ttc after a d&c

Wow! I would love to grow fresh produce! DH would prob want to do it but then get burnt out fast. Our backyard is very basic right now. Our builder only put in rock and grass in the backyard. We did get to design it though so we have a place for our deck and Jacuzzi which I cant wait to put in! But we still have to get some trees and shrubs first. I wanted to put a little garden in the back but dh is worried about it attracting animals :( we'll see, I still may get my way! heheh
im sure u wil amy :)
Oh is the gadener here , i just help sometimes :)
he does outside and fixy things, i clean inside, we have gone back to traditional :)
but he is good for cooking too :)
oh lovely jacuzzi :) id love one :)
Amy, grapefruit juice is all that I know of :flower:
Haha I think I am with your DH- a garden sounds like work! Jacuzzi however sounds like pure awesomeness!

Laura, steak and bacon...MMMM. Haha were you farting all night from the cabbage? ;)
take it easy woman! No planting until you feel better :hugs:

Natasha, that guy sounds like an ass. Hopefully you get a new job soon! And you are right- the time will fly by :hugs:

AFM: I am struggling to eat. Not because of nausea but because nothing sounds/tastes good anymore. Last night spanish rice and refried beans sounded tasty but
Bethany, I didn't get morning sickness, only like for 1 or 2 days. But I did get food aversions for the first trimester. Nothing appealed to me. Most food either grossed me out or didn't appeal to me at all. I am thinking this maybe another form of morning sickness, but just affects our appetites and how food looks to us. This is a good sign for you, it means the hormones are increasing nicely! For some weird reason, the only thing that sounded good to me was eating a big mac. lol. I only had it twice though, knew it wasn't good for me. Hopefully food starts appealing soon for you.

Amy, did you actually test today? Or just waiting for af? I am glad that your mood is more positive now. If af does end up coming, then I hope that this April will be your lucky bfp month!!

Laura, hope you are doing well hon, and that are your blood tests come out good!! The doc says your liver is much better, right? That is great! I have heard about women having certain medical conditions that get better when they are pregnant. How amazing!!

Hi to everybody else!!

AFM, going to celebrate my daughters b-day today. My husband revealed to me that he went through her facebook page yesterday (I know, invasion of privacy, but good thing he did it). He found a lot of shocking and questionable things. This is why for the most part I don't like facebook, because when I had an account I saw so much hypocrisy from my own family members that I just closed my account. She has inappropriate pictures on there, cursing, vulgar comments, days she is in a relationship??? And a whole bunch of other shocking things. So of course I feel crushed. There is more to the story, but its just too much to get into. We are looking into a good counselor because she also put somethings about being miserable, hating her life, and she has a journal where she put a poem about suicide. So I am not taking this lightly. I am going to try to help her in any way I can.
Yeah Jessica, no nausea today just no enjoyment of food. I *think* that alredo may taste good but can't make myself go fix it in case it doesn't.
Good thing your DH went and looked at her profile (FB isn't an invasion of privacy because it is out there for the world to see so don't stress). Glad that you are getting her help. One of my niece's went through a horrible period as a teen where she was just ANGRY and was yelling and cussing all the time. My sister just never left my niece alone. She took away her cell, she could only use the computer under my sister's supervision, and she was never allowed to be alone- had to be with my sister all the time, even when sleeping. And she actually stopped being so hateful and mellowed out a ton. It worked for her. Hope you find what works for your daughter :flower:
Yeah Jessica, no nausea today just no enjoyment of food. I *think* that alredo may taste good but can't make myself go fix it in case it doesn't.
Good thing your DH went and looked at her profile (FB isn't an invasion of privacy because it is out there for the world to see so don't stress). Glad that you are getting her help. One of my niece's went through a horrible period as a teen where she was just ANGRY and was yelling and cussing all the time. My sister just never left my niece alone. She took away her cell, she could only use the computer under my sister's supervision, and she was never allowed to be alone- had to be with my sister all the time, even when sleeping. And she actually stopped being so hateful and mellowed out a ton. It worked for her. Hope you find what works for your daughter :flower:

Actually, my husband demanded she give him her username and password and then went through her whole page. But I am glad he did because he found things on there that we would have never know about because she portrays a different face to us. I told him that my daughter is really at an age where she also needs him a lot. I suggested he start taking her out more often, just father daughter time. He needs to take her out and teach her how she deserves to be treated by a boy/man. Opening doors for her, pulling chairs out, being considerate to her. He needs to teach her what to expect from a boy. He needs to show her how a good respectable man should be. :) I have talked to her a lot and spend a lot of time with her, but I feel like she is starting to need him a lot more than he has given her. And he now realizes that, hopefully not too late.
Yeah Jessica, no nausea today just no enjoyment of food. I *think* that alredo may taste good but can't make myself go fix it in case it doesn't.
Good thing your DH went and looked at her profile (FB isn't an invasion of privacy because it is out there for the world to see so don't stress). Glad that you are getting her help. One of my niece's went through a horrible period as a teen where she was just ANGRY and was yelling and cussing all the time. My sister just never left my niece alone. She took away her cell, she could only use the computer under my sister's supervision, and she was never allowed to be alone- had to be with my sister all the time, even when sleeping. And she actually stopped being so hateful and mellowed out a ton. It worked for her. Hope you find what works for your daughter :flower:

Actually, my husband demanded she give him her username and password and then went through her whole page. But I am glad he did because he found things on there that we would have never know about because she portrays a different face to us. I told him that my daughter is really at an age where she also needs him a lot. I suggested he start taking her out more often, just father daughter time. He needs to take her out and teach her how she deserves to be treated by a boy/man. Opening doors for her, pulling chairs out, being considerate to her. He needs to teach her what to expect from a boy. He needs to show her how a good respectable man should be. :) I have talked to her a lot and spend a lot of time with her, but I feel like she is starting to need him a lot more than he has given her. And he now realizes that, hopefully not too late.

I don't think it'll be too late at all :flower:
I never thought I would be going through all of these problems so early. Things are getting so difficult. My teenage daughter seems so lost, my 7 year old is afflicted with bipolar/ocd/adhd, she makes it almost impossible to teach her, and all of this is happening while I am pregnant. I was crying all night when I found out my older daughter has been teased and tormented and now I find all of this facebook information? I am trying very hard to be understanding and I know now more than ever she needs us very badly, so I just want to find a way to help her, with counseling, more family time, anything I can do to help. And yes, all of this makes me feel like a failure. :(
Jess, so great that you guys are on top of it. Maybe because you have been doing this for awhile but I worry that I wont handle situations the way I should or wont say or do the right things.

Bethany, sorry that your appetite isnt all that cooperative at the moment but yet another great sign! :)

Laura, Sounds like you and OH have a great little system going. Sounds a lot like ours lol

I didnt test this morning... really didnt see the point. Esp with that HUGE of a temp drop. Ive been cramping for the past day or two like AF really wants to come so I think she will full force here soon... atleast I hope! Hope April showers brings me my December flower! :D
I never thought I would be going through all of these problems so early. Things are getting so difficult. My teenage daughter seems so lost, my 7 year old is afflicted with bipolar/ocd/adhd, she makes it almost impossible to teach her, and all of this is happening while I am pregnant. I was crying all night when I found out my older daughter has been teased and tormented and now I find all of this facebook information? I am trying very hard to be understanding and I know now more than ever she needs us very badly, so I just want to find a way to help her, with counseling, more family time, anything I can do to help. And yes, all of this makes me feel like a failure. :(

You are NOT a failure!!! You are a great mom Jess and you and your hubby are doing the best you can. Nobody ever said parenting is easy and with everything you have been thrown, I think you are making the right choices and taking the right steps with your kids. Please dont let this break you. Its gotta be hard esp while pregnant. Your hormones are going to try to get the best of you and stressing as much as you are isnt good for you or princess #3. I know thats easier said than done but I just really want you to take care of yourself. Everything will work out. Im sending lots of peaceful thoughts your way :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Jess, so great that you guys are on top of it. Maybe because you have been doing this for awhile but I worry that I wont handle situations the way I should or wont say or do the right things.

Bethany, sorry that your appetite isnt all that cooperative at the moment but yet another great sign! :)

Laura, Sounds like you and OH have a great little system going. Sounds a lot like ours lol

I didnt test this morning... really didnt see the point. Esp with that HUGE of a temp drop. Ive been cramping for the past day or two like AF really wants to come so I think she will full force here soon... atleast I hope! Hope April showers brings me my December flower! :D

Amy, you worry you won't be able to handle situations like you should? I still worry about that. I am sure you will be a wonderful mother. You already love your baby-to-be so much. You will be a great mother. Look at how much effort you are putting just to bring your rainbow baby into the world. When you have your baby, you are going to love him/her so much. Don't worry hon, it will all come naturally. :hugs:
Aww thanks.. thats what I think about you :) I think you are doing a great job.. I really do. :hugs:
Jessica, you aren't a failure. Parenting is hard work and different for each kid. It is a learning process and I think you are handling things great honey :flower:

Amy, I loved that rhyme. You know, April seems like a fertile month too. Eggs are the symbol!
Good Morning Ladies! One more day until Friday :)

No af still. Thought I saw a tinge of pink last night and woke up this morning and no AF. Hope she comes today. So glad she is taking her sweet a$$ time *insert sarcasm*. I had a little bit of a temp rise this morning that went just above coverline so I took a HPT just incase and it was def neg. DH came home sick last night. I think he has a really bad cold so Im going to sleep in the guest room tonight. I hope I dont get it!
Hi Amy, sorry about -hpt.. I hope next month brings you your beautiful blessing! Is af actually already due? I always had a little longer cycle, my cycle would range 30 to 31 days, so I would usually get af around the same day every month. I believe your cycle is similar to mine? Correct me if I am wrong, but if you get pregnant this next cycle, your due date would be right between Christmas and New Years, right? That would be very exciting!!

Hi ladies!!! Hopefully all of you are having a wonderful day and getting ready for the weekend already!!

AFM, we had a long talk with my daughter Alyssa last night and she told me things that broke my heart. She said she has been depressed since the 2nd grade (when she was 7) and she would hide and cry every night. And she told us some of the factors, one was when my father died. They were extremely close, we all lived together and she was the apple of his eye. :( . Another factor was the teasing. I just found out the kids were also calling her fat!! And guess what my daughter was thin!!! So I told her, these kids are crazy, that she has to know that she was never fat or never has been. This is pure jealousy. But she said she still believed them. Why are kids so cruel!! I remember when I was in 1st grade, there was this girl who had no hair because she was a cancer patient. Kids use to shove her around, tease her, and make her cry. I would never tease kids. I knew it was cruel!! I am sure things are much worse now, and tougher for these poor children.
Thanks Jess! Yes, af finally showed this afternoon so if we conceive, then WTEWE says the due date would be Dec 26th! Im REALLLLLY hoping that we conceive. Even though we didnt get to have our first LO 2/13/13, would be great to still have a LO in 2013.

:hugs: to you an dyour DD. I just want to give her a big hug. Ive said it before but I think there is a lot pressure on kids these days. Im glad that she opened up to you now. Its great that she feels comfortable enough to do that. I know that it took her some time but there are kids out there that never say anything to thier parents and even sometimes go down a negative road. I hope that she can feel some healing from you regarding her grandpa :(. I too dont understand how some kids can be so cruel. I can only imagine that they see that at home and think its ok. Your girls are so sweet and its comforting to know that there are still good people in this world.
Big big hugs again to you Jess! :hugs:

Where is everyone else today?

Angel, Laura, Jen, Bethany, Tash, Horsey...:wave: :hugs:
hi and hugs to all. xxxxxx

no news with me, went to hosp with my bro and sil today to mind their kiddies outside while they had scan, they have 2 little girls , one who is 1.5 ish , other is 9 months, they were so good :)
scan went well thank god .
still no blood results back, argghhh. but i have a nurse in hosp gonna check for me again tomor and get back to me ;)

jess hugs honey xxxxxxxxxxxx
sounds like a break through with ur dd that she opened up to u xxxxxx
hope everything works out now fast for ye xxx
thank god ye caught stuff now and its all in the open, makes all problem smaller to talk um out xxx

amy hugs, stupid af taking her time, whoop whoop xmas bub xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

bethany i def went through that phase too, eat little and often and it helped,
keep drinking lots and eat when u can and u wil be fine xxx
i lived on cereal and smoothies for a while ;)

hi to all, hope ye r all wel xxxxxxxxxxx
grrr hope they come back with results here soon for you! How fun to be able to spend time with the kiddos and glad they were nice and fun :)

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