• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here


yeah we'll see... i think i'll deff not be moving to pregnancy board with you all but such as life.
Fantastic news on 2 BFPs already!!!!!

:dust: and fingers crossed for the rest of us!!!!
hello girls sorry been off 4 a wk so got a bit of catching up to do...who has the :bfp:? thats brill news:happydance:
Hey ladies! Congrats to those with :bfp:!! that's so exciting!!
I have had the worst headache all day so i'm not sure what's going on there but still playing the waiting game (not a fun game at all) Hope everyone is feeling good!
:dust: to all you girls <3
I wondered where you'd got to Donna! Glad to see you back!
Hope everyone is okay?
I'm waiting to O so been taking opk's for the past few days but negative so far... Hoping it's in the next few days :) x
hi gemie i've had internet probs but all sorted now,i've missed you all had noboby to natter with,i'm hoping my o shows soon
i had a few left off last cycle so started them my last 1 was on sun which was pos? so who kno's whats going on,here's me thinking that this cycle wud be pretty straight forward :wacko:
Well hopefully you covered it whenever it was! x
i hope i have i made sure pletty of :sex: happened over the weekend and early on in the week gonna get busy tonite 2 so hopefully thats its covered :happydance:
Hey Ladies,

Well I poas and did an opks this morn and nada (well not actually true there was a very faint line!) but this time of my cycle last cycle my opks were getting darker everyday! I cant decide wether just to concentrate on bding and ditch the opks I only did them to see if I was ov`ing last cycle and I am!

I also completed my mia-angel spell this eve as well.....fxed I did it correctly
I was doing ok, but then had dreadful couple of days at work... Also been told someone at work is about to announce their pregnancy so preparing myself for that.
Not done OPKs this month so not sure where I am!
I was doing ok, but then had dreadful couple of days at work... Also been told someone at work is about to announce their pregnancy so preparing myself for that.
Not done OPKs this month so not sure where I am!

aww hun god only knows how you feel, don't think i could cope with that at the moment, but i think everyone i know at the moment has either just given birth or is pregnant,

i have been starting to feel better after my lap and dye but today went to make dinner and felt extremly sick, still feel ill as hell at the thought or sight of any food, all the smell is making me gag and also the taste is well and truely off.... dunno what the hell is going on :( not sure if its just horrid side effect of the lap and dye, my period is due in about 5days, i done a cheap hpt but was neg i am sure although i did drive myself crazy over it
Hope you feel much better soon hun. Not sure what that is either but may still be side effects.......
Felt sick straight away when I heard; gunna have to pull myself together for the morning when the announcement is made.... :wacko: x
handled it much better than i would lol... i was hoping it was pregnancy but know its almost impossible, me and OH not has sex for almost 1w 4d longest we have ever went without sex. my LO has been a bit hellish recently, i was hoping he would start calming down but seems not, we are moving into new house soon so going to write up a board for full time routine, but until then will have to deal with this, i love my son soooooooooo much god i know i am blessed to have him i would never change him. not one change but i wish i could give him more settled life, been thinking more about me and Oh's wedding and if i plan it for 3years away could have saved about £4,000 i am just hoping that might be slightly enough.... i am sadly not sleeping at the moment soo stressed and worried about everything. my heads all in a mess until this all gets sorted. wish i had loads of paper and could sit and write lists, going to my flat tomorrow to gut it and try and get it packed up and my father is coming to help move some stuff.... my other house sadly isn't finished until 5-7th next month so not happy about that but not much i can do.... all messed up atm.
handled it much better than i would lol... i was hoping it was pregnancy but know its almost impossible, me and OH not has sex for almost 1w 4d longest we have ever went without sex. my LO has been a bit hellish recently, i was hoping he would start calming down but seems not, we are moving into new house soon so going to write up a board for full time routine, but until then will have to deal with this, i love my son soooooooooo much god i know i am blessed to have him i would never change him. not one change but i wish i could give him more settled life, been thinking more about me and Oh's wedding and if i plan it for 3years away could have saved about £4,000 i am just hoping that might be slightly enough.... i am sadly not sleeping at the moment soo stressed and worried about everything. my heads all in a mess until this all gets sorted. wish i had loads of paper and could sit and write lists, going to my flat tomorrow to gut it and try and get it packed up and my father is coming to help move some stuff.... my other house sadly isn't finished until 5-7th next month so not happy about that but not much i can do.... all messed up atm.

Just wanted to give you a :hugs:
don't worry about it just soooo werid about how i feel physically. cant get LO to bed atm
Hope you feel much better soon hun. Not sure what that is either but may still be side effects.......
Felt sick straight away when I heard; gunna have to pull myself together for the morning when the announcement is made.... :wacko: x


PMA THOUGHT HON: Remember when your colleague announces her pregnancy she hasnt taken your chance :nope: your day is just around the corner :thumbup:

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