TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Mirium, I'm so so sorry honey, sending you loads of love and hugs XXX Give yourself time and we are here when you are ready XXX
Emily am on cd 13 but had highs on cbfm on cd7+8 and peaks cd9+10 so am def imagining things. But I was dizzy during my pg cycle and have been dizzy again. However still have a cough which could be making me light headed.

Its all in my mind. Its all in my mind. Its all in my mind. On repeat for the next 2 weeks!!
Mirium, I am so so sorry Hun .
Please take care of yourself and allow lots of time to let yourself grieve

Massive loves and :hugs: coming your way xxx

This whole thing is not blinking fair!
Kismet, sorry about the results chick! :hugs:
Omg, your doctor should have explained stuff wayyy better for you! How awful to give you no information! He needs to improve his bedside manner!
Mirium - I'm soooo sorry and sad to hear this hun...:cry:. It's so bloody unfair!!!:nope::nope:
Wish I could give you :hugs::hugs::hugs: in person.... Take care of yourself and we're here for you when you are ready...

Selfish post again. I'm so far behind on this thread! :wacko:

Welcome to all the new posters! Yay! :hugs:

CC: At mine, I had my US done and both DH and I did blood work. The FS reviewed medical history with both of us and outlined possible issues, and booked future tests. As I think everyone here knows by now, I found it very overwhelming. Be kind to yourselves after and if possible set aside some time to spend together decompressing and processing. :hugs:

AFM: This is a repost from my journal. I finally went for my FS results:

:cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2:

Me: Low ovarian reserve. Blood test indicating endometriosis.
DH: Inflammation of 36% indicating male factor infertility.
Recommendations: For me, HSG, ovulation stimulating drugs. Him: US and probable surgery. After that, IVF or IUI.

I just spoke with DH on the phone for half an hour. We're considering stopping TTC.

Gutted! :cry: :sad1: :sad2:

Honey please please dont be upset, i know its scary, but it will all be ok. First i think you and DH should take a step back and forget about TTC right now, you need to absorbe all this information, and i know your DH is probably in shock feeling like he is a failure, and your feeling the same thing. For now forget about TTC and rushing into IVF, you need to just breathe and talk things out, never ever make any major decisions when something like this has been dropped in your lap. Second, i really think you need to talk to your FS, he is pushing for IVF WAY too much, there are lots of things they can do AND just to give you a little ray of sunshine, i have a lady i work with here, she has PCOS, she rarely had AF let alone get pg, they were going to do IVF, and the doctor told her no she wanted them to try on their own, she put her on Metformin, and she did lose some weight, well guess what, after all this time and struggle, just when they were going to start IVF, she found out she is pg all on her own, oh and they found out she is Type II diabetic too, i guess what i am trying to say is your situation does not sound bad to me, and that is such a load of crap that because of your age he does not want to treat the endo!!!! Get a second opinion, dont just trust him, i learned that, i am pretty sure i would have had one of my babies if i did not trust the FS, and went with my gut. OK sorry that got kind of long winded, but it really bothers me when doctors take advantage of sweet wonderful people like you. You have every right to see all that information, and to demand that something be done, man i hate doctors like that!!! Super big hugs to you and your DH, i understand your upset, but i am NOT going to let that doctor knock you down and step on you!!
Kismet –

I’m sorry about your results again hun…:hugs: I know it is so frustrating when the docs think they are God and tell you to do something and to do it NOW because of our age…. It sucks!! You asked about what kind of pre-iVF consult I had… well it went something like this… Last July we went to see Dr.L (same clinic as yours) and then he told us we had 3 options (due to the answers we gave to questions and some blood tests I had done with my doc and DH’s SA) I think he said the steps would be laparoscopy (if we wanted IUI –which he downplayed because of my age and we had 2 failed IUIs 8 yrs ago…then IUI, and then IVF… we told him we were interested in going straight to IVF – He sent me immediately for HSG the following week, and DH got another SA –plus we both did bloodwork again including AMH again Then we didn’t see him again until about 6 weeks later to get the results. He said my endo blood test was negative but that you didn’t really know unless you go for laparoscopy… But since he knew we were going for IVF he said I didn’t need it. He also said he would recommend ICSI for IVF (where 1 good sperm is injected into eggs) since my DH’s SA showed some motility/morphology issues – I can’t remember the % either 30-40%....Although when he tested prior to the clinic it wasn’t that bad. That was beginning of Sept…. I started IVF#1 beginning of October . We decided to go with ICSI.

So there really wasn’t much info given re: iVF cycle –only that I would go in on CD2 for scan/bloods and I basically only knew that he was going to put me on a long protocol which involved b/c for first 2 weeks and Lupron then stims…. He said total would take about 6 weeks… and that’s all the info that I knew going in… I was really frustrated that I didn’t get more info – I feel like they only give you info on an appointment to appointment basis not to freak you out and also that the process can change at any moment (due to how you respond/your uterine lining/eggs etc)…

So I felt so powerless because I didn’t know what to expect, when I would have to take off work, how long I would have to be there (how late I would be at work everyday) and what I would be taking etc…. But you know I had to do it because I have heard such great things about Dr.L and he has a really good reputation so I don’t want to insult him at the same time. It’s like you are paying all this $ but at the same time you don’t want to piss them off because you want things to go well. It sucks.

This time for IVF#2 I went in and told him what I want otherwise I wouldn’t try again (stuff for immune problems incase that is my issue ie. intralipids, prednisone etc)… I really think immune issues are my problem (same as my sister)….. I told him I want it and he said he would do it… it seems they want to try it their way first… IDK… As you know I am holistic minded usually so taking these fertility IVF meds was very hard for me but I decided it was now or never.

It’s really frustrating I know but I am thankful that he does what he does and you know he saw me at each and every day I was there during monitoring (and some docs don’t do that you only see nurse)… He also works like 7 days/week or something –it’s crazy. Funny today I was at my ND and she mentioned that your doc – Dr.B is also open to some of the stuff other docs aren’t like DHEA, CoQ10 etc…. (she has many patients that go to our clinic).
Anyway – don’t know if this helped you or not but that’s what we did…. Hang in there, ask questions (write them down) and breathe…….:hugs::hugs:
This thread has really had some shite news in the past few days! :cry::cry: Thank god for our BFP ladies! :thumbup: And Lana! :winkwink:

Many :hugs: and :dust: to you!!!
I'm sorry for all of you who are going through so much right now. :(

I'm wound up and can't sleep. It's supposed to be insemination day tomorrow, though I'm actually not sure if it will be. Even though it's cycle #2, I'm just as anxious as last time. I don't know if it's just this wrinkle that has me stressed or if it's the insemination itself. My signs are on track, but my donor and I had a miscommunication. Since it didn't work last month (he thinks he has super-sperm and I should have gotten pregnant on the first try despite my 38-year-old eggs and even though many 20-year-olds don't get pregnant the first month!) he said he'd make sure he saved it up for a week or so in order to have a high sperm count. I told him that it didn't work that way and he definitely didn't want to save it up for more than a few days, but I think he missed that email and apparently has um, kept his hands to himself for the past week. I made sure to remind him yesterday that if he hadn't gone ahead since the weekend, that he should. He can't check his personal email during the day, so he didn't see it until this evening, and then I didn't get home to check mine until after he would have gone to bed tonight. So hopefully he got the message, if he didn't get it in time that means he has old sperm and it's not worth meeting tomorrow. I don't want dead stuff and I'll meet him Friday. Even that's not ideal, as the new stuff will only be 24 hours old, but it's better than not trying at all this month. That's CD13, which should still be ok. I haven't had the peak with the CBFM, but I'm expecting it tomorrow, so I am a bit concerned that not meeting until Friday evening might be pushing it. So cycle #2 may also be a bust. Oh well. Can't really fix it now. I guess it will make me relax about it at least, if I'm not expecting it to work. Not knowing whether we're meeting is not helping me de-stress, but once I've met him this month I think I'll be better able to let it go if I'm not expecting top quality swimmers this time.
Hey Ladies,

First, I just want to ask, what is AFM? I see it at the end of many posts, so I'm trying to figure it out (And for me?).

Secondly, I just want to say how thankful I am that I found this forum. This TTC journey has its ups and many downs, and I know how frustrated and alone I sometimes feel, especially when friends and colleagues are getting pg all around me. I really appreciate reading your stories and feeling like people out there can relate to what I'm feeling and experiencing.

Many of you have had longer and more difficult journeys than I, but you continue to persevere. You are all so incredibly supportive of one another, and it is heartwarming and encouraging.

I hope that we all find peace and comfort in whatever steps we take next in our TTC journeys.

Thanks again and have a great Thursday. :hugs:
Whew, he was just asking for clarification and did get my email. We're good to go today.

Kismet, he lives a few hours away, so if I'm going to make the trip, I want to make sure I have live swimmers. I'm inseminating twice per cycle. I could do it more often, but I'm not sure that I'd really get a better return on investment since I'm tracking my cycle with both the CBFM and temping. I'm close to O at this point (though I didn't get the peak today on CD12 as expected - guess it will be tomorrow on CD13 as sometimes happens) so I was worried about missing O if we didn't meet today. But now we can meet today and tomorrow, or even better, today and Saturday with a peak tomorrow (if he's free Saturday - since I was expecting the peak today I didn't ask him to keep Saturday free).

How much CoQ10 delays O? Is this just a usual month of it waiting until day 13 for a peak, or can 200 mg per day delay it?
Hi ladies, I have another question (sorry for all these questions) but it's about 'baby aspirin'. I found 75mg Aspirn (Gastro-Resistant Tablets) in the normal tablet aisle of Superdrug. Is this the same thing and if so is it just one a day?
Sheesh, now I have questions about your questions: CoQ10 DELAYS O?! :saywhat: That's new to me. And I just bought a bunch yesterday for ridiculous amounts of $$!

Don't know about the baby aspirin, but I am eagerly awaiting the answer. I THINK that baby aspirin is just regular aspirin but at a much lower dose. Is that right, ladies?

I'm taking a bit of a sick day today, although I'm only in danger of getting sick, not sick. I'm still getting to sleep on west coast time, and getting up on east coast time, so I'm super sleep-deprived and flirting with a cold/virus. Booo! That and the fact that I have no meetings today, the weather is miserable, and my wood stove is lovely made me decide to stay at home to kinda work, kinda take it easy. Mixed signals about impending O. OPK strips continue to be faintish lines. Meh.

Happy Thursday to everyone. :flower:
Emily great that you are good to go this month :thumbup:

But yes I am also questioning if CoQ10 delays O as i have been stuffing it down my throat for the last few days since the exBF said we might as well give this month a one shot (and that one shot will likely be about 36 hours before normal O so if it is delayed I am stuffed :dohh:)

Sorry don't know about baby aspirin :shrug:
Selfish post again. I'm so far behind on this thread! :wacko:

Welcome to all the new posters! Yay! :hugs:

CC: At mine, I had my US done and both DH and I did blood work. The FS reviewed medical history with both of us and outlined possible issues, and booked future tests. As I think everyone here knows by now, I found it very overwhelming. Be kind to yourselves after and if possible set aside some time to spend together decompressing and processing. :hugs:

AFM: This is a repost from my journal. I finally went for my FS results:

:cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2: :cry: :sad1: :sad2:

Me: Low ovarian reserve. Blood test indicating endometriosis.
DH: Inflammation of 36% indicating male factor infertility.
Recommendations: For me, HSG, ovulation stimulating drugs. Him: US and probable surgery. After that, IVF or IUI.

I just spoke with DH on the phone for half an hour. We're considering stopping TTC.

Gutted! :cry: :sad1: :sad2:

Oh kismet, I'm so sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs: sorry to be late in reading this. :nope:poor you:hugs:
Hi all, I have been taking 600mg of CoQ10 for many months now and it has never delayed my ovulation. That's just me though... hope it goes well for you all too. :hugs::hugs:

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