TTC #2, o'ing mid-January, first cycle!

Day 5 of cycle so waiting waiting waiting :wacko:...started temping yesterday so well see how that works out. .also got opks. Out yesterday at the races drinking champagne...last day of drinking this cycle (well may be the odd glass only at weekend) so we'll see if that helps. going to be a long month haha :haha:

Fx for testers and tww'ers x
Officially in the tww. I Never got a positive opk... But I got a super close to positive and then it lightened through the weekend back to nothing. Almost positive I o'd Friday (or at least my body tried to O!). It was extremely painful :/ going to see if I can get in tomorrow for an appointment with my OB/GYN as it was the same pressure as last month but MUCH more severe! Had to sleep on the couch with a heating pad then all day Saturday was difficult walking as the pressure continued. My slightly know it all friend says gas but I am confident that I know my body better than that. Trying not to worry. I did push through and we had sex the past 4 days so hoping if I did ovulate i caught it!:thumbup:

Hope all is well and that everyone had a lovely Valentine's day.
Hi ladies here's what worked for me Soy Isoflaves and Maca Root. The Soy is only to be taken while on your period. The Maca was taken by me and the hubby, everyday. On this routine i got pregnant with my daughter after only 2 months of trying. We started the routine in November this time and I got pregnant in Jan.

Wishing all you ladies the best.
Leah how are you feeling?? Have you been to the Drs yet?

Welcome to the dreaded TWW for the rest of you. Such a drag!!!
Thanks for the input Leah! Love reading what worked for others :)

With DD I took geritol and baby aspirin until I o'd then stopped aspirin and started prenatals. Took us two months, too :) I haven't tried anything different this go round so far as I figure I need to let my body recover from the 18 months of birth control. If we don't concieve this month I will look into the routine you mentioned next cycle!
Went to the doctors for confirmation first official visit is March 3rd. I feel good but a lot different then when I was pregnant with my daughter so I'm hoping that's a sign that this is a boy.
Hi ladies. Around 2dpo here. This is the boring part of the TWW. At least I don't have to fight off the urge to test yet! Not much going on right now. My LO is almost 6 months old. He can feed himself his own bottle and can sit for at least 15 minutes at a time, just playing with his toys. I can't believe how much he's grown up! :cry:

Mitchnorm, good luck with temping. I've tried it a little bit here and there, but I've never been able to get good results with it. My OH wants me to try again next cycle, so I think we're going to try and do that. Fx that was your last drink for 9 months! :winkwink:

Misslatino, I never got a 100% positive either... in the closest ones, the second line is still a hair lighter than the control. Maybe that's as dark as they go for us? And ouch, that sounds terrible! I had a lot of cramping and twinging this month, but nothing nearly that bad. Hopefully that means you did indeed ovulate!

Litebright, testing tomorrow?! How many dpo will you be then? Any symptoms?

Leah, thanks for the tips! I've heard so many good things, I think I'm going to try soy starting in May if we still haven't gotten a BFP. Glad to see you're still dropping in on us here in TTC. Hope the first trimester is treating you well! Any nausea yet?

So yeah, not much going on currently. I'm feeling a little discouraged this cycle. Two of my friends with whom I was pregnant at the same time are pregnant again and just announced it, within a day of each other. While logically I know that I have lots and lots of time, it still kind of hurts (though I'm excited for them and can't wait to find out what they're having!). I'm still not sure if I'm even ovulating yet. Then I worry maybe I was never ovulating correctly in the first place. :nope: My son was kind of a fluke because I was actually on the pill when he was conceived.

I just wish I knew what was going on! I'm definitely going to try temping next cycle so maybe I can get a better grasp of what's happening.
Justplay, I think we'll temp next cycle too. May temp and take a month off I really wanted it to be this month but am trying not to get too excited. I Hate the frustration of all of this. The obsessing over every possible symptom. But I suppose a healthy baby is worth the wait and frustration. I'm in the same boat that I don't even know for sure if I'm ovulating or not. I would imagine that I am but who knows without temping.

How many days til everyone tests? I'm sure this time next week I'll be anxiously waiting to test.
Misslatino, I'm sorry it's proving to be stressful for you, too. I'm 3-4dpo today. I'll probably wait to test until I'm 12dpo. So probably Thursday the 26th. Seem likes forever away! Why are you considering taking a month off next time? No December baby? We're thinking of doing the same thing.

How's everyone else doing today? Lite, did you test?
Well, no December baby as I will graduate with an associates degree in child development in December and want to walk. Also don't want to have everyone maki a huge deal about the baby around Christmas when this will be the first year that my daughter sort of GETS what christmas is all about. She will be really excited (2.5 this christmas) and I don't want the focus taken away from her because mommy is utterly exhausted with a brand new baby.

If we don't concieve this month I will probably change my mind lol. If this is it, I'll have a due date of november 7th. I'll have the scheduled c section as my first was an emergency and I'm not up for the risks associated with vbacs. Baby would likely be born on Halloween (a day before or day after if I have a choice! I think holiday bdays suck because you're not the center of attention). Honestly, I think that would be the perfect amount of time to recover before graduation mid December. Then our family can come see me graduate and meet baby number 2 and experience little miss's pure joy at christmas. But if it doesn't work out I'll work up another perfect scenario I'm sure lol.
Hello everyone! :flower: it has been a little for me , currently waiting for AF to show so I can start tracking for march to start TTC until we get it! Yay :D how's everyone? Any news !?
I tested yesterday and BFN. But I stupidly looked at the test again this morning and there's an obvious but faint line. I'm assuming an evap. I shouldn't have pulled it out of the trash! I only have three tests left and my ICs don't come until next week :brat: Not sure what to do!

So sorry for you ladies feeling very frustrated with things. Such a hard process we women go through :hugs:

Skypink welcome back. Any symptoms? Don't count yourself out yet!!
Misslatino, isn't it funny how we make up the perfect scenario for every due date?! Lol. I get why you're planning on skipping next month. I have thought about it, too. OH wants to go ahead and keep trying because he doesn't really care. But I'm actually leaning towards trying next cycle and then skipping the one after that. If I got pregnant in March, that would put my due date at December 1st-ish. I was induced a week early with my last pregnancy as I am diabetic and will almost 100% be induced at 39 weeks again next time. So I'd have a late November baby, and that would be fine for us. But if I get pregnant in April, my due date would be New's Year's day, and I'd most likely be induced on/around Christmas day. No thank you! I hope you guys get pregnant this cycle so you don't have to worry about it! How are you doing?

skypink, how are you? It has been awhile! I'm alright, how are you? No news so far on my end... It's that boring part of the TWW for me!

Litebright, oh no! Did it look evap-y? How many dpo are you now? Any symptoms?

I'm 4dpo today, I think. Nothing much going on yet. Too early for symptoms!
Hey ladies, do you mind if I join? We currently have a 10 month old and we started to try last month. I am going to be ovulating any day now, so just doing the deed and soon will be in the dreaded tww! Good luck to you ladies!!
Lite, my first positive with Mia was an evap. The next day it was there :) I ALWAYS pull them out of the trash too like an idiot!

I'm doing good Justplay. I had a friend call me last night (one of those friends you only hear from every few months) and ask if I was pregnant because she had a dream I was. Not going to lie, it excited me lol. Our neighbors just got a baby swing delivered to their house....I should add I live in a townhouse and our front doors are inches from each other so I don't sound creepy lol.... They also just traded their coupe for an SUV and cleaned out a bedroom this past weekend. I'd say they are having or adopting/fostering soon! we aren't close with our neighbors here but my heart filled with Joy for them. I just hope this is our month. I think im 5dpo today. No symptoms aside from some gas.
Good evening ladies! Hope everyone is survivng the wait to O, the TWW, and AF.

Isn't it funny how we plan our babies around their due dates? There's so much more to think about than just getting pregnant. I say if I don't get my bfp this cycle that I'll take two off so as not to have a holiday baby, but who knows if I could hold out.

Nothing to report here. AF due Saturday. The test I took was definitely an evap. I've had bfns since then. I found out my wondfos were bad batch/fake and so Amazon is sending me knew ones free tomorrow. The control line took forever to show up and even when the time line had passed there was still lots of dye in the part where you dip the test in urine. I'm excited to have new tests. Tomorrow I'll be 12 dpo. Didn't get bfp with dd until 15 so not going to be discouraged yet.
Amcolecchi, of course, welcome! Good luck catching that egg!

Misslatino, ooh, I hope that's a good sign! That would be really cool if her dream was right! Fx for you :thumbup:

Lite, that sucks about the wondfo's! Evaps are the worst. I was thinking of ordering some wondfo HPT's off of Amazon, but now I'm afraid I 'd get a faulty batch... Have you gotten your new ones yet?

I'm 5dpo-ish today. Absolutely nothing to report. :coffee: Once again, I'm doubtful that I actually ovulated this month (no EWCM and no clear positive on OPK, though one was almost as dark as the control). Even if I did AND it was fertilized, I probably wouldn't have implanted yet anyway. BOOOO boring part of the TWW! I'm ready for either a BFP or AF so I can move onto the next cycle.

:dust: to everyone!
JustPlay order from the company that's called UStesting or something like that on Amazon. Their wondfos are about $18 for a 50 pack and they are supposed to be a trusted seller.

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