TTC after D&C on 11/15

My hpt was uber light today and the opk I would consider to be almost positive. :happydance: It's finally going away! I'm not going to call the doctor now---wait and see if it's all gone in a couple of days. I guess my body was just being stubborn. :haha:
Mousey yay for lighter hpt!

My stupid opk was so faint today :( Cervix is still low too and CM is still creamy. Stupid body!

Most days i feel so angry im supposed to be pregnant! Now im sitting here stressing myself out because im so scared i will never fall pregnant again. I feel like it was violently ripped away from me and now im back to square one :(

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Do you girls find it hard some days?
My hpt was uber light today and the opk I would consider to be almost positive. :happydance: It's finally going away! I'm not going to call the doctor now---wait and see if it's all gone in a couple of days. I guess my body was just being stubborn. :haha:

Thats Fantastic news!!! :happydance:

The very last time i had a positive (which was still from the MC) it was the same for me, PG test so light i had to hold it up to the light to see, and the OPK pretty dark.....and I must have OV'd and fell pregnant sometime soon after that!!

Keeping fingers crossed for you x
Meeky, yes, I'll be using sticks. Negative today but test line definitely visible. Hubby got back on Wednesday. Appointment is tomorrow afternoon, so holding my breath! x

How did your appointment go hun?! x
Mousey yay for lighter hpt!

My stupid opk was so faint today :( Cervix is still low too and CM is still creamy. Stupid body!

Most days i feel so angry im supposed to be pregnant! Now im sitting here stressing myself out because im so scared i will never fall pregnant again. I feel like it was violently ripped away from me and now im back to square one :(

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Do you girls find it hard some days?

Aw hun, hugs x Of course you'll get pregnant again :hugs:, our bodies are just very frustrating sometimes!! Hoping those OPK's get darker as the week goes on x
Meeky, yes, I'll be using sticks. Negative today but test line definitely visible. Hubby got back on Wednesday. Appointment is tomorrow afternoon, so holding my breath! x

How did your appointment go hun?! x

Turner syndrome. That means we had a girl (I've named her Lucy) and that it was a fluke. Turner syndrome is unlikely to repeat itself. It's the best result I could have at this point. We buried her today. It was a lovely little service. Just perfect.

I've had some brown spotting today. But hubby and I bd'd last night (TMI, but probably rougher than when he first got back), and I've seen the brown spotting (mixed in with cm really) a couple of times today. I finished my first period a week ago and am cd14 today. OPKs are negative right now, although the test line is visible, so I'm hoping for ov in the next week (creamy cm, so no ewcm yet). The brown gunk is just sex disturbing leftover old blood from the miscarriage that the first period didn't do away with....right? :shrug:
Meeky, yes, I'll be using sticks. Negative today but test line definitely visible. Hubby got back on Wednesday. Appointment is tomorrow afternoon, so holding my breath! x

How did your appointment go hun?! x

Turner syndrome. That means we had a girl (I've named her Lucy) and that it was a fluke. Turner syndrome is unlikely to repeat itself. It's the best result I could have at this point. We buried her today. It was a lovely little service. Just perfect.

I've had some brown spotting today. But hubby and I bd'd last night (TMI, but probably rougher than when he first got back), and I've seen the brown spotting (mixed in with cm really) a couple of times today. I finished my first period a week ago and am cd14 today. OPKs are negative right now, although the test line is visible, so I'm hoping for just ov in the next week (creamy cm, so no ewcm yet). The brown gunk is sex disturbing leftover old blood from the miscarriage that the first period didn't do away with....right? :shrug:

Atleast you have the knowledge of why it happened and it's positive that it's unlikely to happen again. It's nice that you got to lay Lucy to rest and say your goodbyes x

I'd say the bleeding is just your body still adjusting and clearing out ready for when you next ovulate

Big hugs x
I've been taking my agnus castus and evening primrose/starflower oil (and of course folic acid), as my cycles were so long when they first came back. They'd got down to nearly normal by the time I conceived. I'm happy I had the one period so far, but now hubby's back, I want to see some ovulation! ;)
JadeEmChar, big :hugs: You will get pregnant again! I still have rough days too. The other day I asked my dh, "when am I going to stop talking about it? When is it going to stop hurting?" Does anyone else still unconscously keep track of how far along you should have been? I try not to, but it's impossible. Hopefully, you'll get a + opk in a week or two.
MandaAnda, I really like the name Lucy. Beautiful. I hope you ovulate soon. How long will hubby be in?
Meeky, now I want to jump DH. :haha: Let's hope I ovulate soon like you did. (Although the test was a smidge darker today, but I'm not going to think about that.)
Mousey yay for lighter hpt!

My stupid opk was so faint today :( Cervix is still low too and CM is still creamy. Stupid body!

Most days i feel so angry im supposed to be pregnant! Now im sitting here stressing myself out because im so scared i will never fall pregnant again. I feel like it was violently ripped away from me and now im back to square one :(

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Do you girls find it hard some days?

I am right there with you :hugs: I am constantly thinking about how far along I should be by now :nope:
MandaAnda, I really like the name Lucy. Beautiful. I hope you ovulate soon. How long will hubby be in?...

Thank you. He's on post deployment leave now and is back at work next month. But he won't have to be deployed for another year.

I'm still getting the brown gunk. I think it's wet cm as well. And my opk may have been a bit darker today, although still not positive. I just want normality!
Hi Ladies :blush: :flower:

I know you've all kind of gotten to know each other, but I'd really love to join this thread. I'm not quite where you all are yet, but I will be soon.
Yesterday, I went for an u/s at 8w4d, and there was no hb. :cry: sac was measuring 6w1d, and the embryo was tiny. I was crushed, as I had no spotting or cramping, this was just a routine appoinment, and it shocked me. This is my second mc, but the first one was very early (I know this one was too but the first one was at 5w2d), and I had bleeding as an indicator.
I'm still coping with the loss, and to top it all off, I have to wait and see if I pass it naturally. If I haven't passed it by Tuesday, doc wants to do a d&c. So I'm just ready to get this over with and move on. I know you all know the feeling.

I plan to start TTC again as soon as possible, and it's been inspiring reading your stories. I hope you don't mind if I tag along for this journey with you all, as I don't believe anyone else can understand what it's like.
We had been TTC for 11 months, and it didn't happen for us until I was on Clomid, so I'm sure it will take a while because I will likely have to be on Clomid again - but maybe not. I just wish you could go from finding out you're losing the baby, to trying for another one. But maybe I'm too emotional.

Anywho, sorry to blab but that's my story. :hugs: to all of you, sorry for your losses, will be here for each of you throughout this journey as well!
meeky I meant to say, CONGRATS to you, what a wonderful story, if only we could all be so lucky! Try not to stress, be happy for your bean, and you are lucky to have scans so frequently, I hope that helps set your mind at ease! <3
Welcome hopin!! I'm very sorry for your loss :hugs:
Nobody understands unless they've been through it themselves. I wouldn't wish it on my enemy... I wish I had undergone a D&C but the dr felt since I was already spotting, HCG levels were plummeting that I would mc naturally, which I did. I had constant bleeding/spotting and was still passing tissue 7 weeks later so finally had D&C on 12/21. I actually O'd on Thursday evening, and we had BD early that morning for the first time in weeks (just by chance). So there is a really good chance we caught the egg! I'm only 6dpo and I haven't missed this TWW. I hope you too get your :bfp: soon too!!
Welcome Hopin! :hugs: I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can get back to ttc really soon. You're kind of like me; I tried for 10 months, then on femara. Maybe we'll both be lucky and get pregnant right away with the extra fertile boost that's supposed to come after a miscarriage.
We know how you feel and want to help you all the way. :hug:
Ready4family thanks for the warm welcome, I really appreciate it :flower: I'm also glad to hear you're in your tww!! That's exciting, I hope your :bfp: is only that far away!!! It also gives me hope that I can start ttc again in February! Here's to hope, sometimes that's all we have right?

Mouse, I see that you can totally relate to my journey so far!! Are you planning on getting back on Fermara? Where are you in your cycle now? Thanks to you as well for the warm welcome!! :hugs:

I'm grateful to have people to share this journey with!
Welcome Hopin :hugs:

So sorry for you loss. I totally understand how you are feeling and I'm sure the shock is still sinking in a little. Before I was TTC, I had no idea that Missed Miscarriages even existed, and assumed that because i had no bleeding or pain, everything was right on track. Nothing can prepare you for that moment when the Dr tells you all is not well. It's heart breaking and I'm sending you the biggest hugs

I still worry that exactly the same is going to happen to me again. I'm not "enjoying" this pregnancy so far, feel like I'm almost waiting for something to go wrong. I have another scan on Saturday, and all I can think about it preparing myself for the worst.

I hope the next few days are as traumatic free as they can be. I had to have an EPRC, as my body was not registering my little bean had died x

Thoughts are with you x
Meeky, thank you for the welcome :flower: and you're right, it's still sinking in but getting better each day.
I completely understand why you're feeling the way you are. My DH & I have already discussed, if we fall pregnant again, we won't be telling anyone for quite a while. This time we couldn't resist telling family (we only told our parents and siblings) at Christmas.
If I were you I'm sure I'd feel the same way. In some ways I pray to get pregnant again, in others I dread it.
With saying that, try to relax and find comfort in knowing everything happens as it should. I'll look very forward to hearing about your appointment Saturday. :hugs: to you during this unknown time.
Welcome Hopin, so sorry for your loss :hugs: We are all here if you need to talk.

How is everyone else doing today?

I have to post this pic of my OPK this morning, cycle day 11, looks almost positive. Maybe tomorrow?? What do you all think? The top line is the ref line and the bottom is the test line. Hubby and I better get to work :)


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It's getting close due!
I really do hope I get my BFP this month so I don't feel the need to tell anyone right away. Everyone obviously understands it can take time for your cycle to come back normally. I am going to tell a few family members again because I don't care if my family knows if I have a loss and appreciate the support I've gotten from them. But I wouldn't tell nearly as many friends as I did last time. We'll keep it quiet.

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