TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

OnMyMind - sorry to hear - I really hope it's not peri-menopause..... My cycles have been 24 days too for the past year or so.... Hope the doc will be able to reassure you.:hugs::hugs:

Nessaw - so glad to hear your spirits are up and you have a nice weekend planned with your boyfriend - happy bd'ing!! :thumbup: (so nice about the pot plant - I wanted to:cry:):hugs::hugs:

hope everyone has a great weekend.....:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Oh. Em. Gee. I am SO behind!!!! This post will be an attempt to catch up. I’d take bets about how long it will be, but that wouldn’t really work out.

I’m still doing the happy dance for you. :happydance: What a relief! And I really appreciate all of the pressure you’ve gotten to tell us all the sex when you find out. :winkwink: I mean it’s totally up to you and all, but.... !!!!!

I love the wait-and-see attitude you took on being “up the duff.” (New phrase to me when I joined BnB—still amused by it!) I’m impressed that you were able to hold out so long before you saw the doctor. Any word yet? Scans? News, etc? I’m rooting for TWINS!!!!

Dash, still thinking of you and sending you lots of virtual :hugs:. So glad you and the fam are feeling better. You parents are fantastic! :shock: What’s your plan for next steps? I have a feeling 2013 is going to be a great year for you!

Moon, good for you for listening to your body and your needs and holding off on TTC for a month! :thumbup: Also good that you’re not feeding yourself inedible baked goods, too. :haha: Will you be TTCing again next month?

Kismet, I have joined you in your insomnia. Frankly I blame you because I’d been doing so well recently! :growlmad: Just kidding. I’m stressed out, but more about that below. Have you heard back on all of your tests yet? What’s the news on SA and so forth? I think you and I need more boring books to help us sleep. Does that work for you? :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: And good luck catching that egg that’s about to drop!!! I’m with Lils—I take Guaifenesin for EWCM, and I find it really helps. Do you use Preseed, too? Some people swear that’s what helped them get their BFPs. I used it for my successful month, too.

Lils, I hope you feel better soon! I’m not sure how long we’d make it around here without one of your monster posts! Here’s to a speedy recovery so your eyeballs can be back with us soon!!! Sorry to hear it’s painful. This thanksgiving was one of my best ever, since we just went to a friend’s house. All we (and by “we” I mean “I”) had to do was bake one dish. Didn’t even have to clean the house. No travel. Sooooooooo much easier than hosting! I’m pretty sure this was my first time not being in the hosting house since college. Will have to remember how relaxing that is! I haven’t tried the Johnny Depp EWCM trick yet. I’ll have to look into that, too. And, IUI—exciting!!!! Will that start in January?

Mirium, yay for natural cycles! And yay for having the discipline to see the weight loss through! It’s a dangerous time of the year for weight loss, so you’re to be commended for sticking to it! I don’t know anything about that pain you described, so I don’t think I can help. :shrug: Have you asked your doctor? hope everything is okay. :hugs:

Maddy, I can’t believe what your RE put your through!!! :grr: :grr: :grr: FX that the IUI worked in the end! I’m sending you lots and lots of :dust: :dust: :dust:!!!!

Oh, Nessaw -- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I’ve read a lot of stories like yours—passing egg sacs—and they all so sound traumatic and heartbreaking. :cry: As others have said, it’s great that your body was able to handle this on its own. Are you starting to feel ready to TTC again? Weekend of :sex: sounds great!!! :haha: :thumbup:

Owl, I can’t believe what a crazy cycle! :shock: Af on CD10?!?! :saywhat: I hope you’re back to normal soon. Can’t wait to heat how IVF consult goes. I, too, have life-long anemia. I’ve been taking iron supplements for year. When I first started taking them it felt like what I imagine doping feels like. (Lance Armstrong, anyone???) I will say that what seems to matter most for my iron levels is exercise (want more) and caffeine (want less) levels. Apparently the balance of those matters a lot for absorption.

Chicken, YAY! For setting a date soon! What’s the next step? “Plasterboarding.” :rofl: :rofl: How did the blood tests go????

Dwrgi – Hope the work stuff gets back to normal. Am I confused, or have you had an EWCM breakthrough?? :thumbup: It’s hard to keep track sometimes. :hugs: and :dust: to you!

:hi: to HA, Tiger, Pad, anyone else I’m forgetting!

:hugs: to purps and Lana!!!

Omm -- I hope you're wrong about what's going on! Is it possible that you, too, are "up the duff"??? Or is that wishful thinking?

AFM, I got the final HSG report earlier today, and everything is okay. :thumbup: Both tubes flowed fine, although the left was faster, and everything looked hunky-dory. Still didn’t stop me from bursting into tears in front of the doctor, though. :blush: If I haven’t mentioned, I go to a “team” practice of four, youngish, female ObGyns. I’m a big fan of the idea, although it’s still unclear in practice how it works. Anyway, this was the last doc I hadn’t met yet. She was fabulous, but gave me a lot to think about. She recommended that I consider going straight to the FS, because of my age and my situation. I’m a bit torn about this, since I got the BFP pretty quickly, but there are some indicators that I’ll have difficulty getting a BFP in the right place and/or getting one to stick. I dunno. Any advice or thoughts?? :shrug: I’m sooooooooo stressed out right now with crazy students, grading, and research, and trying to manage life while TTC, on the tenure clock, and gearing up for holidays. I haven’t even O’ed yet and I’m betting that this month is a non-starter because of my stress level. So I don’t know if a FS would help or hurt all that.

OK. Gotta go make dinner now. I’ve been drinking wine while writing this, which means I’m basically drunk now. We’re going to see Paula Poundstone later tonight. Hopefully I’ll be sober and awake enough to appreciate it.

:hugs: :kisses: and :dust: to all!!!!
Just a quick post to say hi. :hi:

Nessaw - so glad you are coming through ok. Have a good weekend and get some quality BDing!

Purps - nice to hear from you. Hope mummy-hood is treating you well.

Kismet - how about BDing until exhausted? :haha: Sorry. I don't have any sensible suggestions for insomnia. I get ratty when I don't have enough sleep (not good in a teacher), and can't imagine how you survive. Hopefully things will get better as your system adjusts to being off your meds.

Lils - if you're reading this, hope everything went well with your op!

Dwrgi - new profile pic? Lovely!

And huge hugs and fxd for everyone else. :hugs:

AFM - we'll see what this weekend brings, as I'm 8DPO and trying to stay calm...

Have a nice weekend everyone. x
Hi ladies,

Lils - get well soon!

Kismet - I really hope that you are able to sleep well again soon!

Dashka - It's good that your spirits are lifting!

Nessaw - good for you that you're starting to feel normal and positive again!

Pebble - Sounds like you have alot going on however it's great that your hsg results were deemed to be normal!

Maddy - all the best on the IUI! That's much better news.

Dwrgi - work is keeping you busy. On my end, sometimes I appreciate that to keep my mind of TTC.

Owl - IVF consult sounds like great next step!

Butterfly - I keep hearing about your renovations. I should start checking everyone's journals too. I never got into the swing of that... :). Living in style lifts the spirits so good for you!

Chicken - That's great that you'll get your referral soon and I am wishing you all the best with the weight loss!

Purple - you must be so busy. What a blessing!

Smallhelen - :wave:

Hello to anyone I've missed and to all the preggo ladies!

AFM - I feel really hopeless today - maybe the most hopeless I've felt. I am not very depressed but I feel like there's not much I can do anymore to make this happen. I tested this morning at 8dpo and got BFN because I stopped working out for 5 days (I chose this time to let my sore knee/ankle heal as well...killing 2 birds with one stone) and wanted to know my status so I can get moving again. In the past, I got my 2 positives this early and on first try both times. Therefore, after trying for approx. 15 months straight - I can't help but feel that I probably have internal tubal damage to the cilia resulting from fairly bad infection after my 2nd miscarriage hence no BFPs anymore. I lost my fertility...:cry:. Seems like - inside the tubes is probably the only place they cannot see. IVF would be good next step but this is no easy feat considering finances and number of attempts that may be needed. I feel sad about all this. Anyway, have a great weekend ladies!
Hey ladies,

Kismet - Thank you!! I did the HSG twice and a laparoscopy as well. My tubes are open and the fimbriae which is visible 'egg pickup' part at end of tubes looked fine and all that's good however after approx. 15 months, I feel like - I have to conclude something. Therefore, since inside tubes are not visible, that's what I can suspect. I keep having breakouts on the lower part of my face which I never had before in all of my life, so I wondered if the problem could be some sort of hormonal imbalance. I read online that could be cause of breakouts in that area but then again, nothing is sure. I just feel that I have to be practical and proactive and make diagnoses to find solutions... ha ha.

Nevermind the pity party yesterday. I have decided to cope differently. I will take lemons and make lemonade... :). I got back into my gym routine and feel somewhat normal again. Have a great weekend - to you and all the other ladies. :dust: to all!
Hi Ladies...

Sorry about MIA. We now have moved the computer into our master walk-in closet (nursery now has our computer room). In any case, it's really hot in here and I don't get on the computer much and my phone is a pain in the butt. I am lurking though and sending you all positive baby vibes and dust! I miss you all and think of you often. I lurk on and off here and there to keep up with what's going on.

LadyH- :hugs: Congrats!! One step at a time hon!! :hugs:

Pad - I hope you're well too!

Hugs to you all!! Neesaw, Moon, Owl, Dwrgi, Dashka, Chicken, Butterfly, Purps, Lil, Mirium, HA, Kismet, and so many more!! I know I am missing a bunch of you..did that by memory is not the best. :hugs:
Hi ladies :flower: So good to read everyone's updates. We all seem super-busy at the moment, hey? I'm working so just reading bits and pieces where I can. Thinking of BNB a bit too often but trying not to be on here obsessing about the TWW this cycle. :thumbup:
Hey ladies just a quick one.advice-egg sac passed thurs am ewcm this afternoon!is this even possible?
Ness, when was the last time you did an HCG test? If you have a pregnancy test around you could use it. Although apparently it can happen, it's very rare for the body to O before the HCG levels are at or near zero. While your body is still adjusting, it's pretty common to get all kinds of weird symptoms, including symptoms that mimic O and even pregnancy.

:hugs: :hugs: It just drags on, doesn't it? :hugs:

Maddy, when is your test date? :dust: :dust: :dust:!!!!

:hi: Frolicky!!!!! Are you ready?!?!?! :happydance:

Mirium, I wholly support your rant. :thumbup: This stuff is so brutal, and bad days where you just want to scream and give up are totally reasonable. I'm glad you're feeling better, though. Is it possible to test your cilia? Or are you due for another round of hormone tests?

Helen, :hugs: for AF. :cry: Boooo!!!!

Kismet, I really appreciate your perspective. I think we're going to hold off for just a few months, too. Sorry your OH and you have had friction around this whole TTC thing. I don't think men really understand how difficult it can be for women. That's why I'm glad you all are here. My OH doesn't get it, and although he's a sweet wonderful man, I have very low expectations for him in supporting me around all this. He's willing, just not terribly able.

In other news for me, it's possible I totally missed my chance this month. :cry: FF thinks I O'ed on CD8--right before the HSG on CD10. I usually O on CD17 or later. I honestly don't have any idea if it's correct, but I haven't gotten any EWCM in days, so I'm beginning to think we blew it. :brat: Well, even if we HAD times BD right, the HSG wouldn't have ruined it. Sigh. I guess the bright side is that we don't have to buy those plants for my family's visit during the holidays! And bring on the :wine:!

:hugs: to all !
Hey peb i did a preg test on thurs which was fairly certain its just randomness rather tha actual ov.x
Ness it is possible you are getting ready to ov.... When I had a mc last year, I went for follow up scan after a few weeks and a little sac was found which wasn't on the first scans. So I got pregnant immediately after mc and before af. Sadly I mc then also. But it has all worked out in the end xxxxx
Hi ladies,

Just a quick hello. Sorry for the long silence. Just had a massive TGA audit last week. Was traumatizing! :shock: Now have to deal with the aftermath. Ugh! :wacko: ](*,)
Hi Ladies,

Apologies for being MIA, this time of year at work is crazy and I've been falling into bed exhausted each night (or indeed asleep on the sofa by 9pm)

Dashka and Nessaw big hugs to you... :hugs:

Smallhelen - fingers crossed for this cycle! :flower:

Kismet - sending you cuddles too! You're so good to everyone on this thread and others. You're bound for some good luck soon! :hugs:

Purplelou! Hello! Hope you and the little one are doing well! x

Pbl-ge - fingers crossed you haven't missed the 'boat'

To everyone one else who I have missed - hello!!!! x

AFM - Been crazy at work. I've never known time to go past so quickly!
Not really been thinking too much about the TTC thing. My hubby was getting worried that I am 'beating myself up' and that I needed to relax a little. Of course, saying relax to a woman is never a good idea, so once his eye was stitched up and we left A&E, I forgave him (Jokes!!):haha:

So I've still been charting, and am 5dpo today, but my OPK's were still positive (line darker than the control line) after I got my cross hair on FF, so I'm a bit confused about that? CB digi next month! I guess time will tell. We BD'd the night before I got the cross hair. Is this OK??:shrug:

We put our Christmas Tree up last night and drank mulled wine and played Christmas songs, which I love doing! Now the whole house smells of Christmas Tree. Love it!

I'm sending you all lots of good luck Christmassy vibes!
Laura xx

P.S Anyone ever had a drink called Amarula Cream? Its a bit like Bailey's but wayyyyy nicer. If you get the opportunity, try it! Oh my word it's good!!!
Happy Friday everyone - haha! I'm a shiftworker and my days off change every week. But today is my Friday :happydance: FS tests at 7/11/13 dpiui. 7dpiui test will be on Thursday. I have plenty of housework and Christmas shopping to keep me busy between now and then!

La Bergere...Amarula is the Sth African drink, right? OMG SOOOO delish and I don't normally like that style of liqueur. But my friends brought some when they came to visit... BIG headache the next day. Yum yum yum! Wonderful on icecream...

Greenleaf...any developments with work? Hope your job is secure.

Nessaw...sorry, no advice, just :hugs:

Right, better get back to work. Although my colleague already thinks I'm being terribly industrious, tap-tapping away at the keyboard :winkwink:
La Bergere...Amarula is the Sth African drink, right? OMG SOOOO delish and I don't normally like that style of liqueur. But my friends brought some when they came to visit... BIG headache the next day. Yum yum yum! Wonderful on ice cream..

Hi Maddy40! :hi: Yes it is South African. I'm completely sold on it. I would bathe in it if I could afford to!
Oh wow! Ice cream... guess I'll be stopping at the supermarket on the way home! ha ha!!

Happy Friday to you x
Omm -- I hope you're wrong about what's going on! Is it possible that you, too, are "up the duff"??? Or is that wishful thinking?

AFM, I got the final HSG report earlier today, and everything is okay. :thumbup: Both tubes flowed fine, although the left was faster, and everything looked hunky-dory. Still didn’t stop me from bursting into tears in front of the doctor, though. :blush: If I haven’t mentioned, I go to a “team” practice of four, youngish, female ObGyns. I’m a big fan of the idea, although it’s still unclear in practice how it works. Anyway, this was the last doc I hadn’t met yet. She was fabulous, but gave me a lot to think about. She recommended that I consider going straight to the FS, because of my age and my situation. I’m a bit torn about this, since I got the BFP pretty quickly, but there are some indicators that I’ll have difficulty getting a BFP in the right place and/or getting one to stick. I dunno. Any advice or thoughts?? :shrug: I’m sooooooooo stressed out right now with crazy students, grading, and research, and trying to manage life while TTC, on the tenure clock, and gearing up for holidays. I haven’t even O’ed yet and I’m betting that this month is a non-starter because of my stress level. So I don’t know if a FS would help or hurt all that.

OK. Gotta go make dinner now. I’ve been drinking wine while writing this, which means I’m basically drunk now. We’re going to see Paula Poundstone later tonight. Hopefully I’ll be sober and awake enough to appreciate it.

:hugs: :kisses: and :dust: to all!!!!

LOL i love that saying "up the duff" well i have taken two tests and both were BFN, since i have been pg 6 times before and every one of them showed positive either a couple days before af or the day of, i would think i am not pg, unless for some freaking thing its not showing up. Its so weird, i have to say if i did not have the neg tests, i would think i was, i have a ton of CM all the time, lots and lots of gas, i have an almost constant headache, although that is probably from our weather, its going to be 70 degrees in Chicago today IN DECEMBER!! I am loving it, i also have a ton of energy, which i know sounds strange, but for me i am backwards, whenever i was pg i felt fantastic, and had a lot of energy, its when i am not pg that i am tired all the time lol. So i dont honestly know what happend, seems strange that i would have gotten pg in March and now someone flipped the switch and its gone.

As for you with the FS, i guess my only advise is do what you feel comfortable with, an FS can help move things along a bit quicker, but if you feel you should try on your own, dont let them push you into it, your young and a few months are not going to make a difference in anything. I know for me when i went to the FS, i was so nervous and wired up, i really think thats why the first IUI did not work. If you get a good FS they can help so much, but if you get a bad one, they can make you feel horrible. Go with what your heart is telling you, and i am sure you will have your little one in no time.

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