TTC#2 for the 4th month

Well girls ive been feeling down for a while. I feel like just giving up. I started taking the prenatal vitamins again and I have never had so much energy. Do they do that to ya?
Nlb I'm right there with ya, my temp dropped again so I guess I didn't ovulate. It s so frustrating. But I've been researching online what can help and I found out that women with pcos typically have deficiencies with certain vitamins. So I went and bought all the vitamins that helped with my symptoms fxed. Some say they help with weight loss too. If I don't get my period soon I'm going to test and start the provera.
Misscalais is going on vacation in February and didnt want to be too pregnant when they went.
FX athena!

Misscalais, so you think there is a possibility the pink cm was implantation?

I will start by saying I hope that I do not sound ungrateful at all for having the opportunity to have Travis here, but it is going to be so rough for a while and I am worried and stressed. I don't think MIL really ever put him down, so he screams if I don't hold him every second and with me still trying to get his things ready it is tough. She also did not have him sit in a highchair to eat, let him eat all kinds of table food (even pizza, among other things), and only gave him formula once or twice a day at 9:00 at night and 4:00 am! He is fighting me, but I think I can get him on a better schedule and have him getting the nutrition he needs. I feel bad, but it's best for him right? He went to bed at 10 last night after screaming from the time we picked him up at around 5 until then and woke up at about 2. DH got up with him and I think they were up a long time. I gave him a bottle around 6:30 and he slept a little longer, but I got him up at 7:15ish to eat breakfast. It is hard to remember everything about having a little one since DD is almost 8, so it has been a while. I am so glad he is here, but it is going to take everyone a little while to adjust for sure. I really hope I don't sound awful because I wanted another one so badly and now I have one and I am complaining about it being hard. I am also so sorry that lately I always talking about all my troubles. I hope I also don't sound like all of your worries and things don't matter to me, because of course they do :)
Hun you don't sound awful at all. Breaking bad habits on babies is very hard.
Food under one is just for fun, so his main priority needs to be formula. Table foods are fine as long as they are low is salt content etc
You are the best thing for this little boy Hun and I know you are going to do a fabulous job.
It's going to be very tricky getting to know you and for him to trust you. But give it a while it will be fine :)
I'm very happy for you. Can you try getting a baby carrier so you can have your arms free but still having him close to you while he is adjusting to his new environment :)
Once again, I am so scattered I didn't see the posts on this page before I wrote before. I'm so sorry Misscalais :hugs: I can be your NOT TTC buddy for a few months lol Hopefully the excitement of the trip will keep you distracted from it a little bit.
Lol that's ok :) yes we can be non ttc buddies :haha: sounds so strange hey. I'm hoping to forget all about my cycle and not look at the calendar at all apart from putting the date AF starts but that's it :)
Im so sorry Misscalais. Maybe when you are not trying the next few months it will happen. I think I missed something why r you waiting 4 months?
Thanks Hun :)
We are booking in a holiday to Bali in feb, my sister and her hubby invited us to come along with them and seems we haven't had a honeymoon yet we are going to go :) I'm really excited. So I didn't want to be hugely pregnant going over there so we will wait a few mths, I'm going to see if I can get my fertility checked while we aren't ttc and see if there is something going on with me.
I've pretty much given up for now. It's just too much for me to handle so we need to break and I'm hoping that when we do start trying again it happens soon otherwise ill be giving up forever it's just too emotional for me.
I really hope you and Athena get bfps really soon, that's good that the vits are giving you lots of energy I was only taking folic acid so that didn't really do anything to my energy lol.
FX athena!

Misscalais, so you think there is a possibility the pink cm was implantation?

I will start by saying I hope that I do not sound ungrateful at all for having the opportunity to have Travis here, but it is going to be so rough for a while and I am worried and stressed. I don't think MIL really ever put him down, so he screams if I don't hold him every second and with me still trying to get his things ready it is tough. She also did not have him sit in a highchair to eat, let him eat all kinds of table food (even pizza, among other things), and only gave him formula once or twice a day at 9:00 at night and 4:00 am! He is fighting me, but I think I can get him on a better schedule and have him getting the nutrition he needs. I feel bad, but it's best for him right? He went to bed at 10 last night after screaming from the time we picked him up at around 5 until then and woke up at about 2. DH got up with him and I think they were up a long time. I gave him a bottle around 6:30 and he slept a little longer, but I got him up at 7:15ish to eat breakfast. It is hard to remember everything about having a little one since DD is almost 8, so it has been a while. I am so glad he is here, but it is going to take everyone a little while to adjust for sure. I really hope I don't sound awful because I wanted another one so badly and now I have one and I am complaining about it being hard. I am also so sorry that lately I always talking about all my troubles. I hope I also don't sound like all of your worries and things don't matter to me, because of course they do :)
Hun you don't sound awful at all. Breaking bad habits on babies is very hard.
Food under one is just for fun, so his main priority needs to be formula. Table foods are fine as long as they are low is salt content etc
You are the best thing for this little boy Hun and I know you are going to do a fabulous job.
It's going to be very tricky getting to know you and for him to trust you. But give it a while it will be fine :)
I'm very happy for you. Can you try getting a baby carrier so you can have your arms free but still having him close to you while he is adjusting to his new environment :)

Because of my bad back I can't carry him for that long, but I think in time it will be okay. He screamed again tonight forever and MIL and FIL came to visit and he screamed when they were here too, so it's not just me lol We told them it would be best if they just came by here every so often and stayed only a bit. I want Travis to know they can come here and I don't want to send him to stay with them too soon and be back and square one when he gets home. He fought sleep, but fell asleep around 8:30ish and woke up at about 1:30. I gave him a pacifier and he fell asleep again right away, so that was good. I should go back to sleep myself! Thank you for all of the encouraging words! It helps a lot! I am still scared, but feeling more confident :)
nlb, I am sorry you are feeling so down. It's good though that the vitamins are helping you have more energy! I still take prenatal ones because they just make me feel better...and the fact that they are gummies and taste good might have a little to do with it too lol

athena, how frustrating :( I'm so sorry.

Hugs to you both :hugs:
Nlb I'm right there with ya, my temp dropped again so I guess I didn't ovulate. It s so frustrating. But I've been researching online what can help and I found out that women with pcos typically have deficiencies with certain vitamins. So I went and bought all the vitamins that helped with my symptoms fxed. Some say they help with weight loss too. If I don't get my period soon I'm going to test and start the provera.

What CD are you one. When I was charting I noticed my temp. would rise then fall. and a few days later it would rise again. Also it can dip during Implantation.
Sorry you are having a hard time. im preying we all get a BFP soon. this group needs one.
Nlb it's cd 29 and my temps don't show ovulation at all. My boobs are sore and I've been crampy, so dh is convinced I'm pregnant. I don't feel like its possible but I got some frer's just to be sure.
Nlb it's cd 29 and my temps don't show ovulation at all. My boobs are sore and I've been crampy, so dh is convinced I'm pregnant. I don't feel like its possible but I got some frer's just to be sure.

I see ok it does sound like af is coming but I hope we are wrong.maybe it will go back up. I had to stop checking my temp because it made me more frustrated
Idk because I've felt like this for over a week. I haven't had a normal cycle except 2 times in the past year so who knows.
So I'm really wanting to start eating healthier organic seasonable food. My mom and I are looking into buying a 1/4 of a cow. Which ends being about 60lbs a piece of an all grass fed cow. Have any of you ever done that? Do you buy organic? Also my fil will be going to Wyoming elk hunting and will be sharing the meat with us. This scares me a little, I've never had elk and am afraid of it tasting gamey, but willing to give it a try. It really freaks me out all these gmo's and pesticides they are using on food.
How frustrating Athena, I wish they had a test that said yes you ovulated. Still crossing. My fingers that you get a bfp!
So I'm really wanting to start eating healthier organic seasonable food. My mom and I are looking into buying a 1/4 of a cow. Which ends being about 60lbs a piece of an all grass fed cow. Have any of you ever done that? Do you buy organic? Also my fil will be going to Wyoming elk hunting and will be sharing the meat with us. This scares me a little, I've never had elk and am afraid of it tasting gamey, but willing to give it a try. It really freaks me out all these gmo's and pesticides they are using on food.

That's a lot of meat! My grandparents and parents use to have cows slaughtered or buy whole cows. We never finished all of it when we had it at my parents lol But since you are getting 60 lbs and can freeze it, it will be good. The meat is probably going to taste great! Now we mostly have deer meat from each years hunt that we mix with lean beef and it is so good. It has hardly any fat and isn't greasy at all. I have had elk and it doesn't taste gamey at all, at least not to me. However, it is very rich. My stomach does not like it, but that doesn't mean yours won't lol I buy some organic things, but not everything because of the expense.
The only thing I've bought organic is pasta lol! It's so expensive to buy over here but if I do see something and its on special I'll be willing to buy it :)
That's a lot of cow! Lol I've never eaten game meat of any type, Australia doesn't really hunt like over there. Just wild pigs and things to get off people's land lol!
Hope everyone is doing well. We are struggling to get Travis on a good schedule, but we are making progress...slowly. DD never screamed like he does, so I am really not use to it lol DH and I are taking turns with everything to keep us from both being exhausted. We did take him to church for the first time today. He was so quiet during the singing, but as soon as the pastor started talking he decided to also lol DH took him to the nursery and stayed with him so he wouldn't be scared the first time. It went better than I thought.

Did anyone do anything fun over the weekend? The other night we rented the movie The Sapphires with Chris O'Dowd (my favorite actor ever!) It was soooooo good!
I just wanted to stop in with an update, I woke up in the middle of the night with sharp pains in my right lower abdomen. I went to the doctor and it was basically a waste of an hour. They did a pregnancy test and it was negative, then a urine analysis it was normal. She asked if I had had any surgeries and I said yea an appendectomy 10 yrs ago and she was like oh well then it's not your appendix. They did blood work and there was no sign of infection, she came back and asks me about my periods. I told they are irregular because of pcos. She says oh well you could have a cyst or it could be a issue in my colon and instead of running more tests tells me to go take some ibuprofen and schedule a gynecologist appt if it doesn't go away or if it gets worse go to the ER.
I just wanted to stop in with an update, I woke up in the middle of the night with sharp pains in my right lower abdomen. I went to the doctor and it was basically a waste of an hour. They did a pregnancy test and it was negative, then a urine analysis it was normal. She asked if I had had any surgeries and I said yea an appendectomy 10 yrs ago and she was like oh well then it's not your appendix. They did blood work and there was no sign of infection, she came back and asks me about my periods. I told they are irregular because of pcos. She says oh well you could have a cyst or it could be a issue in my colon and instead of running more tests tells me to go take some ibuprofen and schedule a gynecologist appt if it doesn't go away or if it gets worse go to the ER.

Oh my gosh! Sometimes I really dislike doctors! I hope you are not in too much pain and it isn't something serious. Definitely go to the ER if it gets worse...not that they treat people any better at times.
Hope everyone is doing well. We are struggling to get Travis on a good schedule, but we are making progress...slowly. DD never screamed like he does, so I am really not use to it lol DH and I are taking turns with everything to keep us from both being exhausted. We did take him to church for the first time today. He was so quiet during the singing, but as soon as the pastor started talking he decided to also lol DH took him to the nursery and stayed with him so he wouldn't be scared the first time. It went better than I thought.

Did anyone do anything fun over the weekend? The other night we rented the movie The Sapphires with Chris O'Dowd (my favorite actor ever!) It was soooooo good!
Aww my 2nd bub was a screamer it was really hard for me to cope with at 1st but he had reflux and lactose intolerance ( which was undiagnosed until 10 mths ) so the poor bugger was in pain for the 1st 10 mths of his life :( they just told me he had reflux so when it didn't get better we knew something was really wrong.
But he had and still does have a good set of lungs on him lol!
I hope Travis settles down for you soon I'm sure it's just because nothing's ever really been stable in his life, so I'm sure once he realises that he is staying and establishes that bond with you he will be a bit more happier :) it must be tough for you seeing him so upset.
But it will get better :) :hugs:

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