TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey guys, I am fine. I am surprised at how well I am doing. I thought to myself - you can either get depressed which you'll have to fight to get out of later and will make you miserable or you can be as happy as you can be and I chose the latter. I will still TTC (gosh I don't miss the 2 week waits... :)) although I don't feel very confident about that at all. In large part, I have accepted that I may be childless and I feel that will help in TTC again (or so I hope) because I 'am simply trying'. I still didn't get my results back yet from fetal tissue/D&C. It takes 6-8 weeks. I guess it should be back anytime now. Thank you so much guys for your concern!! I will join the thread again soon!

Hello to everyone - Pebble, Lils, Dashka, Dwrgi, Owl, Butterfly, Maddy, Kismet, Nessaw, Chicken, DrH, Moon, LadyH, Purple, Pad and all the new ladies too. I hope I didn't miss anyone. Take care all.

Hey Mirium

Lovely to hear from you. I am glad that you are not giving up, and are choosing the optimistic vs pessimistic approach. I think there are plenty of miracle stories on here for you to keep the faith that you will carry a pregnancy one day. Think of Pad, and Lils, to name but two, who had multiple losses and now are pregnant! (I'm sure you won't mind me mentioning you both, Lils and Pads? :kiss::kiss:).

What does your doctor say, and do you have a plan of action?? A plan of action is ALWAYS a good way forward!

Big loves to you and stay with us! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Maddy so sorry. Big hugs.x

mirium lovely to see u back.

Love to all. Am lurking for a while. Not dealing very well with this month. Can't seem to find any silver linings. Starting back on the clomid tonight. Blah!
Hi Ladies,

Maddy - oh hun I'm so sorry to hear about your results!:cry: Dammit!!! It's awful when you know it's a BFN coming .... I don't know what's worse - knowing before or getting more hopes up along the wait only to have them crash.. I'm so sorry hun... I hope the IVF comes soon and that will be the magic ticket!!:hugs::hugs::kiss:

BF - sorry about today but you're not out yet.... still holding onto hope for you!!:hugs::kiss:

Owl - how are you doing today hun? You have done so well so far you should be very proud of yourself....:hugs::hugs:

Dr.H - oh no I missed the photo and now it's gone?? :nope:have you posted anywhere else? Thanks for your prediction! I certainly hope I'm in that group of BFPs in the next few weeks!:hugs::hugs:

Ness - sorry you are down hun...:hugs:. it just sucks doesn't it... :nope:but somehow we pick ourselves up and eat chocolate :winkwink:and get lots of hugs and we take on the next plan!! ...:hugs::hugs:

Pebbs - hope you are doing ok hun.... you sound really stressed lately... I hope DH is behaving!!:hugs::hugs:

Ceilani - not sure what you mean about u/s scheduling... do you mean for your HSG? doesn't that have to be before ovulation?

Mirium - so glad to hear from you....:hugs: I am glad you are trying to move on and hope you get the results and make your next plan (or not) whatever you feel at peace with is what you should do.:hugs::hugs:

AFM - went to reiki last night and it was great.... Last day at work today and tomorrow back to clinic and they'll tell me when ER is going to be (either Sun/Mon). I'm so tired from all the early mornings and appointments and trying to get work all finished before I go on 'vacation'. We're almost there!!

Hugs and luvs to all!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Maddy I'm so sorry honey. XXX

Mirium, lovely to see you.

Hi everyone else big hugs, sorry post are small at the moment. But still reading and sending positive vibes XXX
Maddy: That's pants, that is!! :hugs: Here's hoping IVF does the trick!! :hugs: :dust:

BF: :hugs:

DrH: Oh, the pressure!! :haha: Thanks for the encouragement.

Hugs to everyone who needs it. :hug:
maddy - oh I'm so sorry honey. :hugs:

mirium - lovely to hear from you. I'm glad you're keeping your head up! You go girl! :hugs:

ness - hang in there lovely. Good luck with your next clomid round :hugs:

dash- Your cycle is going so fast! I can't believe ER is just around the corner for you. That's so exciting! You hang in there. The stressful clinic appointments are almost over. Thinking about you! :hug:

afm - I've stayed away from the sticks and actually wasn't even tempted this morning. And the pee ninja :ninja: didn't come out either last night :haha: It's been a good day. Haven't felt the need to google symptoms (or lack of them). I'm sure it will be a different story tomorrow, but I'll enjoy the calmness while it lasts.

Hugs and love to all! :kiss:
Hey guys, I am fine. I am surprised at how well I am doing. I thought to myself - you can either get depressed which you'll have to fight to get out of later and will make you miserable or you can be as happy as you can be and I chose the latter. I will still TTC (gosh I don't miss the 2 week waits... :)) although I don't feel very confident about that at all. In large part, I have accepted that I may be childless and I feel that will help in TTC again (or so I hope) because I 'am simply trying'. I still didn't get my results back yet from fetal tissue/D&C. It takes 6-8 weeks. I guess it should be back anytime now. Thank you so much guys for your concern!! I will join the thread again soon!

Hello to everyone - Pebble, Lils, Dashka, Dwrgi, Owl, Butterfly, Maddy, Kismet, Nessaw, Chicken, DrH, Moon, LadyH, Purple, Pad and all the new ladies too. I hope I didn't miss anyone. Take care all.

Hey Mirium

Lovely to hear from you. I am glad that you are not giving up, and are choosing the optimistic vs pessimistic approach. I think there are plenty of miracle stories on here for you to keep the faith that you will carry a pregnancy one day. Think of Pad, and Lils, to name but two, who had multiple losses and now are pregnant! (I'm sure you won't mind me mentioning you both, Lils and Pads? :kiss::kiss:).

What does your doctor say, and do you have a plan of action?? A plan of action is ALWAYS a good way forward!

Big loves to you and stay with us! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Hey Dwrgi,

Thanks so much for your positivity!! I know exactly what you mean but sometimes, I worry that my uterus has been through too much trauma (removing fibroids etc) or that I may just be one of the horror stories I see online of people who have had 7, 8 miscarriages. It scares the heck out of you, especially when you're at an age when you don't have the time to just wait on that good one/egg so I decided to sober up and be open to any outcome.

I haven't spoken to my doctor about moving forward yet. At my follow up he seemed to think that the miscarriages are age related which is very likely. Seems like some women have egg quality problems earlier (started at 36 for me) or some may claim that it's just bad luck...who knows. I intend to just try real plan of action. My insurance covers Femara and IUI so I'll consider that. If I felt like I could afford IVF, I would have considered doing it with chromosomal testing to get the best embryos but that's not a plan right now. As you said earlier, I am just hoping that I will get a good, sticky BFP. I know someone who had that experience too - 3 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth after and a live birth eventually - born when she was 43. I must stop by your journal to cheer you on and see how your TTC journey is going. That was always my intent but...whew, this TTC journey is hectic and gets in the way of everything for me. I wear glasses but has not gone to see the eye specialist for the past 3 years. I have not kept up with my dental cleanings as I should either. I just wrote a book...:). Take care Dwrgi and :dust: to you!
Nessaw - sorry about the BFN!! Hopefully, your BFP is coming soon!!

Pebble - hopefully your BFP is coming soon too!!

I am so happy for you!!!!

Owl - Hopefully, this is your time!!!

Dashka - all the best this time!!!

Moon - I hope all is well...:hugs:

AFM - I called my RE's office today. They said they have results back but the doc has to review it first before they reveal it and he's out until Monday so then he'll review it.

:dust: :dust: :dust: to all
AFM - I called my RE's office today. They said they have results back but the doc has to review it first before they reveal it and he's out until Monday so then he'll review it.

:dust: :dust: :dust: to all

Glad to know the wait is almost over. Good luck!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Maddy so sorry. Big hugs.x

mirium lovely to see u back.

Love to all. Am lurking for a while. Not dealing very well with this month. Can't seem to find any silver linings. Starting back on the clomid tonight. Blah!

Nessaw, what was your progesterone level when they gave you clomid?
Love to all. Am lurking for a while. Not dealing very well with this month. Can't seem to find any silver linings.

Ness we can pity-party together hun :brat::hissy:

Now I have to do that darned pre-IVF reading. Our appts are Wed & Thu next week which will be CD3 and 4....should I assume that's too late to start stims for this cycle? And I have NO idea what questions I should be asking. Anyone seen a good list posted anywhere?
Lamago pre clomid I had cd21 tests at 5,18 +19. On this cycle it was 57.51. Over 30 means ov.
Now I have to do that darned pre-IVF reading. Our appts are Wed & Thu next week which will be CD3 and 4....should I assume that's too late to start stims for this cycle? And I have NO idea what questions I should be asking. Anyone seen a good list posted anywhere?

I did have a list of my own, but I can't find the blooming thing! But I found these on the web for you. I've added a few of my own too!

What are the benefits of the treatment you've recommended and why do you think it's the best option for me? (Short or Long Protocol).

How many patients at your clinic have had this treatment, and how many had a baby?

Does my age affect the choice of fertility treatment?

What drugs will I have to take and what are the side effects?

Are there any alternatives to the drugs you have mentioned?

What lifestyle changes can I make that may boost my chance of having a successful pregnancy (eg, diet, exercise, stopping smoking, etc)?

Can you break down all the costs involved in this treatment?

Is there any way these costs can be reduced?

What kind of counselling or advice do you provide, and what is the cost?

Are there any patient groups or support groups I can join?

How many times do you scan me?

Do you take bloods at each appointment too (for oestrogen levels), or just take the womb lining as an indicator? (Maddy-I would have appreciated having bloods done, but my clinic said that there was no need as the womb lining told them all they needed to know. Bloods can give you an indication of how many 'eggs' you have as opposed to 'just' follicles, so, in my experience, is well worth doing).

What do you use as a trigger shot?

What happens if there is a poor response? Do you cancel and wait for another month?

Do you prefer 3 or 5 day transfer?

How many embryos will you transfer, considering my age? (In the UK, they will transfer 2 embryos, max, if you are under 40; three, max, if you are over 40).

Do you do assisted hatching as a matter of course, or is there a fee for this?

Do you do ICSI/IMSI, or just plain IVF?

How much progesterone will you prescribe? And oestrogen too? (Both given after ET).

Can I use steroids-intralipids, clexane, prednisolone, etc?

What other options are available if this treatment does not work?

What happens next? Do my partner and I need to do anything?

I'm sure there are loads more questions, but my brain is addled for now. If I can think of any more, I shall let you know!! Good luck! :thumbup::thumbup:
dwrgi - that's a very good list you got there lady! :thumbup: I think mine looked pretty much the same.

maddy - does your insurance cover everything for IVF including all the meds? That insurance stuff was the biggest headache in our case. Talk to them before you start so you don't run into any surprises when ordering the meds or get the bill afterwards. Good luck with everything! :hug:

Have a great weekend ladies! :kiss:
Maddy love the pity party! I think I totally rocked it this time!

This cycle am going down the mango chutney route with the crushed up clomid. I reckon if I google hard enough I can find a link between mango and fertility!!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.x
Ness, sorry you are feeling a little down.. Sending you hugs and I hope things pick up for you soon XXX
Dwrgi - Brilliant THANKS :thumbup: Here's chocolate for you --->:flower: (well okay it's flower shaped chocolate, but use your imagination) I have a bunch of logistical questions to add so it's going to be quite the list :)

Owl - How are you doing? Luckily in Australia we have a global health system that subsidises IVF and most meds :dance: We will still be out of pocket $1,000-6,000 per cycle but I know that's nothing compared to the US.

Ness - I'm feeling slightly better this morning, how about you? :kiss: It probably helps that I'm at work & will be kept busy. :hugs: to everyone.
Hi maddy am a lot better today. Had my class assembly in front of whole school and parents to take my mind off it-the assesmbly was about mothers day!

I lost it yesterday as I was working in the staffroom and during that hour various staff discussed a new born grandchild the due date of another grandchild and then announced another pregnancy. I don't expect them to not talk about it and any other day I would've been ok. Then I spoke to the bank and they asked if I had kids. We saw the mortgage broker about life insurance and that involved rehashing
the miscarriage. Spent most of the day in or close to tears.

Glad ur doing a little better.

Think am still pumped full of hormones and now am topping it up.

Af has finished. Lasted just over 2 days not particularly heavy and no period pain. Am thinking has the clomid thinned out my lining? This was an issue when I had an u/s months ago which showed ov but thin lining. Had a quick look on line and baby aspirin is mentioned a lot. Is anyone else taking this and how much should I take? Where can I get it in the uk?
Ness my periods lasted two days max with no real cramping. I worried my lining was too thin and even asked my GP but she said it would be fine. And it was! I'm on Asprin as have been prescribed it so its the low dose 75mg. If you ask a Phamacist you can get it and its cheap, but they don't like to sell it to you. If you say it's been prescribed though they tend to sell it to you.
Ness I'm a *2-day-flow* kinda gal (used to be 7-10 days before fibroid removal). All 3 IUI cycles my lining was excellent. But if a light flow is something new then I'd flag it with your doctor.

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