ttc after a d&c

:wave: ladies! Can you believe the only pic I have on my phone is his birthday cake :dohh: I'll transfer pics from the camera to my computer shortly and the photographers pictures won't be in for a couple of weeks.
Birthday party #2 is this Saturday (the first one was for my close friends & family)!

Laura ~ Big hugs to Simon! Has he adjusted to his glasses?

Jess ~ Summer is almost over, will you be able to get Natalie in that special school? Is your DH still at home (not working)? Besitos for Soph!


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Hi ladies!! :wave:

Angel, that cake is so cute! Cant wait to see pics!! :D

Hope everyone is doing well :) I l know I dont write much in here but I do read just about everyday and always have you all in my thoughts :)
Angel, what a lovely cake for Pierce. Can't wait to see the pics! My husband started working this week. So its just me and the girls.

Amy, just saw the update for your thread. FX everything continues to go good hon.

Hi Laura!!
Angel lovely cake x

Hi Jess Xx
U might feel better about dh now he isout of the house
If oh is around too much he annoys me.
I'm used to my space :-D

Hey Amy Xx

Love to all

Mrs guala u still here
How u doin if so xxx
Angel love the new pic!!!! So stinking cute!

Hi girls! Happy *almost* Friday!!! :D
Weaning is so sad :cry: This morning, he fell asleep without nursing :( He didn't even put up a fight. I guess we're down to nursing at bed time only now. I know, I know, he is 1 and technically should be done anyway, bottle fed babies are done with bottles at this point...they are just so little. I won't encourage weaning at night until after I speak with his Dr (next Tues)...he gets his shots--eek!

Laura ~ Did you have appointments today? How are things with your health?

Jess ~ Yay for DH going to work...just in time for you to regain your sanity! Hehehe! My DH went on a 2 day trip, I needed the break. How is Alyssa?

Hi Jen! How are you?
Angel, want in on a little secret? All three of my daughters were bottle fed past 1 year. Back in 2000 when Alyssa was born the docs were barely reinforcing for babies to stop taking the bottle at 1 year. She took the bottle up to 1.5 years I believe and she adjusted just fine!. :thumbup: Natalie is a different story of course, it was much harder to get her off the bottle, but I believe she was the same age as Alyssa. Sophie is still taking the bottle but drinking much less now. So not all babies are text book when it comes to weaning. I know its sad because you barely nurse Pierce now and he is adjusting so well, but its actually such a great sign. He is such a smart little boy!
Angel Simon Stoll has his bottle will do for awhile
I know it's hard on u but itsgreat pirate pierce is easy to wean.
Be awfull if he was upset cos of it xxx

Proper post later
Munchkin needs me :-D
Laura, I must admit, I still love feeding Sophia her bottle. I know that most of the babies that still take bottles at this age feed it to themselves, but I still love to have Sophia near me and feed her. I love it when she sees her bottle and automatically opens her mouth for me to feed her. She only drinks like a couple bottles a day now so she is getting closer to being weaned. She can drink just fine from a cup and with a straw so I am sure she just likes the closeness of being fed. How is your little prince doing lately?
What a relief to know ladies! Honestly, I wouldn't mind nursing him at night for a few more months and give him my antibodies to jump start the start of cold/flu season! I'll follow his lead.

And Laura, you're so right, it would be a lot harder if my lil pirate cried for it!

Happy Friday ladies!!!

Jess gald you are getting a little needed break from your DH hehehe

Angel, you too hun! Sorry to hear about the weaning though. Im with you and know that Ill be heartbroken too but he is still your bbay and forever will be <3 Are you thinking about #2? :)

Laura, how are you doing dear? Any plans for the weekend?
Love yo all Xx

I know I've been crapy on here lately
I read everything
But I've nothing new or exciting :-D
We r ok
Squishy butt prob has a bit of a food problem from reflux and stroke
He gets confused as to how to chew and move food around his mouth
His constipation and therefore his reflux is playing up
He is also trying to cut 3 New teeth
Both have allergy / cold
Sounds like things are awfull but strangely they aren't :-D
The other option for his food issue was perm damage from stroke
So this way is better
Salt said it's amazing I got him on solids at all, considering
So I'm kinda proud of that
Its slow progress but still progress :-D
My lil man continues to be fab nd cuddly
So we r ok then :-D

Love to all xxx

Plus um gonna win the lotto
And Amy is goNan get her baby.
Putting it our there to make it true :-D

Sorry I'm rambling.
I'm a bit giddy this eve :-D

3 new teeth Laura~~yikes! Glad everything is well and Simon is thriving! He has a super Mom taking care of him xoxo Oh and I say you are going to win the lotto too!! Have you decided to try for #2 yet? I'm 90% sure I'm done-done!

:wave: ladies!!

Hi girls!!

Laura, yikes three teeth! I second Angel and say that Simon is so lucky to you have you as his mom! <3

Angel, you're really done?? One and done??? A family friend of ours just told me recently they decided to just stick with thier one as well. Her and I were pregnant together (my 1st pregnancy) and she thought that she may want another one by now but it doest seem like it. You never know what the future holds but it seems like these days lots of women are choosing just to have one. No matter what happens I hope that we stay in contact and see everyone's Lo(s) grow! :)

Jess, hope everything is going well with you hun!!

So it looks like its just the 4 of us left in here for the most part huh?
Just wanted to say hello ladies! I read Amy's post about us not really being around and want to apologize. I read your messages and still love and think of you. I'm so emotionally and physically drained with this process and working and all it's just hard to keep up. Just want to move on to happier, less stressful times but I know either way will be difficult.
At work so can't really chat but thinking of you all <3

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