TTC #2, o'ing mid-January, first cycle!

Good luck ladies :dust:

We are not TTC#2 anymore we have some private issues to work through (horrible place right now) but I am going to follow you all

Sucks as I am SUPER fertile it seems this cycle so much EWCM since Sunday (we dtd Monday tho :wacko:)
Mitch I have no advice sorry :( just hoping you don't have to wait much longer to know what's going on.

Twag I replied to you in the other forum. Hoping that you are able to work through your problems quickly. It's horrible feeling so bad about your relationship, whatever the issue.
AF got me :cry:

Though to be honest I am quite pleased it finally showed up....was a bit worried x
Still no positive opk for me. I should be ovulating soon but have no clue as last cycle was shorter. Going to keep testing and bd just in case.

Frustrated as I should be finishing my early learning and development AAS program in December which would allow for a semester off before returning to complete my bachelors the following fall. Now it's not looking like that will happen as I will have to have an internship next spring. Throws off my "plan" because I could have care for dD this summer but not for sure next spring and definitely not free care or care for 2 babies! Feeling frustrated. Hope the stress doesn't mess with my cycle too much.

Sorry for the little rant. Just have to share with people who know that the plan was having a baby and then graduating shortly after NOT having a baby then graduating a semester later! Blah!
Sorry mitch! it's so hard being stuck in limbo but at least now you aren't waiting and wondering. Onto the next cycle. Fingers crossed for you!

Misslatino it sucks having a plan and then having it totally pissed on! Sorry things don't seem to be falling the way you wanted to. What cd are you now? When are you going to be testing?

Afm, 4dpo today. Had lotion cm the past two days. I know it doesn't mean anything but I was pretty dry last cycle. Trying to hold out until Monday to test at 9dpo. This is always the slowest part!!
Hi ladies. Ugh. It's been a stressful few days. Kai is almost 6 months old, but he's still sleeping like a newborn at night :nope: . I've been exhausted. Can this week be over already? I desperately need a nap!

I still don't know if I have ovulated/will ovulate this month. To be honest, I'm getting kind of frustrated with my body and with OPK's. I'm using the regular CB digital opk's (pink), the CB advanced digital opk's (purple), and the wondfo cheapies. I had a positive on the CB advanced the other day and negatives on the other two (same urine). But until today, I've barely had even a second line on the wondfos. Today (cd 16) I got a slightly darker line. My app says I'm supposed to be o'ing today/tomorrow, but all my opk's have been negative! No more EWCM since a few days ago. I'm still having twinges in my right ovary. Who knows. I had no idea this was going to be so hard... I guess we'll keep bd'ing until cd20 or so to make sure, but I'm not feeling good about this month, either. So that's where I am!

mrs_bump, so you didn't get a positive OPK until cd18? That's comforting for me. Maybe I've been o'ing later than I thought I was. What opks are you using? Sounds like you hit the timing right on the head. On to the TWW for you!

mitchnorm, I'm so sorry you were in limbo so long. It sucks that you got BFN this month, but I'm glad AF finally showed for you so you can move on. I hope she passes soon so you can focus on next cycle!

Twag... I'm so sorry you're having issues right now. I hope you're able to work through them and find a peaceful solution and get back to a place where you feel you can TTC again. :hugs: Please, do follow us. We don't want you to be gone!

Misslatino, grrr I know how frustrating that can be! I seriously hate opk's right now. Maybe you still have yet to ovulate. It's possible you and I are still having irregular cycles from the birth control/pregnancy respectively. Fingers crossed that for both of us, our next cycle is very easy! I'm sorry it's kind of ruining your plans regarding school... I'm sure that you'll find a way to make anything work.

LiteBRIGHT, how's the TWW treating you? 5dpo today! I can't wait until you start testing on Monday!

Sorry I've been gone a lot ladies. I think it's in part because I've been discouraged about my (seemingly) anovulatory cycles recently. But I told myself when we started this journey that I wanted to make the most of TTC, since this very well could be my last pregnancy. So I want to make a point from now on to not get too stressed about it and allow my body the time to get ready for another healthy pregnancy, even if that takes awhile. So we'll still be TTC, but I'm going to try a relax a little. :thumbup:

Sorry for the long entry! How is everyone today? Any fun plans for the weekend?
Finally an almost positive opk today!!! Will test again this evening. The line all of the sudden got MUCH darker.

I actually called the department head and just told them that we're trying for another baby and I want to finish in December, is there anyway to make that happen. And she said we will figure something out! Thank God for a female department head with a family!! Going to bd tonight. I haven't even had sex even though Ive been wanting to because we keep falling asleep!

Justplay I'm sure we've got iffy cycles right now. Hopefully we can get this thing right soon! Looking back, when I conceived dd, I literally just had tons of sex. I didn't know when I was ovulating for sure so I just had sex twice a day every day for 2 weeks. My oh wasn't supposed to be able to have children according to the doctor that corrected a hydrocele (spelling may be off!) when he was younger so we just tried really really hard to get as many swimmers as possible heading for that possible egg. I'm hoping that we don't have too much trouble as I couldn't imagine that much sex with a toddler lol!
Oomph, forgot. I'm on CD13. From today's almost positive opk, I'm guessing I won't be having a 24 day cycle this go round but I'll probably test on cd 24. I say this, but since my cheapie opks came with cheapie hpts, I'm betting I'll be peeing on them early even though there will be no hope for a positive. The pee on a stick addiction is real!
Misslatino, I'm glad they told you they would make it happen. That's great news! Also, yay for a positive OPK! The poas addiction IS real... I want to get some hpt wondfo cheapies but I don't know if it's in my best interest... :haha: So do you think you're ovulating today?

So I'm cd17 today. I have no idea why, but my opk this morning was much darker... I had been getting pretty much zilch, but it looks almost positive to me this morning. Maybe I've been ovulating later than I thought I was? We're going to keep bd'ing until cd20 to make sure. I'm just glad I finally got a near-positive! :happydance:

How's everyone else on this fine Friday?
Was recommended a book called 'Take control of your fertility'...just lying in bed reading it (only day 3 to say so nothing else happening:haha:)

I have always used opks but reckon LH surge could be misleading....I might not actually be o'ing at all, or infrequently or getting times wrong. ..going to try temping. Never done it before. .bought a digital thermometer last year with intention of doing it but never started. so will kick off tomorrow.

Do you all temp chart?
Mitch I've never temped but I've heard its much more accurate. I feel if I go another few months with no bfp I might consider it. However with a short 25 day cycle there's only so many days that I could be fertile so I'm not too worried about it yet.

Justplay sorry it's been so confusing for you! It's funny I was Oing early than I thought and you are most likely Oing later than you thought. At least that still gives you the chance to catch the egg!

I've decided to start testing Sunday because well I have a problem :haha: I'll be 8 dpo and truly know it's not going to show anything. Maybe I'll test every other day this cycle instead of twice a day :blush:
Mitch, I've heard of that book. Everyone says it has some really valuable tips in there, so I might read it as well. I haven't temped yet but I have a basal thermometer and I'l probably start next cycle. I want more confirmation that I'm actually ovulating.

Lite, that is funny! It's unfortunate that it's so hard to tell when we're ovulating. Why can't it just be more straightforward?! My opk tonight was even darker, so I'm hopeful that I might be ovulating tomorrow. My plan is to bd tonight, tomorrow night, and Sunday. Then on to the TWW! That's exciting that you're starting testing on Sunday! What kind of tests are you using?
I have Wondfo internet cheapie tests that I bought off of Amazon. That's what I used for DD. When I showed my sister my positive test with DD she was like "what the hell is that? Buy a real test!" haha
Lol! They do look kinda funny... just a disembodied strip with no case! I think I'm gonna get some of those, too. My OPK's are wondfo and I like them.
Cd18 is about right for me as I have Long cycles, have been 32 or 33 days since my son was born. Were 31 or 32 before. I just bought th cheap opks off amazon and they seem to work for me. I seem to have a short sharp surge but that makes it easier to see and opks were so much easier than temping. Don't think this'll be our month as only the one bd but that's ok. At least I can plan the bds better now as I've seemed to o at the same time in two consecutive cycles.
Mrs_Bump, I'm glad you've worked out when you ovulate. That must be nice! All it takes is one bd!

So my OPK at 7 last night was positive... at least, as close to positive as I've seen any of mine go. Then this morning it was lighter again, so I think my surge was last night and I should have ovulated/will ovulate last night or this morning. We bd'ed last night, so fx we'll catch an egg! Don't know whether to consider myself 1dpo or 0dpo... I think I'll say 1dpo tomorrow.
I'm pushing my test date back as I realized I only have 5 cheapis left! I'd rather save them for closer to when AF is due. Testing Tuesday now instead of Sunday :(

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