TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Juniper...good luck! Hope that Melbourne rain hasn't washed you away today :flower:
Mini-rant warning - I'm so bl***dy frustrated. I want to get a CD3 test and/or AMH done, and I can't even get a GP appointment, so they can say that I can have the test. Can't book one in advance as I can't guess when AF will start (three days earlier than usual this time), and then when I ring up at 8.45 there are no appointments left for today. By the time I possibly get to see a GP tomorrow, there would be no blood test slots left, then it's the weekend, then Monday I'm CD 6. Aaaaaaaaarggh! So, I'm going to try to pre-book appointments on four different days for next month, and cancel whichever I don't need.
I hate this game. :(

But hello everyone, and hope you're having a better time than me!
SmallHelen I'm sorry, that really sucks and it's so hard when our bodies don't do what we want (when we want) :nope: I hope you can get an appointment :hugs:
Smells-that is completely sh*t and typical of the appointments system in British GPs surgeries. Absolutely appalling. Good idea for next month!

My GP refused to do my amh-even the local fertility specialist at the hospital refused to do it; I had to go private. I did this, and it is a joy (apart from the paying!). I booked my appointment, went along, didn't wait, lovely surroundings, and got my results back two weeks later. It cost £70 (in 2011). You may have to consider doing this, alas.

Big :hugs:
Mini-rant warning - I'm so bl***dy frustrated. I want to get a CD3 test and/or AMH done, and I can't even get a GP appointment, so they can say that I can have the test. Can't book one in advance as I can't guess when AF will start (three days earlier than usual this time), and then when I ring up at 8.45 there are no appointments left for today. By the time I possibly get to see a GP tomorrow, there would be no blood test slots left, then it's the weekend, then Monday I'm CD 6. Aaaaaaaaarggh! So, I'm going to try to pre-book appointments on four different days for next month, and cancel whichever I don't need.
I hate this game. :(

But hello everyone, and hope you're having a better time than me!

I would be inclined to get the paperwork/blood bag then just get the test done at local hospital. All bloods which have been ordered by my doc have been done that way as my doc wont take them in surgery. I go to my local hospital at a time which suits me and wait for a slot (they do ticketing system) then they send results to docs within a couple of weeks.
I feel like I'm posting too much in here.. Sorry girls.. But you guys seem to have pretty good knowledge on all this stuff.. So here are my numbers..
DAY 3:
FSH 7.7
LH 9.7

DAY 21:

And AFC of 8

The FS didn't seem overly concerned by anything.. Although he did say that my gonadotropin was 'a little high for someone my age' but I don't know whether he meant the FSH or the LH??? To be honest, he is a lovely doctor but I think he is VERY conservative. I got that feeling the first time I met him. Old school fertility doctor... Not convinced that IVF is all it's cracked up to be etc..

He basically told me that there are a few options
1. Have a 'break' from ttc & try to relax
2. Just relax & keep trying

He said I should have the HSG test, which I'd already decided to do. And pretty much said that he didn't see any merit in doing anything else at this point!!! I asked if anything like clomid would be useful.. (Mostly just grasping at straws really), and he said that he thought it was too early to start doing that sort of thing!!!! I was trying to be polite but I felt like saying 'are u serious??? I'm nearly 39yrs old here!!'. His general advice was just try & relax & keep 'trying' for now????????

Needless to say I felt VERY frustrated sitting there. However, my OH has some issues with 'finishing' during sex, so I reminded him of that, AND that my GP had suggested iui. So in the end he spoke to a FS there who also run a major private IVF clinic & then wrote me a referral to see her to discuss iui. She told him to tell me it would be about $1500 (aud).. So ill go see her and see what she recommends...

Hi Juniper. Maybe your doc is not in a rush to give you Clomid because your FSH and that seem to be ok.
That being said: I WOULD LOOK FOR A DIFFERENT DOCTOR!!! You want to be pregnant NOW and another doc would understand this and prescribe you the Clomid. Just call around and tell them your concern on the phone before you even schedule an appt. Eventually you'll find someone that will understand your urgency. Good luck girl!

Thanks SuziQ!!! Good news is he's referred me to another specialist who actually runs the reproductive biology dept there (it's a public women's hospital). She also practises privately at a major IVF clinic here in Melbourne. I've been looking her up tonite on the Internet & I have to say I'm pretty excited to be referred to her!!! She has an AMAZING reputation & recently was in the media bcos she helped a 44yr old cancer patient (now recovered) to get pregnant by transplanting ovarian tissue which was taken & frozen in 2006 prior to the cancer treatment. The woman then started menstruating AND is now pregnant!!! She has a world class reputation & I've been reading recent articles about how sucessful she is in the field... Maybe it was fate that I saw the silly old doctor today, bcos he spoke to her about me while I was there & then gave me the referral letter for her!! Something good might have come from today after all!

oh that's good!! She sounds like she knows what she's doing! good luck and keep us posted! :)
So, I got all my bloods drawn yesterday to check me for all the blood clotting disorders and also to check too see if I was ever sensitized to the rh. (I am rh negative). Just waiting on the results of those. I hate waiting for stuff like this!!
I would also like to echo Dwrgi and LadyH. I had my Husband take Wellman as his sperm results were far from good... I thought nothing ventured nothing gained... well, after 3 months later I was pregnant and thank heavens at last this one stayed with me (7th pregnancy).

Different things work for different people. However, I am always happy to share what worked for me if it can help anyone on here.
I would also like to echo Dwrgi and LadyH. I had my Husband take Wellman as his sperm results were far from good... I thought nothing ventured nothing gained... well, after 3 months later I was pregnant and thank heavens at last this one stayed with me (7th pregnancy).

Different things work for different people. However, I am always happy to share what worked for me if it can help anyone on here.

Same with us - DH's count went from miserable to low-normal range over a period of 8 months of some lifestyle changes + men's conception vitamin. However....while the number of sperm increased, the morphology problems did not improve. But with a larger number of sperm it meant there were more good ones in the mix :thumbup: That said, even with better spermies we still needed IVF...
I'll also chime in & say same here! I ordered Wellman thru Amazon & it took 2-3wks to get to USA. For me, DH's results were actually pretty good, just low on motility which wasn't much of a concern. BUT, I have so many issues & so many potential issues that its important to make sure everything is in top-top shape for when things may magically align in a cycle. There's just so much that goes into the process of conceiving, I often wonder how the hell any of us got here? :dohh:

Many of us probably only get 1-3 good eggs a year avg, so can you imagine if you have a good egg, good CM, good hormones, good lining, drop the egg at the right time, etc. but DH's :spermy: just aren't quite up to par that month? :shock: 1 good cycle down the drain. :cry: Or if egg & sperm are top quality, but lo & behold, not enough EWCM for :spermy: to swim in, so this cycle is a bust too. :nope: Next good egg: 6-8months...:saywhat: I tried to ensure that everything in each cycle was in tip-top shape because when that golden egg finally came down the tubes, I wanted my whole body to be READY for that sucker! :thumbup:

My advice, therefore, is if anything could use improving, even just a lil bit, improve it. Get the environment ready for that magical egg because at our age, it most often comes down to egg quality (& some of us have a few problems in addition to this). So take supps for egg quality, sperm quality, get that EWCM flowing, make sure hormones are balanced, your cycle is as close to 28-30 days as possible & seek out help & take care of any addl problems like clotting, auto/immune, thyroid, PCOS, etc issues. Do the best that you can, at least & you will never have any regrets. Even after that, you may need ART, but at least you have your ducks in a row with the things that you can control & that can only assist in any ART procedure.:thumbup::winkwink:
I'll also chime in & say same here! I ordered Wellman thru Amazon & it took 2-3wks to get to USA. For me, DH's results were actually pretty good, just low on motility which wasn't much of a concern. BUT, I have so many issues & so many potential issues that its important to make sure everything is in top-top shape for when things may magically align in a cycle. There's just so much that goes into the process of conceiving, I often wonder how the hell any of us got here? :dohh:

Many of us probably only get 1-3 good eggs a year avg, so can you imagine if you have a good egg, good CM, good hormones, good lining, drop the egg at the right time, etc. but DH's :spermy: just aren't quite up to par that month? :shock: 1 good cycle down the drain. :cry: Or if egg & sperm are top quality, but lo & behold, not enough EWCM for :spermy: to swim in, so this cycle is a bust too. :nope: Next good egg: 6-8months...:saywhat: I tried to ensure that everything in each cycle was in tip-top shape because when that golden egg finally came down the tubes, I wanted my whole body to be READY for that sucker! :thumbup:

My advice, therefore, is if anything could use improving, even just a lil bit, improve it. Get the environment ready for that magical egg because at our age, it most often comes down to egg quality (& some of us have a few problems in addition to this). So take supps for egg quality, sperm quality, get that EWCM flowing, make sure hormones are balanced, your cycle is as close to 28-30 days as possible & seek out help & take care of any addl problems like clotting, auto/immune, thyroid, PCOS, etc issues. Do the best that you can, at least & you will never have any regrets. Even after that, you may need ART, but at least you have your ducks in a row with the things that you can control & that can only assist in any ART procedure.:thumbup::winkwink:

Well said, that lady!! :thumbup::winkwink::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ugh! So not helpful! My mom did the same thing as though I was somehow blaming the genes I got from her for my situation. This isn't about you, Mom!!

Kat - I just got diagnosed with the MTHFR gene mutation, and told my mom about it this weekend. My mom has always had "perfect" health, up until a couple years ago, when she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and heart issues, ALL in the same year! I never understood why she was having heart issues, b/c she has always eaten very healthily, has been at a good weight and has exercised her whole life. But now that I have found out that the MTHFR gene mutation can lead to heart issues, I wanted to make sure I told her that I had that (and that my genes obviously came from her and dad), so maybe the MTHFR gene mutation is what caused her heart issues. I told her she might want to bring it up to her doctor the next time she talks with him, as it might give him more info to help treat her! Anyways, at first she was all "I've always been healthy and I've never miscarried" blah blah blah, and I kept having to tell her I didn't just come up with my genes on my own, and that half of my DNA is from my dad and half is from her. So, I'm TOTALLY blaming her!!! :haha: After we talked for a little bit more, I think she finally understood what I was saying (I don't think she knows much about genetics) and we both were laughing at the acronym. And she did end up saying "sorry for the genes" at which I laughed and said "ya thanks mom!!" That might sound kindof mean, but we were both laughing, and she has been bugging me (in a very nasty way - cutting out newspaper articles about fertility and babies and giving them to me, making snide comments about wanting grandchildren) for YEARS to have kids (to the point where we have gotten in a fight about it a few times), so I don't feel bad AT ALL blaming her!!! So, maybe that story helps you feel a little better?? Lots of us have issues with our mothers (and relatives) when it comes to having kids!! :hugs::dohh:

Moondust! : I TESTED POSITIVE FOR MTHFR!!!!! I can't believe it. What do we do now??????? The nurse said the dr. hadn't even seen the results of my bloodwork yet so now I am waiting for my doctor to call. Tell me we can get pregnant and have healthy babies.
Gee, a very quiet weekend. How is everyone doing?

Suziq1 - I don't know anything about MTHFR, but if you go back a bit on this thread, you will find LilSluz, who also has it, and her journal may give you some hope :flower:
Hi, Smallhelen!

I had my 5th IUI yesterday. Unfortunately, the lab is closed on Saturdays, so though they can do the sperm wash, etc, they can't give me hard #s. They do look at it carefully through a microscope and are familiar enough with that to offer a ballpark number. They said it looks to be about 25-30 mil post wash, which is what he was last month (with a 99% motility). So we're pleased with those numbers. They let us look in the microscope, too! Very cool

Felt a little crampy all day yesterday. Now I waaaaaait for two weeks and try hard not to symptom spot...especially since I did Bravelle and had the trigger, which totally can give you preg symptoms the whole TWW.
Suzi - depends on what kind of MTHFR you are. :winkwink: No its not a death sentence at all & is surprisingly cured with "mostly" high-end supplements (except some of us need injectable blood thinners). But about 40% of the population has 1 copy of MTHFR, so that's not "usually" seen as a fertility-impeding issue, although jury's out on that one & other health issues can result from 1 copy.

It's mostly proven to affect fertility when you have 2 of the C677T kind or you have one of each C677T & A1298C (Moon & I both have this one). These are more rare (7-10%) & can really cause havoc with clotting & such. If you go on my journal on the 1st page I talk about what I take for MTHFR. Also lots of info on Find out what kind you have & take it from there & please don't assume your Dr knows anything about it because 95% of Dr's don't (they'll try to give you "folic acid" instead of L-5-MTHF which is the absorbable kind of folate we need). Its one of those things you defo need to take into your own hands & research (as with mine, it affects even more than fertility & I'll be taking something the rest of my life due to elevated risk of stroke, heart attack & PE, in addition to many other things).
I am so down right, my oh will not get his sperm tested. He has million excuses and just will not do it. I am asking myself how the hell did I end up with such a selfish man, he is younger than me and thinks that all is ok with him, such an idiot. I have done all the CD3 and 21 blood test, and they said they will refer me once I bring his result. I dont even know my FSH. Honestly ladies I feel like leaving him right now, I feel like we will never have children together and I will miss my time because of him. I tried to explain to him that it could be a little problem easily fixed but nothing works. He just keeps saying he wants the nature to take its curse. He just does not understand this. I know people that waited and when they sought help it was too late for them and they were only offered an egg donor. I dont know what I am going to do. I just keep crying and feel like he does not care. How can I stay with somebody who will not do this for us, but then I think can I really leave him at 35? Life is hard girls. Please appreciate all your supportive husbands, you are very lucky. x
I am so down right, my oh will not get his sperm tested. He has million excuses and just will not do it. I am asking myself how the hell did I end up with such a selfish man, he is younger than me and thinks that all is ok with him, such an idiot. I have done all the CD3 and 21 blood test, and they said they will refer me once I bring his result. I dont even know my FSH. Honestly ladies I feel like leaving him right now, I feel like we will never have children together and I will miss my time because of him. I tried to explain to him that it could be a little problem easily fixed but nothing works. He just keeps saying he wants the nature to take its curse. He just does not understand this. I know people that waited and when they sought help it was too late for them and they were only offered an egg donor. I dont know what I am going to do. I just keep crying and feel like he does not care. How can I stay with somebody who will not do this for us, but then I think can I really leave him at 35? Life is hard girls. Please appreciate all your supportive husbands, you are very lucky. x

I see this problem a lot. Personally, I think they won't do it because they are secretly scared something wrong will be found and they'll be emasculated. Others are too embarrassed about the "ejaculate in a cup" thing.

Hopefully your guy will realize that the manliest thing to do is to get the test done. MILLIONS of guys do it every year. He is not alone.

My husband is a tough, tattooed guy's guy. Going to take that test was hard, but for him it was all about "stepping up to the plate" and "doing what needs to be done".

Try and see if you can find out what his issue truly is, and then address it from there. Ejaculating into a cup isn't fun, but it's not the end of the world. Here's one guys blog post about it:

Good luck and I hope he comes around!!
Moondust! : I TESTED POSITIVE FOR MTHFR!!!!! I can't believe it. What do we do now??????? The nurse said the dr. hadn't even seen the results of my bloodwork yet so now I am waiting for my doctor to call. Tell me we can get pregnant and have healthy babies.

Suziq - :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss: Oh hun I'm so sorry for the diagnosis!! I was just diagnosed a couple weeks ago too!! But, as you see, there are LOTS of MTHFRs here. :haha: (I try to laugh at the acronym as much as possible.. definitely beats crying about it, which I have done too.) My doctor prescribed me very high doses of folic acid, vitamins B-6 and B-12 (prescription level doses), as well as low-dose aspirin. I believe there are more absorbable kinds of folic acid, which Lils is taking, and I need to learn about that. Lils has also told me that most all of her MTHFR friends from BnB have been able to get pregnant, sustain a pregnancy and have a baby. So there is hope for us. I am worried too, but I think if we keep trying, hopefully we'll end up with a healthy :baby:
Kat - FX for you!!!!!!!!!! This is your month!! Lots and lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust:
and :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you!!


Doodle - :hugs::kiss: I wonder if he is scared (as Kat said). I hope you're able to talk through it with him. Sending you lots of hugs.
Doodle... I'm sorry your OH is being a horse's ass :growlmad: Honestly, I felt like half the city had seen up my hoo-haa by the time the doctor got around to testing DH's :spermy: if DH had tried to get out of his 'duty' I probably would've clocked him! I would probably explain to him that it's the manly thing to do. And maybe have him come along with you to the doctor and get the doctor to explain to him why the testing is necessary.

Kat... good luck and :dust: for this cycle

Suziq... sounds like you're in the right group here, with several ladies in the same diagnosis boat :hugs:

Hi everyone else! TGIF :happydance:

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