TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well and prepping for Your Best Year EVER!!! Here's a bit of catch up from me. :flower:

Dash, so sorry your BIL was a meanie. Hope you all can reconcile and bring in the new year on a better note. You really have had a rough year! I’ll bet you’re looking forward to 2013! I hope next year will bring wonderful things for you and yours. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Maddy, I don’t know about injection chemicals, but my cycle is all kinds of messed up. Last month O on CD12 (MAYBE), this month I STILL have not O’ed, and I’ve been having a teensy amount of EWCM almost every day for about 10 days. ](*,) :wacko:](*,) :wacko:](*,) :wacko: Do you think you still managed to catch it? OH and I have BD’ed every other day since CD8, but frankly I’m not sure how long I can keep that up religiously. Need a rest! :sleep: Yay for IUI next month!!! :happydance:

Emily, what are you using to track your cycles? Insemination on CD9 if you ovulated on CD11 sounds perfect, but it’s definitely early for O on CD14. They say 2 days before O is best for the usual method, but I don’t think it would be different in your case (perhaps for frozen sperm it would be? :shrug: That HAS to affect longevity). It’s great that you have a donor who can be so flexible. You probably saw this, but just in case:
I can’t tell where you are, but I thought you might want to read that, if you haven’t already. I have friends who got their BFP the very first month with the at-home turkey baster method using an anonymous donor, so it can definitely happen! Good luck to you, and welcome to the madness of the two week wait!

Iamtrue, what is DE? I’ve seen it on these threads as Donor Eggs (or donated embryos—I get this confused, sorry). Hope your OH’s swimmers are okay. It sounds like he’s due for another SA? You can also try putting him on zinc and CoEnzQ, as these are supposed to be very helpful for men. Other ladies here may have additional thoughts.

Scorpio, sorry this has been such a rough ride for you. :hugs: Are you going to try IVF this year, or keep trying naturally?

Chicken, I hope that you take tonight’s opportunity to have lots of champagne! :hugs: :drunk:

How are you feeling? I’m not good with u/s pics, but yours looked great! So happy for you! :happydance:

RDK, with my BFP, some of my symptoms dissipated a bit after a while. If you look at statistics of symptoms reported in the TWW, that pattern was consistent, so I don’t think that’s unusual. Of course, with an ectopic like I had, symptoms may be a bit messed up, so I’m not sure mine is a good example. And as BF says, symptoms can be just this side of meaningless. If you watch these forums for a while, you’ll see dozens of people reporting every symptom in the book, and they’ll be negative. Then a symptom-free woman will get a positive. :shrug: I’ve only had one BFP, and I had some very clear signs that something was different, but who knows if that will happen next time? At the very least I’m hoping that the terrible back ache I had—typical for ectopics—won’t be the same. It was awful! :nope:

Yay for Asry!!!!! :yipee:

Dwrgi, did I see that you’re not drinking cider?? :shock: :saywhat: What will be your new drink? Wine? Long island iced teas? Martinis? So many choices! :drunk: I posted in your journal, too. :winkwink:

Mirium—looking good!!! :thumbup:

:hugs: to everyone else. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas :xmas9: or whatever you celebrate. :haha:

AFM, as I said above I’m getting worried about O this month, and frustrated that I appear to be irregular after the m/c. For you supplement experts, do you recommend anything? I’m not on a ton, just prenatals, B100, Vit D, and iron (those last two for prior deficiencies). I’ve been loathe to try much else, as I know that even herbals can have side effects, and I’ve heard of folks failing to O after primrose and similar. I know I should be doing the CoEnzQ thing. :blush: I think I'm going to give this two more months, then march myself to the FS and get serious. I have little doubt I'll be put on Femara before I walk out of the office (that's the default here, instead of Clomid, for some reason). Do any of you ladies have experience with it?

Other than that, I’m wildly stressed by what’s been going on at work, and desperately tired from the stressful end of the semester/wood floor installation/houseguest visit. :hissy::hissy::hissy:I feel like I’ll never be caught up or well-rested again. I’m sure this isn’t helping TTC efforts. :nope: :cry: Today we’re going out to use 2012 insurance flex spending $ to buy me a gym membership at a new gym (Grew to hate old gym, but sadly that doesn’t explain why I haven’t been in a month. :blush: ), then switch our insurance to the plan that will actually cover IVF, if it comes to that. At this point, I really want to get a BFP so that I can stop my tenure clock for a year and buy some time. Isn’t that terrible? :nope:

:hugs: :kiss: and :dust: to all!!!!!
Lady H, I'm glad to hear that signs can be misleading! It's really considerate to put that in a spoiler considering what others are going through. :)

pbl_ge, I'm using the clearblue monitor. Isn't that frightening about the donor? Where I live is not perfect, but it is less regressive than Kansas. Of course, I hope I never do need to go on public assistance.

With fresh sperm and an Instead cup, it shouldn't be much different than BD. (Ok, I can't get over that term. I just started using fertilityfriend to track my temperature and even though it asks me about "intercourse or insemination" it still abbreviates the line as "BD" and it makes me laugh.) He does his thing and minutes later I have the sample inside of me. It would make a difference if I were using frozen sperm, which is a big reason that I didn't want to use a sperm bank. I could have afforded at least a few months of it, but at 38, it just seemed like my chance were so much less. In defrosting, half of the sperm die, and they don't live as long inside the woman's body. In my nervousness I may have inseminated early, but I know that sperm can live up to five days. So if I did on CD11 and O on CD13, I'm probably still good, but if I'd used frozen sperm I'd have wasted $400-$500. Maybe twice that because the clinics recommend that you inseminate twice, twelve hours apart. Maybe I'd have been more patient and been able to wait for the peak on the monitor, though, knowing how short of a time frozen sperm live and how much I was paying. But then I might not have been trying at all this month, with O week being during a holiday week. This was actually a very convenient week for it, with both of us having time off for the holidays. Next month will be a little harder to arrange and I'll probably be driving late at night. Another reason I was kind of hoping it would work the first time!
☆ ☆
☆ 2013 ☆
      ☆ ☆

Ladies, 2013 will be the year I give birth to my longed for baby, a beautiful daughter. I want to say my most heartfelt thanks to you all. You've picked me up from my lows, and been there for my highs. You've listened to my ranting and paranoia in those early weeks. I would not be in Such great shape today without every one of you.

For those of you blessed with little ones may 2013 bring you more joy than you ever believed possible. For those of you growing your precious bundle may 2013 bring the safe arrival of your sweet one. And for those of you still waiting for that moment, may all the fairy dust in the world be showered upon you, and I will be there for you all on your journeys as you have mine.
Hi ladies,

Dashka - :hugs: All the best for 2013!!

Nessaw - On you go! All the best for 2013 too!

Yay for the heartbeat!!! I will join the PARL room

Pebble - Take good care of yourself. Your cycle is quite likely to sort itself out. Also, sometimes one cycle is not so good and then the other is perfect. I'm actually of the impression that Femara is better than Clomid because it thins the uterine lining less. Clomid is known to thin the uterine lining however it could be that they have their pros and cons. I am not sure. I tried Femara for a few months and it was not bad.

Hello to all the other ladies and welcome to all the newbies! I am at work so making this quick. Have a Happy New Years ladies!!

I had my ultrasound this morning. I just resigned myself to whatever it was when she started doing it however she showed me a single baby with what looked like a little pulse/heartbeat. The heartbeat looked teeny/tiny to me however the nurse said it looks good. She said measurement seems right on track for 7 weeks. Due date is Aug. 20th. Giving the due date just sounded kinda comical to me because when is that again:saywhat:. Isn't that a long, long time away... :). Sometimes I feel skeptical. I wonder if they are truly confident about what they see. Anyway, I am happy - we saw a little heartbeat today though.
PBL We Will not Be Doing IVF . I have been to 2 of the Best in the country who have assured us they Could get me A BFP but I Have been through a lot, I Have Leiden Factor V Blood dissorder which increases My Chances of Blood clots and Adding Drugs on top Is a big risk for me Plus My ovaries seem to Love getting huge Cysts So I Am Sure The Drugs would make it worse. I Have faith that with a uterus my ovaries and 2 open tubes I Just Have To Hit it right, I think we are just missing for other reasons mainly stress and age. but this site looks like it will be a huge help!
OK, still not caught up yet (stupid work gets in the way :grr: :dohh::haha: & now I have to get ready...) so just wanted to at LEAST pop in to wish all my 35+, TTC#1 ladies & all newbies:

Mirium-woop woop!!!!xxx

happy new year.may all our wishes come true in 2013.xx
Lovely ladies,

I have been absent for a few days (so sorry) but am catching up now!
I wanted to say hi and welcome to the new ladies :flower:
And also, you ladies are the best! When I joined this forum I never imagined what a roller coaster ride I was starting, with many ups and downss. But the ladies here (and some who are not here anymore but whom I've not forgotten-Carole, Skye, lavalux - to mention a few) have held my hand and made me smile when I felt at my very lowest. You have understood and reassured and advised and I would likely be completely insane by now if it wasn't for you all.

Now I have been so lucky this year with little Lana, our cherished rainbow, but i don't want to leave you all, so I hope every day that all of you get your longed for babies in 2013, and until it happens I will hang around to offer love where it's needed xxx

Thank you all so much xxxxx

It sounds like everything is going to an so far, I am so hopeful for you xxxx

Chicken oh poop!! Sorry about the witch :cry: treat yourself tonight!

DrH god luck for Friday-keep us informed?!:hugs::hugs:

Pad how are you doing lovely??:hugs:

Emily - I used the cbfm and it worked for me so fingers crossed for you chick xx

Asry huge congratulations xxxx I did see on fb but thank you Lils for getting a version in English for us! He is a cutie!

Dashka I a, sorry that you bil did that to bloody rude! Sometimes family can make you soooo mad! I hope he blinking well apologises for his horrible behaviour! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Loves and :hugs::hugs::hugs:And :kiss::kiss::kiss: to everyone else xxxxx
Thank you Lils for updating my news :hugs::hugs: and thank you all for congrats!:hugs::kiss:

I wish you all will have a better year of 2013 stay healthy, loved and one can never send you too much of :dust::dust::dust:
Happy new year everyone!

Selfish post. I FINALLY got a temp surge this AM, and when I put it in to FF, suddenly I'm 8 dpo. :saywhat: :saywhat:

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What you you ladies think? We at least caught it this time, but I am completely symptom-free. (I know, I know, symptoms are meaningless.)

My charts never did this stuff pre-m/c. :brat: :brat:
Pbl not sure, I had that before and then it moved my ovulation date again a few days later. Fx it is correct as that outs you over half way though the tww! X
Pebble - did you track the LH surge too with OPK sticks? Doing that together with FF should be very informative. I know you were very busy for Xmas though! I hope you caught the eggy!!
I have never used OPKs before, but I'd already decided that I'd start next month if this month was a BFN. We were very disciplined about BD every other day this month, so whenever the O was, there were definitely sperm around! :haha:

I'm missing a temp during a key phase. Thermometer went kaput. Sigh.:sad1:
Just wanted to wish all the wonderful women on here

A Very Happy New Year!

This site has been a huge source of support for me, in my very darkest days. I really don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for the special people that I have met on here (you will know who you are!). I really hope that we all get what we most desire in 2013! Lots of love to you all, Amanda :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
Happy New Year to you too Dwrgi, here's hoping for no dark days this year but only light :flower::hugs:

Pebble I reckon cd17 for O :wacko::hugs:
Happy new year, everyone! I hope we all get what we want in 2013! I appreciate having people to wait with.

pbl_ge, I really appreciate knowing that fertilityfriend takes a while to tell you what is going on! I just started using it a couple of days ago and input the numbers I had. I was not good with tracking temps this month, as I'd done it for a few months over the summer/early fall just to make sure I was ovulating, and my temp was staying high for long enough to indicate that hormone levels were good, since I want to try it myself for a bit before seeking help from a FS due to cost. But if I weren't ovulating, of course I'd have gone to a FS instead of wasting months driving to see my donor. But figuring that all was well, I didn't start tracking temp on CD1, just a few days before O to make sure I had a temp rise, so I don't have a complete chart this month and now I'm sorry I don't! But I did have a rise by .7 degree this morning over yesterday, and .5 over where it ever is during the low half of the month, so I figure I'm good and probably O on CD13 even if FF can't tell me that! Next month!
So have got back on board the poas horse.couldnt be bothered pre xmas and away at cd 16 after my first ppst mmc af which only lasted 2 a faint line yest and today.what does this mean?i know i prob missed it as have started quite late to test but did seem to be getting ewcm quite late on in cycle too.sorry its a bit of a ramble!x
Emily you can't tease us with talk of a chart and not have a link in your signature :haha:

nessaw, it could be the surge coming in or going out but I guess you will only know if you keep peeing :wacko::hugs:

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