TTC #2, o'ing mid-January, first cycle!

Hi everyone! I'd love to join in! This is our first month ttc#2 round 2. We started trying last January and had a chem preg in feb then got pregnant again in May and had a miscarriage in July so we took a break from the stress! Ready to hopefully get our rainbow this year! On cd 8 today so still my fertile days are creeping up! Totally nervous to start this journey again so could totally use some people to talk to!
Hi, Bianca76f. Welcome! I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. Probably a good thing to take a break from all that stress so you can come back to TTC feeling refreshed! Fx for your rainbow baby this year! :dust: How old is your little one?
My son is 21 months and has slept through 3 times total. If I waited for him to sleep through he'd be an only child. Currently cd 25. So 7dop according to ff and 9dpo according to me. I forgot how crazy ttc makes you. I'm wondering if every little thing is a symptom even though I know its way too early for symptoms.

At 21 months my daughter had only slept through the night a few times as well! It can be so tiring! Something changed when she hit 2, she just started sleeping through. I didn't change anything, it was all on her own! She still breastfeeds, and I didn't night wean her!

Anyway I digress- CD 14 for me! I'm still feeling pretty confident! We've DTD the last three days, I'm not sure if I ovulated yet (I forgot to take a test the last two day! :dohh:)

My husband loves when we TTC!
ha ha Janers my husband loves TTC too! :haha:

Justplay Congrats on getting married! Very exciting!! Sounds like you timed your BDing right so onto the TWW for you!

As for me, haven't had any O symptoms yet. We BD'd yesterday and probably will tomorrow too. I think I'm due to O in two days. I'm very nervous about TTC. A lot more since this is #2 and will be a whole different experience.

Good luck to the new ladies as well :thumbup:
Due to O this weekend but caught my daughter's cold so BD'ing should be interesting. I feel extra crappy. OpKS still negative. Wish me luck!!
I think I'm just going to have to resign myself to the fact that OH and I won't be getting much sleep for the next 5+ years, especially if we decide to have more than 2 kids (we're leaning towards 3)! :wacko:

Janers, my OH likes it too, but it seems like he gets a little tired of it by the time my fertile window is closed. I know he counts himself lucky, though, because with a new baby, before TTC he wasn't getting much of anything! :haha: Janers, sounds like you're probably in the TWW at this point. Join me! I think I ovulated yesterday, judging by the pinching pain I had in my right ovary. So I'm going to go ahead and consider myself 1 dpo. Only 13 more days until testing!

LiteBRIGHT, thank you! It was a nice little wedding and a really good day. I'm hoping in the spring/summer when the weather is a bit nicer we can have a little reception. Although, if I'm pregnant again, that might be a bit awkward! :shrug: Are you mostly just nervous about having two to chase around? I'm nervous about that too, but my cousin (who has 3 under 5) says they kind of entertain each other even from a really young age and that kind of makes it easier in some ways.

Leah, sorry to hear that! I hate bd'ing with a cold. Sometimes getting sick can delay ovulation, so you might find that your cycle gets a bit thrown off and you don't 'o until after your cold gets better. Good luck!
Right ladies AF has left the building so i'm ready :). I have no idea when I'm ovulating so going to start with the sticks tomorrow.
Yay, JenJen! On to the OPK and BD marathon for you!
So I tested yesterday because I've been feeling so rough, bfn of course. Actually beginning to get a bit worried about what is going on with my body if I'm not pregnant: bad nausea, burpiness and heart burn for the last 3 days. Not normal for me at all.
Thanks Justplay91 it didn't even occur to me that sickness could delay ovulation. I was worried I was going miss my window due to how crappy I felt but it would nice to ovulate a couple days later so BD'ing won't feel like a chore.
Ovulation is now I believe (how long do ovulation pains usually last?) and we bd'd tonight so tomorrow puts me at 1 dpo. Bring on the TWW!
Mrsbump how many dpo are you? I didn't get a bfp with my daughter until 15dpo and I was testing everyday!
Leah hopefully you feel better soon!
Mrs_Bump, I really hope you start feeling better if these aren't early pregnancy symptoms! I hate how our bodies play tricks on us when we're in the TWW. When is af due for you? What kind of tests are you using?

Leah, I hope you're feeling better! I have another friend on here who was just recently sick over her expected 'o date and her body waited to 'o until after. Hopefully your's does the same. Are you still doing OPK's to check what's going on with your cycle?

LiteBRIGHT, happy 1dpo to you! It seems like for me, I'll feel a dull cramping-like feeling for a day or two, and then a sharper pain on the day of ovulation and sometimes the day after as well. I assume that's the follicle bursting and then the tube contracting to move the egg downwards toward the uterus.

DaTucker, I'm sorry you aren't here to symptom spot with us this month! I hope your MIL is doing okay... Still thinking about you guys. :hugs:

I'm 2 or 3 dpo, not 100% sure. So far, no symptoms to report. With my son, I didn't really have any symptoms when I tested at 13 dpo, other than some af-type cramping and excessive thirst. I'm diabetic now though (gestational diabetes never left :sad1: ) so excessive thirst is kind of a given. I could stand to lose 5-10 lbs though, and maybe that would help... ANYWAY, I'm going to TRY to hold off testing until the 27th... 11 days. That's when I'm due to start my period. That way if I get a :bfn:, I don't have too long to be disappointed before af comes and I get to start all over! Plus when we were NTNP last month, I feel like I wasted a lot of tests and I don't want to do that this time. We'll see...

How is everyone doing today? :dust:
I think I was wrong, i think ovulation was yesterday. Two days ago I had a little cramping, then yesterday I cramped for several hours. So I think now I'm at 1 dpo. Just have to find a way to pass the next two weeks!
LiteBRIGHT, how are you doing? Somehow, I'm so chill this month that I've lost track of how many DPO I am. 4-5, I think. That may change as I get closer to the time I can test, though. Mostly I'm just feeling like this isn't my month. And that's okay. I've been getting excited about the idea of having a winter baby. And if that doesn't happen, a spring or summer baby! So far, I like my attitude on this. I doubt it will stick! :dohh:

How's everyone else doing? Is everybody in the TWW now?
Justplay91 I like your attitude too!
I am also on the TWW but only 1dpo so at this point it's whatever ,
I am sure as I get closer to testing week I will be nervous and anxious that's a given .
Cheers to hope and patience and baby dust to all :dust:
Hope everyone's doing ok. 10dpo today according to ff and 12 according to me. Sorry if tmi but is anyone else still producing wet cm post o. I guess it's possible I always do this, but it's very annoying keep thinking af has turned up. Then I wonder if I didn't o. It isn't ewcm though. Oh yes and I have superdrug tests. Think they're meant to be ok.
So I've been cramping for 4 days now. The first day was light cramping. The next day was more obvious cramping at night and I've been cramping on and off (mostly on) yesterday and today. I don't feel like that's normal for me but not sure what it means as far as ovulation? Usually I have obvious ovulation pain. I don't temp or anything. This is only our first month ttc #2 andI'd love to say it'll be no big deal if we miss this month, but I have my heart set on my kids birthdays being in the same month. I don't really feel anxious or anything though so that's good. Just hopefull.
Glad to hear you're feeling relaxed about everything Justplay, but it's wayyy to early to count yourself out! Mrs bump I'm so jealous youre so far along in the TWW! When do u plan to test??
So I've been cramping for 4 days now. The first day was light cramping. The next day was more obvious cramping at night and I've been cramping on and off (mostly on) yesterday and today. I don't feel like that's normal for me but not sure what it means as far as ovulation? Usually I have obvious ovulation pain. I don't temp or anything. This is only our first month ttc #2 andI'd love to say it'll be no big deal if we miss this month, but I have my heart set on my kids birthdays being in the same month. I don't really feel anxious or anything though so that's good. Just hopefull.
Glad to hear you're feeling relaxed about everything Justplay, but it's wayyy to early to count yourself out! Mrs bump I'm so jealous youre so far along in the TWW! When do u plan to test??

I am crampy too and kinda worried cause I have never experienced this
I had period like cramps through half of first trimester with dd. But I can't remember when they started to compare this too. I should go back into the testing forums from when I had her and see what symptoms I had and when lol

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