TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi ladies!

Dwrgi - YAY!!! so excited for you - All limbs crossed for you tomorrow morning!:hugs::kiss::kiss::hugs: Yeah you should be fine no worries with timing - as there is also a 12 hr window too once ovulation has occurred for spermies to fertilize anyway right?

Thanks for the links to the articles - it's good to know that I'm doing a lot of things right...:hugs: Major disciplining last night - DH lost is verbally with her (never really does) after she was almost throwing a pair of kids scissors at my face - we'll see how it goes today. We were sitting so nicely at the table -I was teaching her how to cut/glue etc... She tends to throw things at me or hit me when she is frustrated with herself that she can't do something. I try to talk to her about it.... I know things will get better once she has a full vocabulary to express. We'll see what happens when she starts nursery school in Sept. :hugs:

Back to work for me tomorrow ... yuk -should be crazy busy with a gazzillion emails to catch up on from the past 2 weeks.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Hugs and loves to you all!!!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

Dashka, I agree with Dr Squid. Working at a nursery school in the summers during my degree, from the behaviour you've mentioned she may be asked to leave. Where I worked biting/kicking/pushing was written up in a incident report and more than 3 was sent for consideration. If the incidents were serious they were asked leave with referrals to special education/child services (counselling). I'm sure things will work out.:hugs::flower:
Hey there! I'm back after an 8 month hiatus. I took time to shed 40 lbs while DH kicked the drinking and smoking--so we're back at 38 years old...start shots Tuesday and happy to be healthy! :0) Thanks for still being here!! xo Stacy
Hi Ladies... it had been my intention to start coming back as a regular this weekend, but my whole world turned upside down when I received a call on Saturday morning that my mother died suddenly during the night on Friday. She was only 62 years old. After DP managed to pick me up off the floor, my very next thought was that my mother will never get to hold any of the childern I hope to have...

The last 36 hours have been the most difficult of my life...and we have to prolong the pain to give family enough time to get here from around the world. My father is devastated and so lost... so DP, my sis and bro-in-law and mom's two grand daughters will be here with him all week.

I never understood how DP managed the pain of losing her parents far too soon... guess I'll have to figure that out myself...

Sorry for bad news, but wanted to explain why my return to BnB and ttc will be severely delayed. Much love to all...
hit- im so so sorry. i just cant imagine. mine are in their 70's but it will always be too early no matter when it happens
:hugs: hit. i am so sorry for your loss, and i hope that having family around will be the best comfort and a balm for you.
hitthejackpot, that is so sad, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You made me think of not having my parents see any kids, this would really haunt me. My dad has been diagnosed with Parkinsons and deteriorating quickly. That's also why i want IVF so quickly, I know he won't be around much longer. You were robbed...62 is young. :cry:
Hit the jackpot - I am so sorry chick, for the loss of your mom. 62 is just too young!! huge :hugs: for you, thinking about you and DP. look after one another xxxxx
DrS -
wonderful scan!! congrats on 8 weeks - how are you feeling in yourself chick??

forever young - welcome back lovely! sounds like you have come back to us fighting fit and ready to go!!

Twinkle - :haha: I love the idea of your tasering those who appear smug :rofl:

Dashka - wow - your daughter sounds like she is having a difficult time! it is only you who she mis behaves for?? big :hugs:

DrH - hope you are having a wonderful time - sorry about the crappy internet - but sounds like you are having too much fun to need it anyway!!

LadyH - no symptom spotting now!! :winkwink: big loves xxx

Lils - hows the foot chick??:hugs: (I too had a tear at the opening ceremony! :haha:)

pad - how are you doing chicky?? :hugs::hugs::hugs: have you finished packing/moving yet?? big loves to you xxx

Nessaw - are you enjoying the summer hols - thank goodness for a bit of nice weather for you too!

Mirium :hugs:

frols and asry and madelaine - :hugs: to you ladies xxxxx

2have4kids - welcome to the thread :flower:

Tiger - how are you getting on?? is it scan time on thursday?? (I may have my dates wrong here :wacko: ) thinking of you lovely xxxx

big squishy loves to all the lurkers and anyone Im missing - so sorry xxxxx

afm - nothing much to report here. I am loving the Olympics - watched loads of different sports over the weekend :D (which is weird because as I said before - I am terrible at sports - can't run, catch a ball or anything :haha:) I finding it strangely soothing to sit, feet up have the tv on low with a bit of archery or whatever on !!
my dad has not been able to go to the last chemo, because his platlets are a bit low (a common side effect of chemo apparently) but he is feeling well, so we took him and mum out for dinner on Friday (which normally he doesn't do when he's having chemo for fear of being unwell!) so that was nice. my DH promised my dad a chinese meal on Friday coming if he doesn't have chemo today (because chinese food is not recommended when you are having chemo and it's dad's favourite)
Hi Ladies... it had been my intention to start coming back as a regular this weekend, but my whole world turned upside down when I received a call on Saturday morning that my mother died suddenly during the night on Friday. She was only 62 years old. After DP managed to pick me up off the floor, my very next thought was that my mother will never get to hold any of the childern I hope to have...

The last 36 hours have been the most difficult of my life...and we have to prolong the pain to give family enough time to get here from around the world. My father is devastated and so lost... so DP, my sis and bro-in-law and mom's two grand daughters will be here with him all week.

I never understood how DP managed the pain of losing her parents far too soon... guess I'll have to figure that out myself...

Sorry for bad news, but wanted to explain why my return to BnB and ttc will be severely delayed. Much love to all...

HTJ - I am so sorry, I know the next few weeks will be busy and full of emotions and family but when it all calms down make sure you have plenty of support in place and allow yourself time to grieve .
I know how it feels to lose someone really close, it's the most painful experience ever, be kind to yourself and I'm sending you some big :hugs::hugs:
purple- yay for chinese food./. sorry bout the low platelets.
i haz no willpower... checked on the boogers again today... omg a few days makes such a difference. they are HUGE. heart beats are super easy to see and they look sorta like people... ok gummy bears but... 8wks 5days today.. cant wait til they start moving
Honey - Oh chick I am so sorry - I knew I was forgetting people :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: how are you doing lovely?? how is the situation with BF???

DrS - naughty you lol!!! however if I were in your job and position I would do the same :haha:
honey - It is a heart breaking situation!! I was in long distance thing with DH when we first met, so for 2 years we took turns travelling at weekends to see one another, but not every weekend, because I was doing shift work then so couldn't always do that....its so hard on relationships. eventually something has to give, luckily in our case I could move, and I did, and we moved in together and then got married etc etc but it takes a leap of faith because I do think until you live with someone- there could be surprises!! I actually met my dh though an internet thing (not a dating site but a scifi site - because we are both geeky :haha: ) and we chatted on the phone and texts and on msn for ages before we actually met, it was quite weird because we knew loads about one another before I actually ever saw him!!
anyway - I hope it can work out for the both of you - in whatever way is best for you xxxxx :hugs:

omg - I just read that back and I can waffle!!!! sorry :haha:
HTJ-so very sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like a complete shock, and will take a while to get used to. I am sending you long distance hugs and hope that you will find the strength to get through the next few days, weeks... Big :hugs:

ForeverYoung-flippin' 'eck, I'm impressed with you girl!! That is a brilliant life changing situation, and I completely admire your perseverance and determination to get there! If you can both turn things around like this, you will have the determination to do whatever you need to do to get PG!!! Brilliant!! :thumbup:

Owl-so hope that the beta gives good news. So, no more spotting? How do you feel? At my clinic, if you spot before OTD, then they prescribe more progesterone. It's all so complicated! Good luck to you hun! xxxx

Honey-you're in a very difficult situation. I know that it is easy for me to say, but I think that putting a time limit on things is a good idea, otherwise another 5-10 years will go past and your partner won't have committed, and that's it, child bearing years gone. You have to put yourself first. Sometimes, a kick up the posterior is what is required, regardless of any issues he may have. It sounds like you're fab, and he's lucky to have somebody prepared to wait for him to get his sh&t together. Sorry to be blunt, don't want to see you get hurt. Big :hugs::hugs:

Dr S-
good scan results!

Dashka-there is a character on UK TV called Supernanny (Jo Frost), and I think she's even made it to the US of A, but not sure about Canada? Anyway, she advocates the 'naughty step' if a child has been naughty, for a set amount of time. Clear boundaries and a clear sense of punishments/penalties if bad behaviour persists. You may be able to find excerpts on YouTube. Might be worth a look. I really feel your pain-it sounds like AD is targetting you, probably because she knows that you will forgive her (as we tend to do with those we are closest to). However, you want to nip this behaviour in the bud now. Big :hugs: to you, Axxx

2Have4Kids-hello and welcome! What is your situation? xxx

Purple-I met my OH through (shock horror :wacko:) and, like you, we emailed and texted for a while before we met. It meant that we got to know bits about each other before the first date. It was brilliant. On our first 'date' I ended up throwing an entire glass of wine over the bannister where we were sitting as I was so excited, and my motor actions were in overdrive!!! So embarrassing. He went to get me another glass (which I now know is a major concession for him as he is so tight you couldn't get a needle out of his a%se with a tractor :haha::haha::haha:), but it's a talking point now, years later!!! Must have been lovely to take your parents out and I am sure that your father really enjoyed his Chinese! You are a star! And, strangely, despite generally being bored to the point of distraction with sport, I too am loving the Olympics. The opening ceremony made me feel so proud to be British, although I can't stand that pretentious toff, Kenneth Branagh (I'm not very opinionated today, am I????). :hugs::hugs:

Dr H-wow, Cambodia! Amazing! I am very jealous. Enjoy your trip, Axxx

Twinks-put the taser down, walk away from the taser! There's a good girl!!! Big hugs and love to you, Axxxx

Tiger-started stimms yet? Hope they're going well? What do they plan to do re. your DH's swimmers?? GL anyway! :hugs::hugs:

Manuiti-hello, lovely! How are you?? Big :hugs::hugs:

Pad-how are you? Are you 'in' yet? Hope it all goes well, Axxxx

Lils-how are things with you? Foot any better? Where are you at with your cycle? Did I read your chart right, and temp drop? In which case, HUGE :hugs::hugs: Thanks for checking in on me yesterday-I really appreciate your support, my lovely Flo Ridan friend, Axxxx

Lady H-agree with Purps, no symptom spotting, try to stay busy. Really hope this is your month, big :hugs::hugs::hugs:

HA-thinking of you lovely, Axxxx

Butterfly-what you up to today? Got the hawk out to do some skimming before you knock up the back extension??? You are a star! Love the photos on your blog-great to see the house take shape, but take care of that back, as you very well know!!! Enjoy the Kerdiff trip if I don't see you, Axxxx:hugs:

Fro, Asry, Never-big :hugs::hugs:

Love to everybody, and :dust::dust::dust: to us all, Axxx

All went well this morning. Had a HUGE sense of anti-climax after we dropped the swimmers off, as, of course, I should have been going for egg collection. Felt a bit fed up, but M&S's carrot cake sorted that out (actually it made me feel sick, so it gave me something else to think about :haha:). OH's swimmers were fantastic. 16 million per ml, and 73% motility, which is absolutely brilliant, so that's a huge relief. The insertion of the catheter was a bit uncomfortable, and I now feel as if I have mild period pains. I guess this is normal?

So, does anybody know what happens now? What should I do for the next few days? I have suggested to OH that we get a bit of You Know What in tonight (he looked a bit pained at that, which was Charming, I thought) (he also got my year date wrong in the clinic-said I was born in 1970. WTF?? :saywhat::saywhat::saywhat::saywhat: :haha:). So, any advice gladly received!

Love to you all and thanks for your support and for being there for me (you know who you are!!!), Axxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Dwrgi - Thats so cool that you met you dh online too! Its defintely becoming more common!! my dad, when I first told him about dh, muttered something about axe murderers and loonies bing online (which of course would have made me one too :haha: ) but now they both love him!!

Im glad the IUI went well. It could hurt to indulge in some :sex: because surely the more swimmers in the right place...the more chance of one or more eggs fertilizing (Im only guessing cos I don't really know) I really really hope this works for you chick xxx

oh and yes I had that same pride going on during the ceremony, although ( and I hope I not offending anyone here - just in case anyone is his biggest fan)I though Paul MacCartney wasn't so great, he sounded really out of tune I thought. but otherwise it was fab!
Oh I sooo agree-Paul Macca! Gross. And who is he trying to kid with that ridiculous colour hair? He also (real biatch fest now) looks more like his waxwork model than he does a real man!!!!!! :haha::haha::haha::haha:

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