TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

I just posted this on the general welcome board, but I'll say it again here because I am attempting to get pregnant for the first time...
Just wanted to post and say hello...I've been reading a lot of posts here and am glad to have found this forum.
I am 38 (29 in June), and have been ttc since September. I was on BCP for about 10 years, and stopped taking them in August, but did not have a period. I finally went to the doctor in January and was prescribed Metformin (500mg 2X) and am so excited that I finally got my period last week (I would have been more excited to skip straight to a BFP, but I'll take any indication of movement in there at this point). I plan on starting OPK this week. My doctor was very optimistic but said come back in April if I'm not pregnant yet. Of course I'm hoping to get a BFP this month. I feel like I spent the last 20 years trying to avoid getting pregnant at any cost, and now all I want is to conceive. I'm also so nervous about the extra risks of being older, but trying not to stress out about it too much.
Hope to make some friends here.
Has anyone had a saline hysterosongram done? How bad is it? My dr is putting my on Birth control pills for the month before, I'm so bummed because that means no TTC for a month.
I just posted this on the general welcome board, but I'll say it again here because I am attempting to get pregnant for the first time...
Just wanted to post and say hello...I've been reading a lot of posts here and am glad to have found this forum.
I am 38 (29 in June), and have been ttc since September. I was on BCP for about 10 years, and stopped taking them in August, but did not have a period. I finally went to the doctor in January and was prescribed Metformin (500mg 2X) and am so excited that I finally got my period last week (I would have been more excited to skip straight to a BFP, but I'll take any indication of movement in there at this point). I plan on starting OPK this week. My doctor was very optimistic but said come back in April if I'm not pregnant yet. Of course I'm hoping to get a BFP this month. I feel like I spent the last 20 years trying to avoid getting pregnant at any cost, and now all I want is to conceive. I'm also so nervous about the extra risks of being older, but trying not to stress out about it too much.
Hope to make some friends here.

Welcome PrincesSparkl! I recently joined this thread too. Just wanted to say good luck to you!
Ceilani, Princess Sparkle, Chunhom - welcome :hi:

Owl :wohoo: ten out of ten. Fantastico!

Ness, the house sounds brill. With that many bedrooms you could house :oneofeach: couldn't you!

Dash, yes I'm surrounded by gorgeousness :winkwink: Your family is pretty darned spunky too. My goodness, what beautiful children we are both going to produce :haha:

HopeThisYear, I've had a HSG and it was no big deal at all, certainly no more uncomfortable than having a regular smear :thumbup: I know some others have discomfort though.

Twiggers, how ru? :flower:

Everyone else, happy Monday (it's already Tuesday here tho').

AFM I'm working nightshift :telephone: :comp: :coffee: and sitting here hoping Monday morning's :spermy: swam in the right direction after IUI!
Owl, 10 out of 10 is just awesome. Sending lots of perfect growing vibes to your lil embies :flower:keep drinking plenty of water. The pain after EC normally lasts no more than 2 days so you will be feeling right as rain soon and ready for transfer, exciting times!!

Maddy, hoping them :spermy:have done their thing, like I said before, 3rd time lucky. Hope the 2ww flies till your BFP O:)

Dashka, where are you at with your IVF? I havent found my way right round the website yet to find all the info I want to know so sorry if you are having to duplicate.

Ness, a house move is so exciting, a new chapter, hope you get to fill them bedrooms :baby:

Hello to all other ladies, I hope youre having a good day. I realised my last post was absolutely HUGE after I looked back so apologies for that, talk about a newbie not knowing when to stop. :dohh:

AFM, I have a consultation tomorrow for IVF. Am going to weigh things up and decide what to do after I hear what they say.

Thanks for your advice and the welcome

PS. Can someone tell me how I can put my history at the bottom of my posts like I see on everyone elses, thanks ever so!
Princess Spark – welcome! Hope your stay is short and sweet:flower:

Hopethis year- re: Hysterosonogram – is that the one with or without the x-ray? (sorry I always get the 2 names mixed up cause they sound alike) :blush:I’ve had both and recently the one with the x-ray –which I recommend as the other one doesn’t give a true picture to the RE… and I found it less painful but he gave me better painkillers I think..:winkwink: The cramping afterward was like bad AF pain but it wasn’t that bad – and it’s different for everyone. One thing that helped a lot this time was I really controlled my breathing – kind of like lamas breathing while the procedure was happening. :haha:I didn’t have to go on BC for it – just had to do before CD10 - Good luck!:hugs:

Maddy – did IUI go okay???? :hugs:I hope you aren’t working too hard already? Sorry I can’t remember what you do for a living?:blush:I hope it’s not too physical? I like your thinking – yes we both WILL produce some good lookin’ kids! :thumbup::hugs::kiss:

Doorbell – thanks for asking –:hugs:I’m just waiting for AF (which I think will arrive tomorrow) and go for baseline scan/bloodwork Wed/Thurs.this week. Don’t apologize for having long posts – many of us DO! :thumbup:Good luck at your IVF consult tomorrow – you’ve had a few already right? Sorry can’t remember…. To add the info –you need to EDIT your signature – Click on your name and left hand side go to EDIT your signature / customize and you’ll see there. Good Luck!:hugs:

Hugs and luvs to all!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss:

AFM - well it looks like my “hail Mary pass” is not going to come through….:cry: My temp dropped this morning (even though I took it at 5:20am – it still doesn’t look good – AF hasn’t shown yet but should be here tomorrow I think – which would work out well for me going to clinic on Wed for baseline scan –but we are expecting a snowstorm Tues night/Wed morning so I really hope that doesn’t affect my travels there – Murphy’s law!!! (or Sod’s Law at UK ladies would say)…
Welcome princes and hope!

door - have you done IVF before? You sound like you know your stuff. I hope you are right re EC because I feel only slightly better today. Still a lot of pressure in my belly. I'm only comfortable when leaning back or laying down :wacko:

maddy - yay for iui! :happydance: sending lots of :dust: your way. Here is to third time's the charm. Don't work too hard. I can't believe you had to work the night shift after iui that morning. Take it easy honey :hugs:

twiggers - fxd for a positive opk!

dash - oh that wicked :witch: :grr: well she hasn't shown up yet so I'm still hoping for you :hugs: btw, love your avatar! Is that you in the picture?

IVF update
lab just called and said that all 10 of my fertilized eggs are doing well and I will have a 5day transfer :happydance:

Hi and hugs to all you lovely ladies :flower:
He's going to the doc on Friday for some other stuff and I'm trying to convince to ask for a SA....just so we'll rule him out as a potential problem.

Good idea :thumbup: I totally thought it was me with 'issues' because I have low AMH and a few other things going on. It was a shock to get DH's SA and find out he has low morphology.
Thanks Dashka, think I have managed it now, will soon find out when I post this!
Still hoping for a little miracle for you before you start the IVF thang.

Owl, I've done 3 so far. I found it easier to handle when just dealing with every little hurdle as I went along. The whole thing is so massive, it takes over everything but its nice to take little steps and see where they lead you. Really wishing all the best for you and your lil embies :flower:
Owl-congratulations lovely! That is a wonderful statistic to start off with! I hope that those embies continue to grow and develop! A 5 day transfer, statistically (my fav word at the moment, obviously! :winkwink:) gets more live birth rates than a 3 day transfer, so you're ahead of the game already! So chuffed for you, and HUGE good luck! Doorbell is right-keep up the water and lots of protein food, still. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::flower::flower::hugs:

Maddy-huge good luck for this IUI! Yes, I completely agree with you: swim in the right direction, you monkeys!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::winkwink::haha:

Doorbell-I've had 'three' IVFs too, although first didn't get further than EC and none fertilized, second did really well, but BFN, and third I decided to convert to a IUI as it was such a disaster. I'm unexplained too, technically, although my private FS firmly believes it's my low amh that's to blame. :nope: (Do you know yours? Get it done, if you haven't. This is essential, I firmly believe!). Are you considering a fourth IVF? Are you doing ICSI? I'd do IMSI, if I had my time again; might be worth asking about? Are you going to do full immunes, too? Good luck and hope you get a plan formulated! :hugs::thumbup:

Hello to everybody! :hugs::hugs:
Hi DWRGI. I did have my AMH tested but it was over a year ago now, it was 12.9 then, no idea what it is now, dread to think. I think its more an egg quality thing with me than anything else so I am really trying to improve that side of things. Can I ask why you would want to do IMSI? I had thought it was for male factor but would be interested to hear if you think there are other benefits?

I have considered donor eggs too but just dont know whether I'm there yet if you know what I mean, its a toughie!

:hi:to everyone else.
Hi DWRGI. I did have my AMH tested but it was over a year ago now, it was 12.9 then, no idea what it is now, dread to think. I think its more an egg quality thing with me than anything else so I am really trying to improve that side of things. Can I ask why you would want to do IMSI? I had thought it was for male factor but would be interested to hear if you think there are other benefits?

I have considered donor eggs too but just dont know whether I'm there yet if you know what I mean, its a toughie!

:hi:to everyone else.

The thinking at my clinic is that EVERYTHING that you can do to maximise success at treatment is worth having. I think that you can do sperm fragmentation tests to check the quality of the sperm, but I can't see the point of doing this, when you can just opt for IMSI instead. With ICSI, any old sperm is chosen; with IMSI, the BEST sperm are chosen for insemination, so, to my old addled brain, it makes sense to do this, and make sure that you have the best chance possible to make good quality embryos.

That is a pretty good amh result! Was this pre- three IVFs?

I think that the drill re. good eggs is oft repeated on here, so I won't bore again: DHEA, CoQ10, EPA, etc. Plenty of veg proteins and lots of eggs in your diet.

Good luck!:thumbup:
Yes, AMH was pre IVF so Lord knows what it is now. No point in having lots of eggs if they are all duds though which seemingly mine are. :cry:

My husband had the sperm fragmentation test which came back as normal. We have only ever had IVF, not even had ICSI as our fertilisation results are normally good, its just afterwards we have the problems wth poor quality embryos.

I have been looking at a clinic abroad which does ICSI and assisted hatching as standard. I cant help wonder if the treatment available in the UK has not yet caught up with the rest of Europe. (unless you go to London of course).

I did try DHEA but it made me soooo spotty I couldnt handle it. I wondered whether my levels were too high, is this possible? :shrug:
Yes, AMH was pre IVF so Lord knows what it is now. No point in having lots of eggs if they are all duds though which seemingly mine are. :cry:

My husband had the sperm fragmentation test which came back as normal. We have only ever had IVF, not even had ICSI as our fertilisation results are normally good, its just afterwards we have the problems wth poor quality embryos.

I have been looking at a clinic abroad which does ICSI and assisted hatching as standard. I cant help wonder if the treatment available in the UK has not yet caught up with the rest of Europe. (unless you go to London of course).

I did try DHEA but it made me soooo spotty I couldnt handle it. I wondered whether my levels were too high, is this possible? :shrug:

The best treatment in the UK is to be had at ARGC-is this where you went? They take your bloods every single day and alter the stimms medication accordingly, depending on the oestrogen levels. They also do the immunes as standard, which is why their success rate is around 30% in our age group.

My clinic does assisted hatching as standard, and we had that on the second IVF. Well worth doing, as older, poorer quality eggs tends to have thicker outer shells, and harder to penetrate, which you probably know.

It may well be worth asking your doc about IMSI-it's about maximising success, no matter what your DH's sperm results were like. Inevitably you will have some better sperm to others. IDK-it's just a matter of throwing everything at it, really.

Hope this helps! :thumbup:

SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU.... GO FOLLIES GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO DAY 5!

Crossing fingers and toes and legs for you...
Twiggers – great that you are getting DH to get checked out too…. :thumbup:good luck catching that eggy!

Owl – Great news!!! :happydance::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:All 10 eggies and 5 day transfer!! Wow you’ve done great lovely!:thumbup::hugs: Have you decided yet how many you will transfer? (p.s - no that’s not me in the Avatar - but I do have long brown hair. :winkwink: I imagine it's me and how I should /want to feel):winkwink:

Dwrgi – I remember you mentioning the IMSI a while ago – I think my ND mentioned that it’s not available in Canada – only in UK – but I’m going to ask the RE about it tomorrow. Thanks luv!:hugs::kiss:

Doorbell – good luck with whatever plan you decide on! And yay for trying to improve your egg quality!:thumbup:

Hugs and luvs to all!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM – old nasty :witch::nope: arrived this morning…. So I will definitely be going to the clinic tomorrow for baseline scan…. Fingers crossed that things will be okay as we wouldn’t be able to push to next month – it would have to wait until Fall for various reasons, and that’s a lifetime in my books (and my RE’s books). If this IVF doesn't go well - we are done.. Trying not to think that way -but it's so hard to keep positive.. I need reiki tomorrow night but don't know if the snow storm we're expecting tomorrow will stop me? crap

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