TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

If I'm not on here every day don't think nothing of it. I'm just trying to relax more than I usally do. You girls are stuck with me!! :friends::hug:
TTC ya lil ya doing mama?!?!?!
Good to be's what you need anyway at this point, and probably NOT so easy w/ 3 lil men to look after..I have 2 and they run me for my $$ so you are probably busier than I!!!
...Did you have your bloodwork this week,,I think I asked that but don't remember if you ever said about it...

How far along are you exactly?
glad to hear you sticking around lil mama!!!!! Wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!
Droping by to see how you ladies have been?

Hi TTC!!!! I am glad you are here. How are you feeling??? What's up with you? And I personally, am soooo GLAD, that you are sticking around! Keep us in the loop with what is going on with you...

And hopefully there will be a whole host of BFP's in here.... Babydust to ALL!
TTC ya lil ya doing mama?!?!?!
Good to be's what you need anyway at this point, and probably NOT so easy w/ 3 lil men to look after..I have 2 and they run me for my $$ so you are probably busier than I!!!
...Did you have your bloodwork this week,,I think I asked that but don't remember if you ever said about it...

How far along are you exactly?
glad to hear you sticking around lil mama!!!!! Wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!

I'm doing good! I had a little bit of spotting yeasterday,but it has stoped bless god!! Thats way I'm trying to take it easy! My bloodwork went well( it came back normal). I'm current 5 weeks today!!! Even though my ticker says 5 weeks and 1 day, oh well its only one day off or I'm one day behind.
I can't believe whats going on!!!! It kind of upseting! Well I'm not leaving this thread! I started here with you ladies and I'm finishing here!! I can't believe only certain ladies were invited to the thread I feel like a out cast to them!!
Man I. Just typed a long reply on my phone and deleted it on accident. Balls.

I'm reading...but not posting because of these tiny freaking keys.
Droping by to see how you ladies have been?

Hi TTC!!!! I am glad you are here. How are you feeling??? What's up with you? And I personally, am soooo GLAD, that you are sticking around! Keep us in the loop with what is going on with you...

And hopefully there will be a whole host of BFP's in here.... Babydust to ALL!

I'm feeling good Saga! I'm just trying to take it more easy!! I'm very happy to be sticking around with you ladies!! :hugs:
Yes :dust: to all of you currently TTC!!!
Have any of you ever watched the show called "I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT" WELL, I'm kinda obsessed w/ it~I mean, I've been preg 3x's and there wn't any fooling anyone...but some of these's crazy to me...
BUT, my point is...there are girls that THINK they are having periods (which isn't possible when you are w/ child) b/c they bleed regularly just like it would be AF...
I'm sorry you had spotting, had you called your doc? Just don't stress yourself out b/c bleeding during pregnancy DOES happen...and I really don't THINK it's that rare....

Blood work was normal and that's all that matters~!!! there are prayers being said for ya girl....keep resting and keep negative thoughts FAR from you!!!!

Do you go back for more bld work it every mond that you go..? just so I don't have to ask you everyday!!! HAHA
Man I. Just typed a long reply on my phone and deleted it on accident. Balls.

I'm reading...but not posting because of these tiny freaking keys.

Its is hard to type with those little key pads on phones. It seems like it takes me forever to type on them!
Man I. Just typed a long reply on my phone and deleted it on accident. Balls.

I'm reading...but not posting because of these tiny freaking keys.

THAT SUUUX :growlmad:
arg....I HATE Tiny freaking keys..I have that too..I hear you shouldn't text when you drive but I was the BOMB at it, I never had to take my eyes off the road, but DH got me a brigade for Christmas and it SUX..I hate it..there's NO texting in the car...they are Such tiny keys~who's thumbs are REALLY that lil!???!!??!

TTC ya lil ya doing mama?!?!?!
Good to be's what you need anyway at this point, and probably NOT so easy w/ 3 lil men to look after..I have 2 and they run me for my $$ so you are probably busier than I!!!
...Did you have your bloodwork this week,,I think I asked that but don't remember if you ever said about it...

How far along are you exactly?
glad to hear you sticking around lil mama!!!!! Wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!

I'm doing good! I had a little bit of spotting yeasterday,but it has stoped bless god!! Thats way I'm trying to take it easy! My bloodwork went well( it came back normal). I'm current 5 weeks today!!! Even though my ticker says 5 weeks and 1 day, oh well its only one day off or I'm one day behind.
I can't believe whats going on!!!! It kind of upseting! Well I'm not leaving this thread! I started here with you ladies and I'm finishing here!! I can't believe only certain ladies were invited to the thread I feel like a out cast to them!!

I am so glad you are okay and so glad your bloodwork is normal. Thank GOD you got your sticky! That means there's one coming for the rest of us too.

I know, I feel the same way about the ladies on the other thread. I kept thinking...where'd they go...they must've just not logged on...and I actually WORRIED about the other ladies...even posted on a couple of their home pages today because I was getting concerned. Silly me.....

They can say whatever they want and justify however they want...but moving to a new thread and going out of their way to talk badly about the ones that were left over here is just plain wrong. And to think I was one of the ones BEGGING Needa and Reeds to stay!

Well, I love you ladies. I genuinely do. There's no lack of warmth here, that's for sure. We are all on the same journey and have the same goal. We all want babies and need the support of our TR friends more than anything because no one but another TR lady can possibly understand how we feel. I thank GOD for you ladies and feel blessed to be able to talk to you all.

Oh, and one more all of you remaining...I pledge to all newbies who stumble in here to be kind and patient because this journey is CONFUSING and SCARY...and to everyone, newbies and the ones already here...ask me ALL the questions you want...and PM me all you want...I have no problem with it. I love it. Questions are how we LEARN! I love you ALL!
Have any of you ever watched the show called "I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT" WELL, I'm kinda obsessed w/ it~I mean, I've been preg 3x's and there wn't any fooling anyone...but some of these's crazy to me...
BUT, my point is...there are girls that THINK they are having periods (which isn't possible when you are w/ child) b/c they bleed regularly just like it would be AF...
I'm sorry you had spotting, had you called your doc? Just don't stress yourself out b/c bleeding during pregnancy DOES happen...and I really don't THINK it's that rare....

Blood work was normal and that's all that matters~!!! there are prayers being said for ya girl....keep resting and keep negative thoughts FAR from you!!!!

Do you go back for more bld work it every mond that you go..? just so I don't have to ask you everyday!!! HAHA

Tater is right. I bled when I was preggers...and more than just spotting. The first time when it was time for my period...and then the second time, I was pretty far along...I don't know why it happened, but I have a healthy it happens...TTC, your levels are good and you will be okay. We ALL love you and want the best for you...we're rooting for you, Girlie...ALL of us!:hugs:

And Tater, I LOVE that show! I wish it would happen for me that way now....hehe.
Have any of you ever watched the show called "I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT" WELL, I'm kinda obsessed w/ it~I mean, I've been preg 3x's and there wn't any fooling anyone...but some of these's crazy to me...
BUT, my point is...there are girls that THINK they are having periods (which isn't possible when you are w/ child) b/c they bleed regularly just like it would be AF...
I'm sorry you had spotting, had you called your doc? Just don't stress yourself out b/c bleeding during pregnancy DOES happen...and I really don't THINK it's that rare....

Blood work was normal and that's all that matters~!!! there are prayers being said for ya girl....keep resting and keep negative thoughts FAR from you!!!!

Do you go back for more bld work it every mond that you go..? just so I don't have to ask you everyday!!! HAHA
Yep, I watch that show. I let my OB doc know about my spotting. His nurse told me that it does happen and not to stress over it. She had it when she was in her frist trimester. I go back for my 3rd blood work Monday. I'm hoping I can get out of our driveway by then. We got 16 inches of snow Tuesday.
Man I. Just typed a long reply on my phone and deleted it on accident. Balls.

I'm reading...but not posting because of these tiny freaking keys.

Oh no! I HATE when that happens!
TTC ya lil ya doing mama?!?!?!
Good to be's what you need anyway at this point, and probably NOT so easy w/ 3 lil men to look after..I have 2 and they run me for my $$ so you are probably busier than I!!!
...Did you have your bloodwork this week,,I think I asked that but don't remember if you ever said about it...

How far along are you exactly?
glad to hear you sticking around lil mama!!!!! Wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!

I'm doing good! I had a little bit of spotting yeasterday,but it has stoped bless god!! Thats way I'm trying to take it easy! My bloodwork went well( it came back normal). I'm current 5 weeks today!!! Even though my ticker says 5 weeks and 1 day, oh well its only one day off or I'm one day behind.
I can't believe whats going on!!!! It kind of upseting! Well I'm not leaving this thread! I started here with you ladies and I'm finishing here!! I can't believe only certain ladies were invited to the thread I feel like a out cast to them!!

I am so glad you are okay and so glad your bloodwork is normal. Thank GOD you got your sticky! That means there's one coming for the rest of us too.

I know, I feel the same way about the ladies on the other thread. I kept thinking...where'd they go...they must've just not logged on...and I actually WORRIED about the other ladies...even posted on a couple of their home pages today because I was getting concerned. Silly me.....

They can say whatever they want and justify however they want...but moving to a new thread and going out of their way to talk badly about the ones that were left over here is just plain wrong. And to think I was one of the ones BEGGING Needa and Reeds to stay!

Well, I love you ladies. I genuinely do. There's no lack of warmth here, that's for sure. We are all on the same journey and have the same goal. We all want babies and need the support of our TR friends more than anything because no one but another TR lady can possibly understand how we feel. I thank GOD for you ladies and feel blessed to be able to talk to you all.

Oh, and one more all of you remaining...I pledge to all newbies who stumble in here to be kind and patient because this journey is CONFUSING and SCARY...and to everyone, newbies and the ones already here...ask me ALL the questions you want...and PM me all you want...I have no problem with it. I love it. Questions are how we LEARN! I love you ALL!

Well said Saga!!!
Have any of you ever watched the show called "I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT" WELL, I'm kinda obsessed w/ it~I mean, I've been preg 3x's and there wn't any fooling anyone...but some of these's crazy to me...
BUT, my point is...there are girls that THINK they are having periods (which isn't possible when you are w/ child) b/c they bleed regularly just like it would be AF...
I'm sorry you had spotting, had you called your doc? Just don't stress yourself out b/c bleeding during pregnancy DOES happen...and I really don't THINK it's that rare....

Blood work was normal and that's all that matters~!!! there are prayers being said for ya girl....keep resting and keep negative thoughts FAR from you!!!!

Do you go back for more bld work it every mond that you go..? just so I don't have to ask you everyday!!! HAHA

Tater is right. I bled when I was preggers...and more than just spotting. The first time when it was time for my period...and then the second time, I was pretty far along...I don't know why it happened, but I have a healthy it happens...TTC, your levels are good and you will be okay. We ALL love you and want the best for you...we're rooting for you, Girlie...ALL of us!:hugs:

And Tater, I LOVE that show! I wish it would happen for me that way now....hehe.

Thank you!!!:hugs:
I actually bled A LOT~i'm talking gushes and gushes of blood when I was 5 months w/ Tater bean...I was Scared to death...I called the doc faster than I thought possible and to my huge surprise..they were like NOT concerned at ALL.. i really couldn't believe it..I never though bleeding was a good thing while preggers...

They just told me to lay down and count the movements of the baby...if there wasn't 1 in a call back...amazingly,,if you actually do count those lil's move A WHOLE lot in an hour..
my bleeding stopped and I have a beautfiul lil man!!!! Too smart...

SIXTEEN in..that is NOT fun...ARG..we have like 5 and I hate that....hopefully you'll be able to dig out by mon..are they calling for anymore???
I AM SOOO ready for tank tops and flip flops
Well, at least the ladies left in this group will never pick apart everything the other ones say and believe that somehow we are bashing them when we are NOT.

You ladies left in here are the good ones....the bad ones started their own thread. Ha!

I am going to go to bed soon...I am feeling strangely crampy...don't know what that means...yikes.
THAT MEANS you are having implant cramps GF!!!!!!! I mean, what ELSE could it mean, pinkish CM, funny feeling after treadmill....Girl!!!! I can't WAIT til SUnday!!!!

love ya girls..i'm hitting the hay soon too!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, TTC, I LOVE your ticker! I like that it shows what your bean would look like right now...
I actually bled A LOT~i'm talking gushes and gushes of blood when I was 5 months w/ Tater bean...I was Scared to death...I called the doc faster than I thought possible and to my huge surprise..they were like NOT concerned at ALL.. i really couldn't believe it..I never though bleeding was a good thing while preggers...

They just told me to lay down and count the movements of the baby...if there wasn't 1 in a call back...amazingly,,if you actually do count those lil's move A WHOLE lot in an hour..
my bleeding stopped and I have a beautfiul lil man!!!! Too smart...

SIXTEEN in..that is NOT fun...ARG..we have like 5 and I hate that....hopefully you'll be able to dig out by mon..are they calling for anymore???
I AM SOOO ready for tank tops and flip flops

As far has I know no. I sure hope it stays that way!

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