ttc after a d&c

Wow! I totally had a HUGE part of my post chopped out and only Bethany's shout out stayed!

Angel, Jess, Jen, Laura, Tash, and Horsey... I didnt forget about you ladies!!!

Hope EVERYONE here has a wonderful and safe NYE! I love you girls and am so fortunate to have found you. Heres to saying goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013 aka the year of LO's! :hugs:
u on ur phone amy ,think all phones go bonkers on nye :)
have a good un chick, im gonna log off cos only an hour to go till midnight and i think i hear OHs car in the drive :) xxxxxxx
Jen, thanks for the encouragement honey :)

Angel, yay for New Year spirit!

Laura, second tri would be ok with me hehe.*

Amy, I totally get why you want to have those babies before 35 :hugs:
And yes, I want to move with my DH and I want him to see our baby from day one lol

HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! May all the resolutions happen :)
I love each and every one of u ladies and im so thankful for this thread and u lovely ladies becoming my second family!! Its incredible to have ladies like u to talk with and relate to. Makes me accept all of what life throws at us and how very lucky we are even with our unfortunate losses. Heres to an AMAZING 2013 together and for new bfps bumps pregnancy stories life stories new marriages and another year of anniversaries also and to talk and share stories and pics of our los and children for ones that have them. Oh and cant forget the wonderful oh and fur babies in our lifes stories. I wishing everyone a Happy New Year and im so so excited and happy to start the new year! In two hrs i will gladly be welcoming 2013!! Heres to a much better year!
May this new year make up for the hardships of the last one. Love you ladies and am so glad that we have each other <3
Hey Girls! Hope you all had a lovely New Year!! Mine was great! We had about 8 of our close friends round n had some good music on and had a good laugh :)

Hope youre all okay!! Catching up now xx
Happy *New* Year ladies,
so im really thinking that after last night things might just starting going better for me Fx for that one!!!.
Me & Dh had this really good talk and i think it really did alot of good<3
it was just a really good night just me him & that was it,however he was on call last night so thats the only thing that suck big time.
im gonna go pick up a pregnancy test i think on friday...ugh im just freaking out about it,i just know alls i want to see on a pregnancy test is two super dark lines you know what i mean:-/ i had to go two years with just seeing that stupid one line ugh and i just dont want to have to go two more freaking years seeing it AGAIN!
sorri had to vent alittle almost got carry away!!!
I can not wait until this weekend when we can go pay for this stupid computer to get fixed, its crazy everything else we go spend money on...especially DH but dh always runs passed good deals but you know you just never want to buy a computer off of the street lol well that is around where we live anyway!.
anyways i havent done NOOOOOOOO school work because this thing hasnt been fixed in almost two months but christmas just sent us to the poor house!
you know i always believe like no one really will ever be ready for a kid its just not something you can ever really do like yeah you can better things but you know like us its like we barely even make it by sometimes we are late on our bills we have to buy the cheaper things sometimes and here we are wanting another baby but you know what id give up everything i have nice to give my children the world<3:)
cause we all know how much nice things we would have witout children lol but who wants nice things if they dont have anyone to share it with?! not me?!?!?
i mean i love he time i have with the kids and even with their friends even know they are drive me nuts sometimes god when their at that age where they all want to ask youa million and one questions lol ..anyone know what i mean on that one?!
Enough about my new years and all that stuff but how was everyone else?!
im really sad that later i have to go outside and start taken the lights down and taken everything off the of tree & be throwing out the tree later on today:-/
it sucks because christmas is just so pretty!!
i always wish their was really like a christmas town santas work shop at the north pole that really was real lol the fansty world is the best!!!.
i think i might order some pregnancy test off of amazon you know just some of the cheapys idk if im gonna try all the other stuff again because with the opks its like once i got a positive i would get them even the day i would get my period it would be positive then righ after my period it'd be neg so i just never really knew when i *O* , i also was using the soft cups preseed and concieve plus but what is crazy is the month i just kept busy plus i did take prenatals everyday and i still have been is when i got my positive so idk if i should get the other stuff again or what?!?!?
i do know that im going to try to lose some weight because i heard that can help ALOT!!
i think i actually might of drop a couple of pounds already i know i havent really been eating much and i try to go out and just none stop keep busy and since we only have one car when he working my two feet get me everywhere i need to go or the bus lightrail subway ll that different stuff but you still got to walk with them but do wake up to take him to work sometimes.
like said before though the walking has been dong good thoug me & the kids did alot of walking sunday well they took their bikes & skate borads you know just something they could ride around on!!
i got my son this really cool bike it looks like a big wheel but it can do these 360 degree tuns and you can also make little sparks it is jus sooooooo coool and i even put it together all by myself:)
well im gonna go mae some lunch for everyone plus dh is on his way home he got called into work at 5am and is now just getting off i mean i just wish their was one day he had off that he didnt have to go into work he could actually stay here with me all day:)?!?!?
i wish i could find me alittle job but no one ever calls me back ugh idk whats is wrong?!?!
it would be great to get out the house a few days out of the week around different people and making some extra money to help pay some bills even lose some weight just until im done with school.
well have great day and you know i know im new to this group but i found this website a few months back and have really met some great people on here and all of you have just been the best:hugs:
i know you all are here for me 100% all the way and i want you all to know that i can be there for all of you 100% ive read threw and really think its great how all of you have been there for each other<3
i really wish i would have knew about this website from day one we starting to TTC because maybe of then it would have been just that much easier,i do think its crazy i find this website and get pregnant just a few months of being on it following some tips having support who know?! maybe if i wouldve came here soon then i might already of had a baby by now:-/
thank again ladies for everything:hugs:
i also believe that 2013 is our year were we get our bumps and have a H&H 9months and get to share pictures of all our lo
Hi Ladies!!

Bethany how was ur new years?<3
Ilovehim i must agree with you 2013 turns a new leaf for us and all will have bfps and bumps!! Also financially no ones ever really ready. Its like a pet we add because we fall in love. We make it work :) though a baby is more expensive but totally wortg every cent. Plus the best gift comes free and its to love nurture teach and pray they become the adults u hoped theyd become!<3 Your plan seems good! I used softcups a whole tube of preseed and first response digital opks the months i fell pregnant (softcups bethany introduced me to this summer <3 em). So id say go for it and goodluck!! :) i hope ur hcg is back to 0 for u. I know my first af took about 7weeks to come felt like forever! I even ttc that cycle but i dont know how long my hcg took to fall to 0. I was half was through with liam when i gave birth to him. He would be born stillborn and had serious heart and organ conditions. What do u go to college for? Sounds like ur dh works very hard. So glad u had time to spend together!

Tash hi! So glad u had a great new year with nice company!! :)

Jess horsey amy laura hi!!<3 how was ur night?

As for me i got a text at 7pm last night from my coworker saying 10 ppl cancelled for wednesday saying they all had the flu and it just so happens to be all my afternoon pts! There is no way that happened!! I know its a lie. So im not 8-12 and im sure they gave my afternoon hours 1230-7 to that temp hygienist :( im starting to think they are going to slowly fade me out. By making me quit or leave. I just have that feeling... I really needed that pay
jen maybe its a blessing in disguise hon, a 12 hr day would prob be too much for u at the mo. xxx could u ask for another half day instead some other day? xxxxxx hugs xx

ilovehim, heres to lots more 2013 bfps xxxxx

hi girlies how ye all? hope yr had a great new yrs xxxxxxxx

im going to spa tmro for facial, back massage and body polish with 2 of my sisters :)
whoop whoop. <3 :)
Laura how lovely<3 enjoy!! :)

As for wotk weds is my only day. Perhaps four hours is enough on my body but i want to keep my car and house. A 12hr shift is alot of money pays for food shopping and my car payment for the week after taxes. 4hrs barely pays the food bill.
its my xmas pressie from Oh :) really nice :)

that sucks jen, hugs hon , xxxxxx
any news on Dh looking for job? xxx
any luck on meditating?
might be silly qs jen , i dont knwo how ur system works over there but could u offer urself as part time temp else where?
im gonna log off cos we have a drive to get to spa tomor so im up early not used to gettin up eary anymore :) nt guys , xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies!!

Bethany how was ur new years?<3
Ilovehim i must agree with you 2013 turns a new leaf for us and all will have bfps and bumps!! Also financially no ones ever really ready. Its like a pet we add because we fall in love. We make it work :) though a baby is more expensive but totally wortg every cent. Plus the best gift comes free and its to love nurture teach and pray they become the adults u hoped theyd become!<3 Your plan seems good! I used softcups a whole tube of preseed and first response digital opks the months i fell pregnant (softcups bethany introduced me to this summer <3 em). So id say go for it and goodluck!! :) i hope ur hcg is back to 0 for u. I know my first af took about 7weeks to come felt like forever! I even ttc that cycle but i dont know how long my hcg took to fall to 0. I was half was through with liam when i gave birth to him. He would be born stillborn and had serious heart and organ conditions. What do u go to college for? Sounds like ur dh works very hard. So glad u had time to spend together!

Tash hi! So glad u had a great new year with nice company!! :)

Jess horsey amy laura hi!!<3 how was ur night?

As for me i got a text at 7pm last night from my coworker saying 10 ppl cancelled for wednesday saying they all had the flu and it just so happens to be all my afternoon pts! There is no way that happened!! I know its a lie. So im not 8-12 and im sure they gave my afternoon hours 1230-7 to that temp hygienist :( im starting to think they are going to slowly fade me out. By making me quit or leave. I just have that feeling... I really needed that pay

i can say that i agree with u 110% the best things in life are free:) and our children are indeed worth every single cent<3 because the joy and love they bring into our lifes are the best gift in the whole wide world<3<3<3.
i do have to say i like the soft cups myself even tho the month i fell prego i didnt use nothing just the prenatals but i do believe if i was using them i still would've got pregnant when i did because i do believe they hold all the baby juices up there haha:wacko:
i think what im gonna do this month tho is just wait and see if AF comes or not,probably wont even take a test because ive made my mind up what i'll do is if towards the end of jan if it don't come by then or i start puking my guts up again then i'll take one and if i see them two dark lines then i will know that a new life has began to grow inside me<3
im just trying not to get my hopes up because i cant handle anymore heartbreaking disappointments but i already know life has lots more to face me with,it just NEVER FAILS!.
who knows tho i guess only time will tell with the new year ahead of me:wacko:
your story about your baby is so sad:cry: im so sorry you had to go threw something like that:nope:
i really wish none of us at all had to go threw none of it at all, this one guy of my friend he was telling me how his ex lost their baby a few years back he said that she was around 6months i felt really bad for him until he was trying to tell me that i wouldnt understand what he went threw?!?!?
im like excuse me?! i know i wasnt as far as she was but what about the 2long yrs it took for me to get pregnant how about all the morning sickness and gas and boating i had and what about all the other bs i had to go threw?! i mean he has NO CLUE really how i feel he might of loss a child but he never had a baby growing inside of HIM we have a different bond then men do with our kids we carry them inside us and when something goes wrong we can only blame ourself because we think as woman this is what we are suspost to be able to do is have babys and it be as easy as 1 2 3 but of course its just never like that......
im glad dh wasnt there when he was saying that to me because he might of hurt his stupid dumb butt ugh now i realized why i keep to myself:wacko:

right now im in college to become a medical assistant it's only a 9month course well really 7months of class room and 2months of inturnship i think i spell that wrong im just so tired and of course i got no rest at all again this week my body aches so bad i think im gonna go lay in the tub and head to bed dh knocked out already he got to be up at 4am because they got to work out of state tomorrow im guessing he will be home late:hugs:
Happy New Years ladies!! I just got back from my trip, we almost didn't make it. We were suppose the leave early on Dec. 31, New Years eve. I had to go to emergency at 6 am, because I was scared I was having another m/c. I was getting bad back and what felt like Uterine cramps. So they ran a bunch of test which all came back normal. But of course the most telling test was the ultrasound. They first tried an abdominal ultrasound, and me and hubby got really freaked out, because the tech stayed quiet for a long time trying to look for the baby. I was ready to scream out loud and just lose it. Then finally she showed us the baby and the heartbeat. She told us it took her a long time to show us because she wanted to get a clear picture of the baby, but she couldn't get one very clear. (I was so freaked out because the tech also got very quiet with the last ultrasound of my last pregnancy, when they found out the baby no longer had a heartbeat.) So anyways, the tech did a very detailed transvaginal ultrasound, she measured every part of the baby for me. The head, abdomen, length, even the babies femur bones!! She took measurements from several angles. She checked the placenta, amniotic fluid, everything. They baby is measuring 13 weeks now. I am measuring about 6 days ahead. But the doctor reassured me that it s good news. As to why he/she is measuring so big, doc said all babies are different. He explained that is why I am cramping so much because of the rapid growth, and the fact that this is my 4th pregnancy, and I have been showing since 10 weeks. I am 3 months but look like I am 5 months. Anyways, the baby is moving away, I actually felt the baby moving as I saw him/her on the ultrasound moniter moving. It was amazing. I feel better now, but also very scared because I am getting closer and closer to that time, where I lost my last.

I just got home from my trip and wanted to check on all of you, I skimmed through the messages.

Natasha, did you test today? I hope you get good news!!

Angel, how are you feeling? Any symptoms yet? haven't gotten morning sickness with this pregnancy, just food aversions. The sore boobs came in at 10 weeks. All pregnancies truly are different. I get more headaches with this pregnancy along with dizziness and soreness.

Jen, this will be a blessed year for you. I can't wait till you have your next appointment, so you can see how your lo is doing?

Amy, hope you had fun on your vacation. And I am so happy you are doing better now and looking forward to ttc.

Bethany. Your a little quiet lately. Hope everything is great for you and you had a fun New Years Eve. Here is to a great 2013 for you and dh.

Hi Laura, ilovehim, and horsey.. Happy New Years!!
Hey girls, not managed to catch up yet but hope you are all okay and had a fabulous christmas and new year!

Well i tested again this morning using FRER but was BFN, to be honest though it wasnt an early FRER it was just normal day of period FRER... Quite surprised to be honest, i really do feel different, i feel pregnant, AF is due on Friday/Saturday but i dont feel like shes coming, i dont have cramps, im bloated and very very tired, if she shows her ugly face i will be very surprised to be honest, not dissapointed as such but just surprised..

I had my dip at 6dpo, which i normally get and i am putting down to a secondary estrogen surge, and then i had another massive dip almost to coverline on 10dpo, so im thinking if im a late implanter, might not get bfp til tomorrow or friday even, i have loads of tests, went mad and bought thousands lol XD So will test this afternoon and this evening, i remember my last BFP was at 11:30 pm at night so :/ We shall see, if not ive worked out that is my next cycle goes how it should, i could be testing on my birthday next month 5th Feb, which would be lovely :)

Im pissed off though, i woke up this morning in a foul mood crying my eyes out, couldnt sleep last night didnt get to sleep til about quarter to five and i had to be up at 6 to go to work, and then i couldnt find my debit card and ive got no petrol to go to work so i got so wound up i had a panic attack and rang in work sick.. Then i made a cuppa tea, came in living room and Duke had shit everywhere!!! And i mean, destroyed my new rug i got for christmas and then he had walked through it all over the laminate, to be honest im sat here looking at it all and i cant be arsed to clean it, i feel so upset, i feel like sobbing, i am sobbing at everything this week, another reason i think im pregnant, because i never sob, even on AF i feel down but i never SOB..

Sorry for the rant girls but chris thinks im PMSing all the time which annoys me.. Like yesterday, i actually said to him.. I feel pregnant again, and he was like dont i dont even wanna talk about it i was like why he was like youll get my hopes up i was like well who else am i meant to talk to about it ur my partner :S He really struggles to understand me

Love u all rant over for now xxxx
ILOVEHIM- I see u stalking at the bottom how are you doing?! xxx
Jen, how crappy that they are trying to screw you over at work. BS! I want to smack them :(

Laura, have a great time today!

Ilovehim, here is to a new year!

Jessica, glad baby is well!

Natasha, yeah I have gotten my husband's hopes up a few times about BFPs and now we are the opposite- I chew his butt out if he implies that I am pregnant lol.

Angel, we will move probably in October :)
Haven't probed doc yet but I will. I put it off the way I do grocery shopping lol. Walmart is less than 5 miles away but even if I just go for milk it takes over an hour. Stupid stupid traffic. The doctor is worse. I need a chauffeur :)
Hope you and baby are doing well!

Horsey, love and miss you. How was the holidays? How are you today?

Amy, how are you today?

Not sure how regular I will be on here after this cycle ends. May be a bit painful for me :-/

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