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handled it much better than i would lol... i was hoping it was pregnancy but know its almost impossible, me and OH not has sex for almost 1w 4d longest we have ever went without sex. my LO has been a bit hellish recently, i was hoping he would start calming down but seems not, we are moving into new house soon so going to write up a board for full time routine, but until then will have to deal with this, i love my son soooooooooo much god i know i am blessed to have him i would never change him. not one change but i wish i could give him more settled life, been thinking more about me and Oh's wedding and if i plan it for 3years away could have saved about £4,000 i am just hoping that might be slightly enough.... i am sadly not sleeping at the moment soo stressed and worried about everything. my heads all in a mess until this all gets sorted. wish i had loads of paper and could sit and write lists, going to my flat tomorrow to gut it and try and get it packed up and my father is coming to help move some stuff.... my other house sadly isn't finished until 5-7th next month so not happy about that but not much i can do.... all messed up atm.

Hope you feel much better soon hun. Not sure what that is either but may still be side effects.......
Felt sick straight away when I heard; gunna have to pull myself together for the morning when the announcement is made.... :wacko: x


PMA THOUGHT HON: Remember when your colleague announces her pregnancy she hasnt taken your chance :nope: your day is just around the corner :thumbup:

couldn't agree more with this x
handled it much better than i would lol... i was hoping it was pregnancy but know its almost impossible, me and OH not has sex for almost 1w 4d longest we have ever went without sex. my LO has been a bit hellish recently, i was hoping he would start calming down but seems not, we are moving into new house soon so going to write up a board for full time routine, but until then will have to deal with this, i love my son soooooooooo much god i know i am blessed to have him i would never change him. not one change but i wish i could give him more settled life, been thinking more about me and Oh's wedding and if i plan it for 3years away could have saved about £4,000 i am just hoping that might be slightly enough.... i am sadly not sleeping at the moment soo stressed and worried about everything. my heads all in a mess until this all gets sorted. wish i had loads of paper and could sit and write lists, going to my flat tomorrow to gut it and try and get it packed up and my father is coming to help move some stuff.... my other house sadly isn't finished until 5-7th next month so not happy about that but not much i can do.... all messed up atm.


thanks hun we had a huge huge fight last night so not sure whats going to happen prob wont talk to each other for a few days or so, meant to me going to my old flat today to pack everything up and move some of it so we'll see
Hope you feel much better soon hun. Not sure what that is either but may still be side effects.......
Felt sick straight away when I heard; gunna have to pull myself together for the morning when the announcement is made.... :wacko: x


PMA THOUGHT HON: Remember when your colleague announces her pregnancy she hasnt taken your chance :nope: your day is just around the corner :thumbup:

couldn't agree more with this x

I know. Just wish it was my turn! Still, hopefully it will be one day.... x :hugs:
Oh this is brillant put me dooooown :) :football:
:yellowcard: to our witches!!
Hey i would like to join Team BFP please!! i will be testing 12th july :happydance:
morning girls how is every1?testing date is quickly creeping up starting to get nervious hope we've done it this month!!!
morning hun, just dragged myself out of bed, never slept well last night worried about moving, me and wee man just waiting on our shopping. my period is due 28th roughly so not sure if it will show cause the lap and dye was really hoping against all odds might be pregnant but they said its very doubtful so we'll see maybe next month if not that month i wish you all the best of luck XXX
Goals Scored:

1:bfp: - 0 :bfn:

Test of The Day:D :
* Lynne (me) = 28th June :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )
* Nvr2late, JD'2 & Soulshaken = 30th June :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )
* MrsHowley81 = 2nd July :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )
* mum2J = 3rd July :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )
* Floofymad, Mamadonna & SammyJ = 4th July :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )
* Madlyttc, K123, Flump1 & Wispyshadow = 12th July :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )
* Nightnurse = 13th July :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )
*Maaybe2010 = Playing the field :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )

*Gemie = Playing in the dark :bfp: vs :bfn: (Supporting team :bfp: )

\\:D/Go team :bfp: Go!!!\\:D/
morning girls how is every1?testing date is quickly creeping up starting to get nervious hope we've done it this month!!!

:hi: hon,

Getting nervous........ov approaching rapidly just got a very nearly positive on a opk :happydance: tried to upload but technology not co-operating :dohh: and just realised that my countdown ticker says this is one of my most fertile days..... I based this cycle on 34days but my cycles are generally 32-34days so this seems bang on and I think I will ov today..............THIS IS THE BEST NEWS :thumbup: WE ARE GOING AFTER THAT EGGY :spermy::spermy: THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT ALL BE IT :drunk: WE HAVE A MAJOR PARTY THIS EVENING :happydance:
morning hun, just dragged myself out of bed, never slept well last night worried about moving, me and wee man just waiting on our shopping. my period is due 28th roughly so not sure if it will show cause the lap and dye was really hoping against all odds might be pregnant but they said its very doubtful so we'll see maybe next month if not that month i wish you all the best of luck XXX

:hugs: chin up hon :hugs:
Hey ladies!! Testing day (and some ovulation days ) Are creeping up fast!! It's making me nervous... yesterday i had a pink tinged spot on the toilet paper and had a mild panic attack... haha i feel like its too early for AF and today it went away so hopefully that :witch: will keep away this month!! Hope everyone is feeling good today! :dust: to all you girls! :dust:
hey hun hope maybe its implantional bleeding for you, not be long till we're all testing, i am due my period on monday but not sure if it will show not because of pregnancy but because who bleeding after lap and dye, not sure if that flushed my system and reset my cycle will wait and see what happens got one clearblue test and two first response ones and soooo tempted to use them :D
Hey Ladies,

These are todays`s opk`s I think ov must be close for me! :happydance:

Top one was 11.15am and bottom 6pm

Silly but am excited to know that I am actually ov`ing


  • 26.06 opk 11.15 & 6pm.jpg
    26.06 opk 11.15 & 6pm.jpg
    15.2 KB · Views: 3
haha lynne i could test EVERY day and not be satisfied... its a problem... i'm holding off this time though, i don't want to get discouraged... :) Good luck!!
Madly its looking good!! Good luck :sex: tonight woohoo!! Haha
:dust: ladies!

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