I'm due May 18thmisscalais when was your due date? I cant wait for you to have that little one either. im so excited for you. do you know what the name will be yet?
I'm due May 18thmisscalais when was your due date? I cant wait for you to have that little one either. im so excited for you. do you know what the name will be yet?my ticker is one day behind. 10 days after Seths 5th birthday
I'm so excited I feel like time is dragging lol!
We still haven't settled on a name yet which is so frustrating to me. Hubby is being so difficult lol!
I'm so excited we will all be having our babies within a few months of each other![]()
I used to get really dizzy when I was pregnant with Eli, and with this one too. For me it's low blood pressure but can be just a normal pregnancy symptom or dehydration. If you find it doesn't ease off call ur OB and see what she has to say.I am too. This is very exciting. I've been very dizzy today. I hope it's nothing.
Scott was hubbies brother. He passed away when he was 14 6 months after hubby and I met. He had cancer, was in remission but he got an ear infection and because he didnt have enough white blood cells from chemo treatment the infection spread really quickly and the infection went into his brain. He swelled up with fluid etc and they had to give him an op to drain the fluid but he never woke up from the op.Misscalais, if you don't mind me asking who is Scotty? And sorry for your loss.
Nlb. Hope you start feeling better. Is it possible you were a little dehydrated?
It's very scary isn't it Hun, I had spotting at 6 weeks with this one scared the crap out of me.I had a little scare earlier. I was spotting called my doctor and the nurse said it was normal as long as it's not heavy. It was literally a spot on tp when I went to the bathroom.
Thanks Hun, yeah it's hard and just not fair. He'd be 25 this year, sad to think all the things he missed out on.Misscalais, I am so sorry you and dh had to go through that. It's never right for such a young child to lose their life and can only imagine how hard it must be for your dh. Once again I am so sorry for you and your dh's loss .
Yeah feeling heaps betterYay! So exciting. I'm so happy for you!
Misscalais, how have you been feeling? Are you completely recovered from the surgery? 3rd tri, woohoo!
Nlb, how have you been doing? Getting anymore energy?
Cjgirl, did you get all those certificates this semester? Looks like you have been super busy!
I have been feeling so shut in. I am going crazy! I am so done with snow and cold weather. Come on spring! I can't wait to be able to get outside. Thinking Jilly must be feeling the same because boy has she been testing my patients lately! Understandable as we have had such cold weather we can't even get outside to play in the snow. This week we're suppose to be having a little warm up. 30's
Gonna be a heat wave, lol.
Aww Hun, I found 'due date' day so hard. BigHow has everyone been?
Misscalais, I am so sorry that you and DH had to go through that. It does seem to be harder sometimes as time passes because you just wish that person were there to experience everything that has happened. It is nice that your DS can carry on his name and memory that way.
athena, that picture is awesome!
I am so excited for all of you!
dragonfly, those certificates are all of the ones I have gotten so far since October, except for my Criminal Investigation one wasn't in the pic. I earned two others as well, but they have yet to be printed. I passed my exam over Death Investigation last Saturday and should get a certificate for that soon. Almost done with academy. I just have to certify in Courtroom Testimony and Sexual Assault Investigation and I graduate April 5th!
So today was my due date. I have been too busy to dwell much, but I have come close to crying a couple of times. I have a peace about it though. I am in a good place in my life and am thankful for everything I have. It still seems a bit unfair and I wonder what our baby would look like and if he/she would have been born today or been late like Ally. So many what ifs and questions, but I just have to keep moving forward. Last night I was about to cry and I asked Jesse if he knew what tomorrow was (we rarely talk about it). He said yes and I told him I still feel bad, like it is really unfair to him. He said he is happy. I know it is the truth and I just remember in the ER when he looked at me and said I just need for you to be okay right now. I can't believe how far we have all come together. I know I we've said it a lot, but I really don't know what I would have done all this time without y'all![]()
I've been getting them too they are annoying! Lol I find I only get them when I've been really active like doing the grocery shopping, cleaning etc. I didn't get them at all with Seth and from 30ish weeks with Eli.Sorry I haven't been around. I haven't gotten any notices in my email. I promise I'm no trying to avoid any of ya. I am doing good. I start my trimester on sat. I will be 14 weeks. Can't wait. I have been getting the Braxton hicks already. I don't remember getting them this early with ds but who knows it was 5 years ago.
Athena I'm so glad you are being good to u/s looks great.
How are everyone else?