ttc after a d&c

Bethany, yeah i dont think i can help with that one sorry. Your DH is probably right. Maybe if you went into an electronics store they could tell you what to get and do it for you.
Im feeling a bit better today thank you! Still on track to what happened last time.
My memory has left the building which happened last time... i used to remember by just looking at the door lock what position it had to be in for it to be locked but in the last few days a cannot seem to remember that and i have to go an manually check its locked. Here comes stupid Lisa! haha

Have you got any good movies to watch?? Most of my TV shows are on break and im just watching Big Bang Theory from the start again.
Lisa, kitty wants some love! :D
DH will probably want to fix the computer himself. He is actually very good with that stuff even though it isn't his job. He loves the computer lol!
Hear ya on the memory thing. That it gets blissful when you start getting moody. It is nice for me to not remember to be angry over something lol!
Though it stinks when you aren't sure if you took your prenatal or not :)

Angel, he may be gone until the end of the month. I have everything crossed that he can wrap up his project sooner. I feel more lonely than usual this time. Not sure what is up!
I do have the Netflix app on here but the tricky part is getting DH to give me the right password. He uses a different password for everything and can't remember any of them. He is still angry at Apple because he can't access his iTunes account because he can't remember the password. And the email they have listed is one that he no longer has. He has no one to blame but himself though. But yeah, will call him up later and hopefully get the right password. I want to watch something lol.
Yes, the time alone is so nice isn't it? I can't wait to have more things for Lorelei to really get started on preparing for her. Do you feel full of anticipation when you enter the nursery? :)
And did you enjoy a caffeine free soda yet? :D
hi guys xx

angel I used to do the same if I craved pepsi, id take 2 drinks and give rest to OH :)
I did used to drink weak tea when I wanted to though.
I like ur flag pic :) xxx

amy glad u had a nice week off xxx
it is good to get a break from it all xx

Bethany u could easily be feeling bub now, cushinony placenta aside :) xx

im still catching up, gonna post this much cos simon is rumbling and il hev to disappear for a bit again soon :)
Welcome home Amy!!

My current thoughts..."how am I going to get him out?" Eeeek!! I've spent so much time focusing on getting him in there and keeping him there, but never fully grasped the getting him out part :dohh:

u will do great hon :)
I had 2 day labour and episiotomy but I would do it 10 times over again if it was only way to get simon :)
and ur birth story will be much nicer im sure :) xxxxxxx
towards the end of preg I got so awkward and uncomfy I was lookin forward to just doing it and having him anyway, im sure u will get into that frame of mind too. xx
once it starts , I was glad it was happening and when u r in middle of it all. time just passes until ur done ifykwim :) think each bit of it is one step closer to cuddling pierce :) def does the trick :)
would totally recommend tens machine too :hugs:
hypno cds are great fpr relaxing before it and for much of the actual labour, its only when I had drip full blast for a while that it stopped working for me xxx
Hi ladies. Hope you all are doing great. Amy I am so glad you enjoyed your trip to NY. We are all glad to have you back hon. I wanted to share a few pics of Sophia with all of you. In one of them you can see how huge her hands are. lol. Oh, and she does have 5 fingers, she is just hiding her thumbs in both pics. She likes flashing her 4 fingers. She doesn't even fit in the 3 month mittens. Her feet are long too, especially her toes. I have no idea where she got that from. DH has small fingers and feet. lol. Second pic she is wrinkling her forehead. hehe

jess she is super cute ;) maybe she and simon can get married when older :) hee hee :)
jen I agree , do lots of nice things for ye now while ye can.
its hard work, tiring and time consuming but totally worth it :) hee hee
lisa my new kitty does that to me when typing too :)
I pften get ambushed and have weird random letters thrown into my typing ;)
they r so playfull when small :)
hope alls well with u and time is moving swiftly on for testing for u xx

leslie fx for u too hon xxx

amy u too :) xxx

we will have so many LO s on here before we know it, looking forward to us all comparing pics and funny stories ;)

Bethany hugs sorry Dh is away, sucky xxxx

hi and husg to all. hope alls well xx

AFM. I had friends over yest, I had no itme to tidy house day before so I got up at 6 and stayed up to tidy it in between simons feeds and pumping,
bad idea, :) I went into mini meltdown with poor OH last nt, I was so tired I was crying.
OH took simon but he couldn't get him to settle and simon was crying.
I had been giving out over not getting help or sleep so OH kept tellin me to go to bed , he would mind him. but all I could think about was simon cryin so I was crying !!
I came downstairs about 10 times saying just give him to me.
then OH got odd cos I was implying he couldn't look after him (which I kinda was cos I know I could have settled him:) ).
so que big fight and laura having mini meltdown.
don't u just love hormones !!!!
Hi girls! How is everyone doing??

Amy, have you gotten any helpful advice from those groups? :flower:

I did read a few things on there that helped. OH! and for the Jerry Springer... O-M-G!!! Spiritually pregnant... what the heck does that even mean!?!?! :trouble: That lady should be glad that she doesnt live near me. How dare you mock women that have gone through a LEGIT loss.. grrr!!!!

Amy, Im going good thank you! Counting down the days until i can test.
How are you going?

I hope you caught that egg Lisa!!!! Im doing ok as well thanks... just waiting for af to come so that we can get this party started! lol

Oh Amy, so very glad things are looking good with you. I wonder how big the follies were, did the Dr say? I'm curious because we could guesstimate ovulation, then AF from that #.

When the RE told me how many follies I had, I told him I was shocked. Although none of them were close to releasing or anything, he told me that I had 3 on my right and I think 2 on my left. I told him when I was on clomid, I rarely ever saw that many non dominant follicles and at that time they measured about 13mm+/-. He told me thats about where I was but then I talked to the PA yesterday and she said that she saw that all the follies I have are small and "nowhere close to ovulation. You will probably ovulate in the next couple of weeks". Im like A COUPLE OF WEEKS?!?!? I was thinking by the end of the week! :dohh::cry:

Jess and Jess, glad to hear your little girls are growing away!!!!! :cloud9:

Laura, big hugs hun. I hope that Oh was able to calm Simon shortly after and that you were able to get some sleep. No one said that it was easy taking care of a little one and most of the time, it falls mostly on mommies so your actions are completly normal. Hope you get some rest hun. xoxoxo

Leslie, how are you dear?

:wave: to anyone Ive missed!
Bethany ~ Haven't bought any caffeine free soda yet. We don't normally have sodas and they only sell it in 2 liter bottles or a 12 pack. My sis comes next week, I'll pick some up then if the craving strikes. Her fam drinks soda so they won't go to waste.

Laura ~ Poor little Simon and you! I hope you were able to get your rest and let your OH figure his son out. Melt downs are've been through a lot!

Amy ~ 2 weeks until you O? Why the discrepancy in opinions... Hmm. Lets say the follie was a 12, at 2mm a day you'd O within the next 6 days and start your period 2 weeks later. I hope the PA is wrong. I say the :witch: will show within the next 3 weeks. (I so hope my very very novice, nonmedical guess is right!) I'm ready to start stalking your temps! Oh, did they say or have you read anything about how long Clomid stays in your system? I thought I read its effects can stay for 3 months :shrug:

:wave: ladies!

Lisa & Leslie will be testing next exciting! :dust:
Im thinking the reason she is saying that is because my HCG was still at 24 last friday? :shrug: Im gonna say that RE trumps PA but then again she is more detailed in explaining things to us/. Not that RE isnt but Im sure he was thinking "US looks normal so now lets just wait". Although its still unclear what everything is measuring to DH and I, Im sure he knows where Im at and just didnt fully tell us.. make sense? I dont know... just theories of mine. It makes my head hurt sometimes to try and think like a DR. lol
Laura, take it easy! You should have let your friends do you a favor and tidy up for you :hugs: I would have done that for you honey!
Same goes for Jen and Jessica! Love all you girls <3

Amy, glad you got some helpful info! And as for that spiritually pregnant chick...yeah I never commented but I hugged the heck out of a lot of comments! I got angry at the people that were like "I'm sure it felt real to her..." No no no. Nothing but the real thing will ever feel like that and she mocks other women by pretending.
Wait, are you going to try in a couple of weeks then? Or are you waiting out this cycle? :hugs:

Angel, I hope that you get to enjoy a soda next week :D
Exactly!!! The real thing is the realy thing! I should go hug some comments too lol

No, DH and I decided to wait it out. PA said that it wouldnt be the end of the world if we got pregnant. DH I decided against for dating purposes (this way we will know exactly where we are suppose to be at). Also to give my uterus a little break and give it a chance to heal. :(
I'm ready to start stalking your temps! Oh, did they say or have you read anything about how long Clomid stays in your system? I thought I read its effects can stay for 3 months :shrug:

Oh forgot to answer this... they didnt mention anything about the Clomid being in my system. Only that they will not have me on it unless I go the IUI route. Im really hoping to conceive naturally. Ill take my BFP any way I can get it but it would be nice to know that we created a LO with love. <3 Not that we wouldnt create with love with an IUI or something else but you know what I mean. If thats true, then it should be gone by the time we try :( I took it in Apr and we are waiting this cycle out so it will be past the 3 month mark. Been temping and the past three days got back to doing it on a regular basis. I was lazy about it last week but Im back now! Im not going to be using an OPK this month so I wonder will it still detect ovulation? Im still kind of on the higher side (98.0) which my average coverline is at about 97.9 so Ill see if in the next few days it continues to go down.

Oh and Lisa, your kitty is so cute! Totally was looking for lovies <3
hi guys,
amy , Bethany and angel thanks :)
I had another one this eve, bawling again but I feel better now after crying, after first few days of simons stroke I didn't cry at all so maybe I just needed to release or maybe hormones im not sure really. I was phycho and weepy for about half an hour and im ok now, prob hormones alright, maybe im getting af soon, I don't want it back ever, was hoping booby milking would keep it away :)

amy hope u Ov sooner hon, is that just like a guess based on size, could they not grow faster than they think? I hope so xxx
he took simon for a drive nad calmed him down I got some sleep then thanks

angel how r u feeling now hon/
u tired? how bigs ur bump? :)
do u have lots of movement , I miss the kicks sometimes a little,
and rubbing my belly knowing he is in there was always really cool xxx

bethnay before i had simon I always said I wuldnt be house proud and would just focus on bub and me, I just cant, I don't know why, it irritates me badly when house is messy. prob cos I spend so much time in it :)
its silly, I kinda feel a little like im lacking if I cant do both look after simon and keep house,i know its stupid, but its stuck in my head a little.
just typing it is helping knock it out cos I know im being silly and judging myself .
I would never judge someone else for some of the stuff I think makes me lacking ;)
ok im rambling il stop now ;)
how r u hon?
u enjoying all ur shows?
any weird cravings? xx

amy I think waiting for dating is a good call. cos it just adds worry if u don't know ur dates, u would be wondering if ur bub is growing properly on U/s if u didn't know dates xx u don't need additional stress xx
hope the wait hurries up for u and hope u Ov sooner xxxxxx

jen or jess have u had any little meltdowns? is it hormones?
just wondering am I normal :) xxx
hi and hugs to all. hope alls well xxxxxxxx
Awww Laura.... :hugs: Im sure its a combination of hormones and lack of sleep. Plus you are are still healing so your body is on overdrive right now. Im glad you got to sleep when your OH took Simon for a drive. Hope you are able to get some more rest!

Ya, its just a guesstamate on my part. He didnt mention anything about dates or anything. He was just looking to make sure I passed everything and to make sure that everything was back to working normal. I guess we'll see in the next few weeks! Im hoping like Angel said, that af will show in 3 weeks. Thats what I calculated as well so Im hoping that will be the case!
thanks hon xxx
with ur hcg down so low at last appointment , it sounds like it could be sooner than pa reckons xx , fx for u xxx
hope so hon xxxxxx
Amy, sorry that it is looking like a longer wait to try :hugs:

Laura, no shows here. Computer isn't working and I haven't been able to access Netflix on my iPad. My computer works but the speakers have issues so everything is silent. I'm getting pissy just thinking about all of it lol.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I doubt your OH is judging you so why judge yourself? :) our place is very cluttered. My husband and I don't function too well when it isn't though. We have an easier time locating things in a pile then when it is neatly put away. You should see how pissed he gets when I put his shoes in the shoe rack and he can't find them :lol:
Wow have to catch up!

Jessica- Sophia is absolutely adorable! It almost looks like she is talking in one of the pictures :) how is she doing?

Jen- so glad Zoey is doing well! I also can't wait until we all have BFPs and can have baby talk!

Angel- I have heard some of that in regards to nail polish....I wonder if this means no pedicures while pregnant for me!? How are you feeling?

Bethany- I can't imagine being in your shoes! I am such a tv junkie haha. I am now watching m recorded bachelorette but she is annoying so I am not thrilled. I enjoy reality shows. I also love Big Bang theory like Lisa! DH got me into it. I hope everything gets fixed quick! When does DH get home? How are you doing other than boredom?

Amy- glad to see you back and that things are progressing. How are you feeling emotionally and physically?

Laura- sorry for meltdown! Our hormones are never forgiving! Sometimes it is good to have a cry too. I am sure, even though it is a good busy, you are overwhelmed and adjusting to Simon and all. I don't know about you but changes, good and bad, tend to make me emotional.

Lisa- such a cute kitty! Hope all is well over there...I know you are getting anxious as am I! How early are you testing? We BDed every other day CD 8-16 and I almost had a thought it wasn't enough, putting my faith into what will be will be at this point. What can we do other than keep trying.

AFM- been emotional but that hasn't been too new. I wondered if I am more emotional around ovulation time hormonal wise...or maybe just psychological because of trying and the loss. Someone mentioned that I would be testing new week, but I am not sure that. Am going to. I am afraid if testing too early so will not until at least day AF is due if not after that. I didn't even get pregnant symptoms until a week after missed AF. When did everyone else start feeling it?
Hi ladies! Not much time to read everyting i just skimmed :( veey sorry.

Bethany i wish we could all lend a hanf anf company to eachother. But we offer comfort so due to distance its just as good<3
Laura meltdowns been happening since day two i havent talkalked about em bc i thought its wtong bc others qould kill to have a baby but yes iys so normal. Mibe mostly are causes of not being able to calm my baby to my husband thinking my boob will aleays calm and get her to sleep. Its not the case. Dh is very stressful and is constantly yelling at our dog and he is becoming agressive and whining. I never have a moment to make food or shower since dh refuses to watch hee so its hard and when she finally goes down for a lil dh wants sexual attention and says he would help more if i did stuff for him. I said i have no time for me. Ugh. Anyways gonna try to lay her down to get some water and food maybe go to bathroom and rinse if i have time. Soon as she crys trav flips out on her. Its sad.
Catch up at next feedingbifvi acn grt my phone charged.

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