ttc after a d&c

Amy ~ I've bookmarked your FF Chart...officially on board to stalk your temps and aid in interpreting the dips, spikes and ambiguous fluctuations!

Leslie ~ Oh, I thought you'd test next week, sorry. I'm was a POAS (pee on a stick) junkie, I would buy the Internet cheapies off of amazon and pee on a stick from 11dpo on. My symptoms for AF and BFP were too similar to discern what was coming.

Laura ~ :hugs: Maybe its hormones trying to regulate or maybe it's just emotional exhaustion. Either way...hand that sweet prince to your OH, curl up in a hot bath and cry! You deserve your hallmark moments xoxo

Bethany ~ I too hope your DH wraps up early...cannot believe you don't have access to DVDs or Netflix! Sounds like camping...even then I find a way to use my iThings! Ha!

Hope everyone else has had a nice hump day!
Bethany, I hope you have your DVD connected now and have something to amuse you!
I have an alarm set for 9pm every night for my prenatal. haha
Your house sounds like my house. We try so hard to be clean but it just doesnt happen!! We are having our neighbours over for dinner tonight and their house is REALLY clean and neat so i have to spend all day cleaning so we dont look like pigs! haha :dohh:

Laura, Yes my kitty is absolute mischief at the moment. Hes getting into everything!! Im trying to teach him not to get onto the kitchen bench at the moment. He eats everything he can get his paws on.
Emotions and hormones would be very high for you right now! Let it all out. Thats part of OH responsibilities to take our crazy hormone times. I know mine copes it all the time! haha Hope you're feeling a bit better now! :hugs:

Amy, I hope so to! i think we got it this time! I hope you're AF will come sooner rather than later and then party away! haha :hugs:

Angel, i cant wait to test... i did one yesterday even though i knew it wouldnt work! haha :dohh:

Leslie, going good here just feeling really impatient. Im going to do a test on the 19th which is 5 days before AF presuming a 28 day cycle. Although my last one was 24 days. I'm far to impatient to wait until after AF is due. We have been BDing almost every night from CD 7 until now which would be CD 16 i guess. We missed CD 14... neither of us felt like it.
I get more emotional around O time as well.
I got symptoms straight away last time but i never got anything too bad. I didnt throw up at all. :hugs:

I think Angel and Bethany should post baby bump photos!! hehe! :flower:

8 Days till test time weeeeeeeeeee :wohoo:
Just read your update Jen...cannot believe your DH is being such a douche! The extent of sexual attention I'd give him is tossing some lube at him and telling him to tend to himself! I'm sorry def have a stressful situation going on. I hope little Zoey is on the mend and you start to get a break. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Jen, that sounds horrible!! I hope things will improve soon. I second what Angel said... Tell him to take care of himself for a little while! Also you can say anything here... Thats what we are here for! and although we are all in different stages it doesn't make the things that are happening or important to you any less important and you should talk to us if things are getting to you.
BIIIIGGGGGG:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for you!!!
Nice looking belly Angel!!!! hehe!! Im so excited for you!!! Its almost baby time :baby:
Leslie, I bet that it is a little of both! The hormones from ovulation and just feeling what it is like to be TTC again. TTC after a loss is so emotional. Love you girl. You will get your rainbow baby!
With my first I didn't get a BFP until AF was a week late either. Seemed like a little after that that I had symptoms.
Second time I actually got a line the day my AF was, in theory, supposed to arrive (body still hadn't really normalized). But I don't think that I had symptoms until later. I wonder if your second BFP will be as different from your first as mine was? :hugs:

Jen, honey don't feel bad about having meltdowns. That sounds very stressful! You just want to make everybody happy :hugs:
I just want to give your hubby a piece of my mind :grr: and I would babysit your puppy for you if I was there. Love you dear.

Angel, I am horrible at camping ever since I got my iPhone! Last time we camped we spent half the night looking for my phone that I was convinced that I had lost. It was in the tent the whole time. DH wanted to smack me lol!
I have some books out and I keep looking at them and then...I go back to trying to occupy myself on the iPad. I need to take a break and try reading as an adequate replacement for the tv!
Your bump is adorable! Is there a swooning emoticon? It deserves a swoon!

Lisa, smart stuff setting the alarm for your prenatal. Brilliant!
Oh those people with squeaky clean homes are such show offs! One of my sisters keeps her home spotless with 5 kids and I still don't know how she does it. Or where she stores all the stuff that comes with a family that big :D
I hope the 8 days fly by for you! That TWW is just the worst part lol. You should get wondfos if you want to POAS without the guilt of tests being expensive :)
I wonder how different your next pregnancy will be from your first! You may get really nauseous the next time :D
That is my bump for 22 weeks!
Awwww Bethany look at that bump!!! So cute!!! Makes me happy seeing baby bumps!
Gosh how does she keep the house clean with 5 kids?!?!?! i cant even find room to put the stuff of just me and my DF. Maybe you could ask her and report back! haha :D
My DF is VERY messy though!! He just drops everything wheres he's finished with it. I once found a six pack beer carton folded and stuffed behind the milk in the fridge. lol Also saw him take the rubbish out and come back to put a new bag in the bin... he took the LAST bag off the role, put the empty roll back in the draw and then put the bag in the bin!! i was like OMG put the empty roll in the bag you just put in the bin!! lol :dohh:

How soon can Wondfos show BPF?
I hope i dont get more sick this time. The fuzzy brain is enough to drive me crazy. I usually have a really good memory and its very frustrating when it doesnt work anymore! Took about a month to come back after d c as well. I very rarely throw up normally even when im really sick or drank to much! haha
Bethany and Angel, I love your bump pics! Bethany, how does your sister with 5 kids do it? I will admit, I am a very unorganized person. I can be messy too. lol. My husband is better at keeping the house clean. lol. I will try to improve on that though. It is hard enough with 3 kids, I can't imagine how your sister does it with 5 kids.

Jen, I feel you on the acid reflux issues. Sophia is starting with the acid reflux, just like Natalie did. We just got the ok from her doc today to start giving her the sensitive formula. I still pump everyday, and whatever I get I give to Sophia (6 mls max :( ). Amazingly if I put her to my breast, she knows what to do and sucks away, but unfortunately she gets nothing from my breast and gets very upset :( . This is considering the fact that we never really got that time to bond after she was born (because she was in the NICU). I see her starting to suffer from the reflux and gas pains and starting to get very irritable. I think his has something to do with her being born early and all of the antibiotics they pumped her with as a preventive measure right after she was born (they feared that all the aspirated amniotic fluid gave her pneumonia, but thank God it didn't). She suffered from thrush for a long time and has had a diaper rash for 2 weeks straight that comes and goes, doctor gave her medicine for that because apparently it is a yeast infection due to the antibiotics. The antibiotics they gave her were so powerful, I am sure they ate up all the good bacteria in her stomach and that is partly the reason she is getting the reflux also. Jen, I am so sorry about your dh. I really hope and pray that Travis changes. Maybe he needs to have a man to man talk with another guy who can tell him how he is acting is wrong and that he needs to be there more for you and Zoey. :hugs:

Hi Amy!! I like your new doctors plan for you. I like that he wants you and dh to go natural first. We are all cheering you on here hon. I am so glad that you had that time away with your dh. He sounds like a great guy. :hugs:

Lisa. lol for cleaning the house before the neighbors come over. That sounds like me and dh. hehe. Although dh is actually much neater than me.

Leslie, you have every right to be emotional. You have gone through so much. With loss and hormonal changes going on and it could be because you are around ov time. Us women go through a lot after a loss. Hang in there hon. And as for the pregnancy symptoms, I usually start to get them right around the time af is due, the very first sign I always get is acid reflux from the hormonal changes, the increase of progesterone that relaxes the muscles is what causes the acid reflux I believe. With every pregnancy right before af was due i would wake up in the early morning hours with acid reflux and I knew that I was pregnant because I almost never get acid reflux without being pregnant.

Laura, you have been through so much and its hard taking care of a newborn, you need a break sometimes hon (but I also understand how hard it is to be away from your sweet little Simon.) As for being emotional, it is totally normal. You were pregnant for a very long time, like me you had two pregnancies very close together and now your body is going back to normal little by little. A lot of hormonal changes are going on right now that can affect you emotionally. I am experiencing things I never thought I would. Lets just say things haven't been as ideal as I thought they would be and I love my dear Sophia so so much. But at the same times I am filled with so many paranoias about her. I am scared of so many things now. I am a total hypochondriac (have been for the past 10 years, has something to do with my fathers illness and slow decline in health and eventual death) and I think I probably need professional help. I am also suffering postpartum depression, so my husband and mom try to help me out as much as they can.

:hugs: to everybody!!
Lisa, I think that they are as sensitive as First Response is. They are just cheap little pee strips that you dip but so cheap. So very nice is you want to test early and often :)
If you do vomit you will hopefully just have reflux like me where some Zantac helps. I rarely puke. Though I did just yesterday. Poo.
Your DF sounds just like my DH! Why can't they just walk trash to the trash can? :lol:

Jessica, I am unorganized too. Well I call it organizing in piles ;)
Oh poor Sophia has been having a rough time of it. On the one hand I had that she has the reflux too and a yeast infection and diaper rash but hard to be angry about the antibiotics when they helped prevent pneumonia.
I hope all these babies get to feeling better!

As for my clean sister with 5 kids, I think it is just her personality. She has to have things a certain way and she will not waver from it. So her kids really aren't allowed to be messy. Sounds nice but I don't think that she is pleasant to live with. I love her though!
Lisa, do you have in Australia? That is where I got my wondfos from. But some people on this site get them from eBay too!
Lisa, I think that they are as sensitive as First Response is. They are just cheap little pee strips that you dip but so cheap. So very nice is you want to test early and often :)
If you do vomit you will hopefully just have reflux like me where some Zantac helps. I rarely puke. Though I did just yesterday. Poo.
Your DF sounds just like my DH! Why can't they just walk trash to the trash can? :lol:

Jessica, I am unorganized too. Well I call it organizing in piles ;)
Oh poor Sophia has been having a rough time of it. On the one hand I had that she has the reflux too and a yeast infection and diaper rash but hard to be angry about the antibiotics when they helped prevent pneumonia.
I hope all these babies get to feeling better!

As for my clean sister with 5 kids, I think it is just her personality. She has to have things a certain way and she will not waver from it. So her kids really aren't allowed to be messy. Sounds nice but I don't think that she is pleasant to live with. I love her though!

Exactly, imagine if she actually had Pneumonia as a newborn and they hadn't administered the antibiotics. I don't want to imagine what would have happened. Unfortunately her little body is having a hard time handling the effects of them. I wish I would have researched or asked one of the doctors about a probiotic while she was in the NICU, but I never even thought about that (so I partly blame myself for the yeast infection and thrush), I just thought about her making it our alive. Hopefully she will start to get better now. Its sad to see such a tiny baby go through so much. She is eating a lot more now and is just under 7 lbs, so she is gaining and has a good appetite.
Jessica, she is improving. You had a lot on your mind at the time what with worrying about her so don't be hard on yourself :hugs: you are taking such good care of her! <3
Aww Jessica :hugs: you are doing great mommy! Sophia is doing just fine and she has a strong mom right along side of her. You take great care of all three of ur babies<3 believe that.

Lisa bethany is correct regards to sensitivey of two brands! :dust: very anxious for ur results! I vomitted thru my pregnancy had to take zofran. Hopefully its just reflux like bethany had so ud het releif from zantac which is cmpletely safe.

Angel very cute bump!!! Im sooo excited for u!!
Bethany love ur dress and ur bump!! I hope dh can end that travel before ur farther along. Is he planning to take tine off for the baby? Fit two weeks are rough. I hope he can be be home with you! They are so precious.<3

Laura how are you feeling today? Hows simon?

Leslie hi!!! Hope all is going well!!

I had so much more i wanted to say but mind went blank.

Well i got a boba carrier for zoey to bf in public in. Sooo havev to adjust to it. It was used
Bethany & Angel... LOVE your bumps!!!!! <3 So cute!!

Jen, Im so sorry that your husband is being like that. No offense but it seems like he has been pretty selfish. You are always bending over backwards for him and he just doesnt give you any credit for your efforts. Now with Zoey here, he should be all about you and his daughter. I understand that being intimate is an important part of a relationship but its not #1. Im so sorry that you dont have the support from him that you deserve. You really have been teste to your limit this past year and Im praying that you catch a break. We love you and are always here if you need to vent... youre not alone. :hugs: :kiss:

Amy- glad to see you back and that things are progressing. How are you feeling emotionally and physically?

AFM- been emotional but that hasn't been too new. I wondered if I am more emotional around ovulation time hormonal wise...or maybe just psychological because of trying and the loss. Someone mentioned that I would be testing new week, but I am not sure that. Am going to. I am afraid if testing too early so will not until at least day AF is due if not after that. I didn't even get pregnant symptoms until a week after missed AF. When did everyone else start feeling it?

Thanks hun... Im doing ok physically, emotionally.. I still have my moments but they are def far and few between this time. Im holding onto hope now with seeing a RE and new dr's. Just anxious and want to get things started already and feel like the wait in endless at the moment! :wacko:

You being emotional is def normal. This is a very stressful thing to go through and brings on a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the whole process. I honestly didnt get any strong symptoms with the last pregnancy, none with the 2nd pregnancy (chemical) and symptoms started around 6 weeks with the 1st pregnancy. There a lots of ladies that say they didnt have any symptoms well into thier 2nd tri so I wouldnt go off of symptoms only hun.

Amy ~ I've bookmarked your FF Chart...officially on board to stalk your temps and aid in interpreting the dips, spikes and ambiguous fluctuations!

yay... thanks Angel!!! You know me.. I can use all the help/advice I can get! You girls are the bomb! (Yes I said the bomb... Im an 80's baby! lol)

Amy, I hope so to! I think we got it this time! I hope you're AF will come sooner rather than later and then party away! haha :hugs:

I sure hope so too Lisa!!!! I hope that BFP is just around the corner for you ladies!! :thumbup:

Hi Amy!! I like your new doctors plan for you. I like that he wants you and dh to go natural first. We are all cheering you on here hon. I am so glad that you had that time away with your dh. He sounds like a great guy. :hugs:

Thanks Jess :hugs: You girls always know just what to say! Iam def lucky to have my husband. Ive said it before but he truley is my rock and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. He has just been amazing and so pos through this whole process. I cant wait to see him as a dad... I hope I get to see that! :shrug:

Hope I didnt miss anyone :oops:
Jen ~ The Boba carrier, is it for nursing, is it a sling?? So it's not like the Baby Bjorn, which is just a carrier? So many items out there...can make your head spin! I got a cover that goes around my neck, but I still have to hold the baby. I'm intrigued.

Jess ~ I thought it was never too late to take probiotics. Especially if she still has a touch of a yeast issue going on. They sell it in infant drops...wonder what the docs would say. Many of them don't encourage it, but if it wouldn't hurt, why not, right? And yay for pumping...if you took probiotics would they pass on through your milk? Time to consult Dr Google! Hugs to the girls!

:wave: ladies.

A thunder storm just rolled in...nap time :sleep:
Amy, sorry that it is looking like a longer wait to try :hugs:

Laura, no shows here. Computer isn't working and I haven't been able to access Netflix on my iPad. My computer works but the speakers have issues so everything is silent. I'm getting pissy just thinking about all of it lol.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I doubt your OH is judging you so why judge yourself? :) our place is very cluttered. My husband and I don't function too well when it isn't though. We have an easier time locating things in a pile then when it is neatly put away. You should see how pissed he gets when I put his shoes in the shoe rack and he can't find them :lol:

oh no sorry I did read that but my sievy brain forgot xx sorry :)
hope u got it fixed? or were u waiting for OH password or something , hope he came up trumps :)
im grand today again, I don't know what happened , something somewhere went haywire on me ;)
had doc today for 6 week check for simon and me :)
he is 11 pound 15 now :) hee hee go milky my little milky guzzler :) ha ha
I used to be like that before we bought a house Bethany, but since we have our own place im a bit more ocd :) ha ha
all good :) she just did my bloods to send away and took my blood pressure. bp is perfect again and I had taken myself off meds cos I was throwing up , hurray :)
im gonna read on, as usual billion posts cos I wanna answer and post in case simon calls and I lose typing :)
Wow have to catch up!

Laura- sorry for meltdown! Our hormones are never forgiving! Sometimes it is good to have a cry too. I am sure, even though it is a good busy, you are overwhelmed and adjusting to Simon and all. I don't know about you but changes, good and bad, tend to make me emotional.

AFM- been emotional but that hasn't been too new. I wondered if I am more emotional around ovulation time hormonal wise...or maybe just psychological because of trying and the loss. Someone mentioned that I would be testing new week, but I am not sure that. Am going to. I am afraid if testing too early so will not until at least day AF is due if not after that. I didn't even get pregnant symptoms until a week after missed AF. When did everyone else start feeling it?

thanks hon xx
yeah I think it was hormones cos it was really patchy and im ok again ;)
the days u BD sounds perfect hon, don't stress. xx
fx for u for bfp :) :dust:
I used always test early ;)
it is disappointing to get bfn so if u can hold off till af is due then do x
I never could :haha: , I got bfp 12 dpo this time but that's unusual, it is early :)
im looking forward to ur good news ;) xx
Hi ladies! Not much time to read everyting i just skimmed :( veey sorry.

Bethany i wish we could all lend a hanf anf company to eachother. But we offer comfort so due to distance its just as good<3
Laura meltdowns been happening since day two i havent talkalked about em bc i thought its wtong bc others qould kill to have a baby but yes iys so normal. Mibe mostly are causes of not being able to calm my baby to my husband thinking my boob will aleays calm and get her to sleep. Its not the case. Dh is very stressful and is constantly yelling at our dog and he is becoming agressive and whining. I never have a moment to make food or shower since dh refuses to watch hee so its hard and when she finally goes down for a lil dh wants sexual attention and says he would help more if i did stuff for him. I said i have no time for me. Ugh. Anyways gonna try to lay her down to get some water and food maybe go to bathroom and rinse if i have time. Soon as she crys trav flips out on her. Its sad.

sorry jen but that makes me feel better xx
not that u feel bad but that im normal :)
hope it gets better soon honey xxx
I know I felt bad moaning too but I was someone who would kill to get bfp not so long ago, so I thought I might not be as annoying as someone who doesn't appreciate pregnancy and baby. I love simon to bits , I was just half afraid of postpartum depression but it wouldn't have lifted so quick if I had it.
I wouldnt trade simon for a gazillion euro but it is tiring.
:hugs: to u hon, xx
I kind of feel like I have to do everything for simon cos I don't think anyone else does it properly nad I feel bad if I don't do everything for him.
I cannot stand hearing him cry so im gonna spoil him :)
if he whimpers he is in my arms :)
I only half trust OH with him and I know he is good with him but I think im letting simon down if I don't have him 24-7.
silly I know.,
its harder in a way for u, I know with dorect breast feeding u are under them all the time for at least amonth, it does get better so say all my sis nad sis in law who bf. xx
I have extra pumping and sterilising bottles then too but I get longer breaks between feeds at nt which helps. xx
hope u get a break soon hon xxxx

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