I know what you mean, I will hold out as long as possible to test this time. Is your ticker correct?
Hi girls!
AF finally finished today, after another weird light cycle like last mth. So weird.
Anyway yes ill be using OPKs again this month as I o at different times I think it's best that I do. Ill start around CD11 which is 4 days away.
Good luck CJGirl I'm so excited for you.
Dragonfly I hope your bub is better soon.
Nlb you might just o late what day are you on now? I o'ed cd 19 last mth I couldn't believe it.
Still probably too earlyBFN this morning, but it is still early I suppose. I am going to try my best to wait before I test again. I don't think I can take a whole week of disappointments.
Mine have been too and it's starting to worry me. I had one night of heavy flow (the 1st day of AF ) then 5 days of pretty much spotting is what I'd call it, only like a smudge on my pad each day and when I wiped. It was like this last cycle too I'm normally heavy for three or so days then it tapers off and I'm normally having to use tampons but not enough the last too cycles for tampons. My body is being so mean to me lolI'm on CD16 i think my af has been weird latly.
Misscalalis, Hope the next week flys by for you. I can't believe how long cycles seem to take when ttc. It's rather ridiculous! And lol to not telling your hubby. Hehehe.
Cjgirl, I know what you mean about being emotionally exhausted. When will you test again? I think I will wait until Sunday, if I can hold out that long. I only have 1 cheapie test left so that's my motivation, not wanting to go out and buy anymore, lol. I do however have to go to the store today for coffee filters, I will just have to steer clear of that isle, lol not much willpower when it comes to testing. Also I am going to order my dh's Christmas pesent off amazon today so maybe I'll get some cheapies off there.
Nlb, how are you? When will you begin testing? I think we're right around the Ssame time in our cycle. I'm pretty sure I o'd on Wednesday before thanksgiving. But who knows for sure.