TTC#2 for the 4th month

Well they were. I switched tests cause I didn't want to drive all the way to target and so I got the answer opk pack but apparently they suck. So I'm trying to go by my other symptoms. If my temp spikes I'll know for sure.
No I don't think I spotted last ov. Maybe when in Mexico but I didn't ov then. This was really quick though I don't have anything now.
Cjgirl and dragonfly your pets are so cute! I'm loving all this pet love :)
So I'm in the tww! I'm 2-3DPO presuming that I actually released an egg lol we BDed 3 times in my fertile period ( well 4 but hubby didn't finish :brat: he'd had a few drinks ) so we shall see in around 11 days. If we get bfn again this cycle we are booking a holiday to Bali for feb with my sister and her hubby! I'm very excited about it, it will be my very 1st overseas holiday and 2nd plane ride lol so if bfn we won't be trying for about 3-4 mths. I don't mind going over pregnant but if we leave it a few mths I won't be as far along and will still be safe to fly :)
Athena I'm sure you got spotting around O last cycle as well? I hope it's O spotting and you catch the egg :)
I went back to look and see if I did but didn't see anything about it but my temp did spike today so I guess I'm officially 1 dpo. Whoop whoop.
Bali sounds awesome misscalais! I've been on a plane a few time but have to say I definitely don't love it. How long of a flight is it to Bali? Hope you get your bfp!
Athena, woohoo for spike in temp. I think i must be thinking about maybe spotting around what could have been implantation? I hope you caught the egg and you get your bfp!! Praying those psychics are right :)
Misscalais I have been on the plane a few times. My first time was just flying to Florida and I had mono so it wasn't very fun, don't worry at that point I wasn't contagious anymore. I just didn't feel well. Since I've been married I've been to Mexico twice and we went to the Dominican Republic in between with a day in Puerto Rico. I would love to go to Bali. My dh and I want to visit as many countries as possible.
dragonfly, your cats are beautiful!

Misscalais & athena, I hope your tww goes by quickly and ends in a BFP! That sounds like an awesome trip Misscalais! I've never been outside of the United States. DH and I were suppose to go on study abroad in Paris and London last year, but I backed out. I didn't want to leave DD for that long.

I haven't heard back about my test yet, but I am not feeling as tired or sick, so it will probably be neg I would think.
Thanks girls.
Bali is about 6 and a half hours from Sydney. So not too long, the flight I went on before was to Queensland and it only took an hour lol I get motion sickness so I'm petrified of puking on the plane if I get next to the window and look out ill be fine but I think I might get some motion sickness bands that you put on your wrists. This is where we are going to stay it's not the most flashy place to stay but its really good value for money and we are getting the two bedroom villa so we split costs. We chose this one because it was the biggest space and private pool for our price lol! Hubby has been to Bali when he was 6 with his grand parents and America when he was about 10 with brother, dad and step mum lucky thing he was growing up.
Athena YAY for being in the tww! Fingers crossed for that BFP! If we both get bfp this month out babies will be due only a couple of days apart :)
Cjgirl hopefully your tests are neg, I know it's such a terrible feeling to hope for bfn and feels totally wrong. How long till you get the results back?
Thanks cjgirl! i swear out animals cost us a fortune, each kne has had some kind of aliament that has cost us thousands of dollars. it really is ridiculous!
My first ever plane ride was a 10 hour trip to Hawaii by myself. Holy crap was I terrified! Since I have been to vegas and the Dominican Republic.
Had a great day today, started with a 1 hour massage and a local spa, so needed. I want to go back already. Then we went to the county fair that is going on. Looked at all the 4H animals, walked around and checked out all the vendors, watched some monster truck and let dd ride some rides. Oh and ate some yummy bad for you carnival food!
Misscalais it looks beautiful. I still have to post our vacation pics on fb.

I think that my progesterone must be kicking in. I just started having a hot flash. My nipples have been a little sore too.
Oh my goodness dragonfly I would have been terrified lol! We aren't taking the kids they will be staying with my mum, this will pretty much be our honeymoon we will be married 2 years in november and still havent had one lol we are doing 7 nights but my sister and BIL are heading over 5 days earlier they want a longer holiday ( they don't have any kids yet )
Lol Athena it's amazing what hormones do to you, hot flushes are a yucky feeling. I really, really hope you get bfp this mth keeping everything crossed for you :)
I'm really sad right now. My temp went back down, and I'm spotting again and I get this crap.

And dh just left for 3 days. We bded Saturday at like 2 in the morning, so here's to hoping.


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I think you need to go with the smileys , Both those
Lines seem so light. Almost hard to interpret. Also I thought you are suppose to temp one on the morning before you even get out of bed just as you open your eyes, lol
I temp at 6:30 every morning cause that's when dh gets up. So yea my temp dropped way low. Dh left and now I'm getting positive tests so hopefully Saturday will be enough. Feeling really out though.
Ok, I thought you were saying you just temped now. I was like wait a minute. If you did it Saturday that would still be within yor fertile time so don't count yourself out. And it's possible that you O'd when you originally thought you did.
I have no idea how the whole temping thing goes, I only lasted 3days when I tried lol I'm sorry it's so frustrating and confusing for you. What's your CP telling you?
I've got sore boobs that's about it.
It's medium kind of hard and still open. Yea that's what I was thinking that I could've o'ed then or that it was in the fertile period if not. Just want to know, ya know.
Hmm very frustrating Hun.
I checked mine its dropped back down its lowish, firmish and still semi open. I bought some tests today I'm going to test on Thursday haha! Wasn't going to test early this mth but I am now lol!
athena, sorry it is all so confusing. Don't count yourself out yet though. I will have my FX very tight!

Misscalais, hope you get that BFP when you test soon! The place in Bali looks amazing! I would love to go on a relaxing vacation with DH.

So I haven't heard from the dr so that must mean my test was all the way negative. DH had his 30th birthday party yesterday and it went pretty well, except for one girl who asked me too many questions and all the wrong ones about what happened. She is the same one who would always say dumb things to me while I was TTC. I really don't mind y'all or my best friend asking me things, but not people I who don't understand at all or know me that well. Most people there either ignored me or looked at me sadly and told me I look great. That's fine with me. It was just awkward. That girl who said too much started off by saying she didn't know what to say. I said that there really wasn't anything she could say unfortunately. I thought that would put an end to it, but then she asked when we were gonna try again and if they took anything out of my body. I wanted to say to her, "Yeah, they took my baby out. Anymore stupid questions and or comments." Sorry if I sound rude, but this girl is just really not the best person. I told her part of my fallopian tube and then she was ready to say more, but I told her I needed to sit down. I think I have fully made up my mind to not TTC ever again. I hope y'all don't mind me staying to cheer you on though. I know we are friends on FB, but I'd like to stay here if that's okay.

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