TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Kat & Doorbell... Thank you for the words of encouragement. To be completely honest im feeling totally defeated tonite. Everyone is always shocked when they find out I'm 38... They always assume I'm in my mid-late 20's.. Good genes I suppose, my mum & sister are the same. But I guess how old u look & feel means nothing when it comes to fertility. Tonite I feel like I may as well be 50 yrs old : (

I was holding off telling my OH any of this until I see the FS tomoro, but he just said to me 'so why did u go to the doctors today?'... & I couldn't lie, so I told him. He doesn't really get all of this fertility stuff. He just assumes (blissfully unaware) that if we keep ttc i'll obviously get pregnant. So I told him the bare minimum.. & he still said 'but you can still get pregnant right?'... To which I guess the technical answer is yes??? I didn't bother going into the further details. Not yet anyway.
Hia Juniper. Difficult to know what to do, and I do appreciate your distress. Hmm, what to do? You can either abandon this cycle and hope for more antral follicles next time, and hence more follicles (controversial at our age, as we are very unlikely to yield huge numbers of follicles) or go ahead and hope for the good quality egg amongst those that you have, which could be the case! Bit of a gamble, so go with your gut instinct. Is this your first IVF?

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Are they likely to check your oestrogen levels via blood test? The thinking is, the higher the number, the higher the number of eggs that you will yield. My clinic simply looked at the womb lining for this: the thicker the lining, the more eggs there are.

Not every follicle is guaranteed an egg, of course, so be prepared for that, and that is what your oestrogen blood test will tell you.

Don't know if I've helped. Good luck, :hugs::hugs:
Hia Juniper. Difficult to know what to do, and I do appreciate your distress. Hmm, what to do? You can either abandon this cycle and hope for more antral follicles next time, and hence more follicles (controversial at our age, as we are very unlikely to yield huge numbers of follicles) or go ahead and hope for the good quality egg amongst those that you have, which could be the case! Bit of a gamble, so go with your gut instinct. Is this your first IVF?

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Are they likely to check your oestrogen levels via blood test? The thinking is, the higher the number, the higher the number of eggs that you will yield. My clinic simply looked at the womb lining for this: the thicker the lining, the more eggs there are.

Not every follicle is guaranteed an egg, of course, so be prepared for that, and that is what your oestrogen blood test will tell you.

Don't know if I've helped. Good luck, :hugs::hugs:

Hi Dwrgi, were not actually having any kind of treatment. This was just initial testing by the FS to see what the story is with my body. Today I have my 2nd appt, so I guess we'll discuss all the blood results. I've had FSH, LH, Oestradiol, Progesterone, Prolactin, TSH & AMH done. Only results we won't have today are AMH, that'll take another week yet.

So I guess today the FS will give me some answers.. This whole thing is kind of messing with my head. I'm seeing the FS thru the big women's hospital here, but I'm pretty certain THEY don't do IVF etc, but maybe do other fertility stuff like IUI. So I'm not sure how it works. Someone I used to know DID end up having IVF after taking clomid ended in a molar pregnancy... She went back to get some blood results & the Dr she saw said to her that she felt she should just go straight to IVF.. I think THAT particular Dr was also a private Dr who was able to basically do a self referral & hey presto she was doing IVF next cycle... But then I don't know wot her AFC was. God I'm petrified the FS is gonna tell me I've got no hope of having a baby. I don't know wot ill do.

Sorry... I think I'm rambling... My brain is full of sawdust today.. I need to just take it one step at a time & see wot the FS says today
I feel like I'm posting too much in here.. Sorry girls.. But you guys seem to have pretty good knowledge on all this stuff.. So here are my numbers..
DAY 3:
FSH 7.7
LH 9.7

DAY 21:

And AFC of 8

The FS didn't seem overly concerned by anything.. Although he did say that my gonadotropin was 'a little high for someone my age' but I don't know whether he meant the FSH or the LH??? To be honest, he is a lovely doctor but I think he is VERY conservative. I got that feeling the first time I met him. Old school fertility doctor... Not convinced that IVF is all it's cracked up to be etc..

He basically told me that there are a few options
1. Have a 'break' from ttc & try to relax
2. Just relax & keep trying

He said I should have the HSG test, which I'd already decided to do. And pretty much said that he didn't see any merit in doing anything else at this point!!! I asked if anything like clomid would be useful.. (Mostly just grasping at straws really), and he said that he thought it was too early to start doing that sort of thing!!!! I was trying to be polite but I felt like saying 'are u serious??? I'm nearly 39yrs old here!!'. His general advice was just try & relax & keep 'trying' for now????????

Needless to say I felt VERY frustrated sitting there. However, my OH has some issues with 'finishing' during sex, so I reminded him of that, AND that my GP had suggested iui. So in the end he spoke to a FS there who also run a major private IVF clinic & then wrote me a referral to see her to discuss iui. She told him to tell me it would be about $1500 (aud).. So ill go see her and see what she recommends...
JJ, your gut instinct is right and that old, crotchety doc is out of the times. I am in the same situation as you: my DH doesn't finish AND I'm over 35 (hell I'm 41, which is worse). However, my doc thinks I have a decent chance with IUI and injectables. I don't have any health issues other than being at the end of my fertility stage (low egg quality and quantity). I got pregnant in December (sadly I m/c for unknown reasons, but they suspect it was due to a slight double uterus, which was corrected with out patient surgery), so I'm proof that older ladies can do it! In fact, my own grandmother had her last child...totally unassisted or 45.

When we decided late in the game to have a baby, my gyno sent me straight to a fertility specialist. She stressed that getting pregnant over 35 can be a tough road and there was NO time to waste. She made me call that day! Between technical difficulties in the bedroom and my own aging ovaries, time is of the essence.

While I agree that relaxing is important in general for all aspects of one's health, relaxing will not get you pregnant. I know lots of uptight women who got pregnant ;) Also, it implies you are somehow responsible for your infertility, and that's bullshit.

So welcome to the TTC over 35 road. I won't's a rough road, but I have faith it will be worth it in the end.
Two years ago, I posted a question about Wellman Conception (UK), and their efficacy in treating male issues. Well, post is answered every now and again, but today I got this and thought I'd share:

Hi, I am the dad of a georgeous boy, one month and want to share a success story. My initial Semen results were Morphology= 3 %, Motility, 15 %, Sperm count= 9.5 million per ml.
My GP told me to keep trying naturally with these results as my sperm count was very high, but i was extremely concerned about morphology and motility. I read about Wellmen conception capsule online and took them for 11 weeks. I went for another test after 11 weeks and while i was waiting for the results my wife told me that her pregnancy test was positive. we were absolutely delighted. She took the pregnancy test two and a half weeks after her normal menstrual cycle but she the conception would have been happened roughly a month before she went for the pregnancy test. Which means i would have impregnated her 7 weeks after taking these tablets. We had been unsuccessful for six months prior to this success. I kept taking these tablets until i got my results back after 2 weeks and as expected my morphology had improved to 5 %, motility 45% and count 10.5 million per m/l. The area where i improved significantly was motility, i had very good count already which meant even with 5% morphology the results were quick and great. Apart from taking these tablets i ate organic food(fruit, vegs, cereals etc.) and pumpkin seeds and reduced fats intake and cut down on chicken and poultry. i felt much more energetic in general too. I would absolutely recommend these tablets to all men who have low motility and low morphology. Also, if you have high sperm counts then you do not need a very high % of morphology. Hope it helps every one like me. Regards and best of luck to all.

Juniper-I completely agree with Kat. The doc who told you to keep on trying should be fired. He is uninformed and outdated. Once we cross 35, our fertility declines rapidly, as you know. Every single piece of advice that I have read with regards to TTC over 35 says to try on your own and if, after 6 months, you have not succeeded, you need to seek medical assistance and put in place a more aggressive approach.

I am glad that you pressed for a IUI, as that is a start. Can you request another doctor?

I am not sure about your numbers (perhaps somebody else can chime in?) but the FSH looks good to me. That is all that I can comment on.

And, if you weren't doing treatment, that follicle count sounds fine (I assume you weren't using any meds?)!

Good luck with the IUI! :thumbup:
Two years ago, I posted a question about Wellman Conception (UK), and their efficacy in treating male issues. Well, post is answered every now and again, but today I got this and thought I'd share:

Hi, I am the dad of a georgeous boy, one month and want to share a success story. My initial Semen results were Morphology= 3 %, Motility, 15 %, Sperm count= 9.5 million per ml.
My GP told me to keep trying naturally with these results as my sperm count was very high, but i was extremely concerned about morphology and motility. I read about Wellmen conception capsule online and took them for 11 weeks. I went for another test after 11 weeks and while i was waiting for the results my wife told me that her pregnancy test was positive. we were absolutely delighted. She took the pregnancy test two and a half weeks after her normal menstrual cycle but she the conception would have been happened roughly a month before she went for the pregnancy test. Which means i would have impregnated her 7 weeks after taking these tablets. We had been unsuccessful for six months prior to this success. I kept taking these tablets until i got my results back after 2 weeks and as expected my morphology had improved to 5 %, motility 45% and count 10.5 million per m/l. The area where i improved significantly was motility, i had very good count already which meant even with 5% morphology the results were quick and great. Apart from taking these tablets i ate organic food(fruit, vegs, cereals etc.) and pumpkin seeds and reduced fats intake and cut down on chicken and poultry. i felt much more energetic in general too. I would absolutely recommend these tablets to all men who have low motility and low morphology. Also, if you have high sperm counts then you do not need a very high % of morphology. Hope it helps every one like me. Regards and best of luck to all.


You have to read these responses with a grain of salt. A LOT of people sign up on these boards to push their own pills or fertility programs by pretending to be someone who used them and were successful. I'd see if that guy had been posting a lot about other stuff, or if he just signed on to push that pill.
Accepted Kat, but my own OH has seem huge improvements in his SA (count and motility) since taking this product, so I am more than happy to endorse the product. :thumbup:

Two years ago, I posted a question about Wellman Conception (UK), and their efficacy in treating male issues. Well, post is answered every now and again, but today I got this and thought I'd share:

Hi, I am the dad of a georgeous boy, one month and want to share a success story. My initial Semen results were Morphology= 3 %, Motility, 15 %, Sperm count= 9.5 million per ml.
My GP told me to keep trying naturally with these results as my sperm count was very high, but i was extremely concerned about morphology and motility. I read about Wellmen conception capsule online and took them for 11 weeks. I went for another test after 11 weeks and while i was waiting for the results my wife told me that her pregnancy test was positive. we were absolutely delighted. She took the pregnancy test two and a half weeks after her normal menstrual cycle but she the conception would have been happened roughly a month before she went for the pregnancy test. Which means i would have impregnated her 7 weeks after taking these tablets. We had been unsuccessful for six months prior to this success. I kept taking these tablets until i got my results back after 2 weeks and as expected my morphology had improved to 5 %, motility 45% and count 10.5 million per m/l. The area where i improved significantly was motility, i had very good count already which meant even with 5% morphology the results were quick and great. Apart from taking these tablets i ate organic food(fruit, vegs, cereals etc.) and pumpkin seeds and reduced fats intake and cut down on chicken and poultry. i felt much more energetic in general too. I would absolutely recommend these tablets to all men who have low motility and low morphology. Also, if you have high sperm counts then you do not need a very high % of morphology. Hope it helps every one like me. Regards and best of luck to all.


You have to read these responses with a grain of salt. A LOT of people sign up on these boards to push their own pills or fertility programs by pretending to be someone who used them and were successful. I'd see if that guy had been posting a lot about other stuff, or if he just signed on to push that pill.
Accepted Kat, but my own OH has seem huge improvements in his SA (count and motility) since taking this product, so I am more than happy to endorse the product. :thumbup:

Oh, that's great!! Good luck to you guys!! :dust:
JJ, your gut instinct is right and that old, crotchety doc is out of the times. I am in the same situation as you: my DH doesn't finish AND I'm over 35 (hell I'm 41, which is worse). However, my doc thinks I have a decent chance with IUI and injectables. I don't have any health issues other than being at the end of my fertility stage (low egg quality and quantity). I got pregnant in December (sadly I m/c for unknown reasons, but they suspect it was due to a slight double uterus, which was corrected with out patient surgery), so I'm proof that older ladies can do it! In fact, my own grandmother had her last child...totally unassisted or 45.

When we decided late in the game to have a baby, my gyno sent me straight to a fertility specialist. She stressed that getting pregnant over 35 can be a tough road and there was NO time to waste. She made me call that day! Between technical difficulties in the bedroom and my own aging ovaries, time is of the essence.

While I agree that relaxing is important in general for all aspects of one's health, relaxing will not get you pregnant. I know lots of uptight women who got pregnant ;) Also, it implies you are somehow responsible for your infertility, and that's bullshit.

So welcome to the TTC over 35 road. I won't's a rough road, but I have faith it will be worth it in the end.

Wow thank you SOOOOO much Kat for your reply. You & I are basically in the same situation. I honestly had a funny feeling b4 going in today that it probably was going to go that way.. Infact before I was called up I asked the receptionist if I was going to be seeing the same doctor as last time & she said 'no not really, ur file just sits in a pile & whoever is available next picks up ur file & therefore u see them'.. Which I was happy about bcos I was hoping this other female specialist would pick up my file first!!! But alas no... I got the same old guy again. But anyway, indirectly im gonna get to see her now with this referral.

I'm happy to hear that ur doc thinks IUI is a worthwhile option. Bcos I'm hoping that it will be for us too. We're currently using a spec cup & syringe!! Better than nothing & proven to work, but it sort of adds another level of stress bcos it highlights the fact that 'we can't do anything right'.. If u know what I mean??? You know, not only have I got old eggs & am not getting pregnant, but we can't even ttc like a normal couple either!!!! We'll keep doing it bcos I know that it CAN def work, but I guess like you I would also like some drugs to add to my chances!

Dwrgi, yeh I have to admit I was getting quite irritated by his 'relaxed' attitude. Im absolutely aware that i have NO time to waste, my own GP was super quick off the mark to send me to the FS.... today I kept thinking 'holy crap- if someone like me doesn't qualify for some kind assistance at almost 39 then who the hell does??' I guess sometimes it's just hit & miss when it comes to any medical professionals- I'm a nurse so I know how true that really is. the only positives are that i now have some blood results & a referral for the HSG test, and a referral to this other Doc. I feel like maybe with her ill get somewhere & can hopefully get some better advice.

Thanks girls, I'm feeling quite a bit better this end of the day.. Especially knowing ur situation is so similar to mine Kat, you've given me hope x
I feel like I'm posting too much in here.. Sorry girls.. But you guys seem to have pretty good knowledge on all this stuff.. So here are my numbers..
DAY 3:
FSH 7.7
LH 9.7

DAY 21:

And AFC of 8

The FS didn't seem overly concerned by anything.. Although he did say that my gonadotropin was 'a little high for someone my age' but I don't know whether he meant the FSH or the LH??? To be honest, he is a lovely doctor but I think he is VERY conservative. I got that feeling the first time I met him. Old school fertility doctor... Not convinced that IVF is all it's cracked up to be etc..

He basically told me that there are a few options
1. Have a 'break' from ttc & try to relax
2. Just relax & keep trying

He said I should have the HSG test, which I'd already decided to do. And pretty much said that he didn't see any merit in doing anything else at this point!!! I asked if anything like clomid would be useful.. (Mostly just grasping at straws really), and he said that he thought it was too early to start doing that sort of thing!!!! I was trying to be polite but I felt like saying 'are u serious??? I'm nearly 39yrs old here!!'. His general advice was just try & relax & keep 'trying' for now????????

Needless to say I felt VERY frustrated sitting there. However, my OH has some issues with 'finishing' during sex, so I reminded him of that, AND that my GP had suggested iui. So in the end he spoke to a FS there who also run a major private IVF clinic & then wrote me a referral to see her to discuss iui. She told him to tell me it would be about $1500 (aud).. So ill go see her and see what she recommends...

Hi Juniper, I know what you are going's tough. I looked at your numbers and the prolactin looks quite high...I believe unless you are in the UK or elsewhere where the measurements could be different? In retrospect, I believe you're in the UK so nevermind. I was comparing to US measurements/range. Hang in there. :hugs: :hugs:
I feel like I'm posting too much in here.. Sorry girls.. But you guys seem to have pretty good knowledge on all this stuff.. So here are my numbers..
DAY 3:
FSH 7.7
LH 9.7

DAY 21:

And AFC of 8

The FS didn't seem overly concerned by anything.. Although he did say that my gonadotropin was 'a little high for someone my age' but I don't know whether he meant the FSH or the LH??? To be honest, he is a lovely doctor but I think he is VERY conservative. I got that feeling the first time I met him. Old school fertility doctor... Not convinced that IVF is all it's cracked up to be etc..

He basically told me that there are a few options
1. Have a 'break' from ttc & try to relax
2. Just relax & keep trying

He said I should have the HSG test, which I'd already decided to do. And pretty much said that he didn't see any merit in doing anything else at this point!!! I asked if anything like clomid would be useful.. (Mostly just grasping at straws really), and he said that he thought it was too early to start doing that sort of thing!!!! I was trying to be polite but I felt like saying 'are u serious??? I'm nearly 39yrs old here!!'. His general advice was just try & relax & keep 'trying' for now????????

Needless to say I felt VERY frustrated sitting there. However, my OH has some issues with 'finishing' during sex, so I reminded him of that, AND that my GP had suggested iui. So in the end he spoke to a FS there who also run a major private IVF clinic & then wrote me a referral to see her to discuss iui. She told him to tell me it would be about $1500 (aud).. So ill go see her and see what she recommends...

Hi Juniper. Maybe your doc is not in a rush to give you Clomid because your FSH and that seem to be ok.
That being said: I WOULD LOOK FOR A DIFFERENT DOCTOR!!! You want to be pregnant NOW and another doc would understand this and prescribe you the Clomid. Just call around and tell them your concern on the phone before you even schedule an appt. Eventually you'll find someone that will understand your urgency. Good luck girl!
I'm with you Dwrgi, my DH had a superb SA result after taking these for three months. I'm sure it helped us achieve our goal bearing in mind he is 55 years old! :thumbup:

Accepted Kat, but my own OH has seem huge improvements in his SA (count and motility) since taking this product, so I am more than happy to endorse the product. :thumbup:

Two years ago, I posted a question about Wellman Conception (UK), and their efficacy in treating male issues. Well, post is answered every now and again, but today I got this and thought I'd share:

Hi, I am the dad of a georgeous boy, one month and want to share a success story. My initial Semen results were Morphology= 3 %, Motility, 15 %, Sperm count= 9.5 million per ml.
My GP told me to keep trying naturally with these results as my sperm count was very high, but i was extremely concerned about morphology and motility. I read about Wellmen conception capsule online and took them for 11 weeks. I went for another test after 11 weeks and while i was waiting for the results my wife told me that her pregnancy test was positive. we were absolutely delighted. She took the pregnancy test two and a half weeks after her normal menstrual cycle but she the conception would have been happened roughly a month before she went for the pregnancy test. Which means i would have impregnated her 7 weeks after taking these tablets. We had been unsuccessful for six months prior to this success. I kept taking these tablets until i got my results back after 2 weeks and as expected my morphology had improved to 5 %, motility 45% and count 10.5 million per m/l. The area where i improved significantly was motility, i had very good count already which meant even with 5% morphology the results were quick and great. Apart from taking these tablets i ate organic food(fruit, vegs, cereals etc.) and pumpkin seeds and reduced fats intake and cut down on chicken and poultry. i felt much more energetic in general too. I would absolutely recommend these tablets to all men who have low motility and low morphology. Also, if you have high sperm counts then you do not need a very high % of morphology. Hope it helps every one like me. Regards and best of luck to all.


You have to read these responses with a grain of salt. A LOT of people sign up on these boards to push their own pills or fertility programs by pretending to be someone who used them and were successful. I'd see if that guy had been posting a lot about other stuff, or if he just signed on to push that pill.
I feel like I'm posting too much in here.. Sorry girls.. But you guys seem to have pretty good knowledge on all this stuff.. So here are my numbers..
DAY 3:
FSH 7.7
LH 9.7

DAY 21:

And AFC of 8

The FS didn't seem overly concerned by anything.. Although he did say that my gonadotropin was 'a little high for someone my age' but I don't know whether he meant the FSH or the LH??? To be honest, he is a lovely doctor but I think he is VERY conservative. I got that feeling the first time I met him. Old school fertility doctor... Not convinced that IVF is all it's cracked up to be etc..

He basically told me that there are a few options
1. Have a 'break' from ttc & try to relax
2. Just relax & keep trying

He said I should have the HSG test, which I'd already decided to do. And pretty much said that he didn't see any merit in doing anything else at this point!!! I asked if anything like clomid would be useful.. (Mostly just grasping at straws really), and he said that he thought it was too early to start doing that sort of thing!!!! I was trying to be polite but I felt like saying 'are u serious??? I'm nearly 39yrs old here!!'. His general advice was just try & relax & keep 'trying' for now????????

Needless to say I felt VERY frustrated sitting there. However, my OH has some issues with 'finishing' during sex, so I reminded him of that, AND that my GP had suggested iui. So in the end he spoke to a FS there who also run a major private IVF clinic & then wrote me a referral to see her to discuss iui. She told him to tell me it would be about $1500 (aud).. So ill go see her and see what she recommends...

Hi Juniper. Maybe your doc is not in a rush to give you Clomid because your FSH and that seem to be ok.
That being said: I WOULD LOOK FOR A DIFFERENT DOCTOR!!! You want to be pregnant NOW and another doc would understand this and prescribe you the Clomid. Just call around and tell them your concern on the phone before you even schedule an appt. Eventually you'll find someone that will understand your urgency. Good luck girl!

Thanks SuziQ!!! Good news is he's referred me to another specialist who actually runs the reproductive biology dept there (it's a public women's hospital). She also practises privately at a major IVF clinic here in Melbourne. I've been looking her up tonite on the Internet & I have to say I'm pretty excited to be referred to her!!! She has an AMAZING reputation & recently was in the media bcos she helped a 44yr old cancer patient (now recovered) to get pregnant by transplanting ovarian tissue which was taken & frozen in 2006 prior to the cancer treatment. The woman then started menstruating AND is now pregnant!!! She has a world class reputation & I've been reading recent articles about how sucessful she is in the field... Maybe it was fate that I saw the silly old doctor today, bcos he spoke to her about me while I was there & then gave me the referral letter for her!! Something good might have come from today after all!
Ugh! So not helpful! My mom did the same thing as though I was somehow blaming the genes I got from her for my situation. This isn't about you, Mom!!

Kat - I just got diagnosed with the MTHFR gene mutation, and told my mom about it this weekend. My mom has always had "perfect" health, up until a couple years ago, when she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and heart issues, ALL in the same year! I never understood why she was having heart issues, b/c she has always eaten very healthily, has been at a good weight and has exercised her whole life. But now that I have found out that the MTHFR gene mutation can lead to heart issues, I wanted to make sure I told her that I had that (and that my genes obviously came from her and dad), so maybe the MTHFR gene mutation is what caused her heart issues. I told her she might want to bring it up to her doctor the next time she talks with him, as it might give him more info to help treat her! Anyways, at first she was all "I've always been healthy and I've never miscarried" blah blah blah, and I kept having to tell her I didn't just come up with my genes on my own, and that half of my DNA is from my dad and half is from her. So, I'm TOTALLY blaming her!!! :haha: After we talked for a little bit more, I think she finally understood what I was saying (I don't think she knows much about genetics) and we both were laughing at the acronym. And she did end up saying "sorry for the genes" at which I laughed and said "ya thanks mom!!" That might sound kindof mean, but we were both laughing, and she has been bugging me (in a very nasty way - cutting out newspaper articles about fertility and babies and giving them to me, making snide comments about wanting grandchildren) for YEARS to have kids (to the point where we have gotten in a fight about it a few times), so I don't feel bad AT ALL blaming her!!! So, maybe that story helps you feel a little better?? Lots of us have issues with our mothers (and relatives) when it comes to having kids!! :hugs::dohh:
No it won't Moon because you have discovered something huge as to why mc'ing: you're a MTHFR like me! So if you follow the protocol, you can do this chic! Btw, I was told that you should let the folate build up in your system about 1-1.5 mos before TTC.:shrug: I can't remember why bc if it was for egg quality most everything else takes 4 months before those actual eggs are realeased? Idk maybe it affects it more quickly or my Dr doesn't know what he was talking about (he did try to give me the FA vs the L-5-MTHF). You may want to google to see... (baby aspirin & thinners work very quickly so you're all good there).:thumbup:

Lils, ya I bet it would be a good idea to let the folate build up in my system, but I guess I'm just going to go ahead and try this month. I have no idea how likely I am to get pregnant (it took 4 months the first time and 1 month this past time)... I really don't want to wait too long - I always feel like every time I have my period, I am "wasting" an egg. I have thought it through a little and am hoping I'll stand a decent chance as the folate builds up over the next couple months, since the last baby grew to 11.5 weeks size and my body didn't seem to want to let go of it. But, we'll see. Maybe that's stupid, but maybe not. I do know that MTHFR might not be the reason I miscarried last time - it could have been something else too. So, since fertility is such a crap-shoot anyways, I figure I'd just go ahead and try. :shrug: If I miscarry again, of course, I'm totally going to a fertility doctor and getting some tests and steroids. :haha: :thumbup:
So.. I'm desperately trying not to freak out, bcos she told me I had 5 follicles on the right, & in the left only 3.... I'm feeling an overwhelming panic rising inside me now.

Juniper - Oh, hun, but you DO have 8 follies!!! That's still something!!! It's always worth trying for. I'm keeping my FX for you :hugs:
Ladies - sorry for the multiple replies. I need to learn how to to a multi-quote reply. Hope you're all having a good week!

(And Door - thanks for your enouragement too!!)

:hugs: and :dust: everyone!!!!
Moondust, wow! It really WAS your parent's!! I bet it felt quite vindicating. I hope you are ok, though, and that your diagnosis won't get in the way of your baby plans.

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