TTC#2 for the 4th month

Cjgirl I'm sorry you were sad today. I hope you feel better soon.

Another friend of mine needs some prayers. She has been ttc for a year and a half and had her 3 rd miscarriage today. She has pcos and has been through 4 rounds of Clomid and this round she was on femara but her eggs weren't big enough so they gave her another round of Clomid to boost them. Her levels didn't double so they knew the mc was imminent. But she's having a hard time and the dr is putting her on birth control for a month.
No I didn't test again. I think I'm about to ov though my cervix is open and high but it's still hard. I have a ton of cm too.
nlb, Happy Birthday! What an awesome gift!

athena, did you ever take another HPT? It looks like you will ovulate soon, but you might want to take another HPT since it's early in your cycle and OPKs can pick up HCG as well. At least that's what I have read.

Misscalais, I'm so sorry your DH has to deal with that. It is so hard when family acts that way, especially parents. I hope your visit with your mom was good though.

I went shopping yesterday and went to Ikea to get some things. I decided to go ahead and paint and decorate the room that is meant to be the nursery the way I wanted to for our baby anyway. It is DD's playroom right now and would be Travis' room if we adopt him. The day started out very difficult and I cried a couple of times. Seeing all of the babies and pregnant women was extremely overwhelming at first, but as the day went on and I started planning fixing up the room I started to feel better. It will give me something to do and keep my mind occupied. I can only do so much right now, so it will go slow, but I'm excited about it.
Thanks Hun, it's really hard but I've got no time for her any more she's pain a thorn in my side ever since getting with DH.
Aww that would have been super hard for you Hun but I'm glad you felt better about by the end of the day. I'm sure Travis will love what ever you do in the room should you end up adopting him :) show us a pic when you have it all done.
Cjgirl I'm sorry you were sad today. I hope you feel better soon.

Another friend of mine needs some prayers. She has been ttc for a year and a half and had her 3 rd miscarriage today. She has pcos and has been through 4 rounds of Clomid and this round she was on femara but her eggs weren't big enough so they gave her another round of Clomid to boost them. Her levels didn't double so they knew the mc was imminent. But she's having a hard time and the dr is putting her on birth control for a month.
Will pray for her Hun :hugs:
So I think I'm getting ready to O, got the maybe baby out this morning and there was some ferning, CP is high and open but not really soft yet. So fingers crossed soon :)
How's everyone else feeling?
Athena, sounds like it and tests look promising!
Misscalais, sorry mil is like that, how frustrating. I'm sure it's really upsetting for your dh to have her not care. Fx, you catch the egg!
Cjgirl, I love ikea! I can only imagine how upsetting and overwhelming that must have been. Glad you started feeling better and were able to get out and about. When do you have to decide by of you adopt Travis? Is his mom still part if his life?
Nlb, how are you? Are you using opks or clomid this cycle?
Athena, sounds like it and tests look promising!
Misscalais, sorry mil is like that, how frustrating. I'm sure it's really upsetting for your dh to have her not care. Fx, you catch the egg!
Cjgirl, I love ikea! I can only imagine how upsetting and overwhelming that must have been. Glad you started feeling better and were able to get out and about. When do you have to decide by of you adopt Travis? Is his mom still part if his life?
Nlb, how are you? Are you using opks or clomid this cycle?

I'm kind of scared to use the clomid this cycle i feel like that might have been the cause of the mc. I'm going to do opks and bd every other day. Tonight is a super moon.
Nlb you have pcos right have you ever thought about giving soy isoflavones a try? That's what I'm using to help O and its supposed to help with better egg quality too.

I had a crazy dream last night. Nlb was pregnant and in labor and we were all there for her. I had a baby and misscalais was pregnant and cjgirl I'm not sure if you were pregnant or had a baby but that could be because you aren't trying right now. Dragonfly you obviously had a baby lol. It was just crazy having a dream like that when we've all have never met. I think we should all meet up with misscalais in Australia if we ever did lol. Oh and what's even crazier is I never remember my dreams.
Nlb you have pcos right have you ever thought about giving soy isoflavones a try? That's what I'm using to help O and its supposed to help with better egg quality too.

I had a crazy dream last night. Nlb was pregnant and in labor and we were all there for her. I had a baby and misscalais was pregnant and cjgirl I'm not sure if you were pregnant or had a baby but that could be because you aren't trying right now. Dragonfly you obviously had a baby lol. It was just crazy having a dream like that when we've all have never met. I think we should all meet up with misscalais in Australia if we ever did lol. Oh and what's even crazier is I never remember my dreams.

No I don't have pcos that I know of. But I do like the dream you had. I'm excited that its my birthday and there will be a super moon tonight.
Oh ok nvm I thought you said something about it before. Maybe I just thought that though cause you were on Clomid.
Lol Athena that's hilarious! I hope that's a sign :) you girls should get your butts over here one day I'm sure you would all love Australia :) I hope you O soon, looks like we might O at the same time this cycle how crazy is that.
So for me today ferning again on the MB, CP is still high, open, wet and finally soft. Slightly crampy mainly on right side, so my plan of 'not knowing what CD I'm on' had gone out the window lol but it did help me relax throughout the last few weeks not knowing where I was at I'm CD17 so another long cycle for me but hopefully will get bfp at the end of it.
It's my DS2 3rd birthday today, I can't believe he's 3 already. I still baby him :haha:
Ps Athena have you tried using the smiley face OPKs they are heaps easier to determine.
Nlb you have pcos right have you ever thought about giving soy isoflavones a try? That's what I'm using to help O and its supposed to help with better egg quality too.

I had a crazy dream last night. Nlb was pregnant and in labor and we were all there for her. I had a baby and misscalais was pregnant and cjgirl I'm not sure if you were pregnant or had a baby but that could be because you aren't trying right now. Dragonfly you obviously had a baby lol. It was just crazy having a dream like that when we've all have never met. I think we should all meet up with misscalais in Australia if we ever did lol. Oh and what's even crazier is I never remember my dreams.

I like this! Australia sounds wonderful!
I would love love love to go to Australia. I would use the smileys but the ones I'm using are $12 for 20 and we are trying to save money so you can't beat that lol. I'm on cd 11 so it's still early. If I don't Ov til cd 15 I'll be due on my sisters bday and could get a pos on my moms so that would be crazy.
I would love love love to go to Australia. I would use the smileys but the ones I'm using are $12 for 20 and we are trying to save money so you can't beat that lol. I'm on cd 11 so it's still early. If I don't Ov til cd 15 I'll be due on my sisters bday and could get a pos on my moms so that would be crazy.
That's an awesome price for 20, yeah CD11 is still quite early so I'm sure you will get a pos very soon. :)
athena, I will be praying for you friend. Crazy dream! I agree we should all meet up one and day and if we could in Australia that would be awesome!

I hope you all O soon and catch those eggs! FX!

dragonfly, we will have to decide soon, the meeting with the lawyer is next month. DH has pretty much made up his mind and said today that it is what he wants. I am an emotional roller coaster! I had a good day, found out about my A, I get to work this week some, and I did some things around the house, but now I can't sleep and can't stop thinking about everything. I am scared to TTC again and I am really leaning toward not and I'm also scared to adopt Travis. I am just up and down with everything. I know it is all in God's hands though and I having been praying a lot that He help me do what is right. Travis' mother is not a part of his life at this time and I'm not sure she ever will be. As far as we know right now she is living in a shelter up north somewhere.
And as usual I didn't see this page of comments when I wrote and didn't realize I was so far behind! So I will quickly add...Happy Birthday to your little boy Misscalais :)

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