ttc after a d&c

Glad Simon is getting better Laura. Reflux is a nightmare for babies. Yeah, Simon looks huge in the pics. Sophie is actually very very tall. But she is also very slender. So it is incredible hard to find clothes that fit her correctly. I am trying to bulk her up as much as I can. All the fat seems to go to her cheeks and her thighs. She has a pot belly, but it isn't big enough to fit into the actually clothes lengths that fits her. Doc told us it will probably always be hard to get her to fit correctly into clothes. My 13 year old who has just reached 5'7'' , and almost size 10 in women's shoes was long just like Sophie (except chubbier). My daughter Natalie is more petite, but chunky. Its amazing how different they all are!

thanks jess, reflux really is horrible. we find something that works but after few days it stops working.
simons torso is long, its main reason we have to go up sizes,
he is back in sleep suits now all the time cos pants are impossible to get to fit him , sophie will be so happy later with her tall slender build xxxx
bethany ur so close to lorelie cuddles woohoo xxxxx
drink up now u hear hee hee xxx

lisa hurray for scan xx looking foward to pics xxx

jen welcome backk xxx hurray, we missed u xxx
rice cereal was what i gave simon, he choked on it a little today, i think he refluxed as he took a bite, doh. might try again tomoro later in day, if it doesnt go well il give up for another week xx
hows zoey doing xxx

angel so long as big nappies are healthy i dont mind :)
he does get super content after :)
we bd once cos i wanted to be sure it all worked again after stitches :)
with simon asleep on me every nt, not looking likely for awihle again, to be honest id much prefer sleep at the mo :)

hi and hugs to all xxxx
UReflux really is horrible Nd I can agree no feed continues to work! I hope all our baby's grow out of it fAst. Oh the clothing challenge. Maybe one of us should come out with a line of clothes for small tell slender babies! I'd sure buy em. Blowouts. Are not fun at all but angels right better out then in :) zoey laughs when I tell her she made a mess. Btw tips on removing stains anyone??? Shout doesn't work.

Zoeys on oatmeal cereal but screams rather .bm. don't think she liked it and she still omitted after. She's 3 1/2month's and finally chubby cheeks wears size 9 pjs already :( and 3-6month Onsies and outfits. She's very tall. Oh she hates to sleep still.

Angel how sweet of dh to take a feed so u can pump :)
How sweet that Zoey and Simon are eating solids already. Sorry Simon spit up his nephew's reflux was so bad the pediatrician recommended rice cereal in his bottle (she used ebm). Hopefully Prince Milky's next rice feeding is successful :). As for BDing, I'm curious too, but sleep is a priority around here.

Jen ~ Does Oxiclean work for stains? Glad Zoey is gaining is the BFing going?

Laura, just noticed your ticker for Simon...cute title :)

So Pierce has a birth mark...if it were on the back of his neck it'd be called a "stork bite," but since it's between his brows its called "angel kisses." Most fitting considering my journey to get here. The birthmark will fade over the gets brighter when he cries.

Happy Tuesday!
Amy really hoping for you this cycle! Can't believe you are on day 10 already!

Glad Simon is doing better Laura!

Yay Bethany closer and closer to possible induction date! Glad everything is looking good. How are you feeling?

Thanks Lisa. Yay for 12 week scan! I love how Bethany said you are in the future;) so if I am calculating right in the next few hours we will get your update! Did you fix your ticker?

Hi Jen!! Glad you were able to finally come back on. Hope all is well with you and Zoey. Just waiting to see if AF comes and test this week if it doesn't.

Angel- 6 weeks already wow how time flies. Understand our brain being off as you have so much to do and think about! I am sure you are doing great! Glad DH is also helping! S sweet about the birth mark :)

Today is my hump day since I have off Friday! Cross fingers for me!! If I am regular tomorrow would be AF day.
Angel Aww cute birthmark name :) very fitting! Bf is going well. I'm still pumping also. How is it going for you? How is pierce?

Bethany getting soo close yay!!

Amy fxd for this cycle to be it. U should be ovulating soon. :dust:

Lisa so glad things are going well for you!! :)

Leslie fxd ull be testing and ull get ur positive test this cycle to be:dust:

How do u ladies put ur babies to bed at night?
Lisa, that is the way to go. They booked all my appointments with my OB at my first visit and it is so handy to know them all! :)
Be sure to post scan pictures!

Jen, glad that you were finally able to straighten things out on here! We missed you :) how is Zoey doing?

Angel, it must be great to have your mom there and how wonderful of your husband to give Pierce a bottle. Sounds great <3

Laura, was BD? ;)

Leslie, hurray for hump day! Ooh I hope AF stays away because you are pregnant :dust:

See the MFM soon. So happy: I totally put in my order for my swing, exersaucer, play gym, white noise machine, a wrap (I am addicted!) and some other stuff. Can't wait to get it all and put it all together.
Jen for poo stains I soak clothes over 24 hours in super hot water with hand wash in it. Then wash in machine. Works 90% of the time. U gotta soak while poo is still wet though ;-)

Angel so Simon has a stork bite . He has little dots on bavk of his neck ;-)
Sleep is far too important to sacrifice for bd. All in good time ;-)

Leslie. Fingers and toes crossed for u. Xx:dust:

Jen Simon.goes to sleep either drinking or cuddles up int shoulder and I pat his back.
He still sleeps with me cos he can be choky from reflux.
Bethany bd was very goid ;-) I was a wee bit nervous thinking I may not ne healed but I wad ;-)
Hurray for bubby stuff ;-) xxx
Sorry loads of typos. On my phone
Hi Jen, we missed you!! I am so glad that Zoey is gaining great! I see you have the same issue finding clothes for Zoey as well because she is tall and slender.

Laura and Angel, my little Sophie has a stork bite on the back of her neck. Some of her hair covers it. When she cries it gets bright red. Neither me or my brothers had a stork bite, but my dad had one nearly identical to Sophia"s! (I know you can't inherit it, but her stork bite reminds me of my father who passed away almost 7 years ago.) Sophie is finally getting more hair, but not nearly enough to put a bow or not even those hair bows with velcro.

Amy, this cycle is going by so quickly!! FX for you hon!

Bethany, Lorelei is coming soon! I can't wait for her arrival and to see how beautiful she is!

Lisa, hurray for the 12 week mark. So excited for you hon!

Leslie, hoping for your BFP this month. I know it can be confusing at times trying to tell whether symptoms are AF or actually pregnancy. Take care hon!

Love you ladies! :hugs: and :kiss: to all of you!
I'm out :( AF started kinda spotty like but I can tell coming to torture me
Jen, glad to see your back and everything is good!!

Leslie, im sorry AF showed up. Shes so nasty!
i changed the date one day ahead on my ticker... it also seems to work on US time but i suppose thats ok. Its right for half the day if i put it a day ahead!

Bethany, I cant wait to start buying things and setting up the nursery. its going to be so fun!! When did you start buying things?

Angel, aww Pierces birthmark sounds sweet! :kiss:

Jess, Laura, Amy :hi: and :hugs:

AFM - SCAN - Went well... the US lady was a bit weird. She didnt say much and then randomly she asked me if i had any bleeding or pain to which i responded NO....WHY? and she oh it just a routine question. Did they ask any of you this? Apart from that the baby was measuring 1 week ahead at 6.7cm, HB was 151 per min, it was moving around and looked good to me!

Pictures... i love the legs one!


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Leslie *hugs* ur not out til she comes completely. But I understand ur frustration. :( fingers crossed it happens soon. :dust:

Jess Aww when does baby's usually get hair?? Zoeys haven't grown since I had her. I'd love yp put bows in her hair too. Maybe we can soon. Sounds like Sophia is very similar .tp zoey Reflux tall slender etc :)

Bethany an exercauser already?? She's spoiled! Those swaddlesrs are so nice!'Aww I'm excited for you. It will be fun putting together the toys! Zoey loves her gym but as long as her Zantac and prilosec stay down .

Laura thanks for tip! Simon sounds so sweet. I wish zoey slept. Instead she dream feeds and bc of her vomiting I can't lay down sns nurse. Sns that coughing gagging choking vomit terrible?? So sorry he has it too. :(

I'm hoping she falls asleep and I can .go pump and sleep myself. She's old enough to sleep through night but she wakes within 2-4hrs of being put down for wet diaper or to nurse. I wish I could sleep with zoey butbim so burnt out that I don't trust having zoey on me or in my bed. I'm a sound sleeper and sometimesIdoact out .kn my dreams.
KeyLisa love the US pics!! Stay relaxed ur lo is just fine! I had spotting and bleeding with zoey. I'm o- and needed rhogam. Maybe that's why they asked? I know with liam we were told right away they supposed a problem tech didn't say a word entire US and grabbed doctor straight away. So I think ur okay! :) are u finding out gender??? Nursery decorayingcand buying stuff I waited til 23weeks.
Thanks. I feel like everything is fine she just wasnt a people person i dont think. I kept looking at my OH face and he looked terrified. It was kinda funny!!

We will find out the sex... im thinking its a boy coz of my dream so it will be interesting to see if im right. We will tell people the sex but keep the name a secret although i may tell you girls just so i can tell someone!!

Im looking forward to buying things and decorating!
Laura, glad that BD was good! I think that when that time comes I will be nervous too :)

Jessica, I have seen pictures of completely bald newborn girls with little bows on them in the hospital and always wondered how they did it. Did they just set it on the baby maybe and take a quick pic? I have two little hair clips that I bought for this baby. Do you like fixing your girls hair? :)

Leslie, damnit I am so sorry :( :hugs: how did this cycle compare to your normal and last cycle? Is it starting to normalize?

Lisa, looking good! Did they change your due date since the baby measures a week ahead?
The question about bleeding is standard. Every time I see the doctor she asks me if I have had bleeding or contractions or water leaking and it is like, no if I did I would have called lol. But she would ask questions like that every trimester.

Jen, are you slowly starting to get more sleep? Enjoy your little girl snuggles.
It will be fun to put together the toys. I can't wait! I don't mind putting stuff around the house together :) all I ask from my husband is that he takes out the garbage from me cleaning and then that he makes sure the car seat is properly installed. Will be on his butt about that next month!

Saw the MFM and the baby is great. They think that she weighs 4 lbs 6 oz. and we got a profile shot but it isn't good since she is right against my placenta. But yeah, so excited thinking that I may have her next month!
My husband hated the appointment though because they had to keep jiggling my stomach again to try and wake her up to see her breathe. Makes us both panic every time. And since I will now be going in twice a week...I can probably look forward to that scare every time!
No i don't think they will move the date... she did say a due date of 26th March but they always say the 6 week scan is the most accurate for due date and that was 2nd April.
Im glad thats a standard question.. the way she asked it was just worrying.
The lady kept poking my stomach throughout the scan... i think LO went to sleep not long after i laid down for the scan. She even told me to lift my bum up and wiggle! lol

Im so excited for you!! Im sure Lorelei is fine in there.
Lisa, I realized that I never answered your question! I'm not sure when I started purchasing baby things. Maybe I got a few stuff when I finally FB announced my pregnancy at around 16 weeks? I don't think I started to really plan and work on purchases until after the gender ultrasound though. Now I have a list of things to buy every month since my friends and family are too far for me to contemplate a shower. Plus, thank you cards suck ;)
Have you started mentally planning out a nursery and everything? Bet baby stuff is expensive in Oz!
that kinda sound like my plan... we arent ready to announce on FB yet and will probably wait till we find out the sex. I cant wait!!

You should throw a mini baby shower with your OH! Just to celebrate.

i dont know if its more expensive here or not but looking at a few things it does look very expensive. I want the same pram that my friend has and i looked up the price the other day... its like $1279!! Hoping my MIL will buy it for me.

Do you buy bottles and breast pumps and stuff before hoping that you can breast feed or just wait and see if you can and then pick up what you need after the birth?
Love the word pram :) hope you get the one that you want! Do you have stores that just have baby things? If so I bet you can go and test drive different brands because there may be one that you like even more. I did that with my stroller to get a good feel for it.

I'd buy some bottles and a pump before hand. Because even if you breastfeed you may want to pump and give the occasional bottle so that your OH can feed the baby while you can go out and do errands or see friends or something. Otherwise you will need to bring your LO everywhere with you :) my SIL had to do that with all of her babies because none would take the bottle

So when is your anatomy scan scheduled?
haha!! i forgot you call them strollers. Yeah there are a few baby only stores... Baby Bunting and Babies R us are the main big ones i think.

Are you getting an electric pump or a manual one?

I dont have any other scans booked yet. My next appointment with the OB is on 10th October so im sure he will tell me when i need to book that.
They measured a lot of things today... the head, around the tummy, the spine, bladder and what not.
When did you get your next scan after the 12 week one?

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