TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Owl just as Lils says... and I am sure many of the other ladies like Dash and Dwrgi will say the first cycle often is not the one.... much as I grind my teeth writing that. I love Lil's description that we hope a little snowy owl is in your lovely frosties just waiting to hatch!

Lils slow down... breathe once in a while super woman!

To be fair I am big enough to hold Cinderella and all the mice in me! Will FB you a piccy from the shoot!

You know I already think Lil Flo is beautiful... and am lining her up to steal Leo's heart one day xx

how you feeling now?

Dash! Happy PUPO chick... when is test day!

Dwrgi and Ness... nearly Easter hols and a nice break!

Lady H.
I am on 2 weekly scans too... I know how worried you must be, but as you say you are having very good care and at the slightest indication baby is struggling they will help you. I am washing and packing my bag too as Leo will not be a May baby.

Hey Drh!
How is our fav MD and Roo?

La Berge
many congratulations... these BFPs sneak up on ya don't they!

Maddy am thinking of you as you start the next phase of your journey x

BF nice motor chick!

Hey Door, thanks ...
I am have never been so happy to be a big fatty in my life... I am hoping every lovely lady here gets to feel it too x
Hi Ladies!!! :hi:

I'm waiting for my travelling companion to be ready to leave so we can head home. :yipee: Unfortunately, she's one of those people who is always late and behind on getting ready. Case in point: I thought I'd take some notes on what I've missed on this thread in the past few days while I was waiting for her, and I ended up finishing this ENTIRE POST!!!!! :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: I get annoyed with people who makes others wait around for them, but at least I can say I've now caught up! Here goes:

Ohmigosh, that sounds so scary! It’s great that your doc caught it and is making sure you get so much monitoring. I’m no expert, but from what I know you should absolutely not blame yourself even the tiniest of bits. Take good care of yourself, and I’m sure little Boo will be just fine! :hugs: :hugs:

I'll be checking back in your journal later today. How does it feel to be PUPO?! :winkwink: Sending you and your magical emby lots and lots of sticky dust!!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Owl – Thinking of you. Hope you’re doing okay. Given your frosties I think it’s still safe to say that your first round went really well. :thumbup: Take some time for yourself—do all those things UTD ladies can’t!! Sushi! Hot tubs! Skydiving! Whatever! In the meantime, I'm sending you big, huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Dwrgi – I’m soooo behind in the kitchen! I’ll be dropping by to dish some dirt
soon. Hope you've been doing better in the past few days. :hugs: :hugs:

BF – Hugs to you, too. You had quite a rollercoaster in the last several days. Good luck on your impending tests!

Lils – I need to stop by the Poop Deck soon, too! :boat: I’m so far behind, but it sounds like you’re doing so well! :happydance: :happydance:

Purps – Still thinking of you. :hugs: :hugs:

Kismet – Sorry for AF. But wowser your charts have really improved!!! :thumbup: I'll be seeing you in your journal soon! :haha:

Congrats! H&H 9 to you! :happydance:

I have never been so happy to be a big fatty in my life... :haha::haha: I'm sure you look gorgeous! Getting close now! :yippee:

Happy early V day! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

Ness – How are you doing? :hugs: Hope you’re not feeling quite so down. I was wondering if the clomid had anything to do with your mood. :shrug: I saw one woman on here refer to clomid as Whatthehelliswrongwithher pills. :haha: Not sure if it would help to know that, but at least you could point the blame somewhere. Hope O comes soon!!!

Maddy –Yay for IVF!!! :yipee: :yipee:: yipee: Hope this cycle is it for you, lady!!!! :thumbup:

Jenny – Sending you lots and lots of sticky :dust: :dust: :dust:!!! When is test day?

Door—I’ve lost track. :blush: Are you trying another IVF round now? Or trying au natural? Much :dust: :dust: and :hugs: :hugs: to you.

No news from you is good news! :thumbup: Maybe we need a scan countdown in your siggie? :winkwink: That way we can all be nervous with you! :haha:

Mirium, your outlook just sounds lovely! Perhaps follow up on those immune issues? Here’s hoping you’ve just had bad luck and that your rainbow baby is heading your way. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Ceil—everything looking good for you! Nice xhairs and BD timing! :thumbup:

AFM, the writing retreat was lovely and very productive. :computer: AF did arrive with a vengeance (along with very heavy spotting for a couple of days—BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!), but it allowed me to drink lots of yummy wine with my MIL and take full advantage of their hottub. :wine: :wine: I’m also super excited to report that I have my first ever FS appointment on Wednesday! :yipee: Does anyone have any advice for questions I should ask him? I have some already about the ectopic, exercise, and spotting. I’ve been told this is really the only time I’ll talk to him, as it’s usually the nurses and techs I’ll see after this.

I’m sure I’ve missed people. Hope you’re all doing well!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hi Everyone, Sorry for not posting much I am still here and following but I'm so tired, I'm finding it hard to post.

Other than the tiredness and being very sick in Sainsburys car park this morning :sick: I'm doing fine. Nugget seems to be happy and I have my first midwife appointment on Thursday, then we are off on holiday for 2 weeks, Well I am poor DH is working and I'm just tagging along for a free holiday :hugs: I just hope I don't spend the whole holiday being sick.
Hi ladies! so sorry it's been a crazy week and I finally caught up.!!

Babyhopes – welcome and good luck with IUI!:thumbup::flower:

JennyEC- oh wow that’s great that your transfer was almost a week ago...:thumbup: FX that this is it for you! :hugs: 1 5 day blast is wonderful! It’s true that the symptom spotting and wondering is hell in the TWW after IVF... What is your test date?

Mirium – oh hun....:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:sorry you didn’t get the answers you needed.... Great that you are soldiering on... you are one strong woman!:thumbup:

Pad -
almost 33 weeks!! Oh my –you’re almost there!!:thumbup: Packing your bag and 2 weekly scans! Wow I hope Leo holds out for a little while longer....:hugs::hugs::kiss:.

Maddy – yay on signing the IVF paperwork!!!:thumbup: (I hated that part –there were sooo many forms!) I am sooo praying that this works for you! And I’m excited for you!:hugs::hugs::kiss:

Nessaw – hope you are getting ready to catch that eggy and that you are feeling better after that damn evil Clomid....:hugs:

Owl – glad to hear you are okay....:hugs: take time to heal from this one:hugs::hugs: – I agree it would be too hard to quickly start on the FET. I needed time to heal and actually get excited about trying again. It is wonderful that you have 4 snowbabies!:thumbup:

Dwrgi – hope you are enjoying the weekend hun....:hugs::kiss:

Lils – hope you are resting..... love those pics hun!:hugs::kiss:

La Bergere –
congrats !!!! happy and healthy 9 months!:thumbup::hugs:

Doorbell – hope you are okay....:hugs: when do you start your next IVF? Or have you already started meds? Sorry I feel like I’ve lost brain cells honestly sometimes....:dohh:

Lady H –
praying that LO can put on some more weight....:hugs::hugs: It must be so worrisome.... you are almost there!:thumbup:

Twiggers –hope you’re having a great time....:thumbup: and fx the witch stays away....

Pebble – welcome back!! :hugs:Glad it went well.... so sorry AF arrived.... :nope::hugs::hugs:crappola... but glad you enjoyed some Vino! :thumbup:And Yay for the FS appointment this week! Wow that was fast getting that appointment! (especially since you said it’s the only clinic in town right?) So you won’t see the doc other than at the beginning? I saw my Doc every single time I went in (even if it was just for 2-3 min) – first blood, then u/s, then Doc, then nurses. I think Dwrgi or someone posted a long list of questions for someone last week re: first app’t questions. TBH I didn’t get to ask that many my first app’t (maybe 5-6 as he is sooo busy) , but he certainly asked me a TON!!! Good luck hun!!:thumbup::hugs::hugs::kiss:

Chicken –
happy 6+3 weeks!!:thumbup::hugs: Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well... but good luck at your midwife app’t this Thursday!!! Will they do a scan then?

Dr.H -
only 1 week of studying to go!!! happy early V-day!!:happydance:

AFM – as most of you know from my journal, the doc transferred one high grade 8 cell embie on Thursday.... so I’m in the damn TWW now. Still have a lot of discomfort – they say 2-3 days of cramping after ER but it’s been 5 days and I still have cramping and discomfort. I also have had really bad stomach the last few days – starts around 4pm – bad gas..... I’m thinking it may have been the antibiotics I had to take that screwed up my digestive system (as they also kill the good bacteria). Normally i would just take my probiotic capsules – but my ND suggested that I stop those at the beginning of the treatment since I don’t want ANYTHING that will boost my immune system.... crappola...:dohh: I’ve even read that drinking Kefir can increase NK cell activity so not doing that either... I just had some yogurt but I know that isn’t strong enough to help. I think the high dose of progesterone that I am on might also be the cause (4 X 100mg suppositories + 80mg nat. Prog. Cream per day) SOOOO bloated still too... I look at least +20 weeks preggers.:nope: My beta test at clinic is scheduled for Thurs March 28th but haven’t decided yet if I’ll wait til then. That’s the day before Good Friday/Easter weekend. I want DH there but if I test on the Sunday before than I’ll only be 13DP (10 DP+3DT).

Hugs and luvs to all!!!!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss:
Dash everything crossed for you :hugs:

wow sounds like we are having similar experiences. Everything crossed for you. I agree I don't think our little lady will be a May baby either!
La Bergere

Congratulations honey so pleased for you. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :hugs:


I'm keeping everything crossed for you honey, you take the next 2 weeks easy and remember grow and thrive :hugs:
I wont get a scan on Thursday it is just my booking in appointment. Unless they are concerned bout anything i will have to wait until 12 weeks but I would rather wait and everything be a breeze than have an early scan because there are problems. Thank you for asking XXX
Lady H
sending huge growing vibes to lil Boo, hoping she is soon big Boo, hard not to worry I know but try to take things easy

Pbl - so glad you enjoyed your retreat, it sounds fab. Good luck at your appointment on Wednesday.

Dash - Thrive and grow!!!!

AFM, cycle day 17 of 26 ish, once I get to day 1, am starting the pill for 21 days, then onto Ivf no 4. Good God. Of course, I'm secretly praying for some sort of miracle BFP this month :wacko:

Hi to everyone else :flower:

OK Dash... so we have an official betas day.... 28 Mar.... that is 2 days after my next scan date of the 25th Mar.... come on Dashette or Dasher.... grow grow grow we need a bloomin marvelous BFP! Not that I am preempting anything... but bad gas was one of my early symptoms :blush:and whilst I know this would be super early for you... well.. I am just hoping so hard for ya!

ahhh yes... puking and tiredness... sounds about right and guess what... it comes back in third tri lol! However, it doesn't last forever chick and before you know it you will be in the gorgeous glowingness of second tri! Good luck at the MW... you get bombarded with info!

Pbl so how was the retreat.... did the creative juices flow... do we have a best seller here?? It sounds like the vino flowed! Good for you! Good luck at your FS Appt!

Happy St Paddy's Day to you Door! May we all have the luck of the Irish!

wow our babies are really putting us through it aren't they!:wacko:

well I am now at 33 wks.... and I am well and truly in nesting mode! Everything has to be done and perfect RIGHT NOW! :haha: Hubby tells me I am hormonal and we should take our time and I shouldn't over do things... but ladies, so not underestimate the pull of the nesting instinct! OMG I even want to iron (unheard of) and scrub skirting boards (ridiculous I know!). OMG just noticed I am now a honeydew! YAY!
La bergere
congrats and a h+h 9 months

pad and lady h
sorry that ur having such worries butcam glad ur both being checked up on so often. Maybe we' ll have 2 little april bundles!

twiggers sorry about af. Stupid witch!

sorry about the ms. Good luck with the midwife on thurs.

door hope u get ur bfp wish this month.

Dash think of snuggling in thoughts for u and golden embie.

Pebble glad u enjoyed the retreat. Good luck for wed.

Hello to everyone. Sorry if I've missed u out.

Afm crazy clomid side effects passed. Cd 12 highs on cbfm. Need to get the peak soon cos staying at my mums on wed and don't want to miss the day! School trip tom to london transport museum-should be fun!
Nee hope you have a good trip! Keep thinking not long til Easter break!
In terms of your prediction I can say with absolute certainty that Leo will be an April baby!:baby:

Twig sorry about AF.... but 2 cycles in your are getting to grips with everything so bring on cycle 3!:flower:
Pebble good luck on Wednesday hun xx First FS appointment was terribly nervewracking for me, but I felt like I came away with some answers and lots of testing planned, so I felt it was quite productive.
Lady H-have posted in your journal already, but wanted to wish you well and send some big :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ness-hope you catch O day!!! Glad crazy Clomid side effects have gone!! :hugs:

Pad-congrats on being a honeydew (I think?)! :hugs:

Love to all,
Aww thanks Dwrgi. How's the post rugby hangover going! Well deserved win from Wales... England were completely out played!
Pad-I actually watched it at home and had two cans of cider later on!!! Admittedly, I did have a bit of a h/o left over from Friday night :haha:

It was such an excellent game! Smiled for hours afterwards! Welsh media has gone mad too. You'd think they'd won the Grand Slam! :haha:
Hahaha take it you had a wild night on Friday then!

It was harsh to watch England so defeated to not even have put up a fight.... but I am hoping the shame will bring them back bigger and better next time so we can actually put up a proper match against Wales!

I am seeing a Welsh friend of mine on Sunday for Sunday lunch... am packing my ear plugs hahaha!
Got my peak this morning!! Dtd before we got up and tested so covered without realising!

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