TTC#2 for the 4th month

Here it is girls! It's a bit blurry but it's 2-3! Yay!


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Ahhh misscalais that's beautiful. They recently started selling those tests in the US, so when I do get a positive ill be buying one. I'm def feeling better today.
It's so good to read it instead of just looking at lines lol the sucky thing though is the battery only lasts 24 hrs so when you do get a pos make sure you take a photo of it :)
I'm glad you're feeling better Hun :)
So my Dr called me yesterday with the results of my stool tests and I managed to get a strain of salmonella!!! Apparently it's not as bad as salmonella but still bad. The only thing I can think I got it from was an egg and lettuce sandwich I ate from a bakery. Noone else in my family has it and that's the only thing I've eaten that they haven't. What's the odds of managing to fall pregnant while being so sick lol it's been 3 weeks now. She said it can take up to three weeks for it to pass but it takes a while for your bowel habits to return to normal so hopefully it's gone soon.
Oh wow that sucks! At least you know why your not feeling well. Did she mention sending you to a midwife or doing any blood tests?
So I went on fertility shopping spree lol, got some ov strips, got some preseed, got some baby aspirin, and last but not least soft cups. The bonus was the soft cups they were on clearance at Walmart for 4.50 so I got 2 boxes. I have a really good feeling that I am going to Ov late. So I am holding on to hope because I read soy can make you ov later.
I know it's horrible.
I'm going to go to a different Dr tomorrow and see if I can get bloods done with them. My other Dr said she would write up the referral to the midwife clinic and I just have to pop in and collect it. Im annoyed though because after she told me what was wrong with me i was like ok so when will you do my referral and she was like well when's your appt with the midwife and I'm like I can't get an appt until I have the referral! Then she goes well how many weeks are you? I was like you're kidding me right. I said roughly 5 weeks and she was like oh you're still early on but ill write it up and come collect it Monday or Tuesday. I'm not impressed at all. So ill see what happens with the new Dr hopefully they send me for bloods and just do a referral once the results get back, oh and hopefully I get a due date since the other idiot didn't give me one.
I'm not sure if it will effect bub or not, seems the placenta doesn't take over till roughly 10 weeks nothing is really passed through to but until then ( from my understanding )
So I went on fertility shopping spree lol, got some ov strips, got some preseed, got some baby aspirin, and last but not least soft cups. The bonus was the soft cups they were on clearance at Walmart for 4.50 so I got 2 boxes. I have a really good feeling that I am going to Ov late. So I am holding on to hope because I read soy can make you ov later.
Lol how exciting! I hope the soft cups help you out, I've heard heaps of positive stories about girls getting preg in the 1st couple of cycles using them. And the preseed as well. I've got everything crossed for you! Xo
Well I've been using the softcups for like 6 months. I like them because they pretty much collect all the leftovers and no mess up in there once you take it out its all in there.
Misscalais, I hope you start feeling better soon and that you like the new doctor! It is so frustrating having a doctor who doesn't seem to want to help or constantly forgets what your circumstances are. My dr does that a lot and I hate it! I'm glad you got a digi that worked and got to see the numbers :)

Athena, I hope you are feeling more positive :hugs: I will be praying for you that what you are doing helps and you get that BFP soon! I know it's so hard, but don't give up!

We had DD's birthday party today. It went really well! She is having a slumber party so I hope they don't stay up all night lol
Misscalais, I hope you start feeling better soon and that you like the new doctor! It is so frustrating having a doctor who doesn't seem to want to help or constantly forgets what your circumstances are. My dr does that a lot and I hate it! I'm glad you got a digi that worked and got to see the numbers :)

Athena, I hope you are feeling more positive :hugs: I will be praying for you that what you are doing helps and you get that BFP soon! I know it's so hard, but don't give up!

We had DD's birthday party today. It went really well! She is having a slumber party so I hope they don't stay up all night lol
Thanks Hun :) I hope so too.
Aww how exciting! I can't wait till the boys are old enough for birthday sleep overs :D
I hope they all sleep for you. Happy birthday to your DD.
Thanks! The girls were up until like 1:30 am! DH stayed up to make sure they were okay. They were just watching movies and talking. But then poor Ally woke up at 3:30 throwing up :( This has happened before after Halloween and other events. I think all the excitement and everything is too much for her. My mom brought her some medicine to stop the vomiting and now she is asleep finally. I feel awful for her. I hope it isn't a stomach virus and we, including the whole party, don't get sick also. She did say that her birthday was awesome! Until she got sick that is :(
Thanks cjgirl. I hope your girl gets to feeling better. I feel bad for her, hopefully it's just the excitement. I'm glad she had a good time though.
Thanks! The girls were up until like 1:30 am! DH stayed up to make sure they were okay. They were just watching movies and talking. But then poor Ally woke up at 3:30 throwing up :( This has happened before after Halloween and other events. I think all the excitement and everything is too much for her. My mom brought her some medicine to stop the vomiting and now she is asleep finally. I feel awful for her. I hope it isn't a stomach virus and we, including the whole party, don't get sick also. She did say that her birthday was awesome! Until she got sick that is :(
Aww poor thing and you know what I was the exact same when I was little I would vomit 1st day of each new school year it was a nervous thing for me though lol! And sometimes before going to stay with friends lol!
Glad she had a good time though :)
So girls seen my new dr this morning and I'm so impressed. So much happier!
He did bloods to check hCG and full antenatal blood work and urine test. Get all the results back on Wednesday morning and will get a referral from him to the midwife clinic I'm not even going to bother going into my other Dr. Hopefully ill be getting a referral for an early scan from him as well.
So girls seen my new dr this morning and I'm so impressed. So much happier!
He did bloods to check hCG and full antenatal blood work and urine test. Get all the results back on Wednesday morning and will get a referral from him to the midwife clinic I'm not even going to bother going into my other Dr. Hopefully ill be getting a referral for an early scan from him as well.

That is good that you got a new dr. I don't even know him and I like him already lol. I hope all the test results come back good.
Thanks! The girls were up until like 1:30 am! DH stayed up to make sure they were okay. They were just watching movies and talking. But then poor Ally woke up at 3:30 throwing up :( This has happened before after Halloween and other events. I think all the excitement and everything is too much for her. My mom brought her some medicine to stop the vomiting and now she is asleep finally. I feel awful for her. I hope it isn't a stomach virus and we, including the whole party, don't get sick also. She did say that her birthday was awesome! Until she got sick that is :(

awe poor baby. I hope she feels better soon CJGirl. When do you get to start TTC again? How have you been feeling
Thanks! The girls were up until like 1:30 am! DH stayed up to make sure they were okay. They were just watching movies and talking. But then poor Ally woke up at 3:30 throwing up :( This has happened before after Halloween and other events. I think all the excitement and everything is too much for her. My mom brought her some medicine to stop the vomiting and now she is asleep finally. I feel awful for her. I hope it isn't a stomach virus and we, including the whole party, don't get sick also. She did say that her birthday was awesome! Until she got sick that is :(

awe poor baby. I hope she feels better soon CJGirl. When do you get to start TTC again? How have you been feeling

We have decided not to try again. It was a difficult decision but we feel that it is more important for me to not risk anything else happening again than to try. I have already had 2 close calls that almost resulted in death and I am so scared that I would have another ectopic or something else go wrong. If something happened to me DD's biological father might take her away from Jesse and I can't bear the thought of that. I have been a little sore near my scars, but I think it is just the feeling in the nerves coming back.
So girls seen my new dr this morning and I'm so impressed. So much happier!
He did bloods to check hCG and full antenatal blood work and urine test. Get all the results back on Wednesday morning and will get a referral from him to the midwife clinic I'm not even going to bother going into my other Dr. Hopefully ill be getting a referral for an early scan from him as well.

I'm so glad that you found someone you like! Can't wait to hear the results! :happydance:

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