TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Thanks 3 opks left so will a cbfm to start next cycle.hope i dont need it!!
Butterfly67, it didn't even occur to me that anyone would want to see it. I admit I haven't really looked at others' charts to compare since I'm still so new at it. I'll think about putting it up.
Well while we're talking charts....mine is wacky this month. I'm wondering if the IUI medications are still in my system, as FF seems to think I O'd around CD11 (normally CD14-16). I never get EWCM so that's not reliable for me. Oh well, that puts us a few days closer to next cycle's IUI I guess!!!

Sticky 2013 to everyone!
Emily--Some of looooooooooooooooooove to stalk others' charts! :blush: :haha: Sharing them is not the most straightforward thing in the world, but it's not too difficult.

Maddy, your chart IS odd! Are OPKs generally pretty reliable for you? Are you more confident of some of those temps than others? Very contradictory information! :shrug:
Greenleaf – your chart is looking good! And spotting at 6/7DPO??? Hope that is implantation bleeding! Good luck!!:thumbup:

Spot-free on 6dpo. Spotting resumed on 7dpo until today. Oh well, :shrug: I have no idea what my body is up to anyway. Not having much hope for this month. Only had 1 day of EWCM and contradicting OPK results from 2 different brands. My horoscope said I would have a surprise in 2013. Let's just wait and see :p

Sorry to hear about your disagreement with DH. I hope things are better now. Don't give up! Just keep trying. I met up with a friend during the holidays and she told me her friend was 43 when she had her baby boy who turned out to be a genius receiving tons of scholarships from the government. So there's hope for us yet! :hugs: :hugs:

I was encouraged after hearing that and hope that the story will be an encouragement to you too and to all our lovely tcc pals here.

Happy New Year everyone and a very warm welcome to all the newbies! May all of us be blessed with BFPs this year! :hugs:
Happy New Year ladies!

May 2013 bring us all our dreams come true!

Wahoooo! Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy! Can't wait to hear what you will be calling him!

Hey there Purps!
How is your gorgeous girl?

LadyH how are you doing and DrH? Time is flying by!

Lils and Mirium
so pleased you have had lovely scans! Seeing the HB flashing away is the first major hurdle down! Grow babies grow!!!

Butterfly I am counting down with you! Not long til the big trip!

Dash so pleased that you had the chance to talk properly with OH. Sometimes it just feels amazing to get it all out... and as for BIL... well you know my opinion on families... they are a PITA!!!! I hope he realizes how much he has upset you and apologises! Concentrate on your IVF plans instead I say!

So Dwrgi... what was your drink of choice? Hope you had a great Near Year chick!

Would also like to add that the screwyist cycle going resulted in my BFP... so have hope ladies!

Chicken... pah to AF!

Welcome new ladies.... this thread and the lovely ladies have kept me sane (well as sane as I ever get) and lit up my darkest days...

Mwah to all my lovely lurky ladies... Twinks, Tiger, OMM... :hugs:xxxx
:hi: Just popping on quickly to wish everyone a happy new year. :hugs: I'm thinking of you all and look forward to getting caught up next week.

Dash: I'm sorry your BIL was such a jerk. :hugs: I hope New Years worked out okay in the end. :hugs:
Hey everyone. Just a quick update and hoping for some positive energy. So if any of you are or have been experiencing something similar, your input will be much appreciated.

Like I have mentioned before, I have had a 28 day cycle that was like clockwork. Never in the last year has it ever let me down. I'm also one of the lucky ones that never experienced cramps or sensitive boobs during this time....ever. This has been our 5th month ttc'ing and all of a sudden everything changes. Couple of days ago my boobs felt like they were on fire (lasted for about 10 minutes on 9 dpo). Yesterday, 10/11 dpo I started light pink watery spotting (sorry, tmi), stopped during the night as this morning there was nothing on towel. Now flared up again late morning with still light pink watery spotting but a bit heavier. So here's the question...could this be ib, or could it be early (CD24) af? My AF is usually much heavier and very dark. Tested about an hour ago...BFN!! This is such a bummer for me!
Hi Ladies I know I haven't been around for sooo long and I don't really belong here anymore but as a new year starts I really wanted to drop you all a line to say that you still are in my heart even if I do not get online as much as I would like these days. I keep an eye out from time to time as I still feel part of the "gang" so to speak.

We have all been through so much together and held each other up when we felt we could take no more. I am wishing that 2013 is your year to end the long wait and pain that you feel on your journey.

Love and hugs to you all
Hey everyone. Just a quick update and hoping for some positive energy. So if any of you are or have been experiencing something similar, your input will be much appreciated.

Like I have mentioned before, I have had a 28 day cycle that was like clockwork. Never in the last year has it ever let me down. I'm also one of the lucky ones that never experienced cramps or sensitive boobs during this time....ever. This has been our 5th month ttc'ing and all of a sudden everything changes. Couple of days ago my boobs felt like they were on fire (lasted for about 10 minutes on 9 dpo). Yesterday, 10/11 dpo I started light pink watery spotting (sorry, tmi), stopped during the night as this morning there was nothing on towel. Now flared up again late morning with still light pink watery spotting but a bit heavier. So here's the question...could this be ib, or could it be early (CD24) af? My AF is usually much heavier and very dark. Tested about an hour ago...BFN!! This is such a bummer for me!

Hey RdkMommy - It could be either. In my experience, many times - there's no different symptoms from a non-preg cycle compared to a preg-cycle. There could be but many times - you just can't tell because both cycles can share the same symptoms too. You could be pregnant or you may not be. Continue to test within the next few days because it is still early. I hope you get a BFP!!
Hi Mirium, thanx for your reply. It has only been 24 hours and already it is almost completely gone. If this is not af, and I am not pregnant, then I suppose there is something seriously wrong? Not having any cramps or feel uncomfortable at all. All previous symptoms are gone. Even the boobs! Having slight lower back pain, but as an ex-gymnast, that is pretty normal for me too! Soooooooo super confused! I'll just have to wait it out and see what happens on Saturday, which is the day af should arrive.

PS: Do cysts and fibroids and endometriosis, etc. go with any pain?
Hi Mirium, thanx for your reply. It has only been 24 hours and already it is almost completely gone. If this is not af, and I am not pregnant, then I suppose there is something seriously wrong? Not having any cramps or feel uncomfortable at all. All previous symptoms are gone. Even the boobs! Having slight lower back pain, but as an ex-gymnast, that is pretty normal for me too! Soooooooo super confused! I'll just have to wait it out and see what happens on Saturday, which is the day af should arrive.

PS: Do cysts and fibroids and endometriosis, etc. go with any pain?

RdkMommy - I know how you feel. That uncertainty is a bummer. Actually, I used to like the idea of no cramps etc. It felt to me like the reproductive system was working with ease but we have nothing real to back up these thoughts. From my research, I've learnt that people can get pregnant and have children with different cycles and symptoms. I see no reason to think that something's wrong with you based on the symptoms you described. What I believe has been recognized as a problem - is if one has constant spotting starting fairly early after ovulation and leading up to AF but that's not what you described. If I remember right, it could be caused by too low progesterone and could hinder implantation. Yours was not constant and it stopped. Also, keep in mind that some cycles flow better/are superior to others so a bad cycle or two does not mean that something's wrong.

As far as I know, cysts do cause pain but usually go away on their own so are usually harmless. Fibroids are not likely to cause pain but may cause heavy periods. Fibroids are usually detected easily, sometimes just through an ultrasound (cysts too) so may not be hard to check. Endometriosis is what I think can cause painful sex and periods and I think more difficult to diagnose for sure. Consult with your ob-gyn or RE about any concerns that you have though so they can make sure all is well!! All the best!!
Helloooo beautiful BNB babes! I’m back & so sorry – Dec & Jan are so very busy for me on every level imaginable, but I’ll be around as much as I can… Ok, so in my usual fashion if I’ve been away for a bit, the posts can get a teensy-weensy bit long :blush::haha::

BF, Dwrgi, Pebble & Nessaw – I thank you very much for taking over :wine: duty throughout all of these holidays – you are Fab! I know its tough, but little did you know you were doing a charitable service, right? :winkwink:

BF - :hugs: Aw, thank you so much for your prayers! :hugs::kiss: Our minds are too scarily alike – I start salivating when I hear talk of charts, but no links in siggies! :shock: Ahhhhh!!! MUST....SEE....CHART... :rofl: You gearing up for the big day? 9 more days!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I’m getting excited for you!!!

Maddy – Oh my, looking like you O’d CD10 via temp but +OPK CD11-12 - ??? I guess it could be the meds - :grr: :hugs:

Rdk – welcome to you :flower:. Some easy advice to start with would be charting & it’s free. It really teaches you about your own unique body/cycles/issues or lack thereof. I’m sure you are already on a good prenatal. Often women our age will supplement with additional folate – up to 5 mg, a daily baby aspirin & addl. supplements “as needed”. Some very general ones (for all TTC’rs) are Omega 3’s & CoQ10 (600mg). Also, some of us take progesterone post-Ov confirmation “just in case”. Often this is the natural cream (available on Amazon/health food or Vit store) or for some, an Rx. And it’s never too late or a wasted effort to try to develop good relaxation techniques, PMA, lifestyle choices, nutrition, etc. that are good for you no matter what. There are tons of supp’s out there, but they’re usually geared toward specific issues, so if you have any you discover, we can help more. Btw, 10/11DPO can be IB, did you use FMU? Don’t go by symptoms –they can vary month by month & you’d be surprised at what you think is “brand-new” & what ends up screwy now that you are focusing on TTC & if not pregs, I agree w/Mirium, there is absolutely nothing alarming about what you are experiencing – could be AF spotting, goes away & then comes back full-force.

Ness – bring on Jan 16th, woot-woot! What are you testing for – just consult/everything, or - ?

Emily – welcome to you! :flower: You’ll be glad to know that most of us don’t really talk about TTC to our friends, either – except for BNB friends. 38 is NOT OLD so don’t sweat it! Just keep in mind it might take a bit for us “wiser” individuals. :winkwink: LOL, I love your DIY technique (back of car at a rest stop!).:haha: We take our sense of humor seriously here, as it’s all that gets us through sometimes! GL in your 2WW :dust:

Scorpio – welcome to you! :flower: Gosh, you have been through the ringer! If you have Factor V, then you are shooting blood thinners daily, right? What else you taking for TTC?

Chicken – so sorry for :witch: hun. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dashka – I’m so glad that you & DH had a healthy talk & sometimes scaring the shit out of him, even if unintentional, just plain works! :flower: WTF is up w/BIL??? What is wrong with him?! What did you do – blow up the Christmas tree or something, he has no RIGHT to talk to you that way & I’d be royally pissed & wouldn’t want to see him until an apology accompanied the visit! What does DH day? So, I stalked your chart & that’s so odd.:shock: :nope: Is it just coincidence that the only time you missed your window, it appears that you didn’t Ov anyway – how strange would that be??? :wacko::shrug: :?: Big :hugs: coming your way. :kiss:

DrH – bring on Friday!!! :happydance:

Dwrgi – how you doing honey? Aw, you have been there for “some of us” too & we love you so much for that! And your sense of humor has cheered me up on my darkest days, too. :hugs: Hope you had a wonderful New Year & hoping 2013 brings a much-needed LTTC sticky BFP!!!! :hugs::kiss: (I shall come check on you in The Kitchen soon!)

True – thank you for the well-wishes! Hey, whatever it takes – home insemination, IVF, IUI, booty-call, etc, we aren’t a group that will ever judge! Also, you can post however you want to – no post-police here either. :gun::thumbup: Tests can come later – they say seek help after 6 mos of trying for 35+. Also, what kind of cysts? Do you have PCOS or - ? GL chic :flower:

Pebble – Well, it looks like you finally O’d CD17 (BF was correct!) after that impressive 8-day :sex: session (well, every other day, but still…). I used to have to do it every other for 10-12 days (as I was O’ing CD21+), so I KNOW how that feels & used to poop out at the end when it MOST counted! :wacko: And then there’s the need for creativity after all that time…:blush:. For some of us anyway! Keeping everything crossed that you don’t have to use that IVF package! You are lucky to have that option of IVF-coverage. I can choose from like 17 plans but none cover IVF – only 2 covered “some” IUI expenses… :nope:. Well, you know that :spermy: can defo meet Mrs Egg, so FX & :dust: Thanks for u/s pic comment. Idk what I’m looking at either…:haha: P.S. – why would you need Femara? I don’t think you need anything yet, chic & I defo don’t think you need help O’ing given your history/charts??? Defo take Omega 3’s & CoQ10 (see msg to Rdk) :winkwink::thumbup:

LadyH – what a nice New Year’s msg. Wishing you all the best in 2013 too!!! :hugs:

Mirium –
:yipee: for u/s & hb!!! :happydance: Celebrate these little victories, chic! And yes, mine was very small too – its just a lil flicker, really & that’s what it’s supposed to look like. Come join PARL. I am 7 weeks today, so we are only like 2-3 days apart. :thumbup: So pleased for you!!!

Purps – aw, honey :cry:. You have also been here for me & I cherish you so much! Thank you for your hope & xxx’s :hugs: - I need all the hope & support I can get! What a wonderful year for you :cloud9: – you deserve every minute of it! :hugs:

Green- your chart looks great! Hoping you caught it!

Pad – Hope you had a happy alcohol-free NYE! How you doing these days? Updates?

Kismet – Happy New Year hun! Does this mean you are coming back next week for good? :thumbup:

Carole - :hi:! Of course you belong here & can come here anytime you like! Hooping you are having a great time w/Zara!

Newbies – we have chart stalkers here if you would like to post in your siggie & get any 2nd opinions? Totally up to you! :winkwink: (& I won’t name names of who those nosy people are :blush::haha:)
IAMTRUE---- I am married 3 years, using OPK's for last 6 months. We have really been trying to conceive for a year... prior to OPK's I just charted... We never used any protection for 3 years we have been married. I recently went to FS in beginning of December. I had a sonogram, blood tests, femvue and more blood tests. My AMH is .53. We originally spoke about IUI. FS states success rate on IUI is 10 percent with drugs its 15 percent with IVF it is 40 to 45 percent. I am 38 years of age. We had a lengthy discussion about my profession, lifestyle concerns and he then suggested IVF. I am not a worse case scenario.. but he doesn't suggest waiting to try naturally. He says he doesn't know how much time I have. He really cannot tell. I guess that is why he suggested IVF. He felt strongly about IVF after our conversation.

I also have a friend who had IUI. I feel the same way. I cannot discuss it. I also have another friend, who is very supportive. She has 2 kids from a prior marriage.. She had them young. She was remarried at 38 and she has been through 7 years of IVF without success. She is now 50. She encouraged me to go to FS. She also feels that I should jump into IVF.

I have another blood test, gyn exam and sono scheduled for first week in January. I guess I have to decide by January 7th and we will take it from there. This process takes a while. I probably won't be able to start until Feb if that is the avenue I'm going to take. Don't know if that helps. I saw on another thread about acupuncture. I think in the meantime, I'm going to give that a try.
Totally understand. I'm trying to digest what my fs has advised. He advised I go straight to IVF. I'm debating whether I try IUI first. He said results are at 10 percent with IUI and IVF has a success rate of 40 percent.

Tough dealing with the effects of IVF... I have a lot to think about. Wish it would just happen naturally. Starting to take my temp. Maybe a miracle will happen in January

Just wondering...why did fs advise that you go straight to IVF? You said you're just starting to had you been determining ovulation before then? I'm temping every morning and using OPK. Despite having it all timed "perfectly" the last few cycles, it didn't take. We are doing home insemination, so I'm sure that is a factor too. For how many cycles have you been ttc? (I apologize if you have already mentioned this.)

I have two friends who struggled with fertility, but I don't feel I can talk to either of them right now for very different reasons. One went through both IUI and IVF. It was an emotionally draining few years for she and her husband, and she is now going on 41 and not sure if they'e going to continue trying. They are also considering adoption. Another friend TTC for five years...was told she had "old eggs" at 33. She went through two rounds of IVF with no luck. They took a break for over a year, and she is now due in January with her first, a baby boy (she will be 37 in April). I am so thrilled for her that I refuse to discuss my TTC struggles. I don't want to dampen her happy moment...she has already been through so much and deserves this.

Hi, I read this and i had to reply, i lurk here mostly lol. I was 41 when i went to see an FS, and he told me i had to do IVF right off the bat, i was like um no, i was pg on my own the november before, well he was not happy about it but i did the IUI, the first one did not work, i truly believe i was so stressed out about the procedure that it did not work, but each one after that worked, unfortunatly we have lost every one of them, but the point is that even at my age the IUI with injectables worked, dont let them push you into IVF they want you to do that so they make the money, your only 38 and i am sorry but any FS that says they dont know how much time you have so you have to do IVF is out for the money no doctor knows how much time you have, but they know where your at right now. I say try a couple IUI's and if they dont work then move on. Good luck, and i am glad you found this bunch of ladies, they are the best, and most supportive around!!
Afm -
Called high-risk OBGYN today & he wants me in WAY before OBGYN was even going to refer me, I mean :growlmad:. (thank God hematologist said get in there before 9 wks) I'm so glad I am type A & pushy sometimes, jeez! (sometimes :blush:) OB was going to refer me at 9 weeks only for the 12-wk nuchal thingy, even after I told him of all my issues & concerns, he was there for all my mc's & knows my probs - ?:shock::grr:. I mean, WTF I may not make at that far w/blood issues, gene mutations, hormone failures (I totally would have lost this one w/o Rx progesterone) & etc. you dumb-a$$ that's the whole freakin point?! :grr:

So, upside is that my ranting is getting me a much-needed 2-3 hour appt w/High-Risk OBGYN next Wed. 1/9 (8 wks if I make it!). :thumbup: Getting "very detailed u/s" (hmmmm?), genetic counseling, and probs some testing & consult & whatever else. I feel MUCH better about this, now. Advice: take charge & be responsible for yourself bc no one else is going to do that for you & only you know your own body & feelings...listen to them! :flower::hugs:
OMG, BF -- your IVF start is coming up quickly!!!!! :happydance:

I know :yipee: :haha:only end of next week :coffee:

Butterfly67, it didn't even occur to me that anyone would want to see it. I admit I haven't really looked at others' charts to compare since I'm still so new at it. I'll think about putting it up.

Some of us here, like lils said Are just Plain nosey :blush::haha:

Carole :happydance::hi: been thinking about you, hope Zara is doing well :hugs:

RdK I have to say that once you start ttc you really notice stuff that maybe you wouldn't have noticed before so don't stress if things start to look different, it is highly unlikely there is anything wrong hon :hugs:

Pad you sane? :rofl: :haha:

Ok forgot what else I was going to say :haha:

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