TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Ok, short version since BNB decided to do an upgrade which deleted my post :growlmad:

Dwrgi - having to overhear that while in your situation is really tough honey. Maybe it was good to break down a little though - it sounds like it;s something that's been building these last few days maybe? :friends::friends::friends: Got it all crossed & praying for Sun/Mon IUI! Get to lots & lots of :sex: this weekend.

Can I ask a really dumb question? OK, so say there are 3 good eggs & 3 bad. But, if :spermy: penetrates all of them, is it only the superb ones that go on to implant & become babies? If so, then do the other ones just sort-of get absorbed, or? I have actually been contemplating exactly what you are doing this cycle, myself (if doesn't work out). So I'm just wondering what the benefit of IVF is other then they physically meet the :spermy: & egg for you & only implant the good ones? Same drugs right & your body will only keep the good ones & get rid of bad so??? :hugs: & cwtches

Dashka - Don't give up, honey. It has nothing to do w/your mothering skills. Some kids just take longer to learn certain things. Heck, DH didn't talk until he was 4 & now I can't get him to get off the phone! :nope::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Owl - :hugs: I take 8% 90mg prog/daily & don't really have a prog issue, but some women take 2 or 3x/day. What's you mg, maybe you need more? :dust:

1st Try - Welcome! GL on today's IUI :thumbup: :dust:

GreekPorn - welcome back! I'll be eating "your food" tonight :winkwink: LOVE this place, so good - tummy grumbling now! GL & :dust:

TGIF & have a fab weekend all. Dwrgi, we are all pulling for you chickie! :thumbup:
Dwrgi, it sounds like iui is a really good choice for you and 6 follies sounds fab!! I'm keeping everything crossed for you xxxx

Hi first try and welcome :hi:

Welcome back Greek porn! :D

Big hugs to everyone else!!
Hi ladies - :wave:,

Owl - Fingers crossed that our bodies will recover or our docs will help us to get to the finish line. A while back when I read through the entire thread, I remember both Lils and Pad said that after miscarriage - it took them a long time to get a BFP again but they did again. Lils and Pad - I hope this does not make you sad - big, big :hugs: :hugs: and :dust:to you guys. I just want to let Owl know there's hope.

Dwrgi - This TTC business is tough but it also throws some pleasant surprises. Fingers crossed for your IUI!!

Grkprn - I am 10 dpo today. I hope this is your month!!

Lils - Dwrgi can probably advise about IVF better but as you might have implied - as far as I know it is not totally foolproof. I believe as long as the eggs fertilize, they insert the embryos. I don't think they can tell that the embyro will be viable for sure or that it will implant. I guess because of the stimulation, there's more eggs and so they can put in 2 or more embryos and that improves the chance of a sticky pregnancy. Also, if you have left over embryos - you can insert more later if first attempt fails or insert more for a second child. There's screening called PGD - PreImplantation Genetic Diagnosis however it is relatively new and it's not close to being 'spot on' and it seems like it can put extra stress on the embryos and cause one to end up with less embryos. I am thinking about it now too although I don't know if I can afford. Seems like it's way cheaper in the UK??

TGIF though. My moods go up and down a bit related to this TTC business. For the past 3 weeks thereabout, after being upset when I last saw my RE, I have been surprisingly calm and I am trying to sustain it. I don't know how long it will last for. I hope I can sustain it forever... :). I am going out to get some :icecream: or some hot chocolate. Have a great weekend ladies.
:dust: to everyone!!!
Hi ladies!
thanks for the comments re: AD.... I know she is certainly testing.... and I'm giving her time-outs etc.... Frol - thanks for the reminder that she can probably sense my stress of TTC....:hugs: however I think my stress is more so right now about her potty training (or lack there-of :wacko:) I am worried that she will get a UTI as yesterday once again she held her pee for over 12 hrs. And then when she does the diaper (pull-up) can't absorb it all (IYKWIM)... Anyway sorry I shouldn't be talking about this on here :dohh: -I only brought it up because the hitting is really affecting my attitude for TTC. :wacko: The most disturbing thing is that when I shed a tear (or she sees me crying - she walks over and hits me!)

Dwrgi - Good luck chick!!:thumbup::flower::kiss::hugs:

Greekporn - welcome back!!

Owl and Mirium - I do hope that you get your BFPs really soon :hugs:
It really sucks when we don't know what is going on with our bodies.

Lils - how is your foot doing??? Did you say you were going to test this weekend? Your chart is looking good :thumbup::kiss::hugs:

Purps - hope you enjoying the Olympic ceremonies - I only watched bits and pieces - and WELL DONE London!:thumbup::hugs::kiss:

Butterfly - how are you doing?:hugs:

Pad - how are you feeling hun??:hugs:

HA - :hugs::hugs:

Welcome First Try! good luck to you!:thumbup:

ThuThao ...? - are you an expecting father?? sorry haven't seen your name here before

Manu, Honeybee, Chicken, Dr. S, Asry, Froliky, Madeline, Dr. H, HTJ (if you're lurking) and everyone I missed (sorry) - :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

Have a great weekend everyone!
oh i forgot to mention Lils - another benefit of IVF with ICSI is that (even though tubes etc are working fine and all is timed perfectly) - sometimes the egg's shell is too hard for sperm to penetrate - so that's where ICSI comes in.... where they manually insert sperm into egg before transfer (there is some argument on this too - though I think my ND told me that THEY choose the sperm to insert into egg -which in normal IVF it would just be the strongest sperm that fertilize the egg.... so there is a risk there)

I think the docs will also say that there is more chance of multiples with lots of eggs when you do IUI (might happen with meds but may not).... but with IVF there is more control.... how many to put in and how many to freeze etc.

Anyone can correct me if I don't have the facts straight!
Dashka - I am beginning to wonder about her prenatal care??? You may want to have her tested or do some research. She'll probably be fine and I am sorry about the challenges she is causing along with TTC. That does sound a bit stressfull. :hugs: :hugs:

I am rooting for the rest of you ladies!!!!!!
Dashka-any good to you?

GL hun, Axxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Mirium-I'm glad that you are feeling a sense of calm, it's really important in this stressful business. You were spot on in your answer to Lils. Hope you get your own little rainbow soon, Axxx

Purps-how are you lovely?

Twinks-are you MIA again, young lady?????!!!!

Butterfly-hope you're having a nice weekend, Axxx

Maddy, Dr H, Dr S, Ness, Lady H, GrkPorn (hee hee), Frolicky, Manuiti, Honey, Owl, Pad-hello to you all, and anybody i MAY NOT HAVE MENTIONED.

Really HUGE hugs to you HA, thinking of you, Axxx

Got to run, will write more later, Axxx
Lils-just wanted to send loads of :hugs::hugs::hugs: right back at you! I think Mirium has answered most of your questions.

The main difference is the procedure to remove the eggs in order to fertilize them in a lab. And, with ICSI and IMSI, the embryologist will insert the sperm into the eggs, although this doesn't mean that they will fertilize (think of my cycle from last summer, when neither egg fertilized despite being ICSIed!). With IUI, you are basically bypassing the cervix and is used by those who may have 'hostile' CM (it's full of machine guns and grenades :haha:).

The one and only time we had IUI, it was abandoned on the day as my OH literally had FOUR healthy sperm after the pre treatment wash. We were flabbergasted. They require at least one million sperm to go ahead with the insemination, which is why they told us to go straight for IVF. But my OH's sample has improved since then, and I think that was a glitch as he'd had an infection three months before then, and went running before doing his doings that morning (ignorance is not a wonderful thing :nope:).

I have read that some clinics will not perform IVF on women with low amh, as they think that the expected low yield is not promising of success, considering the procedures you have to go through. IDK, everybody has their own opinion on this. I know for natural IVF, minimal stimms are administered to develop only one or two follicles, the belief being that aggressive stimming "overcooks" the follicles. But, this is highly controversial and I have read of lots of women who had tried natural IVF then going for conventional IVF, as, like my embryologist says, it's a "numbers game"-the more you have the better chance of success.

As far as your question re. bad eggs are concerned. Bad eggs won't fertilize; their chromosomal state will make fertilization nigh on impossible. So, those eggs will be absorbed back into the body. Correct me if I'm wrong, anybody....

For me, the main advantage of doing IUI is that the sperm will be placed in the uterus and thereby bypassing any hostile CM I 'may' have. There aren't enough eggs for me to warrant risking a lot of money on ICSI, especially considering the fact that Amanda, my consultant, estimates that I will have two-three eggs, which is what I had last summer (two), and neither fertilized. Why would I put myself through that again, for a 5% chance of success? It's just madness.

For me, I can't see the point of doing any OE cycle again as the odds are just too stacked against us. At least I can say that I tried, and it just didn't work out. So, it'll be DE or nothing.

Dashka, I didn't know about same day insemination. I've done some research and can't find much stuff on it. But, if I'm taking the trigger at 6 am tomorrow (honestly!!!) and ovulation should occur 24-36 hours later, my procedure is scheduled for 11am on Monday, so I should catch those eggs. FX!!! :thumbup::thumbup:

Anyway, hey ho, time will tell!

Sorry for long post. Hope everybody is having a really lovely weekend,
Axxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Just to say Hi to you all, lurking and love you Ladies to bits.
Trigger done and managed to go back to sleep! Yay! Did have panics last night as I looked through instructions for occurred, and read that it should be refridgerated! Had to ring my consultant at 9 pm who said she'd had this situation with many before and hadn't made a difference. Phew! There's always something! So clinic at 10 tomorrow and procedure at 11.30. FX!

Lady H-I loved your post! How r u, lovely? X

Twinks-how are you getting on? Have you started stunning? Huge good luck to you, it's a breeze, honestly, Axx

Love to everybody, Axxx
Dwrgi ooooooo exciting! Everything crossed for you Hun. I'm ok. Trying to stay positive but obsessing in tww as usual!
Hi ladies!

Dwrgi - YAY!!! so excited for you - All limbs crossed for you tomorrow morning!:hugs::kiss::kiss::hugs: Yeah you should be fine no worries with timing - as there is also a 12 hr window too once ovulation has occurred for spermies to fertilize anyway right?

Thanks for the links to the articles - it's good to know that I'm doing a lot of things right...:hugs: Major disciplining last night - DH lost is verbally with her (never really does) after she was almost throwing a pair of kids scissors at my face - we'll see how it goes today. We were sitting so nicely at the table -I was teaching her how to cut/glue etc... She tends to throw things at me or hit me when she is frustrated with herself that she can't do something. I try to talk to her about it.... I know things will get better once she has a full vocabulary to express. We'll see what happens when she starts nursery school in Sept. :hugs:

Back to work for me tomorrow ... yuk -should be crazy busy with a gazzillion emails to catch up on from the past 2 weeks.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Hugs and loves to you all!!!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Oh dwrgi I am crossing everything for you Hun xxxxx

Big squishy loves yo everyone else! Will post more tomorrow as need to feed dogs and do some bits and pieces ! Have a great day all xxx
Hi ladies! Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. LOVED the opening ceremonies - I get teary-eyed at times (such an emo) :haha:

I'll have to catch up tomorrow as I only have a couple of minutes (busy wknd). Just wanted to pop in & wish Dwrgi GOOD LUCK tomorrow, chickie & get lots of :sex: today/tonight too! I'm praying for you & have everything crossed as well! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh & I chickened out on testing :blush: (no offense chicken :haha: ). I think I may wait until AF due Tuesday, although I doubt she'd show anyway w/all this progesterone...

Anyway, have a fab rest of your weekend :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Dwrgi, good luck tomorrow! :hugs:

dashka, big hug for you. Hang in there!

LadyH and LilSluz, how far in 2ww are you?

afm, spotting stopped, nurse said progesterone could have caused it. Beta test next Friday.

Hi and big hugs to everyone! Hope you all have a fabulous sunday! :flower:
Trigger done and managed to go back to sleep! Yay! Did have panics last night as I looked through instructions for occurred, and read that it should be refridgerated! Had to ring my consultant at 9 pm who said she'd had this situation with many before and hadn't made a difference. Phew! There's always something! So clinic at 10 tomorrow and procedure at 11.30. FX!

Lady H-I loved your post! How r u, lovely? X

Twinks-how are you getting on? Have you started stunning? Huge good luck to you, it's a breeze, honestly, Axx

Love to everybody, Axxx

Hahaha - I'm not MIA - I'm still reading but nothing to update atm. I just had a vision of me going round with a Taser blasting smug people & those who got on my nerves!!
dashka- have you thought about taking her to counseling? sounds like she is a bit beyond a normal handful and the whole family may be served by some outside observation (sorry if im going beyond anything you are ok with).
Thanks so much everybody! Really means a lot.

Big :hugs::hugs::hugs: all round,

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