ttc after a d&c

My sister's scan was great and her blood thinners are helping! :thumbup:
I really don't have anything interesting to say about me. I have been watching Fringe on my iPad. Fun huh?

Laura, psh I got an attitude lately! ;)
They always lose your tests! They need a paddlin'! :grr:
So glad that Simon is doing better and that you get some pampering time :)

Lisa, oh you are now on the PAL (pregnant after a loss) roller coaster! It is crazy. Symptoms definitely come and go in the first tri. Second tri can be wracking too, especially when you start to feel the baby move but it is too early for kick counts and you have more quiet days..eek.
So, have you joined a rainbow thread on here? :)

Leslie, how are you feeling? Thinking about you! CD 12 now or is it 13?

Amy, have a blast at the festival! You have a wonderful DH. He sounds like your best friend. Those are the best <3 I also hope that you are pregnant with your rainbow when you go up to NY. Will send you a buttload of rainbow dust dear!

Angel, I am so jealous of how close you are! I can't believe that he is almost here :happydance:

Jessica, great update! Glad that Sophia is gaining away :) they do make funny faces when they are using the bathroom. Cuties!

This is so true lol.
Happy Friday girls!! I know I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow! Will write back when I can. CD 14 Bethany :)
CD 14? Where have I been?! :O
Sending you
Rainbow dust!

Happy Friday to you too :)
Leslie & Amy ~ :dust: The two of you have cycles that are 1 week apart...I hope this cycle proves to be quite fruitful :bunny: Come on Panda Power!!

Bethany ~ What a relief about your sis :phew:

:hola: ladies! TGIF!

So my Mom is coming next Tuesday for a visit. Very nice you say, well, up until my SIL tells me, "I heard Mom is coming to stay with you guys until you have the baby." Stop the press :saywhat: I appreciate the sentiment, but had to gently shut that down. If I go in to labor while she is here, then so be it, I wanted her here for that part. But I really wanted the pre-game to be between my DH and I. (Boy I hope this doesn't come across as ungrateful. I've just had this overwhelming sense of selfishness about my time lately...)
hi guys xx

its totally natural to be worried lisa,xx
we all were xx
i was the same i never heard of mmc till i got bleeding , 3 scans and 2 weeks before they could tell me for sure she had stopped growing. i have tilted uterus which makes early scanning a bit harder.
lots of us here had mmc on first adn now have heathy bub or are well into pregnancy xxx
odds are u will be fine and get ur lovely Lo but i know how hard it is not to worry, xx
i had early scan at stage after lile stopped grwoing it helped me lots.
wil u get scan at 7 or 8 weeks u think? could ease ur mind a lot xxx

jess i agree they r just adorable all the time ;)
simon gets a really surprised look on his face when pooping, too funny :)
hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxx
hope everyone is well xxxx
posted cos simon was rumbling :)

bethany so glad ur sis is doing well xxx
its hard not to be cranky when preggers in heat, hugs xxx

leslie :dust: xxxxxxxxx
not as good as rainbow dust but still good :) xxxx

angel just say it gently and explain and it wont sound ungrateful xxx
my MIl was asking if we wanted to live with them at the end cos its near the hosp.
no way :) i wouldnt wanna be in labour in someone elses house :)
not in anyone elses house, i just said thanks very much but i would prefer to be at home. it went down fine ;) xxxx
Angel, I don't think that you sound ungrateful at all. You want to enjoy this precious alone time with your DH. Because soon Pierce will be there all the time. Two will become three. Makes sense to make the most of your couple time :thumbup:

Laura, hi!
Jess, thank you for your experiences. They give me some hope although im feeling doubtful at the moment.
haha! thats funny about Sophia pooping. Its weird how we think everything is so cute at that ages no matter how gross or annoying.

Bethany, Glad your sister got some good news... must be a relief.
I did join an april babies thread but it wasnt as good as here. Its good to talk to people that have been through the exact same experience as me and i value all your comments because i know you are all lovely people. Also everyone being a different stages is helpful instead of everyone blindly hoping for the best.

Leslie, have you really been trying much this month or not really?!

Angel, How did the chat go with your mum? im sure she will understand.

Laura, thank you! I will be getting an early scan. ill book something hopefully late next week or early week after. Would 6 and half weeks be ok to scan?
I might ask them to take my blood again on Wednesday when i go back to the doctor to check my levels.

Im feeling really doubtful... i feel like i might have already lost it.
I havent really been talking to my friends lately coz they always ask me if im pregnant again yet and im a really bad liar and i don't want to tell them because i think ive lost it already.
My OH remains positive and keeps saying we cant be that unlucky twice and i dont want to upset him.
Yay for the weekend!

Bethany- cutting out sugar is the worst haha. I am addicted to sugar, chocolate etc. I heard somewhere that when you have blood sugar issues you crave it more. Don't know if it is true but I feel that way! As for meditation I can't calm myself enough to do it. I am a counselor so it is funny that many times I can't take the advice I give. I think that exercise, eating better, and maybe reading will be good. I want to start reading again but have honestly been too lazy.
So glad to hear your mother and sister are doing better! Thanks for the rainbow dust! I have been having the same summer BTW haha.

Laura- discipline, no haha I tend to go back to sugar the minute I quit it. I actually ate something tonight but it is DHs fault because he got something for me! Glad that you are losing weight and get to enjoy new clothes! Glad Simon is feeling better too!

Lisa- being much more relaxed this month . I think I really need to be because I stress more than the average person! We BD so far CD 8, 12 and hopefully tonight (14) and maybe next two days after. Just don't want to drive myself nuts. We were going to on CD 10 but I was wa too tired. DH and u have opposite work schedules sometimes so it is annoying.
I'm so very sorry about how you re feeling right now. I am sure I would feel the same and that the girls here have felt this way. There is nothing different that you can do either way. Hang in there and vent right on here!
By the way I have joined other threads but also find that this is the best! ;)

Amy- Angel mentioned we are 7 days apart in cycle... How is that? Maybe. Am confused or missed something :) either way what is going on with AF for you? I am also a choc-o-holic!! As I said not as good as I need to be right now but it's the thought that counts. That is great about the fortune cookie!! I am really hoping for you!

Yay Angel! 16 days to go according to ticker! I completely understand about the thoughts on your mother. I love my mother too but would feel the same. Now is a time to enjoy the last it's of pregnancy and time alone with DH.

Jess- so glad Sophia is doing well! So cute about the poop faces! I am sure almost everything she does is the cutest :) how are your other girls?

How are you Jen? How is Zoey?

AFM- better week. Trying not to stress like I said but sometimes it is hard. Waiting for DH to get off his butt and shower so we can BD tonight. He said he doesn't want to force it. I get it but hurry up I am getting tired!
I finally exercised yesterday for the first time in forever. Hopefully will keep this up. The scale did not make me happy as I decided to step on it ugh.
:hugs: Lisa. This will be the longest wait ever! Maybe the Dr can get you in Monday for blood work again...just to ease your mind. xoxo And with your new Beta levels they'll know if they can see your bean yet or not, which they should.

Leslie ~ I believe Amy is 7dpo. You are on CD14 and will most likely be 1dpo tomorrow (starting the 2ww). Forgive me as I may have forgotten your cycle length, but Ovulation on average happens on CD14 for a 28 day cycle.

Jess, Laura & Jen ~ Big smooches for your LO!

Bethany ~ I heart lazy summers!

Amy ~ Have fun with your DH this weekend! Thinking of you!!

AFM ~ So the conversation went well with my mother. She put up a bit of resistance, but ultimately is going to respect my space. My sister gave a follow-up call and said all was fine. My sis lives close to my mother and they talk/see each other often. So my ma will come Tuesday and leave after breakfast on Saturday :) Still seems kinda long, but it'll be nice to have her here to tidy the things I cannot get to, like dusting ceiling fans! :haha:
According to my lovely phone app they count ovulation as tomorrow as well as other calendars I looked at. Either way should be between today and Sunday. I am almost always 28 day cycle.

Glad all is well with your mother!
Laura, thank you! I will be getting an early scan. ill book something hopefully late next week or early week after. Would 6 and half weeks be ok to scan?
I might ask them to take my blood again on Wednesday when i go back to the doctor to check my levels.

Im feeling really doubtful... i feel like i might have already lost it.
I havent really been talking to my friends lately coz they always ask me if im pregnant again yet and im a really bad liar and i don't want to tell them because i think ive lost it already.
My OH remains positive and keeps saying we cant be that unlucky twice and i dont want to upset him.

ur dead right to get early scan xx
i had scan at 5.5 weeks, it was scan i already had organised for gynae reasons and they said i could stil have it even though i was preg, at that stage they can just see if its in right place , nothing else. so it rules out ectopic.
i then had early preg unit scan at 7 weeks organised by the hosp , u can see a little more at that stage but not loads yet :)
then i went myself for private scan at 8 weeks ish cos lile stopped growing at 7.5 weeks (found out at d and c, they thought i was still asleep and were discusiing my notes on my feet :) ) , when my eyes opened they went to another room ). i needed a scan to be after i lost lile to feel safer .
we could see a good bit at this scan :)
so its up to u, when do u think would make u feel the most secure?
the hospital said to me that no point scanning before 7 weeks, i think its then u can see heartbeat but i felt better after first scan just knowing bub was in right place and seemed ok.
we all felt soo doubtfull hon xx doesnt mean u have lost bub xx
we lost our preg 'innocence ' first time round.
fx for u for great outcome xxx :hugs:
angel put ur mom to work :) ha ha :) xx

leslie best o luck xx :dust: xx

hi and hugs to all , no news here , xx
Hey! So sorry havent much time to catch up. Very busy stressful lately. Zoeys reflux is causibg slow weight gain. July 9 weighed 8 5... Aug 2 weighed 8 13. Hospital did ultrasound her tummy is okay. Just got a supplemental nurser system but my mil n hubby give bottles to her. Hopefully she doesnt get lazy at breast. She wont eat 12am-1130am. She rather sleep. Anyone familiar with human milk fortifiers? Im told by doctor to give it but should i buy liquid or powder. I dont know anything about that stuff.

I hope everyones well. Angel goodluck having baby wjen ur moms visiting if its what ud like. Amy fxd for healthy bfp! Laura i am glad simons ok. Jess i hope sophia gets better with her reflex is she lossing or a slow gainer also?? God bless those babies. Bethany glad ur sister is doing ok. I hope u and the baby are also. Lisa how are u feeling? Hope bubs is growing! Leslie hi! Hopin this is ur month!
Lisa, I think that we all blindly hope for the best :) my November rainbow thread isn't very active though so I don't reply to it often lol.
I am sorry that you are afraid already. I wish I could say that it gets better but I think all of a pregnancy is spooky. Praying that all will be ok for you honey :hugs:

Leslie, did you manage to BD? And how was it to exercise? The best summers are lazy ones :D still wishing you luck!

Angel, how exciting to have your mom around to help you tidy up :) and glad that she is fine with giving you space! :thumbup:

Laura, hi!

Jessica, hi!

Amy, what is happening with you?

Jen, so sorry that Zoey still isn't feeling good :( I don't know anything about milk fortifiers I am afraid. I hope that it helps. Could you ask the hospital breast feeding lactation consultant?

AFM, no news ladies. Just biding my time for the third tri and trying not to stress about movement or possible cord accidents. The anxiety never ends I am afraid.
Jen I'm sorry about the stress with Zoey. Wish I could give you advice but I am not sure about any of that. Sounds like you are dong everything you can.

Bethany- we did BD last night on CD 14 but sadly tonight did not work out. I know it only takes one time so I'm trying to keep that in mind.....frustrating whether I stress or not and kinda still stressing in the back of my mind. Sorry you are having anxiety as well. I really wish none of us had to go through any of it. When my friend was anxious after her loss she went to doctors almost weekly and found that it was somewhat helpful. Hardest thing is that we are not in control of any of this. Wouldn't it be so much better if we were?
Leslie, it would be great if we had full control of the outcomes.
I want to encourage you to not stress too much about BD. There is still tomorrow. Youay even think you missed the window and get a BFP :dust:
We just want it so bad that it is hard not to worry over. Distraction and luck!
Leslie, Thank you! I hope your more relaxed attitude this month does the trick.

Angel, My doctor has been away and her first day back is wednesday. I only want to see her because she is so lovely.
It will be good to have your mum cleaning for you at the moment. Im sure its quite hard now!

Laura, Thank you. Its comforting to know I'm not alone. I think ill try book a scan for late next week (just over 6 weeks). I just want to hear that heart beat so bad! I hate that we have lost our pregnancy innocence. I kinda get annoyed to think my friends with babies just got it first time without any stress or worrying.

Jen, im sorry poor Zoey isnt feeling so well. I hope she improves soon. I dont know anything about the milk fortifiers sorry.

Bethany, Thank you! So lots more stress to look forward to then! I know ill feel a million times better when i can hear that heart beat.

:hi: jess and amy. Hope you're both good.

AFM - Im still really tired and feeling nauseous if i dont eat regularly so im trying to think they are positive signs baby is still going strong.
Doctor appt on Wednesday and hopefully scan by the end of the week. fx please everyone!!

Lisa sounds normal tome.some people have no symptoms so either way im sure ur sweety is growing. Fxd for great office visits this week and a can! :)

Oh bethany i had same fears. All will be just fine. Yiur LO will be here before u know it so relax enjoy foods quiet and ur shows while u can :) soon ull be ordering in and caring for ur lo with little sleep! Angel this goes for u also! Its amazing!

Leslie fixed for bfp. I know its hard but try to stay relaxed and ease ur mind with positive energy :dust:

Laura Jess and amy hi! How are u?

Atm we are ok. Zoeys feeding and we have her baptism in a few hrs. My dh has been amazing with us but his family has been stressing him out they always need his help and complain harp on him. They started saying i wasnt caring for zoey ect to. He takked to his mom and he felt terrible. So she says nothing about bf anymore. :) my sil wants trav n i to be her sons godparents sept 8. He is five almost. Not a baby but better late then never.

Hope everyones having a nice weekend.

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