we cancel now, then we are out of pocket by £800, which are the drugs I've paid for. I don't know whether we'd have to pay for the scans I've had. My clinic are pretty chilled about these things. If we went for IUI, then we'd need to pay £600, which is nothing in comparison to doing an IMSI cycle, at £4000. However, is there any point doing an IUI at my age with my amh?

If I had the same number of follicles as I did in March, I'd be happy to go ahead, but I don't so I'm not!!! If we cancel now, we can put the £4k towards the donor egg cycle (65% success rates with the Spanish partner clinic that my clinic uses), which costs just over £7k. I cannot bear the prospect of failing with this cycle, after having paid the £4k to go ahead, we just don't have that money. If money was no object, I'd carry on and see this cycle through.

More and more of me is leaning towards DE-does it matter how your child is achieved? It will be my body that nourishes that embryo, my body that helps grow the placenta, umbilical chord, etc. It will grow up seeing my mannerisms and characteristics, etc.

So, it is 5% versus 65%. If you're a statistician, you'd say, without any doubt, the DE route. I just needed to go through this to be able to say, it just won't work with my own eggs. My heart hasn't been in this cycle, I have never thought it would work, and I feel that I have been carrying on because I HAD to do it. But, clearly, my body just doesn't have the eggs to give. (Bar stewards). So, I need to get real and stop fantasising that I will be that 5%.

My consultant has asked if I want to do one more scan again on Wednesday, or whether I want to stop this cycle now, or just do IUI as there are defo eggs there, according to the womb lining. Hmm, just need to sleep on this now and see where I'm at tomorrow.

It's blinking pantsville USA, I must say.

Dashka-HUGE good luck to you tomorrow. Ask for an amh test, and also ask whether your docs will be testing for immunes, and incorporating those into the mix. Ask him what his % success is with women your age. I shall be thinking of you and hoping that he gives you good answers (and s0d AF-she is sooooo unimportant, and they will have seen it all before!).

Big loves to all,
Aww Dwrgi... this is all pants my lovely.. what a dilemma...

though it does sound like you have made your mind up about this cycle...

however, not that I mean to be the voice of doom.. or add to the confusion... merely add another angle to this tangle.

I have been through the mental and physical turmoil of DE.... now from my experience my (at the time) 39 year old body coped beautifully with the drugs... text book ovary shut down and perfect womb thickness... we had 5 grade a embies.. 2 put in.. and I have every faith in the consultant... but it still failed..

What I am trying to say is that don't put all your faith into de either. Like IVF they say on average they need 3 goes to have a success ..... we put all our faith into it and were crushed when it failed. Not that I am saying the same thing would happen to you... but it cost us 6500 and nothing to show for it, which we are still paying off..

It is a risk like all things of this nature chick. You need to decide if you want to take the gamble.

Aww Dwrgi... this is all pants my lovely.. what a dilemma...

though it does sound like you have made your mind up about this cycle...

however, not that I mean to be the voice of doom.. or add to the confusion... merely add another angle to this tangle.

I have been through the mental and physical turmoil of DE.... now from my experience my (at the time) 39 year old body coped beautifully with the drugs... text book ovary shut down and perfect womb thickness... we had 5 grade a embies.. 2 put in.. and I have every faith in the consultant... but it still failed..

What I am trying to say is that don't put all your faith into de either. Like IVF they say on average they need 3 goes to have a success ..... we put all our faith into it and were crushed when it failed. Not that I am saying the same thing would happen to you... but it cost us 6500 and nothing to show for it, which we are still paying off..

It is a risk like all things of this nature chick. You need to decide if you want to take the gamble.


I know, it's a HUGE gamble. I do remember your experience, and I know it doesn't always work out. It is the pits. I guess I'm thinking 5% odds with my own eggs, and 65% with DE through IVI Valencia. IDK, it just makes more SENSE to do that.

Hey, I hope Purps is right and that WAS an implantation dip! FX for you hun, Axxx And Pink FX too!! xxx
Dwrgi- it's an awful choice to have to make, but, like all things in life, I think we all feel better when we have A plan in place!
What you have said sounds completely logical...if there was a way to KNOW That DE would absolutely definitely work........
It sounds like your docs are on your side too, giving you options.

Big loves Hun xxxxx
Tigerlilly -it's probably me that doesn't take a lot :haha:
Anyway I'm glad you are getting on ok with the meds! And well done your dh for doing the jabs ..what a star! I do injections every single day and have done for the last 20 + years...but honestly I don't think I could inject myself!

I'm am thinking of you and hoping that August is your lucky month xxxxxxx
dashka, good luck with your appointment today! Let us know how it went! :hugs:
Dwrgi I know you will make the right decision for you. I can't imagine how hard it must be. Just wanted to send you :hugs: and :kiss:
A, if you do decide to cancel the cycle then I am thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to do IUI for the £600. If you have got 5 eggs waiting there then it might be worth taking advantage of that fact :flower: Otherwise just make sure that you get in some well timed :sex: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

ETA Oh, I posted about the adoption info evening on my journal. Basically I am still in 2 minds about what to do :dohh:
Dwrgi – Oh honey :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss: :friends: I would definitely go w/IUI this cycle so you have “one last chance” with own eggs. It’s not much more & you have 5 ripe ones there (already) & have paid 800 on meds – what’s another 600? Then you can also relieve the “what-if’s” about these 5 eggs… I hope & pray with every prayer, reiki, energy~~~ in me that this will be it! But if it’s not, I’d do DE if you are open to it which sounds like you are. But at least you can go into DE with knowing you tried one last time. With DE, you can be 50 – it’s not your uterus that gets old, so you can actually afford to wait a little (no monthly tik-toks) Just sent you long-distance healing energy :winkwink: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

You know that we are all here for you :friends::friends::friends:

Butterfly – I was thinking the same thing w/the music (Dwrgi's tenant)! :haha: :winkwink: Just read your journal. I struggle w/the very same thoughts about kids in general if that helps? I can't even say what I'd do but if you can think of the next 50 years of your life, would you rather see someone you nurtured & loved in it growing with you, or would you rather have memories such as traveled to exotic places? (there's no right answer, just a question to think about...) :hugs:

Owl – Yeah, a lot of times I’ll keep up a Word doc so I can comment as I go & very minimal risk for losing it (bc that’s the worst after a long post!). Good luck on IUI & welcome to the 2WW!!! :dust:

Bumble – Oh honey :sad2: I’m so sorry you are going thru this. What a shitty thing to go thru at our age, too with the obvious looming overhead! :nope: Just curious, if you give OH the ultimatum – move together or split (in a nicer way of course), what would he do? Maybe it’s the bereavement. If he is trying to get over serious some stuff, then you can’t really force him, but you can talk to him gently about your concerns & see what he recommends you guys do? Sending FL sunshine & big :hugs: your way

Chicken – ah yes, I remember saying something about crystals! I’ve got some fertility ones I charged up at Stonehenge, The Tor, Chalice Well, Entrance to Fairyland, Tintagel Castle, merlin’s cave, Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury churches & some other places. They are Boji stones – one’s female & one’s male. Female goes on left ovary & male on rt. They aren’t magnetic, however when you hold them they pull toward each other – like they can’t stand being apart. I set them down apart one day & came back & they were together (awww how cute :hugs: ) :haha: I’m very new to crystals though, what does moonstone do?

Nessaw – Yay for last day of school! :yipee: Lucky lady!

Pad – I don’t have a really good history of charts to compare to & your past charts were a bit sporadic, so I’ll just say I am hoping upon hope that is an implantation dip! I don’t wanna give false hope, but I think it was like 23% preggers get them & maybe 11% non-preggers get them? (I got them both times pregs this year) So odds still in favor & keeping everythibng crossed! :winkwink: FX!!!!! :dust: (Oh, you did right – keep first temp since that was the most sleep :thumbup: )

Mirium – that worries me now about the suppositories? Unless its just designed to slowly release prog in system? :nope::shrug: Crap. I better call. So Lap sounds a lot like hysteroscopy? I got one of those & removed septum. However, I guess Lap also finds infections & tubal issues which aren’t the focus of hysteron – good for you, heck why not try it? But yes, hoping you don’t need it!!!

DrS – glad things going well! :thumbup: :winkwink:

Purps – golf, yes I don’t know how DH can watch it 6? hrs straight. I need to record it & play it on nights I can’t sleep :haha: :hugs:

Dashka – Oh honey, I’m sorry :witch: came. :nope::hugs: But on a brighter side, how did your appt go?!?! On edge of my seat here! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

LadyH - FX for Wed night :winkwink: :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else out there!

So sorry I haven’t been able to come on – meant to come on over weekend but apparently had to throw a last-minute party.:shrug: One of those where DH had a little too much :beer: & just started inviting EVERYONE to my house for a party the next day :haha:. Oh well, was fun.:drunk: I have re-AMH test, prog test (why if on supp’s?) & a glucose tolerance test tomorrow morning. Oh, and apparently I may have fractured my foot at church on Fri 13th (funeral). My foot is all bruised up for 10 days now, a knot sticking out & hurts to put in a shoe. Got xrays this morning but had to send them off. I thought it was just the blood thinners that’s why I waited so long :shrug::nope: Oh well.

But so many important things going on with you ladies this cycle & next! I SMELL SOME BFP’s IN THE AIR & HAVING GREAT FEELINGS ABOUT 35+ TTC#1 THIS SUMMER!!! Let's get that fairy up off her arse & get moving again!!! :dust::dust::dust: (Between Pad's Magic Kingdom fairy-beating & my visit to Fairyland, how could she not have gotten the message?! :haha: ) :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hiya lovely ladies have been Internet less and my god this causes physical symptoms like sweaty palms racing hearts how life has changed. I've been away for six day for work and am now packing for Asia I have to be at the airport in four hours.

Dwrgi toss a coin. Heads is de and iui this cycle. Tails is isce. The way you feel when you see the result will tell u what ur heart wants. Thinking of you. What a dilemma.

Purps you basildon buddy you - FYI purps and I have worked together how's that for six degrees of separation...I hope the bump is blissful as to your double bump dr s

Ilisuz sorry about the foot and the funeral pants to quote pad

Nessaw have a fab holiday

Am keen to try fert acupuncture and crystals on my retun

Dash sorry about af

Pad good luck pink fairy dresses coming your way

Bumble good luck with the man. You deserve a ten out of ten. I know you'll make the right decision about the future for you.

Owl good luck for the tww.

Signing off till Bangkok

Tiger and
Pad - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry - saw your chart... :hug:

HA - I see you lurking, honey & I'm so, so sorry!!! :cry: :hugs::hugs::hugs:
DrH - have a great time in Bangkok! And hey, maybe you can do some of that while away... :haha: (so immature, I know...) :shrug:
Hi ladies!
Dwrgi – oh hun I think Dr. H’s suggestion with the coin is a good one – to see how your heart really feels when decision is made for you. I was inclined to agree with Manu and Ksluice, but it sounds like you are really open to DE and that is great... and it sounds like you are comfortable with it. If you decide not to go ahead with IVF on this one – then I probably would at least do IUI (I’m assuming you’ve confirmed tubes open right?) Getting another scan Wed is a good idea too – you never know that just might help you make the decision easier. You poor thing you must be so stressed .... hope the tenant thing gets resolved soon too. Sending you giant hugs:hugs::hugs:

Tiger – glad to hear that the jabs are coming along fine.... We have to wait another week for your scan... Good Luck hun!:thumbup::hugs:

Pad – So sorry –just saw your chart hun.....:hugs::hugs::nope: RATS!!

Butterfly – need to check your journal – hope the info night went ok:hugs:

Lils – oh no your foot!!:nope: Hope it gets better soon – that must be awful if you can’t put shoes on. Good luck with other tests.... Hope work isn’t too stressful and really hoping this is a good month for you.:hugs::kiss:

HA – so sorry again if you’re lurking :hugs::hugs:

Dr. H- have a great time in Asia! Enjoy yourself ...:thumbup::hugs:

Purple, Asry, Froliky, Dr S , Madeline – hope our pregger ladies are doing well....:hugs::kiss:

Honey – hope you are feeling better:hugs:

Ksluice & Owl & Chicken – hope this is the month for you:thumbup::hugs:

Hello and hugs to everyone I missed!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM - I'll put in a separate post - It's a long one....:wacko:
hi folks.

dwrgi-i'll put my two penneth in for what its worth and go with butterfly and lils on the iui route. sorry am no more help on a pretty impossible decision.x

am at my mums waiting for the olympic torch to come past.v exciting!off to see niece and nephew in devon tom.glad for the change in weather.

tons of summer baby dust to all.vx
AFM - had my app't with the RE yesterday and we were there for 3 hours. :wacko:(they did warn us though) I was impressed on how quickly they move with everything. He was nice, but did RUSH us a lot (think all docs are like that)- was asking a billion questions and I could barely give a proper answer before he asked the next one. He asked me repeatedly why I waited so long before getting another opinion etc.... I told him that we adopted and really didn't think we were going to try any longer and also that I was against IVF before.... (never mind the cost) He wasn't interested in anything re: my sister's immune testing (Dr. Beers' center) -said he worked with Dr.Beer when he was alive and it just hasn't been proven)... he didn't want to discuss that at all. I got 2 ultrasounds - first one by technician and 2nd a quick one by him - but it was a little awkward as there was another MALE doctor (shadowing him during the whole app't and the exam/ and u/s....):dohh::wacko: No problem with one male doc in the room - but somehow seems weird with 2 ??:wacko: When he quickly examined me he said my uterus and ovaries look good on screen and had lots of antral folllicles. He sent us both for bloodwork yesterday right away.

So next Tues. I'm going to hospital for and HSG with xray (apparently I think the one I did 8 yrs ago may have only been the sono type with saline -not with xray and dye and they get a better picture with this.... but it's been so long and with another doc that I can't even remember :dohh:)... I didn't even know there were 2 types. But don't remember the xray part. I believe they called it HSG then too.

Here are bloods he tested me for: (most of which I paid for)
AMH (re-tested)
Anti-Card, IgG, IgA, IgM, CA, CHL

all together 17 vials... and on CD2 of AF - so I felt woozy afterward :wacko: but nothing new - have had tons of blood drawn before. Took some iron as soon as I got home.
I don't even know what some of them are above... He moved so quickly - and think he would have been insulted had I pulled out my list of bloodwork - especially after I saw his reaction to the immune testing. I believe I've had most of the ones above done before. I don't see anything about MTHFR above.... argh....:wacko:

So here is the part that I don't get ---having put my verbal answers together - he says he thinks I have some degree of endometriosis and that may be part of the problem.... BUT would have to do a laparoscopy to confirm....and that takes 3-4 months to get into.... so they are booking that app't... BUT I don't know if I believe him - I kept saying that I don't have all the symptoms (ie. pain with intercourse, really heavy periods with a lot of pain etc)..... He said it didn't matter - that you don't necessarily have to have them all to have it.... He kept asking why my last clinic never sent me for more tests etc.... :dohh: OK - I know it's my fault why I never pushed further in the past... but then again if I had I wouldn't have our little AD... and don't regret anything there.:winkwink:

So I don't really know what to believe... He asked me whether I need to take pain medication for cramps at AF... I said usually the first day only and only homeopathic stuff (never Advil or anything) and it's not that bad... and he said the fact that I have to take it every month on the first day is a sign.... (also frequent urination and fatigue prior to AF coming) I also get painful legs on the first day of AF... And day before or 1st day of AF usually looser BM (TMI)... but nothing major.... My MIL and SIL both had much heavier and much more painful periods and never had problems conceiving.

My DH is going for another SA too - but this time they are going to do the DNA fragmentation (costs $195).... he never had that part done before.

We are booked in to see RE again on Sept.4th for followup with all the results and action plan. So he is going to book the laparoscopy for 3-4 months (as it takes that long to get in) and if we need it we'll do it and if he thinks we don't by then then we'll cancel.

Sorry for the long post !!!:hugs::kiss:

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