ttc after a d&c

Thanks ladies! Things are blah with my dh. Only word I can use to describe it! Alyssa finally had her doctors appointment! She is going to talk to a therapist next about her depression and other issues. All the docs and nurses were telling her she looked like a model, so tall and pretty :cloud9:!! That made her day. They are saying her constant fatigue and aches and pains could be due to her depression and a.d.d. They want to get her evaluated for Asperger's or other issues. Also they are taking a full blood panel to make sure she isn't deficient in Iron or if anything else is out of whack. She seems to going through another growth spurt :thumbup:, so she isn't too happy about that. I am thinking that might explain the body pains. Lets see what the test results say.
Angel, your sis in law is coming for sure this time? Hopefully she behaves herself! So how is Pierce doing? Is he trying to get into everything? How are you and your dh doing? How long is he home for?
Amy ~ Awe, snuggles on a twin mattress :cloud9: I'm pretty sure the last twin bed I was in was when I was a kid myself! I'd probably fall right out of one today! You are all set with your Cali King...the 4 of you will be in co-sleepers heaven...4 of us you ask, well yes, you:baby::baby:DH!

Mrs G ~ FX'd and :dust:

Jess ~ Alyssa sounds like a real beauty! Glad she was comfortable with her Dr's visit and she is on track to find answers! :flow: And you just need to keep your DH dancing, sounds like it makes him human--a fine quality to have. Does he teach the girls? Does Natalie like music?

Laura ~ :rofl: Love the college sleeping story...roll together or fall off! Haha! And yes, Pierce is like a wrecking ball! I do not complain-I love his exploring, but it is exhausting on days like today when he takes short short naps :dohh: Glad you both are well. Have the seizures stopped?

So yes, my SIL is officially coming on Saturday, my sister who I love dearly just left this past Sunday. The woes of living at the beach is a steady flow of house guest. I can only hope my SIL is on good behavior OR I will leave. I've my AF and she is all the company I need right now...I'm not in a hostess mood!

:wave: to anyone I've missed.
Thanks ladies! Going to leave it til weekend and do a test... I'm so excited I really hope this time it's my BFP again! Will let you know xxxxxxx
Yes, dancing does make him human. He doesn't like going dancing anymore, but he does enjoy being a goofball for us girls! All 3 of my daughters are very very shy, even Sophie. Alyssa is the most "hispanic" looking yet she can't dance! lol! People assume she would know how to dance because of how she looks and she is curvaceous so that somehow makes her a good dancer!! I think if she gets over how shy she is my husband could teach her how to dance. Natalie is also very shy but there is hope for her, she can move very well. Hopefully she will take after my dh in the dancing department. Sophia is another story!! She can move her hips and little tush! Its so cute. She already has songs that she loves and the second she hears them she gets a big 'ole smile on her face and starts dancing. Its so cute she even hums and tries to sing along to them.
Oooooooooh twins for Amy! I love the sound of that! Sophia loves destroying things and pulling things apart. She loves exploring as well. She is speaking very well now, 3 word sentences. It happened a couple weeks ago . "I did it", "I love it", "I got it". She gives you things and says "Here!!" I can't believe Pierce is about to turn 1! Its crazy how fast they grow. I love the beach, and I want to visit you now! :plane:
Come on over Jess...the more the merrier! I've everything you'd need for a baby at the beach! Quite the talker Soph is, too sweet! Pierce signs "eat" "drink" "all done," still only speaks a handful of one word utterances, but I bet it's easier to figure out what they want when they can tell you!

Happy it's almost Friday day ladies!

We decided to drive up to DC for a night...I'm not sure what face this is, but it's the one Pierce makes now when I snap pictures:


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Angel, that is so brilliant that he signs!! How amazing. How did he learn to sign? Now I'm curious. I love the way Pierce poses for his pictures!! That little big shot. :flower: He is so smart. He knows you are taking a pic and gets ready for it. Its so great to see how good he is doing. And now his birthday is coming! Can't wait!
I'm the Interpreter Coordinator at one of the Uni's here...I'm fluent in American Sign Language, so I try to sign around P all the time :) And I'm still amazed that his birthday is around the corner! I tried his baptism outfit on him and he looks so sweet!

Hope everyone is having a good Friday! Tomorrow the SIL arrives :dohh:
Mrs G any luck w/ the test?? :dust:

I got a bfn on a cheapo test this morning.... I may try testing again Sunday/Monday.... If this is a bfn for sure then I have no idea why AF came so early this month???? I'm worried that if it's my AF changing that il miss my ovulation for next month!

My friend had a baby yesterday and arghhhhhh all I want now is my chance to get my BFP!!!!

Baby dust to all and please send some my way xoxoxox
Angel I do some signs for Simon too.
I'm not consistent enough though
Only one he has sofar is all gone :-D
I must learn and do more.
I love the idea of us bboth learning to sign together :-D
His pic is dotey :-D
He is growing fast

Jess how r u and d girls xxx

Love t all xxx

Weird qs
How do u stop a 1 yr old drinking pool water?
He loves the pool but keeps trying to drink it
Hi Laura, Sophia tries to do the same thing when we bathe her. Be careful that he doesn't gulp too much because a very tiny population of children who drown, drown hours after swimming because of excess water they inhaled. Not sure if you have heard of that, but just thought I would share it just in case you haven't. :hugs:
Girls are doing good Laura, thx for asking. For the first time, Sophie told me she loves me tonight, it was so sweet. How is Simon doing? Is it hot over there? we are having a horrific heat wave here, it is in the 100s!! Poor Sophie gets overheated so quickly. I have to make sure she is well hydrated. :hugs:
Are you Catholic Angel? I was just looking at my Baptism photos the other day. My mom Baptized me a little late, I was 2.5 years old. The thing I couldn't believe is that I was still sucking my thumb at that age. lol. I bet Pierce looks so handsome in his outfit! Just about 1 week away and he is 1 year old! They grow so fast, where has the time gone!

Sorry Angel, I called Pierce Simon again!! I just happened to go and bnb and see I did it again and I fixed it! I am losing my mind. I am not just doing this to you ladies. I am also confusing my children's names lately. So So sorry.
I'd be more worried he is drinking pee in his pool water, hee hee
I don't let him but it's hard to stop him plus help him move small his limbs :-D
Glad ye r well Xx
Its warm here but not too hot
I like when we actually get a summer :-D
Last year and this year we did.
Few years before that was all rain
No news here.
We r fine :-D
But its good that you are aware of the secondary drowning Laura, it happens way more often than parents realize. Glad Simon is having fun swimming! :hugs:
After all of these years me and dh have learned what is wrong with him, and most likely he is never going to change. At least that is what I have been reading. All he needs is a diagnosis, but do you ladies remember me saying he has symptoms of Aspergers, he is very cold, emotionless, robotic. I told you about his terrible upbringing. His mother is a narcissist, never showed love for him, father abandoned him. I believe wholeheartedly that he suffers Schizoid Personality Disorder (spd), He has every every single symptom and its very scary. If you ever read about this disorder you ladies will have an idea what misery I have been living with the last 9 years of our marriage. I don't know how I didn't leave him by now because I am the polar opposite from him, I am very needy of affection and love. I don't believe he will ever change, so now I am at a cross roads. Do I want or have to live the rest of my life like this? This is so depressing. And yes he did show signs of this at the beginning of our relationship. But he also pretended to be somewhat affectionate to win me over. I feel duped by this man and I am at loss of words describing the sheer agony and pain I have felt. Sorry to vent. I read about this disorder/personality trait to my mom and she said, "That is Aaron!" So so sad.

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