ttc after a d&c

hi guys

bethany i dont think i want af ever again :) milky boobs can keep it at bay for some people, hope im one , so far so good :)
i know i sound pessimistic but my first baby died, second baby i had 2 day labour, was sick and my poor little man had a stroke and broken shoulder.
i dont think i wanna do it ever again. i think im just gonna be gratefull for simon and not push my bad luck :)
plus i wanna be able to devote myself to simon and new bub means i couldnt do that .
maybe if simon is good health wise in few years but for now its all about prince milky :)
also OH is very little help so i know it would be all down to me again and i dont want to spread myself that thin. i wouldnt be any good to bubs or me.
ive just made myself a bit sad at the thought of no more kids, what am i like.
hope glucose test goes wel for u hon xxx
hope ur sis is ok xxxxx

lisa happy bday xxx
steong lne is best pressie ;) xx

amy hugs, xxxx
i posted on ur journal xxxxx

hi and hugs to all xxxxx
aw man i think i do need to up thyroid meds , im blubbing again, doh!!!
Hi ladies!! It is getting so hard for me to keep up with all of you!! I am trying my best to.

Angel, the countdown to your little man is about to begin. You are almost considered full term. You have come a long way hon! I can't wait until you share your birth story and hopefully we can see a pic of beautiful Pierce. :hugs:

Amy, I am so happy to hear that your husband is not actually suffering from Kidney disease. But at the same time I am also very sorry for all that you are dealing with right now. I pray to God that your test results come out good. I have to say though, I have a great feeling for you. I feel that you will be greatly blessed very soon. I don't see any reason why you can't have a healthy lo, even with all you have been through. I don't understand why things happen the way they do, I really don't. But there is a light at the end up the tunnel. Love you hon :hugs:

Bethany, I pray that your sister gets better hon. Sorry you had to puke today. :( I can't believe that you are already 25 weeks! Time is going by so quickly for you! I can't wait until you meet your little girl. She will be so beautiful!! I hope you can share pics with us. :hugs:

Laura, sorry about oh, I hope and pray he comes around soon. I am thinking that this is all so new for him maybe? Maybe he is almost scared to look after Simon. You are so good at what you do, maybe he is intimidated? Just a thought hon. You are a great mommy and you and Simon are so blessed to have each other. :hugs:

Hi Jen!! I am so sorry about poor Zoey's reflux. I am going through the same thing with Sophia. She spat up 7 times today after only 1 feeding. Even at almost 2 hours after her feeding. Looks like she is going to end up medicated also. It is so sad to see our little girls suffer. I am so glad Zoey is starting to find some relief. Take care hon. :hugs:

Lisa!! How are you feeling hon? Gotta say again, I love you betas!!! I think they are higher than mine were! I am so excited for you. :hugs:

Leslie, I am rooting you on for next month!! Got any special plans for the ttc? Can't wait until you get your bfp!! Take care hon!:hugs:

AFM, Sophia's reflux is getting worse. :( I have already experienced this with my 7 year old, Natalie. It is not pretty. Sophia spits up but we also notice she has silent reflux where the acids constantly come up but she doesn't spit it up. You can see the pain in her face when the acids come up. I am going tonight to buy a wedge to elevate her. Hopefully this will help some. What I usually do is hold her all the time and prop her up. But then I don't have enough time for my other children. :(

Bully indeed! Just mean to take away a pregnant women's favorite ANYTHING! :growlmad: I too use the same argument "But babe, we are going to be able to get ______ for free now that we have these points! :thumbup: "... his response "Its not free if you have to spend money to get the points to begin with". :dohh: :haha:

I too really hope this is the end of our struggle. I am willing to do anything for a healthy little one but I also know how important it is to stay as calm as you can during pregnancy and this all isnt helping :( Just want to be holding my healthy baby already :(

Our DH's sound the same! They don't get it like we do! Sheesh! :haha:
And I'm really hopeful that things are going to start looking up for the two of you. Now to just get that dadgum :witch: to show up! Perhaps you should wear white know her FAVORITE color to soil when least expected! xoxo

Jess & Jen ~ Poor baby girls. That reflux is a beast! My sis was eventually told by the pediatrician to pump a bottle for him at night and add rice. I don't know the serving, but it helped Decland sleep longer and without spitting up.

Laura ~ Sweet Prince Milky. Perhaps over time the memory of the early woes of birth will subside and you'll make your way to creating a sibling for Simon. I wouldn't think about it now. Have they scheduled Simon's hospital visit regarding his meds?

Bethany ~ How'd the glucose go? Was that why you were pukey?

:wave: Lisa & Leslie

DH installed the car seat many doors did he have to have open to do this? Hehehe...was sweet watching him.


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Bethany so sorry about you gettibg sick. U called it :( but ur little girl is sooo worth it!
Amy omg i missed that about dh :( im so sorry ur dealing with so much. I hope he is ok and u fall pregnant soon. Jessica couldnt have said it better<3 love you and hope ur coping ok. :hug:
Jess im so sorry ur daughter has reflux also :( its terrible. I wish i could yake it away and have it for them both. We give zoey zantac .7ml and i stopped dairy idk if shes allergic or not but doctorvkept pushing formula saying her reflux was an allergy issue. Well been dairy free for over mpnth no change. Wevsee LC on weds. Do u think sophia has an allergy to anything? I hope she grows out of it for u also. Can we use wedges? How does sophia sleep? And where do u put her? We have zoey in napper on her back but shes out grown it and idk what to do now. Give that beautiful baby a hug for me!
Laura milky boobs keep af away for us i sure hope! Simon is very much a blessing. Such a handsome littlebboy. I hope oh realizes hes missing out and helps. I learned to tell him what i need of him. Half the time i think they just dont know. At least its case for him. I hope u get rest tonight<3
Angel yay ur soooo close!! Pierce will entire world so soon<3 Super excited! Cant wait for ur dream baby to enter ur world and u experience motherhood.
Lisa hope ur bday was lovely!
Leslie hi!! Hoping ur doing okay staying relaxed and happy. Need to make ur life stree free snd get u ur bfp this cycle<3
Amy really hoping ur af starts asap. Would be lovely for two bfps this cycle for u both. (leslie and u) i hope ur okay<3

Atm dh and i are tryin to get baby down. Im so excited for haircut. Cant decide highlights or full color?? Opinions??? My hairs brown and i have some grays which is what i want to hide. id either dye everything closest to my natural color or add some golden blonde highlights half head. My hairs long so gonna add some layers and cut off 2inches. Im sooo excited to do something for me. Dh bought me nursing bra for night and under garments. So nice to hsve a few new things! Though i really dont think we could afford it. But dont want to argue it was sooo nice of him! Kobe barked at squate one of nursing zoey to sleep boo. I wish i could upload a pic from my cellphone :( is there a way??
Angel aww he did open alot of doors!!! So sweet he installed it. I did ours then had hospital (well police) fix it properly. Yay one step closer to his arrival! What kinda carseat did u get?
Sister won't get results until tomorrow. I hope that she gets some results tomorrow anyways. And she called tonight to tell me that she had to take my mom to the emergency room. They are all getting sick :(

Angel, how did you spend your Friday? :)

Amy, you have the prayers of many that this will be the end of your struggles. We all jus want the terrible part of the journey to end for you. Time for rainbows :hugs:

Jessica, it is hard to balance 3 now but it will happen. The newborn stage is tough but after that it should get easier. You can do it momma! :hugs:
Hope that the wedge helps little Sophia.

Laura, I am in agreement with Angel. I do hope that you have more but it will take time to get there. And right now you know that you are just spent. Enjoy your little boy and don't worry about more babies yet :kiss:

Angel, that picture is just adorable! Aren't men so cute? :) what car seat did you get? And how difficult did he say that it was to install? Hehe

Jen, that was so sweet and generous of your husband to get you a nursing bra and undergarments! I'm not too sure about full color or highlights. I never like highlights on me until I have grown them out some. So maybe full color? But that is just my personal preference for me so take it with a grain of salt. Can't wait to see how your hair looks!
Do you have the photobucket app on your phone? You can use it to post pictures by just copying and pasting the image code.
Just remember not to beat yourself up about Kobe. When Zoey gets bigger Kobe will get plenty of love and attention from TWO ladies instead of one :thumbup:
Behany thank you! Im so so sorry about ur mom i really hope its nothing serious :( praying results forvur sister are in and u can havesome good news :hug:
Lisa- yay for darker line and blood test results! When is US appt? You must be so excited! Crossing fingers

Amy- I am so sorry you have been feeling crappy and no AF yet. She really needs to learn when sh needs to come and thn stay away. How is your diet/ exercise going? I think I am going to try to get more into that his week.

Angel- never heard of push present but sounds nice. Will you do it? That cake is soooo adorable! When is your next doc appt? Very nice about car seat!

Bethany- so sorry to hear about both your siste and mother. Hope you get answers soon. My thoughts are will ou. Hope ou are feeling well also. Are you sick? I know you mentioned you threw up. How was glucose tolerance? I swear I still have nightmares about that but only because I really do have low blood sugar. I took 3 hr in high school and knew I was going to be diagnosed because of how much I was shaking and how bitchy I got haha.

Laura-how are you? Sorry you were feeling down. Things better? I am sure thyroid has a lot to do with it. You are not being pessimistic , you have been through a lot. If one baby is best for you then that is best.

Jess- sorry about Sophia's reflux.. I hope it gets better. I can image that having a newborn and two other girls are hard to handle but I am sure you are doing great and hope you are giving yourself some credit! It will get easier to balance all

Jen- nice of DH to get bra and be involved in baptism. Is he trying to do a little more? You deserve his help!
As for hair...I cover up my grays but doing whole head. For my wedding I did highlights and loved them but I can't afford expense anymore. I think any kind of pampering for you will be great :)

I hope I didn't miss anyone/ anything... Been MIA and hard to catch up!
AFM- I'm sorry to be a Debbie downer but this is how the post will go :( been a tough week. I have been thinking about everything and crying. Unfortunately even cried on my bday to DH but not sure why. Also had anxiety on that day. Something I am not sure I mentioned is that I deal with depression and anxiety and have since high school. I have been on antidepressants on and off but went off to become pregnant. That and because I had been doing so well. I am trying to figure out right now what is going my depression creeping back or is this normal grieving that may hit me harder than others.
I also work as a mental health counselor/ social worker and have seen some recent things that have made me upset... All these child protective service cases, babies being born addicted to drugs, mothers not giving a shit. It is so frustrating and not fair.

I did not POAS because of money and because it probably would be negative. If I find that I am having symptoms I will.
Jen- I appreciate you saying relax is best because I agree and because of above it can be more difficult.
We are going tort to be more relaxed and I guess we will see although the dates/ CD are still on my mind.CD 8 today
I was wrong. Sister won't get results until Monday. Ugh.
Mom has a bladder infection it looks like. Hope she starts to see improvement soon. I hate my mom being sick. She is so sweet and youthful and I hate when she suffers.

Jen, thanks for the prayers :hugs:

Leslie, that sucks that you had to take the 3 hour in high school! I am so sorry. I wasn't really sick, but when I fast like I did for the 1 hour I do get nauseous when I eat again. I puked half my food but it didn't put me off the other half :thumbup:
Now I want to tell you that you are not a Debbie downer. You never have to apologize for the bad days. I would say that it isn't your depression that is making you feel this way, you are still reeling from your loss. It takes such a long time to really start to feel better after that. If we ever really do. The whole journey from loss to TTC again to pregnancy is very up and down. And this is a good place to discuss those sad feelings and fears :hugs: it isn't fair that this happened. I hope that you and Amy both get rainbows very soon- and in the meantime we are here for you guys. This is first and foremost a thread for ladies TTCAL (trying to conceive after a loss) and how you are feeling is very normal.
Afraid that I am rambling and am trying not to. There are days though where it just feels better to cry. Or to be angry even. Some days will feel better and then it won't. And some days really are easier than others. With your job especially it must be extra difficult for you and I am so sorry that you have to see some of the worst sides of humanity :( it is very hard to see undeserving people having an easy time having kids- without any care- when we would do anything to have ours back. When we would do anything to have another.
Distraction totally helps. Is there anything that cheers you up? Could you take a trip with your husband? It can be beneficial to have something else to focus on. Though I think that a baby is always on the mind. But still, it helps.
If you ever just want to talk please PM me :hugs:
Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone... ive had a great birthday weekend!

Laura, there no rush when and if you decide to have another baby. Im sure Milky will love having you all to himself! :)

Amy, im sorry you feel so crappy. I really hope it gets better for you soon. :hugs:

Angel, im sure you will get your amex back shortly and can continue to shop away! haha. Make some good excuse for something important you need to buy.

Jess, Thank you! Im feeling pretty good... very very tired and have short moments of nausea but thats about it. My mum didnt really get morning sickness so i hope im the same.
Poor Sophia! Hopefully it doesnt last to long. You are being a great mum. Once Sophia gets through this bad stage you can give your other kids a bit more attention and they can play with each other for the time being.

Jen, i have only a few greys and im a brunette also. I get blonde highlights which i find hides the greys better that dying the whole lot brown. When the regrowth comes through they kinda blend into the blonde.

Leslie, Im sorry you're not feeling so great at the moment. Bethany said it best but the loss will be with all of us for the rest of our lives and its so recent its hard not to let it get you down. Try and stay positive. Some exercise will help fight off the depression and anxiety. I also suffer with anxiety from time to time and it can be very hard and im sure your job doesnt help at all. Perhaps a weekend away would be a very great idea.

Bethany, I hope your mum and your sister are on the mend soon. Are you still feeling sick?
I just have to say, i havent been on here long but you are such a lovely kind hearted person and i can't wait for you to have your LO and have your dreams come true.

AFM - Feeling pretty good still, just very very tired!! My doctor is away this coming week so ill go back the week after to tell her what hospital i want to go to for the referral and also get a referral for an early US around 6-7 weeks.
DF and i are going to make a stop motion pregnancy video so we are planning that at the moment. Youtube "stop motion pregnancy" if you dont know that is. Its pretty cool!!
hi guys simon is wriggling and squirming so quick post xx

hugs leslie xxxx
hi and hugs to all. il be back
Hi ladie! Bethany its monday praying for good results.i hope ur mom is better. Bladder infectio.s are horrible. :hug: how are u?

Jess laura amy leslie hi! I hope ur weekend went ok. How are u?

Lisa thanks! I think ur idea sounds great! :) thanks for hair tip. I got my natural color in and ill get 7 carmel highlights next haircut :) so excited! I feel lije a girl again with haircut and eyebrows waxed.

Zoey update her reflux is horrible but shes a great eatter. She vomits spits up alot i pray shes gainung addautely my mil and sil have me so upset. I told dh and he told me hes gonna have a talk with his mom. They both think i starve zoey and that when she crys its bc shes hungryall the time and when she falls asleep aftereatti.g its bc sheworks to hard to eat and isnt getti.g what she needs. I feed her at 2 for 45min feed. She was happy content fell off relaxed. Left at 250. Gave dh a 2oz bottle to give her told him to pace her every half ounce. Well he couldnt get her to take bottle he called his mom she came gave her full 2oz with no pause she ate it in 3mins and said she needed more. Then i got home at 4 and fwed her. I really missed her. I was gone an hr and ten mins only to be told bottle feeding is fasyer easier and wecan give her more food to eat to hold her over longer and im starving my baby. I want to scream. Ppl dont understand rant over.
Don't have too much time because getting ready for work wanted to thank you for your words, Bethany. They really meant a lot and I needed to hear them.

Ugh it's Monday again! Hope everyone has a good one
Hi lovelies! :flower:

Amy, I am so happy to hear that your husband is not actually suffering from Kidney disease. But at the same time I am also very sorry for all that you are dealing with right now. I pray to God that your test results come out good. I have to say though, I have a great feeling for you. I feel that you will be greatly blessed very soon. I don't see any reason why you can't have a healthy lo, even with all you have been through. I don't understand why things happen the way they do, I really don't. But there is a light at the end up the tunnel. Love you hon :hugs:

Jess, thank you so much I really appreciate it! I sure hope that Sophia's AR gets better and that the wedge works. Poor little princess.. its gotta be so hard to see her suffer like that :(

Our DH's sound the same! They don't get it like we do! Sheesh! :haha:
And I'm really hopeful that things are going to start looking up for the two of you. Now to just get that dadgum :witch: to show up! Perhaps you should wear white know her FAVORITE color to soil when least expected! xoxo

They do sound so alike! :haha: How cute is that pic of your dh lol He did have to open just about every door didnt he? :rofl: So sweet of him to do that though :cloud9:

Since Im only 3dpo I cant expect AF to show now but she better be here in 11+/- days!

Amy, you have the prayers of many that this will be the end of your struggles. We all jus want the terrible part of the journey to end for you. Time for rainbows :hugs:

Thank you so much Bethany, I can take all the prayers I can get at this point! :) I truely hope that your mom and sister are ok. Grr on your sisters results taking a little longer than originally thought. Keep us posted on how they are doing. Love you! :kiss:

Amy- I am so sorry you have been feeling crappy and no AF yet. She really needs to learn when sh needs to come and thn stay away. How is your diet/ exercise going? I think I am going to try to get more into that his week.

Leslie, I second what Bethany said. She couldnt have said any better. This journey is probably one of the hardest we all will ever have to embark on. Even though we all dont know eachother in person, we have grown and shared our ups and downs and really have a great bond. Knowing that we are all in this together has been so warming and gives me hope that at the end of all this, we will all be holding our healthy LO's. Big :hugs: to you hun and we are here for you. You never need to be sorry for having these feelings. Thats what we are here for! :hugs:

Lisa, hope you are feeling good. Cant wait to hear how your scan goes in a couple of weeks! :thumbup:

Jen, sorry to hear about Zoey and AR as well. I hope that she feels better soon. As for Kobe, I agree with Angel.. soon he will have two lovely ladies loving on him! :cloud9:

Laura, kisses to you and milky face! :kiss:

:wave: to anyone I have missed and I hope all of you are well! :)

AFM~ Had the genetic couseling last night. It did help put our minds at eaase somewhat and we were told that EVERYONE is a carrier of something. We all risk passing something on to our little ones. Some of us have something that is more alarming than otheers but it is what it is. I just have to wait for my results and see where we are at. Even if I come back negative, it doesnt mean that there is no chance our baby would be affected by it or atleast be a carrier. Also, we can have an amnio done during pregnancy to see if he/she does have it so thats something to think about although amnio's scare me :( Just praying we are blessed with healthy LO's!
hi all .

im less pissy today :)
simon got his shots today poor love , but it was better than i thought, he got over it really fast, he is sleeping it off now.
he is much better on his new food thank god,

hope everyone is well xxx

amy they r right, it is so true we all carry something dodgy to pass on along with the good stuff xxx hugs hope ur blood test comes out good xxx
hope ur holding up ok, it is tough when ur hit with news like that xxxx

bethany hope sis is good xxxx

leslie hope ur feeling better, we hae down days for a long time after a loss xxx hugs xxx

jen ur MIl is a butt pain xx
i have opposite problem with my MIl, she is the boobyfeeding police ;)
expressing just isnt good enough, im depriving him of an amazing experience apparently , well boo to that :) it doesnt work for everyone .
well done for sticking with booby feeding cos it is tough but it is great for um xxx
some babies spit up no matter what, she is just a spitter :) she will grow out of it xxx
not easy for now but she will outgrow it xxx

hope everyone is well xxxx
Jen, glad you're feeling better. its amazing how getting your hair and eye brows done can make you feel so good!
Thats so so rude of your MIL and SIL. Its none of their business what you are doing. Im glad your DH is going to have a word to them. Keep doing your thing mumma... you know best!

Amy, I will think positive thoughts for you!! I hope your healthy rainbow is coming!

Laura, Poor little milky... im glad he got through his shots ok.
One of my friends is like that with the boob. Every time i see her she's says you have to keep trying with the boob... its hard but you have to and it get easier after a while.

:hi: everyone
Amy ~ I'm glad the GC talked with you about how we all have something that could potentially be passed on. Mine told us the same thing, but I didn't want to misinform you because I couldn't quite recall the stats. What a relief, well, sort of. :hugs: AF in T minus 10 days or we're sending the Emoticon Justice League after her!

Jen ~ Your MIL is something else. I wish your DH would have tried to tend to Zoey himself. Don't listen to your in're doing great (evident by her growth and how much she spits up).

Laura ~ Ohh the vaccines...ouchie. Glad Prince Milky was a trooper! Hope his physio is going well (if that has started).

Jess ~ Cuddles for Miss Sophia. I hope her reflux is easing.

Bethany ~ Your sister ok? Your Mom? You and Miss L?

Leslie ~ :hugs: A mc is by far one of the hardest things we have to deal with. Even the healthiest of minds sink when faced with this type of loss. It will get easier...just need more time to heal your heart. :flower:

Lisa ~ Those stop motion videos are fun. Be sure to take heaps of pics...nearly daily! Hope your hospital selection has gone smoothly.

AFM ~ Pierce is quite low now, but I don't think I've "dropped." Dr yesterday said he looks great. I think it is now sinking in for my DH. He hasn't stopped smiling since the scan yesterday. Weight wise baby is measuring right on target, not a big baby, my hoo ha is thankful :haha:

Hope everyone is off to a nice week and staying cool. xoxo

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