TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hello. My dh and I are doing our first iui this week. It will be unmedicated. I am 38 and worried that we are wasting time with not taking meds. I seem to ovulate on my own but dh has a low sa on most measures so they said it would take several years without iui. Has anyone done iui unmedicated?

Hi Baby, our Dr would not offer us unmedicated IUI due both to my age and DH's poor motility and morphology. In the end IUI didn't work for us anyway, but I do think it was a nice, *soft* introduction to fertility asistance, it's paved the way for us to progressto IVF.

My doctor also suggested only trying one IUI before doing IVF. Originally when I went to see him, I was asking for donor insemination, but he said that because of my age he didn't want me to waste valuable months doing IUI. I've just finished my first cycle of IVF. I have a hunch that it hasn't worked. :nope: I've just been googling about egg donation programmes. Gennet seems to be the most competitive, but there is another place in Russia called Ava Peter and I like the sound of them, though they are more expensive. Anyone out there had any experience with these clinics?

I don't know about those clinics Jenny but I am using an egg donor in Spain. Quit a few countries do it but I know that Czech won't do it if you are single so you need to check that out first. In fact you might want to look straight to embryo donation as that is much cheaper and also you know that you have the embryos waiting so no stress about fertilisation etc :thumbup:
Hello. My dh and I are doing our first iui this week. It will be unmedicated. I am 38 and worried that we are wasting time with not taking meds. I seem to ovulate on my own but dh has a low sa on most measures so they said it would take several years without iui. Has anyone done iui unmedicated?

Hi Baby, our Dr would not offer us unmedicated IUI due both to my age and DH's poor motility and morphology. In the end IUI didn't work for us anyway, but I do think it was a nice, *soft* introduction to fertility asistance, it's paved the way for us to progressto IVF.

My doctor also suggested only trying one IUI before doing IVF. Originally when I went to see him, I was asking for donor insemination, but he said that because of my age he didn't want me to waste valuable months doing IUI. I've just finished my first cycle of IVF. I have a hunch that it hasn't worked. :nope: I've just been googling about egg donation programmes. Gennet seems to be the most competitive, but there is another place in Russia called Ava Peter and I like the sound of them, though they are more expensive. Anyone out there had any experience with these clinics?

I don't know about those clinics Jenny but I am using an egg donor in Spain. Quit a few countries do it but I know that Czech won't do it if you are single so you need to check that out first. In fact you might want to look straight to embryo donation as that is much cheaper and also you know that you have the embryos waiting so no stress about fertilisation etc :thumbup:

We have also considered overseas DE and would probably go with Thailand as we used to live there and are familiar with the quality of the medical system (fantastic) plus of course my in-laws live there. It's about US9,500 for the first cycle and about half that for subsequent cycles.
We signed our IVF paperwork and started meds last night for a long cycle. New FS is also an endocrinologist and has ordered some additional testing as my thryoid level is slightly above what she recommends for IVF.
We signed our IVF paperwork and started meds last night for a long cycle. New FS is also an endocrinologist and has ordered some additional testing as my thryoid level is slightly above what she recommends for IVF.


Maddy what are your thyroid levels if you don't mind me asking? :flower:
Yay good on ya Maddy! It is also excellent that they are looking at your thyroid, as you know I am convinced that my thyroid is connected with some of my TTC woes. It should be monitored regularly.

Jenny when we did DE we went to a clinic in Cyprus, and even though it failed I couldn't fault the communication and care we received.
My god pad.. you are a pumpkin! Woo hooo!

I am stuffed, tired and over study... Hmmm..... one week to go.

Luck girls... Waiting to hear lots of good news!!
We signed our IVF paperwork and started meds last night for a long cycle. New FS is also an endocrinologist and has ordered some additional testing as my thryoid level is slightly above what she recommends for IVF.

I'm excited for you Maddy!!! So, what do you have to take for a long cycle? Is it BCP? Am keeping everything crossed for you! :hugs::hugs:
We signed our IVF paperwork and started meds last night for a long cycle. New FS is also an endocrinologist and has ordered some additional testing as my thryoid level is slightly above what she recommends for IVF.

I'm excited for you Maddy!!! So, what do you have to take for a long cycle? Is it BCP? Am keeping everything crossed for you! :hugs::hugs:

Yes have started BCP and then Lucrin followed by GonalF with an Ovidrel trigger. All seems pretty straightforward, although DH was NOT impressed when the FS pointed out that Lucrin makes you menopausal and he can expect me to be hormonal :haha: :winkwink:

Oh, and I edited this to add .... asked both my new FS and old FS about going the ED route. Both said that given I responded well to the low dose stims used in IUI (had between 2-4 eggs per cycle) plus have had 1 natural BFP in the past 12 months as well as the chemical pregs from IUI, that they don't think it's necessary at this time.
Well Maddy I have everything crossed for you this time... were those figures for T4, T3 or TSH?

Sure am DrH.... kinda look like one too!!!

Dwrgi... have you decided your next plan of action?.... x
Welcome baby and welcome back jenny.

Mirium sorry ur testing didn't give u the answers u needed.

Maddy good luck with the ivf.

Hug to everyone.

Dashka thinking of u today.

Afm waiting to ov twiddling thumbs etc.

Happy nearly weekend all.x
Hello lovely ladies,

Just wanted to say hi and thank you all for your kind words and hugs :kiss: It was devastating but I'm feeling a little bit better. It is what it is, there is nothing I can do about it. It's very comforting that I have 4 snow babies and not all hope is lost. We'll have our appointment with the RE on April 1 and then we'll see what we do next. My nurse asked if I wanted to go straight into a FET cycle but there is no way. I cannot keep going, I just need a break. Maybe we'll go back at it in the summer.
In the meantime, I'll be here lurking and cheering all of you on :dust: :hugs:

maddy and door - Good luck ladies! :thumbup: :hugs:

Lots of love to all :kiss: :hug:
Maddy what are your thyroid levels if you don't mind me asking? :flower:

BF not sure if it makes any sense outside Australia but my level in 2005 was 2.0 mU/L and when measured in 2012 it was 2.7 Normal reference range is 0.5-4.4 but the FS/endocrinologist said the cutoff for IVF at their clinic is normally 2.5 mU/L.

I was afraid you would say that maddy as my level was 4.0:dohh:

Good luck with this cycle, am excited for you :happydance:

Owl :hugs::hugs:
Hello lovely ladies,

Just wanted to say hi and thank you all for your kind words and hugs :kiss: It was devastating but I'm feeling a little bit better. It is what it is, there is nothing I can do about it. It's very comforting that I have 4 snow babies and not all hope is lost. We'll have our appointment with the RE on April 1 and then we'll see what we do next. My nurse asked if I wanted to go straight into a FET cycle but there is no way. I cannot keep going, I just need a break. Maybe we'll go back at it in the summer.
In the meantime, I'll be here lurking and cheering all of you on :dust: :hugs:

maddy and door - Good luck ladies! :thumbup: :hugs:

Lots of love to all :kiss: :hug:

Hello there lovely! I soooo hear you on the plea for a break... you defo need one after the IVF. I always found the two weeks after the treatment the worst time ever, and such an emotional test. Take a break, and a breather, and when you're ready, get the Ice Party going!!! Big :hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies - been in a bit of a funk, family emergencies & issues & some things going on lately, sorry. But I am lurking & keeping up w/everyone's situations...

Owl - I'm so sorry this cycle did not work out hun.:hugs::hugs::hugs: I hear so many stories about 1st cycles not working for whatever reasons, so I hope it was just one of those cycles & your follow-up will be successful hun! I'm sure there's a Snowy White Owl baby within those 4 frosties, hun. Take all the time you need & get some :coffee: & :sleep - you deserve it. :hugs:

Maddy - I did hear about IUI results on a journal, but so sorry hun. I am really glad you are going fwd with IVF now. So why did you decide to go w/the not-for-profit? Hope DH is getting his practicing in (driving). ;) Will be following you & cheering you on even if I don't post much! :thumbup: That's great they are confident in OE! Yes get that thyroid under control, hun. They advise btwn .5 - 2.0, here (TSH). This site says between 1-2 as "optimal" & has some basic info.(Aussie site too) : GL :flower:

JennyEc - :hugs: Hoping your lil embie sticks! GL & :dust:

DrH - nice ring & congrats again on having wedding plans - such an exciting time for the doc!
And ONLY 3 MORE DAYS til V-Day!!! :yipee:

Miriam - :hugs::hugs::hugs: So glad you made it back on & you are having +++ outlook. Oh hun, I would probably also take that as something not wrong with your eggs, but something going on w/immunes, anatomical or clotting. You were on lovenox rt? Did you ever do the intralipids by any chance? I would do the testing if I were you. Maybe they'll give you addl tests you didn't have before bc you are now in that "RMC" category (3+). You never know whats going to pop up & if its just a matter of taking blood - :shrug:? If you want a list of RMC testing to make sure they are testing "everything", PM me OK? I know you have had "some" of the advanced ones, but wasn't sure if you had them "all" yet??? Usually you will need a good RE to order them as GP's, unless they are open to test anything & you can take him a list, would usually only test very basic things.:shrug: And I think its significant that you are mc'ing at around 10-11 weeks - ??? Glad you are rechecking the ute too. Sounds like you have a good plan. :thumbup: Big :hug:

Pad -
But you look like a pretty Cinderella pumpkin! :winkwink: Any word on when they want to induce? Whats your next step?

BF - excited about your plan hun! :happydance: Congrats on the new car! :thumbup:

Dashka - been posting lots in your journal, but so excited lil embie survived & you are now PUPO - Congrats hun! :dust::dust::dust:

Dwrgi -helloooo my lovely Welsh :friends:. I hope you are feeling better these days & that stress has been lowered at work. :nope: Big :hugs:

Pebble - So sorry about the :witch: - :growlmad:! Hope you are enjoying that retreat though & its a nice "reboot" for the spirit!

Purps - :hugs: to you in this tough time hun.

LadyH -
Hoping w/everything I have that lil Boo gains LOTS & LOTS of weight!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ness - come on egg - time to drop! :coffee:

Big :hugs: to everyone else! I hope you are all doing well!

Last week I found out that "Lil Flo Rida" (Aunt Dwrgi's nickname, aka "Lil Flo") is a lil GIRL! :pink: :yipee: I'm so very happy. She is doing well so far too! I put pics on my journal but I know some people don't have time for journals, etc. so here she is if interested: 16 wks Playing wMouth.jpg 16wks Leg-Foot.jpg

Big :hug: to all of you lovely ladies!


Maddy - I did hear about IUI results on a journal, but so sorry hun. I am really glad you are going fwd with IVF now. So why did you decide to go w/the not-for-profit? Hope DH is getting his practicing in (driving). ;) Will be following you & cheering you on even if I don't post much! :thumbup: That's great they are confident in OE! Yes get that thyroid under control, hun. They advise btwn .5 - 2.0, here (TSH). This site says between 1-2 as "optimal" & has some basic info.(Aussie site too) : GL :flower:

Thanks hun :flower: Yes we are going with the not-for-profit. I can actually have my bloods done here locally so don't need to commute. They do ER under sedation only (not a general anaesthetic) and we decided we will probably stay over as there is accomodation associated with the hospital right across the street. Haven't heard back about the TSH blood test results yet...
As I appear to not be able to sleep past 5am at the moment, I,ve used the quiet time to catch up on a months worth of chat on this thread. boy, you girls can talk!

First up I hope everyone is ok and hanging in there. After reading all of the threads I realise now I should have made notes as I can't remember everyone's user names...:dohh: so sorry if I have left you out!

Owl - sorry your 1st cycle didn't work out. Maybe a breather will get your strength back up. Thinking of you. :hugs:

Pebble and Drwgi - hugs to you :hugs:

DrH wedding plans - eee! Exciting!:happydance:

Lilsluz and chicken chaser - :happydance:

AFM- So, I've been off of the site for a while. It all started to get a little overwhelming. I was really struggling with not conceiving especially as every around me seemed to be able to get pregant 'by accident'. Is it me or is there pregnant women everywhere??

After going on to our 9th cycle of TTC #1 we decided to go back to the doctors.This time I requested to see a female doc.

After asking us questions about whether I'm ovulating (which I am) and whether we BD at the correct time (we do) she said that she would refer us for fertilty treatment once we'd had some tests done as there was no point in waiting as the tests were easy to take and would get things moving.

So I had my CD21 tests...or so I thought! As FF moved my cross hairs for OV date (never happened before) so now I was possibly going for CD21 tests at 3dpo... however I thought FF was wrong (My CM said otherwise) so kept the appointment.

The tests came back normal. Prolactin 400 (whatever the hell that means) but the doc didn't and wouldn't tell me what my progesterone level was, which annoyed me! I also had a smear (which made me spot heavily for 5 days and was quite scary) which also came back clear.

Hubby did his sperm sample on Monday and was meant to get his results yesterday but due to being on stag do couldn't collect the results. :haha:

So I've still been temping and noticed my temps have been staying up. Usually about 2 days before AF shows my temp dips. It hasn't yet, and FF seems confused as to when ov'd so I thought I could have been late to OV after all. I'm waiting to have my day 2-4 bloods taken, so trying to guess when AF is coming when she's usually clock work is a pain!!

I thought it best to leave it for a couple of days. I felt as if AF was coming and was cramping and still slightly spotting.
So yesterday morning I get up to do a test as I'm CD18 or CD14 depending on when I ovulated.. :shrug:
Well shoot me down. I got a strong positive within seconds! :bfp: :happydance:
I sat on the loo and stared at it in shock, then promptly burst into tears! No symptoms at all!

So I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm 4+3 and know that anything can happen, but just getting this point feels like an achievement!

Thanks so much for your support on here, I know I'm in and out all of the time (house renovating and day job gets in the way) but you girls have always had a wealth of information and been of great support. I hope you don't mind if I still hang around?!!:flower:

Baby dust to everyone!! :dust:
Laura x
Owl, so glad you are feeling better. Its so hard not to get the right result after all you go through but its so great to have your lil ones on ice. Go get em when you feel ready. :flower:

Maddy, wowsers, no messing, I like your style! Straight in with the big guns. Keeping everything crossed for you. Dont worry about the sedation, you wont know a thing about it.

Jenny, thinking of you, stick stick!

Dwrgi, happy Saturday, no work today, woo hoo :dance:

Dash, same as, stick stick, thrive and grow!!

congats on being a pumpkin, not long to go now

What amazing pictures, adorable already!

La Bergere
Fab news, congratulations

Big hello to all the other ladies :flower::hi:
Hi Ladies, still stalking and following all your news.

La Bergere
congratulations! I had no symptoms the month of BFP either. Everything crossed its a sticky bean :hugs:

Maddy good lucky Hun :flower:

Owl :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lils thanks for the support :kiss:

we had low PAPP-A results at 12 week appointment which can indicate placenta problems. So I had a routine 32 week scan this week to check all ok. Unfortunately she is under 10th centile for weight, so I need scans every 2 weeks now. Consultant could make a call to get her out early if she continues not to put on weight. I'm upset and worried but she's getting the proper care. I'm trying hard not to blame myself for not eating better, exercising etc knowing full well there is nothing I could have done differently. So little Boo could make an appearance before 9th May, I think I'd better pack a bag and do some washing pronto! :wacko:

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