athena, what a great bday present a BFP would be!
How is everyone feeling? Misscalais I hope you are feeling better and dragonfly I hope your girls are feeling better.
nlb, I kind of know how you feel. My mom tried to push her new "friend" on us and I finally told her that it just wasn't going to happen. They could have a relationship and I want her to be happy, but right now we don't want to be a part of it. It's too soon for that. The age difference between y'all is so big, why does it matter if you hang out other that see each other at family stuff? I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all of it.
We are iced in and can't leave the house at all

Everything is closed, even church has been closed and cancelled tomorrow. All of us missed things this weekend, but at least we have had some time together. It has been a few years since this has happened here. I thought it would begin to melt today, but no sign of that. My garden that is full of beautiful ferns and ivy is completely covered in snow and ice. I don't know if they will survive. I guess I shouldn't complain, I know that some people would love a snow day, but in north Texas we just aren't prepared fully for this kind of thing. I kid you not, on Wednesday my friend and I had lunch at a rooftop bar that has great burgers, by the way, and she was wearing a sundress and everyone had short sleeves and shorts and then Thursday by 1pm the university was closed and we were all sent home from work and school.