TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Thanks LilSluz for all the info! I have my first appointment today with the RE, I guess that is different than a FS, not really sure how though. I will let you all know how it goes. They said the appointment will only take about half hour so not expecting much today.
lils - there you are!!! :hi: I'm relieved! I was worried about you. But totally understand that you need to rest! That's way more important. I was going to volunteer to have that :wine: for you again, but I can't drink tonight - sorry about that :winkwink::hugs:

chicken - :saywhat: that is so unbelievably f...ed up!!! :grr: I don't know what to say to that. But I really hope you find a good doctor. You need somebody that cares! I'm so sorry that you had that experience!!! :hugs:

IVF update
I triggered last night :happydance: I had tickets to the Bulls game and missing that game was absolutely NOT an option for me. So I had to find a way to trigger at the game, preferably not in a public bathroom. So DH packed up my trigger shot and we walked to the first aid office at the United Center and asked the paramedic on call if we could use his office to give me the shot. Worked out perfectly! :thumbup: I had 11 follies between 15 and 21mm and 6 follies between 10 and 15mm. My E2 level was at 3800 so I only had to do half a dose of the trigger. I start antibiotics tonight and have egg retrieval tomorrow morning. I am a little nervous and hope, hope, hope that I will get some good quality eggs out of it. They will let me know on Monday how many eggs they retrieved, if/how many fertilized and possible transfer day. Will keep you posted. Thank you all so much for your support! :hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss:

Love and :hug: to all! Have a fabulous weekend ladies! :wohoo:
Ladies, Firstly I want to say Thank you :hugs: Just knowing that you are all p*ssed off for me really helps. I have had so many good will messages I can't remember who asked what but I hope I am going to answer all of your questions in one go.
He said that because my cycles for the last 4 months have been between 28 and 30 days he is positive I am ovulating, so there for wont use clomid. My insulin levels are normal so metformin would make no difference. It is my blood results that point to PCOS but he thinks that weight loss, diet, exercise and stress management will help better than anything. I'm not sure if I'm able to get a second opinion, I asked for this hospital because their results are better then the other hospitals around by us, and at the moment I just can't afford to go private. He said for us to come back in 6 months if nothing has happened because our only other option would be assertive conception and as we haven't been trying for 2 years yet then it isn't available to us now.

So anyway I'm generally a positive person and I don't let things get me down for long. So after crying myself to sleep last night and having a bit of a miserable day, I have given myself a kick up the bum and come up with 2 options.
1, I can either sit here for the next 6 months and feel sorry for myself.
2, I can do everything I can to help myself get my BFP.

I have decided to go for option 2. After all there have been many ladies on here that have had their miracle BFP so why not me. So this is where I need your help. I know that if I go through this thread I will find loads of must do's, supplement must takes and general advice but I'm sorry I don't have time to go back through the treat to find it all. Plus I don't want to miss it. So would you ladies please tell me what I need to do/take to give me the best chance of turning my sadness into a smile.

So far I have started a special diet for women with pcos
I'm taking epo prior to ovulation
Using OPKs and I do get a surge
Taking a postnatal vitamin and extra folic acid
Super filtered Fish oil with 360mg of epa
EDIT 200mg of COq10
DH takes a multivit, extra vitamin C and vitamin E his swimmers are just fine.
We try to do every other day during fertile period but this isn't always easy and we have a pillow under my bum.

What else Please help :hugs:
Sorry for the very long self post, but I guested you ladies wouldn't mind XXX

Owl that sounds great, wishing you loads of love and luck XXX
lils - there you are!!! :hi: I'm relieved! I was worried about you. But totally understand that you need to rest! That's way more important. I was going to volunteer to have that :wine: for you again, but I can't drink tonight - sorry about that :winkwink::hugs:

chicken - :saywhat: that is so unbelievably f...ed up!!! :grr: I don't know what to say to that. But I really hope you find a good doctor. You need somebody that cares! I'm so sorry that you had that experience!!! :hugs:

IVF update
I triggered last night :happydance: I had tickets to the Bulls game and missing that game was absolutely NOT an option for me. So I had to find a way to trigger at the game, preferably not in a public bathroom. So DH packed up my trigger shot and we walked to the first aid office at the United Center and asked the paramedic on call if we could use his office to give me the shot. Worked out perfectly! :thumbup: I had 11 follies between 15 and 21mm and 6 follies between 10 and 15mm. My E2 level was at 3800 so I only had to do half a dose of the trigger. I start antibiotics tonight and have egg retrieval tomorrow morning. I am a little nervous and hope, hope, hope that I will get some good quality eggs out of it. They will let me know on Monday how many eggs they retrieved, if/how many fertilized and possible transfer day. Will keep you posted. Thank you all so much for your support! :hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss:

Love and :hug: to all! Have a fabulous weekend ladies! :wohoo:

Goooood luck!!! Keeping everything crossed for you!!

C xx
Good luck owl. Got everything crossed.x

cc I take coq10 vits b6 c d and e plus folic acid. This month have had grapefruit juice before ov and just starting eating pineapple core after. I also started with the clearblue fert monitor last month cos opks were neverthat clear to me. Also doing the legs up thing as figure it can't hurt! Cut down on alcohol since xmas ans upping the no of times I go swimming. Boyf on wellman conception and cutting back on booze. Think that is everything other than the clomid this cycle.x
Good luck Owl!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust: Who says you have to miss a Bulls game - glad you didn't have to shoot up in the toilet, but HA used to do that too!

Chicken - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Defo Vitex.:thumbup: I have more things I take for various things in my journal (1st page so easy to find). What did he say about your prog blood tests though? If you are ovulating that's fine, but if your progesterone is too low then you wouldn't be able to support anything if it happened (& would be why FF won't show that you are O'ing)? I'd at least call him about that one unless you already discussed it. If he won't prescribe prog., I'd at least buy the prog cream for sure. :thumbup:

Also, how does he know you are ovulating? I've had annov. cycles & still got AF (well, a bleed I should say). Here's some info. about bleeding w/o ov (just so you know its possible since your Dr doesn't seem to think so, although I know many women who have had confirmed annov cycles & bled on time):

If you are one of the many women that experience ovulation difficulties such as oligoovulation (irregular ovulation) or anovulation (absence of ovulation), you can still get what will appear to be a monthly period. This bleeding is the result of one of two things happening. You can have what is called “estrogen withdrawal bleeding” in which the estrogen levels build up but stay below the level necessary to trigger ovulation, and then drop. A second, more common, occurrence is “estrogen breakthrough bleeding” in which case the endometrium (uterine lining tissue) build up so much that it can no longer sustain itself.

In either of these two cases, the bleeding that occurs will be easily mistaken for a menstrual period. The best way to determine whether you are ovulating is to take and monitor your basal body temperature (BBT). If you suspect you are having difficulties with ovulation and are considering trying to get pregnant, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

This is actually from a tax-exempt IVF informational organization. You can take or leave all of this info. & advice, but I just don't want you to go forward w/o some additional information so you know what you are dealing with - or "could be dealing with". :thumbup: If I relied only on my RE's I wouldn't be UTD right now for sure.:nope: I had to tell them what I needed & fight for it, as much as that sucks. This is all just what I'd tell you if you were my sister, so big :hugs: to you chickie chickie!!! And don't give up hope bc if you get on the right supps that balance those hormones, cycle, the mojo, etc & your PCOS diet, you may get that magical combo & chicken will get her egg! :winkwink::thumbup:

(Also why 2 years - you are >35 so isn't it supposed to be 6 months TTC over there too?)
Darhlink. I just got five new pairs including red patent high heels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only three pairs of "stupid not preggo shoes" and with pointy toes and high stiletto heels... I did get two pairs of pregnancy shoes... block heels and round toes... just a little bit of a lift.. gotta look good while I still can!!!

Oh DrH now I have a vision of you floating around gleaming hospital corridors (with not a blemished, sickly person in sight) wearing a spotless white coat and stilettos a-la Greys Anatomy :haha:
Owl - yay for follies!!!! Good luck for EPU hon. Plleeeease do give a blow-by-blow, so I know what to expect when we start next cycle :) Re: the injections, great idea to use the First Aid room. FWIW I shoot up my GonalF in the breastfeeding mothers room at work :)

Chicken hun, sounds like a plan. For me, just having made myself a plan made me feel sooo much more in control. My FS suggested weight loss just as a way of better balancing my hormones naturally and improving my general health so that I would have less risk factors 'when' I got pregnant. Although I was not hugely overweight I have lost about 15 pounds since that time and even without a BFP I've noticed that I feel significantly better about myself and my body in general. So there has been a little silver lining to it all. Hugs to you.
So I met with my RE today. He did an ultrasound and all looked good so far. I'm having blood work done at the beginning of AF and then a Saline Sonohysterogram in March. Anyone had this done?

He said he does not recommend any fertility vitamins for men or women, just prenatals so that's what I am sticking with and a multi vitamin for DH. Also, absolutely no Ibuprofen or NSAID's in the second half of cycle. Since I am 37 and DH is 41, he said at our mature age we have a 20% chance of miscarriage when becoming pregnant, but 3 in one year is not normal.

As much as I love all the info here from everyone, it's good and comforting to hear it from the Dr. As far as insurance, it's going to cover all these tests completely....YAY!!!!! Thanks for listening gals!!
NOTE : NEW AVATAR FOR DASHKA! This is the way i WANT to be feeling now.... ommmmm....(it's been a stressful week -what can i say)

Hi ladies - was trying to write this all day but kept getting interrupted at work!:wacko: So here I am finishing at 10:45pm!

Doorbell – oh hun 3 IVFs and your chemical – I’m so so sorry…..:hugs::hugs::nope: Supplements royal jelly and vitex - I have never heard of the two 'cancelling' each other out - but I wasn't on them at the same time when I took them. I took vitex for about a year and it didn't lengthen my cycles - but it seems to work for those who have a long follicular phase.

Maddy - don’t worry that dream won’t come true hun!:nope::hugs: Yay for lead follie!! :thumbup:OMG re: your friend with 4 heartbeats!???!!wow!:wacko: Just sent you a PM...:hugs::hugs:

Hope this year – welcome ! :flower:and I’m so sorry for your loses…..:nope::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Kismet – I’m sorry for that diagnosis but you are right :hugs:–it’s better to know so you can work on it… Sending you lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Nessaw – hope you caught that eggy!!! :thumbup:And congrats on having offer accepted!!! Yay!:happydance:

Chicken – I’m sorry your app’t didn’t go well….. :nope: Damn some docs just like to piss us off!!! :grr:Perhaps you don’t have PCOS –but elevated androgens like me?? Isn’t there a blood test that shows that? interesting thing I learned from my ND this week (who specializes in fertility) – that women with PCOS hold their fertility longer as they get older (elevated androgens) so while some women decline in fertility as they age –some PCOS women actually get more fertile as they age! Who knew??? Just a silver lining for you:hugs::hugs: (if that is indeed what you have?)….I have heard of diet (eliminating sugar) helping with a lot of PCOS sufferers. Re: your supplements list etc – are you temping? That will show if you are ovulating! :thumbup:Sometimes you can get the OPK surge without ovulating but if the temps stay up after FF shows you ovulated then you’ve ovulated! Re: supplements – should be 1800mg of EPA (check your Fish oil), 600 mg CoQ10. So DH’s spermies were tested right? Maybe you also want to add baby aspirin (low dose Baby Asprin 81mg), and the diet will help for sure!!! Good luck hun!:hugs::hugs:

Dr. H- wow interesting that you did the Atkins diet before getting preggers…. You’re too funny re: all the shoes!!:haha::cloud9: You go girl! Red patent! Wow! Hope you are well hun!
and loving that you are having a boy!!!:happydance::happydance:

Pad -
oh my you are almost 30 weeks!!! :thumbup:Where did the time go???:hugs::kiss:

Lils – thanks hun... the shoulder is starting to feel better and I don't know how you have lived with so much pain for so long!!! :hugs::hugs: I need to get over to your journal….

Owl – great news on triggering!!!!:thumbup: You have done marvelously! :happydance:GOOD LUCK TOMORROW HUN!!! Will be thinking of you and will check how you are doing!

hugs and luvs to everyone I missed!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss:

AFM - too tired to update on me... but I put some stuff in my journal...
Thanks ladies keep the advice coming.
Lils and kismet a quick question if I am having regular cycles what would the voted do?

I haven't been temping for a few months now nut maybe I should start again. I am also thinking of getting a cbfm, what do you think.

Dash very interesting info I will keep that in mind.

I think I swallowed a water melon.


  • bump.jpg
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Am loving the Bump Cam, Dr H! Looks stunning! And I can just imagine those red stilettos with that red belt! Hot momma!!! Xxxxx
Lils & Dashka, thanks so much for your replys re supplements and the like. I've always been on progesterone after the IVF's but nothing else, I hadnt even heard of folate or prednisone :nope: I have had testing for clotting but nothing else apart from the standard tests. The failure of my first 2 IVF's were put down to poor/slow embryos - none made it to blastocyst by day 5, only morula's. I moved clinics after them, and the last one I had transfer on day 3 of one good embryo, thats the cycle that I had the chemical on.

I have had no luck on finding a specialist that may try to get to the bottom of things for me. Its either the doctor or the fertility clinic, theres no in between. The clinic is all about IVF and the doctor doesnt have much idea only to refer me to the clinic. The 2 clinics both get excellent results so may be its just me and I'm a bit of a lost cause :shrug:

We are looking to try one more cycle before possibly hanging up the IVF boots but I would so like to find out what the problem is so we can at least get some answers and be able to make some sense out of the whole thing.I'm at a bit of a loss really.

Owl, good luck this weekend, its such a roller coaster this journey, your results seem really good so far so hoping things get better and better for you.

Chicken, a friend of mine is just about to have her 2nd baby with PCOS so if thats what you have, dont lose heart. She tried for about 18 months and nothing, then bam, 1 perfect baba, 2 months later, pregnant again. She went on a protein diet and totally cut out sugar the month before her first BFP. Shes not sure if thats what did it but it was a coincidence. I can ask her for more details.

Good luck and God bless all those with expanding bumps and hoping the rest of us can join you soon xx
Yes the pcos diet is no sugar and lots of protein. I'm doing ok on it I think. Let hope the weight just comes off.

Nice bump Dr H XXX
Yes the pcos diet is no sugar and lots of protein. I'm doing ok on it I think. Let hope the weight just comes off.

Nice bump Dr H XXX

yes just make sure you drink TONS of water too...because excess protein (animal protein) is not friendly to your kidneys (uric acid) - as I'm sure Dr.H can tell you....

good luck!!!:hugs:
Dr. H -
nice bump girl !:winkwink:

Doorbell - great post... I so hope that you will find a clinic who will do the right testing for you ... it does sound like part of the issue could be egg quality and perhaps following the 4-month egg quality improvement plan (as per Lils -1st page journal) would help?:hugs::hugs:

Owl - thinking of you - HOW DID IT GO TODAY???? sending huge:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

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