TTC #2, o'ing mid-January, first cycle!


Can I join in?? I used to be addicted to this site and made some really good friends through it when I had my daughter who is 3 in March....eeep. So yes here I am trying to conceive number 2.

We tried last year March - July and I had a chemical in April which hit me a bit hard as I fell pregnant first month with my daughter, no problems at all. I must add that I am now 41 so probably the oldest on here??? :cry: We stopped trying for a few months whilst I change jobs etc and last month was a our first month of being back in the game. Obviously no BFP for me last month but I remain hopeful.

I am using OPK sticks as they worked for me with daughter and played around a bit with preseed and softcups last year. I started acupuncture last weekend - not sure whether it will do anything (apart from bankrupt me) but hey its worth a try.

I am due to OV probably Saturday/Sunday this week (Day 10 at moment)...I will go back and read everyones posts...but yeah that's me.

x x

Can I join in?? I used to be addicted to this site and made some really good friends through it when I had my daughter who is 3 in March....eeep. So yes here I am trying to conceive number 2.

We tried last year March - July and I had a chemical in April which hit me a bit hard as I fell pregnant first month with my daughter, no problems at all. I must add that I am now 41 so probably the oldest on here??? :cry: We stopped trying for a few months whilst I change jobs etc and last month was a our first month of being back in the game. Obviously no BFP for me last month but I remain hopeful.

I am using OPK sticks as they worked for me with daughter and played around a bit with preseed and softcups last year. I started acupuncture last weekend - not sure whether it will do anything (apart from bankrupt me) but hey its worth a try.

I am due to OV probably Saturday/Sunday this week (Day 10 at moment)...I will go back and read everyones posts...but yeah that's me.

x x

:hi: welcome sending lots of :dust: your way home your journey doesn't take too long :hugs:
Good luck to the ladies o-ing soon! I hope you catch that egg!!

4-5 dpo here and feeling completely normal. Too early for any symptoms or to test. This is the boring part of the TWW lol
I hate 2ww they seem to drag!!

Sending lots of :dust: your way - 2 of my NCT friends are preggo with #2 and posted baby bump pictures today - jealous :wacko:
Urgh I hate the TWW - every little twinge or cramp....little bit of nausea and you convince yourself :wacko:

One of my NCT friends has just told me shes 4 weeks pregnant - really pleased for her as she had a late loss last year.....she seriously fell pregnant each time by DTD once....yes ONCE :cry: I wish ha ha
Welcome mitchnorm. Sorry about your loss.
Two of my postnatal group are preggo, due 5 days apart. Definitely a bit jealous.
I'm thinking of using opks next month as temping with a toddler is impossible. Where do you ladies buy them from and how many do you need for one cycle?
Mine friends are a month apart so one is 14 weeks and the other is 10 weeks!!

I got mine from Amazon I think before when TTC#1
LiteBRIGHT, I'm glad it worked out well for your mom. I like to hear success stories like that because it makes me feel like I'll be able to get through it sane and in one piece (if that's even possible with parenting :winkwink: ). 4-5dpo already, huh? I think I'm 6-7. Still nothing to report over here, symptom wise. These early TWW days are boring!

Misslatino, haha! That's what cartoons are for, right? :haha: Hope everything went according to plan. Honestly, OPK's help, but they're kind of aggravating me recently. I feel like I've gotten positives when I wasn't ovulating and visa versa. But that might just be my body being crazy and hormonally-off that's causing my issues. My opinion is, they're worth a try.

Mrs_bump, don't count yourself out yet! I know how you feel. I don't really know when I o'ed for sure either, and FF doesn't really seem to help me. I tried temping, but it just wasn't working for me. I hope you start feeling better. 3 more days until testing!

skypink.mommy, my bb's are sensitive/sore as well, off and on. They never used to get sore during my luteal phase before I got pregnant with Kai, but now it seems they do. Hmm... :shrug: And I feel ya. Testing makes me super nervous, too. I plan to wait until af is due too, but my stupid ticker keeps telling me I can test in 5 days. I think it's trying to turn me into a POAS addict!

Heather, yay, the fun part of the TTC process is coming up for you! Haha. Well, more fun than the rest of it. It is really hard. This is my first month actively TTC and I'm more calm about it than I thought I'd be. But for some reason when we were NTNP last month, that really stressed me out. Not sure why I'm cool as a cucumber this month, but I don't expect it to last into the next cycle(s). It just isn't my personality! Wow, you must really have a good schedule down to get pregnant the 1st month both times. What days do you bd in relation to your 'o day? I know it's hard not to worry, but if you've gotten pregnant twice, I'm sure you can still get pregnant. And if it helps, I have a really good feeling that you will definitely be pregnant again. :hugs:

Leah, hope your cold is much better! To be honest, those don't look quite positive to me, but they're getting close. According to the directions (at least for mine) the test line is supposed to be at least as dark or darker then the control in order for it to be considered positive. I would keep taking them and see what happens.

Twag, we're using preseed, too. I wasn't going to, but I've heard so many good things about it that I felt like we should. Good idea with not testing until your af is due. I'm going to try to hold out! Good luck with bd! You got this. P.s.- Good use of the bd emoticon! :rofl:

JenJen, go go go! :happydance: Good luck! :dust:

mitchnorm, of course! :wave: Welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your chemical last year. Glad you're back and TTC again. :hugs: Ah, 41 is nothing! One of my friends conceived her 3rd and final daughter when she was almost 46. Cutest little girl I've ever seen. I must admit, this site is becoming addictive to me, as well. I found and joined this site when I was first pregnant with my son, but I didn't become very active until we started TTC #2. And now I have all these wonderful ladies to share the experience with! I like this site, because it seems like the vast majority of people are really nice and respectful, and to be honest that's hard to find on the internet nowadays. Good luck with the bd marathon this weekend! :dust:

No news from me, really. About 6-7 dpo I think, and not much to report yet. I think Kaillem is teething :nope: Poor guy is fussy and not sleeping well at all, and doesn't seem to want to eat much either. He's down for a nap and sleeping well right now, though. I'm a bit sleep deprived and thinking I'm insane for wanting another one, but I still do! :dohh: I know I'm not out yet, but I'm looking forward to next cycle already. My OH would like me to try temping again, so he has agreed to get up with Kai when he wakes early in morning and wake me up so I can temp real quick. We'll see if that works!

Good luck to all you ladies o'ing soon, and good luck to my fellow TWW'ers!
Urgh, I'm the same on the jealousy front. In my case, it's so silly and terrible, but I'm jealous of those who are heavily pregnant. I just see them, and I think "aw, I miss being that pregnant, and feeling kicks and anticipating the arrival of a newborn!" And I miss the newborn days, too, as I was able to get so much more done! I have a Facebook friend that's due on Saturday, and while I'm so happy for her, seeing her posts makes me want to be pregnant again!

Mrs_Bump, so far I've just gotten mine from the pharmacy, but they're so expensive and it doesn't seem worth it to spend that much. So I think for next cycle, I'm going to buy some wondfo's off of amazon. They're about $20 American. Here's the link for them on amazon uk:
:haha: I remember going throught the POAS phase when TTC#1 I don't think I can go through all that again - not to mention it cost a small fortune :haha:

So CD14 and today I have been feeling a little crampy and had some O pains so I am wondering if O is today :wacko: :shrug: would be about right! May try and get some :sex: in tonight but I will not know for 100% and this time around TTC I feel I need to be more relaxed about it as it will happen when it happens and I have Elliot to keep me busy :cloud9:

LOTS of Baby Dust ladies :dust:
Urgh, I'm the same on the jealousy front. In my case, it's so silly and terrible, but I'm jealous of those who are heavily pregnant. I just see them, and I think "aw, I miss being that pregnant, and feeling kicks and anticipating the arrival of a newborn!" And I miss the newborn days, too, as I was able to get so much more done! I have a Facebook friend that's due on Saturday, and while I'm so happy for her, seeing her posts makes me want to be pregnant again!

Mrs_Bump, so far I've just gotten mine from the pharmacy, but they're so expensive and it doesn't seem worth it to spend that much. So I think for next cycle, I'm going to buy some wondfo's off of amazon. They're about $20 American. Here's the link for them on amazon uk:

I have a heavily pregnant lady in my office and I am so jealous of her bump and baby kicks and having my baby all to myself :wacko: :haha:
Twag, yes! You understand. Glad I'm not the only one! It makes me feel crazy... I suppose it's normal, though. :wacko:
Maybe we are both crazy :wacko: :haha:
I bought some internet cheapie ovulation sticks from Amazon...30 of them for less than a fiver...I am not too keen as they go by the darkness of the second line so you use multiples to get an accurate indication I think.

The clear blue ones with the smiley face are best for me.....pretty hard to read them wrong. But they are pricey but tbh of you know roughly when you O you don't have to use that many. I think I have got it down to 4-5 a them on Amazon too £15 for 10 x
Oh and on the jealousy front I was even jealous of a friend of mine new born having a poonami (cut them free of vest type poop).....that's very weird of me I know ha ha. Just something about them being soooo reliant on you
Hi guys! I'd love to join. :) TTC #1 here. DH and I were NTNP for 8 months or so with no luck, and I think we've reached a point where we want to actively try now.

We BD a lot last week and I started getting O pains yesterday afternoon, so we BD last night and this morning! This is the first time I've been positive that we BD during my peak, so I'm fairly excited.
I'm still getting a bit of O pains today so I don't know if I should say that I'm 1dpo or not, but I guess I have to start somewhere along this TWW.
28 day cycles and I'm on CD15.
Twag, I'm pretty sure we are. I definitely am, being jealous of a pregnant woman when I have a 5 month old myself! Oy. :dohh:

mitchnorm, I've been using the smiley face ones from CB. My goodness, they're expensive! Hopefully my cycle will stabilize soon and I'll be able to get down to only using a few every cycle. If not, TTC is going to make us go broke! :haha: And, hahaha, jealous of a poonami! We only had that happen once, so far. Our son much not be too much of a pooper. :rofl: But I know what you mean. I'm mostly jealous of soon-to-be-first-time-moms. I feel like everything is going by in such a blur, and I'm envious that they have yet to experience all the excitement. What a silly, ridiculous emotion jealousy is! I need to focus on enjoying Kai's milestones, getting excited for#2, and trying to enjoy TTC, as this may be the last time I get to experience it.

Marissale, welcome! :wave: Sounds like you're in the dreaded TWW with us! Have you started using OPK's or anything yet?
I haven't used any OPKs yet, this month I just went off of my calendar and O pains + CM. I don't always feel when I O but this month I did, which was awesome!! As I get into the hang of this I'll probably start charting just to be more accurate.

Going from NTNP to this is pretty exciting though. I've always kept track of my periods and expected O dates with a period tracker. It has the past 3 years of cycles and is pretty accurate in determining AF for me, but I never used it as a point of reference when we were NTNP until yesterday when I got O pains and confirmed O date with the app.

I feel pretty confident that our timing is on point this time around, whereas the other 8 months were random and I was never sure. It was fun to see DH excited/proud of himself this morning and to know we're actually officially TTC!!!!
I've NEVER had this much! Didn't even need preseed last night! Which is great but kind of terrifying in that I'm getting super excited about the idea of a pregnancy that may not happen. Totally caught myself looking at "Big Sister" shirts last night and daydreaming about announcing at DD's birthday party in May 😩

Hopefully everyone's coming along well in their cycles. I haven't had any more cramping/pulling or pains today.

What cycle day is everyone on?? CD 14 for me.

I'm not jealous of any prego moms yet. More irritated with the know it all pregos than ever, though! No clue why but if I hear another birth plan I'm gonna scream. Maybe it's hidden jealousy masked as irritation lol.

I'm over the opks. Faint lines are supposed to excite you! I'm not used to them meaning nothing. Each time I take one I feel the excitement I used to get from hpts and its a total let down when I come back to reality!
:hi: Welcome Marissa I hope your TTC journey is a short one for you - enjoy :dust:

Misslatino - Fingers crossed you caught that egg :dust:

AFM - I am CD15 today I think O was yesterday as I was crampy/O pains but we did not :sex: last night so not too hopeful but we did the night before - who knows :shrug:
I am going to assume today is 1dpo :thumbup: 2ww commences

Far too early to symptom spot :wacko: :haha: but I had a nosebleed this morning and I haven't had those since I got my BFP with DS :wacko: :haha:

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