TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Kismet – congrats on the car! :thumbup:Sorry you haven’t heard re: test results yet – Have you booked your follow up appointment yet? I don’t think you will get a call if you don’t. Unfortunately most doctors want the $ for the visit …. Good luck! It is frustrating for sure that your DH only has to do one simple test and we have to go through a lot more embarrassing shit…. :nope:By the end of it you’ll spread your legs for any medical professional if it is going to get you preggers.:winkwink: I hope things get better with DH – but do talk to him and tell him your feelings for sure…..:hugs:

Pebble – Glad the HSG came back great! :thumbup:If your doc recommends it – I would just get the referral anyway for the FS…. You never know it might take months to get an appointment anyway and maybe you will be happy to started the ball rolling now –or maybe you won’t need it cause you’ll be preggers – but either way you don’t lose.:hugs:

Small Helen – good luck testing this weekend!:thumbup::hugs:

Mirium – I’m sorry you are so down hun…..:hugs: I wish we all could know the reasons why it isn’t working for us… it is such a mystery – and yes IVF is a big gamble re: finances. For me I guess what finally made me decide is that I didn’t want to look back when I turned 50 and say –why didn’t I just try it … It’s a huge step but being on BnB helped me finally make that step. I may try again in the new year (not for sure yet) but it’s a huge gamble. It totally sucks – but what else can we do?? Hang in there hun….sending you huge :hugs::hugs: we are here for you!! Oh sorry update – just read you are feeling better!!:thumbup: Yay for exercise – I need to do that too to get out of my rut!! Good for you girl!! (PS – yes the breakout on chin area is definitely hormone related) I notice mine is better when I take a high dose of Omega 3s…

Froliky –
wow 17 days to go!!! :thumbup::happydance:So excited for you!

Maddy – have everything crossed for you….:hugs::hugs:

Ness – hope you are ovulating too!:thumbup::hugs:

Greenleaf and LaBergere – hope work gets easier soon!:hugs::hugs:

Lils – hope you are recovering and pain is a little better this week!:hugs::hugs::kiss:

OMM – oh dear – those symptoms sound very interesting and promising – how late is AF now? Could it be – could it be???? I am crossing everything for you that it is something positive…

Dwrgi, Purps, Moon, Dr.H & everyone I missed - :hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss:

AFM – so I’m really confused – :shrug:has anyone had their cycles change after a failed IVF? So almost always I ovulate on CD11 so I’ve been doing OPKs and keep getting negative (mind you I am only doing them once a day – but that is because there isn’t even a faint line – absolutely no line)…. I also started doing them later – because I didn’t see any CM at all last week and that is my usual flag around CD9…. So Sat would have been CD11 – and we BD’d anyway – but I let’s say if it wasn’t for the pre-seed I used – NO NO EWCM at all…. I thought that’s it – maybe the Lupron really did put me in menopause. Then yesterday the EWCM started finally –and still a little today … but still no sign of any faint line on OPK and today is CD13…. I don’t think I missed it either because no bloating/cramping that I usually get at ovulation. Oh well – whatever.:dohh:
Hi Ladies - hope everyone had a great weekend!! I made a Dutch Apple Pie (the kind with the crumb topping)... first time making an apple pie, and it was delicious!!! We also got out all the Christmas decorations and the living room looks beautiful. We decorated the tree... it was so much fun.

Owl - Definitely a good thing that the prenatals have some iron!!

Chicken - Yay!! So happy to hear you got your referral.

Butterfly - 1 month to go!! I need to check out your journal. Hope you are doing well!

Kismet - glad to hear you got some sleep, even if it was only 6.5 hours. And woohoo on the EWCM!!!

Maddy - Great to hear you got the IUI in. FX on the 2ww!!!

Nessaw - so sorry to hear you passed the egg sack. So glad you are doing better. About a week after my m/c bleeding stopped, I had a TON of EWCM... it seriously looked like I cracked an egg open!! I would bet you are ovulating or gearing up to ov! To me, that is a good thing - your body is getting back to its regular cycle.

OMM - hope the Dr gives you some answers!

Pebble - so glad to hear the HSG report was good. Hope FF was off and that your O is coming up!! If you usually ov later, then there is still lots of hope that your body will do the same thing this month!!! I'd say keep BDing just in case! FX for you!!

Smallhelen - FX on the TWW!!

Mirium - so sorry you had such a rough patch, but very glad to hear you are feeling more positive and are making "lemonade"! I will join you in working out to feel better (I have to do some tonight!!).

Froliky - you are so close!!

Kismet - I definitely understand what you mean about DH. Mine is wonderful and very supportive, but sometimes he says/does things that seem insensitive, and it can be frustrating. They just don't get how much more work we have to put into it, every single day, and how little they actually have to do. They just don't understand, and I'm not sure they ever will entirely, even if they do their best. That is part of the reason I joined BnB - I figured the ladies on here would understand better what I was going through. Huge hugs.

Hi Dwrgi, LadyH, Pad, Purps, DrH, Lils, Greenleaf, LaBergere and all the other lovely ladies.

AFM - I did the OPK a couple times over the weekend, and saw the test line go from nothing and then get darker (that's what usually happens), but didn't catch the positive. I kindof had a "screw it" attitude. I really didn't care to test a couple times a day to make sure I got the positive... I was just using the OPK to see if my hormones ramped up (and they did) like I usually do before ovulation. It was hard to care too much since we're skipping this cycle. It's disheartening to know I'm ovulating and preventing - I feel like it's a wasted egg. :-( But, at least now I know that we followed my OB's advice, and if I m/c again, I won't worry that it was because we tried too soon. And, now I know I'm 4 weeks away from being able to try again!!
Dash - hmmm... sounds like it's a different cycle than your usual this month - do you think that could be a good thing? ...the whole "increased fertility after IVF"?? I'd say BD!!! I'll keep my FX for you!!!!
Maddy - No news yet but we're still here so I guess it's as good as it can get. :p Not sure if there will be a notice or they will just simply stop paying us :p Well, we'll just continue on with what we do and leave everything up to God :)

Another long day today. ISO 9001 training. :wacko:
It's been a quiet day on the thread! Hello ladies.:hi:

Just a quick question: those of you who do OPKs,when do you test, and do you do more than one test a day? Last month I was testing when I got home from work at about 4.30 pm, but is this the best time to do it? Am getting ready for this month, following my TWW that actually lasted only 9 days (again). Hopefully my vit B complex will help me with that.
Only 20 days until Christmas.....:xmas23:
Helen I think different people O at different times of the day and I for one can say that I will O at any time day or night :shrug: So once I get a half dark line on th opk I will start testing every 4 hours or so. Only one or 2 of those tests will be the positive one so it can easily be missed if you only test once a day :flower:
Helen - when I use opk's I usually test twice a day. I start testing on cd 8 because I've always ovulated early (between cd 10 and 13).

Dash - I'm sorry you are having a weird cycle. I would blame it all on the drugs :winkwink: But make sure you :sex: as well, because if moon is right and there is increased fertility after failed IVF I'd do it every other day just to make sure :haha:

AFM - I've had these weird short cycles only twice in my life and both were while I was on progesterone during my 4 IUI cycles. So I'm pretty sure it's the meds that messed it all up. Anyway, my IVF consult was cancelled today because my RE is sick :( Now it will probably be March next year until I can do IVF. The nurse told me that he wants to monitor me on an unmedicated cycle and then decide if I need to go on birth control and then I can start IVF. I'll be gone on vacation mid December till next year, so I won't be able to start the monitoring till January. Oh well, here we go - waiting... again. I'm so inpatient, I'll never get used to it :wacko:
Hey ladies,

Dash - I am trying to cope as best as I can. Regarding IVF, I thought the refund packages that some clinics offer are great. Seems like one has to secure a loan from clinic funding partners though...not sure. If one, does not have a live birth after approx. 3-4 attempts, they are refunded 100% of cost. There's some other criteria the patient has to meet though including age. There's a well known clinic in Colorado called CCRM that cater to out of state and international patients and I was surprised to see that age-wise, women can meet criteria up till 41. I say go for another attempt but of course I know, you have to think it through. Big, big :hugs: :hugs: to you.

Pebble - This BFN was a strange one. I know I am jumping the gun and assuming what I am not sure of but it sure did take away some of my hope hence the rant. I am hanging in here. I don't think they can check the cilia. Seems like best they can do is see if tubes are open but it does not hurt to ask so I will see if I can get any info on that. Best of luck to you dear.

Moon - I agree with your decision to bypass the month for your peace of mind and also, one month will not hurt at all. Regarding the exercising, I came up with a strategy to work out alot before ovulation and to tone it down but continue to work out for 2 days after ovulation and to rest/recover during implantation phase and test on approx. 9 dpo and decide how to proceed from then, most likely continue to exercise if BFN but still taking it easy. I have no idea if that's a great idea but that's what I am doing... :) because I have excess weight to lose and that may be important for conception and pregnancy too. I read of a study once that found that more women in the group got pregnant, that is women that were working out alot (I think) or might be considerable exercise, were consuming more plant protein than animal protein and there were some other factor too, which I forgot...:). Regarding, your break - the 4 weeks will fly. All the best.

Kismet - I hope you get your test results soon and that your prior sleeping patterns return. All the best hun.

Owl - Have a great vacation and all the best for your IVF consult

Hello to all the other ladies

AFM - I am trying to stay as functional and positive as I can. I am starting to think about IVF although I still don't know how manageable it will be financially. Have a great rest of the week ladies.
AFM - I've had these weird short cycles only twice in my life and both were while I was on progesterone during my 4 IUI cycles. So I'm pretty sure it's the meds that messed it all up. Anyway, my IVF consult was cancelled today because my RE is sick :( Now it will probably be March next year until I can do IVF. The nurse told me that he wants to monitor me on an unmedicated cycle and then decide if I need to go on birth control and then I can start IVF. I'll be gone on vacation mid December till next year, so I won't be able to start the monitoring till January. Oh well, here we go - waiting... again. I'm so inpatient, I'll never get used to it :wacko:


How frustrating. :hugs: The waiting IS the hardest part!
:hi: ladies! Thank you so much for all the well-wishes, I appreciate it more than you know. :hugs:. OK, so “just for Pebble”, I will make this a big post bc she requested it & I’m so generous like that.:haha: (I’ll break it up…):

DrH – I’m happy to report that they gave me Propofol! :cloud9: Except not enough of it as I woke up in the middle of it with needles in my eyeball & it hurt like HELL! I was hollering & as soon as he realized I was awake, he called for Dr. Drugs & she came over & shot me up again :cloud9:. Although no erotic dreams (dammit). Or any dreams for that matter, I’m always just a blank slate when I’m under - ???
When I is your scan or bloods? Hope you are doing well & realizing you are really pregnant now!!! :winkwink:

Mirium – No giving up hope bc of mild/moderate pain during 2ww or bc of 8DPO BFN – not slowed! :nope: I get cramps & pains I’ve had a few times that are in the lower abdomen from luteal cyst (had them last 2 days). I’ve also had uterine twinges when I was pregs & twinges even when I just take Crinone. But if yours are dull aches, not sure as I’ve gotten them before & I do the BF method & just ignore them. Its still early hun, so don’t lose hope yet! :dust: But, if you do decide to get help, you can start w/IUI??? :flower::hugs:

Dashka – I can’t see your chart to chart stalk. :hissy: I bet the drugs just postponed your O like it did with your AF??? Keep us updated! I hope you feel better today hun :flower:. Exercise defo helps with mood, I must say because I’ve been unable to exercise & I feel every bit of it! :nope: Will pop over to your journal soon! :hugs:

Dwrgi – Thank you for updating everyone, my lovely Welsh woman! Mwah-mwah :kiss:! I’ve been meaning to ask, did you ever get your Vit D results back? Mine were all normal, just Vit B-6 very high (?). I hope that crazy work asylum has calmed down for you a bit! But, somehow, I get the feeling it has not :nope:. Just make sure you balance all that craziness with complete relaxation time when you can. We O’d same day :happydance:. Will pop over to The Kitchen soon! :hugs:

BF - :hi: lovely! :hugs:

Pad – :hi: Ahoy Matey! Hope all is well chic!!!
Happy 18 weeks! Not long now, hun, not long before your gender scan! :thumbup:

Purps – how are you lovely?! I am doing much better, thank you for your posts! I have to catch up in your journal after this :wacko: :hugs:

Maddy – :saywhat: So, wait they “missed” a 19mm follie but the think you haven’t O’d because of blood test, but didn’t you have an u/s that showed you O’d already? I’m confused! Was there essentially two O’s then? But here’s some :dust: for you whatever ended up happening from whichever follie – FX that swimmers & egg meet! :dust:

Nessaw - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I’m also glad that you passed the sac naturally & it sounds like that was all that was needed for the bleed to stop & your body to start getting back to normal. 28 days is such a looong time… :nope::hugs: You take things one at a time & if you’re up to it, fine, but if not, forget about it! :thumbup:

Owl – O’ing on CD5??? Isn’t your AF still there? Have you had all the major tests done, or? Glad nurse seems to think it’s all OK, it’s just that I know you’ve had some odd cycles in the past too, but I guess you were on drugs then too.:wacko: Hope you are enjoying your break! Sorry to hear about more waiting :wacko::flower:

LadyH –
Already wrote in your journal, but this is so awesome! :happydance:

Moon – I solved our sweet potato vs yam mystery! What you are referring to is sweet potatoes (orange inside – the “soft” kind) as I highly doubt you used real yams (after this guy showed them), but with you, I’m not so sure! :haha: See this & you’ll see what I’m talking about: Now you are going to remember me every TG when you make your dish :hugs::haha: OPK – well, you know I gave them up entirely bc I’m so sick of stressing about catching it. :wacko:Hope your OPK shows everything is normal & you are good to go for next cycle :happydance:

Chicken – Yay for getting a date – soon – finally! And yay for getting DH tested!

Kismet – Have you ever tried Tylenol PM? It’s actually safe during pregs even (Class B), so I use it all the time – 2WW & all. Not sure valerian root is safe during 2WW so you may want to double-check w/ND? Heard mixed things. Not sleeping SUCKS, How are you able to function? I’ve been there & I still only sleep 6 hrs these days, but its actually fine for me. Its when its below 6 that it messes with my head/life. Like last night (5 hrs) :grr: Also, Buspar is a Class B. Another woman on here & I both take it (its better than the alternative high anxiety). EWCM - :happydance: & SLEEP - :happydance::happydance:!!! Did you do EPO, gf juice &/or mucinex? Agnus cactus usually takes about 4 mos to work & is usually more about regulating cycles, but Idk what else was in your mix! Also, if you don’t like FS now, switch. You are very early into all this, so I would not be worrying about IVF yet, hun, you just started a 2-3 months ago, right? Just get thru the tests & give yourself time to TTC naturally for a bit (whilst making an appt w/new FS – can always cancel!). I think DH is the cat calling the kettle black if he has so many issues w/one silly test (girls are so much stronger! lol). :grr: on clinic!

OMM – Ugh, I hope it’s not PM!!! Could be cysts? I guess you will find out soon enough – good luck & let us know what happens… :thumbup::hugs:

Pebble – yes, IUI will start in Jan/Feb if we didn’t catch it in Nov. (1 cycle off – I need it!). I have never hosted & never want to bc I know how you get the crappy end of the stick!!!! :haha: I’m a bring-a-dish & wine kinda gal (but totally help). Sounds like you may become a convert now, too – lol. :happydance: on HSG results! As for FS, how about if you TTC while going to the FS? I’m not sure one ectopic would be enough to say – you need fertility treatments??? Two, yes, but one? I’m no expert, but I’d TTC whilst seeing FS & if you get BFP – great, see what happens, if not, just see what FS says – he/she will most likely do scan & run bloods (which is ALWAYS good at our age no matter what) & then they may say just do natural for 3-6 more months & if nothing, come back??? Depending on test results, too, of course… I see FF now says CD12 :thumbup: - any chance on that date? (it did that to me last month)

Smallhelen – Boo on :af:!!! :nope: I noticed something about your charts, if you don’t mind me stalking/commenting? On 3 out of the last 4 cycles you’ve had 9-day LP’s. Have you had Day 21 Prog tests done yet? That’s a pretty short LP, so was thinking maybe you have LP Defect, have you learned about this at all or gotten any indication of anything? I’d at the very least just get Day 21’s if you can (but in your case, it would be more like on Day 25 – DON’T let the Dr test you on CD21 if you O about CD18…). I’m not a Dr, but if it was LP defect, its usually an easy fix. Would just hate to see you TTC for several months if it was something pretty easy like this holding you up. :hugs:

Green - :hi: come back when you have time, hope it gets better for you!

La Berg – yay to Xmas magic around the house! Yes, 1 day before crosshairs is perfect. :spermy: supposed to last “up to” 5 days, but I think more realistically I give it 2-3, so you’re just fine & you want them in there ready & waiting before O. :thumbup: Hope DH is behaving better - if not, he’s got another virgin eye! :haha: never had the cream drink but anything with cream is divine…:cloud9:

Fro - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Not long hun!!!

Asry – :hugs::hugs::hugs: you too!!!

:hi: to everyone else!!! Hope you are having a nice day!

AFM – The surgery was quite rough due to waking up in the middle of it & my blood thinners caused complications (even tho I stopped them 1 week prior as requested). My eye is still full of blood, but at least it is not swollen & puffed out with blood sacs like it was (ewwww! TMI!):haha:. Eye site is coming back, but still blurry, so my boss will pick me up before my Xmas party tomorrow bc they wouldn’t let me just cancel :haha:. They promised to feed me wine, so I said my arm hurts from the twisting! :winkwink: Well, in 2WW, so 2 tops. I did arrange the party, tho. I can’t wear make-up either, so that’s going to be interesting – Not! :growlmad: Anyway, very busy at work, plus the shopping, decorating, parties & I’m about to throw in the towel on the cards. :nope::shrug: Ef it, if peeps don’t understand w/the surgery & all, then they are off my list :thumbup:!

As for TTC, I’m on 7DPO & guess WHAT? I O’d on CD17!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: All of my takes-4-months-to-work pills will be at 4 mos. this month, so vitex/agnus castus must be working? :dance: I usually O CD21 – as late as CD23, so this is super-early for me – yay! Have a great day ladies – will try to pop in as often as possible! Here's to some Xmas magic:xmas9::xmas6::xmas16::xmas12: :dust::dust::dust:

And :hugs: to everyone else & those having hard times
:wine: for all! It’s been 1.5 weeks for me, so I miss it! :blush:
Kismet sorry ur feeling poorly.

Lils glad to have u news on the lp.

Moon i used to do opk but
only once a day and others have told me to do it more once the line started to show.

Purps hope ur well and lovely lana too.

Pads lady h and dr h-hugs.

Small helen-another teacher-woop woop!

Afm just pootling along.trying to ignore ewcm from the wkend and not get too excited.playing this month by ear at the mo.having lots of xmas fun at school-13 days til xmas play!proper snowed in this morning-great fun getting to work.

Dash-hugs to u.

Lots of love to everyone-sorry if i've missed u.happy hump day.bring on the weekend.

Much love vx
Moon – sorry the crap with the OPKs – it’s so frustrating using those things isn’t it?…. But it’s a good thing you are on a break this month –that will make it less stressful – Next cycle will be here before you know it – Hugs:hugs::hugs:

Kismet – sorry you are hating the clinic so far… I found with my doc there one of the receptionist’s is nice and the other one is from hell……maybe the clinic is saying to come in on your cycle day 2 (start of cycle) because that way you can get a quicker app’t??? I know when I make an appointment with mine (just follow up ) it takes weeks –maybe more…. So maybe this way you can get in quicker? The doctors work at the hospital I think in the afternoon (and docs do the cycle monitoring all morning) so there are probably only certain times that they can do afternoon appointments –so it may take longer. Hope you get some answers soon…. it really is so frustrating –but glad you are starting steps to get answers… None of this stuff is fun but we do what we can to get to the goal....:hugs::hugs:
And sorry to hear you are sick too….. it’s crazy what’s been going around… It will be 4 weeks for me on Sunday- almost all better – but at night get sore throat –every night…. Get well soon!:hugs:

Greenleaf – good luck with work…. Must be soooo nerve wrecking!:hugs:

Small Helen –In the past I usually tested with OPKs twice a day – at 10:30/11:00 and again at 6:00/6:30 –I bring the test and a small disposable cup to work in a little bag and take it to the ladies room! Good luck!:hugs::thumbup:

Owl – so sorry that your RE –IVF consult was cancelled !!:nope: Argh!! damn – I hope you can enjoy your holiday at least….. and hope next cycle is a normal one again…. Starting monitoring in Jan sounds good though…:thumbup::hugs:

Mirium – glad you are starting to think about IVF….:hugs: (As for the refundable tries you mentioned –I don’t think we have those in Canada…. I have heard about that in the US…. I may look into it –but I’m sure my sister would have known about it as she tried twice here before going to Czech Rep-plus I turn 41 in May :wacko:)… Good luck hun – you are inspiring re: your exercising!!:thumbup::hugs:

Lils – missed you hun! :hugs:Glad your eyesight is returning….:thumbup: I can’t imagine how terrible it has been for you… I hope by Christmas you will see completely clearly so you can enjoy all the beauty around… :cloud9:Enjoy your Christmas party – that is sweet of your boss to pick you up…. Take care of yourself my Floridian mama….:hugs::hugs::kiss:

Dwrgi – wrote in your journal – but sorry to hear you are sick again…. :nope: These germs are crazy –they lie dormant for awhile and then attack when you least expect it…. Mine is almost a month now – it comes and goes and has morphed into so many things cold then flu then just sore throat and phlem… TMI… Get well soon hun!:hugs::hugs::kiss:

Nessaw – glad to hear you are feeling a bit better hun….:hugs:

Pad -
yay for 18 weeks!!:cloud9::happydance:

Dr H -
just read your news in Dwrgi's journal - so glad your scan went well !!:cloud9::happydance:

Purps and BF - hope you are well... need to get to your journals soon! :hugs::kiss:

Hello and hugs to everyone I missed – I need to check up on some of your journals – work has been so busy so doing it slowly!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM – more in my journal – but had +OPK yesterday and I think this morning but think I’m possibly ov today on CD15!! That is crazy for me as most months it’s CD11… I’m sure it’s the post IVF meds… but I’ll take it. DH and I :sex: last night although we were both not in the mood :nope:– (and with some guilt) but that’s another story:wacko:…. Not really thinking anything really for this month – but it’s worth a try…Started temping this morning for the hell of it – will post link to this when I get a chance… (just for you Lils....:winkwink:)
More nerve wrecking situation for me. Hubby had a motorcycle accident yesterday night. Suffered some scraps and bruises and a cracked rib. Didn't sleep well all night. Kept waking up to check on him. And my BBT went off the chart this morning. Think maybe its due to the stress? Or is there some hope yet?

Sorry I don't have time to reply to each of your msgs but I'm still reading them. Work's been crazy here! :hugs: to all.
Greenleaf I am so pleased that your hubby is ok... having a shock is great for pregnancy so maybe you can comfort him a little!!! your boy rate goes up though!

OWL good luck for conceiving on holiday I am sorry that your appt was cancelled. Sometimes things happen for a reason!

lils so pleased that you have a boss taxi to take you to the christmas party - you will go to the party!!! Don't worry about the makeup.. your big smile will be enough to blind them!!! Did you get to loose the eye patch yet? So pleased you got extra drugs!!!

Small helen - it sounds like there a heaps of OPK gurus here - I reckon do lots and do them often - twice per day.

Dash so pleased you have a day 15 positive and have DTD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping this is your month!!! As it is yours Moon - I've got a good feeling for you!!!!!!!!!!

mwah mwah from here.. its the size of a sweet potato now isn't it!!

Lady H
its definitley bump not bloat!!!!!!!!!!!! Very excited for you.. Did you find out if you were team pink or team blue?
Congrats mirium about the weigth loss - great news.. the more the weight off the more the baby dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asry/Fro - big hugs for the next exciting few weeks!!!!!!!!!:happydance:

La berg - hoping that you will have a pink dust experience since you are having the luck of the shag a day before O!!:cloud9:

Maddy and as there is a lucky follicle there for you this month - I am on tenterhooks hearing about your tww ending!!!!:hugs:

Kismet sorry to hear that you aren't loving your clinic - can you swop? At least you can drive there... wink wink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko::haha:

Neesaw - so pleased to hear that the bleeding has stopped... onward and upwards chick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

scan yesterday can't load it as the picture is too big - or have I - who would know with the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HR 171 bpm wiggling like you wouldn't believe.. very very exciting and magical.....

drhouse - but I'm already at the end of my tww. Will it still work? LOL!

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