TTC After Loss Buddy Wanted :-)

Hello everyone I am so sorry for all on here that are getting over a loss I to am looking for a ttc buddy to after a loss its been 17 days since I misscarried and I would also love to have a buddy :)

Hi mummyb1 :flower:
So sorry to hear of your loss - its just heartbreaking. How many weeks were you & was it your first pregnancy? Hope that you're doing small things to make yourself feel better & being kind to yourself. It really is such a hard time. :hugs:

It's nice to have the girls on this forum so you can get things off your chest & share your feelings. Most of us have suffered a loss & can sympathize with you.

Lily_Hope thank you very much for the warm welcome I hope you are well, and I am also sorry to everyone here who has also suffered the heartbreak of a loss.

I was 5 weeks when when I mc and it was my first pregnancy I am doing little bits to make myself feel better and spending alot of time with OH, it is a very hard thing to have happen so I want to send you all big :hugs:

I must say that after reading some of the posts on here I have felt better knowing that there are people that I can speak to who have experienced this horrid thing and just to have a normal conversation about it all and get some answers to questions/worries that I have about it all.

I want to thank you very much for your reply and your kind words :hugs:
I was 5 weeks too when I had my first miscarriage (in early Feb). Even being that early doesn't take away any of the pain. :cry: I had my second miscarriage (in April) at just past 7 weeks (they actually suspected an ectopic so had to have surgery). We then took 3 months off from trying. Can definitely say that this has been a sad year. I'm really hoping that 2012 has a healthy pregnancy and baby in store for us!

The only thing that my Dr said to me that offered me any kind of comfort after my first miscarriage was that at least now I know that I can get pregnant and my body is doing exactly what it needs to do to ensure a healthy baby. Not sure if you have thought of it like that but it helped me a little bit.

Do you and your DH plan on TTC next month or are you planning on taking a small break? Not sure if its a myth :shrug: but apparently you're more fertile after a miscarriage. I got pregnant after one cycle after my first miscarriage.

Make sure you keep taking your vitamins! :hugs:
I'm still waiting for my post-op appt..its tomorrow. We did start christmas shopping..DH got me a kitchenaid stand mixer (been wanting one forever) annd he gave it to me the day we got it! he said i could just have it now and not wait til christmas. I have my step mom, lil sister, sister and my mom done. I just talked to my mom about this xmas issue last night..and for the past 2+ years, my dad always gets us something, but then makes these empty promises to get us more stuff at tax time..which never happens. Last year he was supposed to give dh and i each $75 and we didn't see that of course--he bought his step son, step daughter and wife all new laptops..and my sister and i(his only biological children) didn't get anything that pisses my mom off so bad. So, if he asks, i'll say we couldnt afford it. My mom said that the thing i got my step mom i could just keep for myself or give it to my MIL.

Hope your post op appointment went well ayclobes!

I really want a kitchenaid too - I have heard they are fabulous. Lucky girl - bet you're whipping up some awesome things in the kitchen.

I'm about half way there with my Christmas shopping. DH and I threw a Christmas party at our place on the weekend with friends. We had about 35 people come, it was really fun!
I was 5 weeks too when I had my first miscarriage (in early Feb). Even being that early doesn't take away any of the pain. :cry: I had my second miscarriage (in April) at just past 7 weeks (they actually suspected an ectopic so had to have surgery). We then took 3 months off from trying. Can definitely say that this has been a sad year. I'm really hoping that 2012 has a healthy pregnancy and baby in store for us!

The only thing that my Dr said to me that offered me any kind of comfort after my first miscarriage was that at least now I know that I can get pregnant and my body is doing exactly what it needs to do to ensure a healthy baby. Not sure if you have thought of it like that but it helped me a little bit.

Do you and your DH plan on TTC next month or are you planning on taking a small break? Not sure if its a myth :shrug: but apparently you're more fertile after a miscarriage. I got pregnant after one cycle after my first miscarriage.

Make sure you keep taking your vitamins! :hugs:

I am very sorry to hear about both of your losses :hugs: I do agree with you there it doesn't make any of it easier at all the whole process is horrid experience and the thing that I have thought to myself is with that happeneing so early when/if please god that I get pregnant again I will be so worried incase it happens again.

It does sound like you have had a very though year your very brave and I admire women like you, I will hope so much that 2012 is the year for your healthy baby :) after everything you most deffinatly deserve it.

One of my family friends did say the same thing to me actually and at the time I didn't really listen but now I think to myself thats ture we know that we can get pregnant so that is a bit of hope that we can cling on to knowing that we can do it :)

We do plan on ttc next month we was going to take a little break but I also heard that after a miscarriage you are more fertile so we thought we would keep our fingerscrossed and give it a go.

Do you have any recommended vitamins to take at the moment I am taking evening primrose and b1 I was taking folic acid but replaced it with a multi vitamin that contained folic acid so didn't want to take to much just incase.

Thank you for everything :hugs:
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been mia, had A LOT going on.things are better now & we'll b back ttc in january! My cycles have been so out of wack lately!

How's every1 doing? Welcome 2 all the new ladies sorry 4 yo losses & I'm sure u've found a peace of mind & comfort here with these amazing ladies!

I hope every1 is great! How r all my expecting ladies?! Even though I haven't been on I thought of all u & said a special prayer 4 every1 :)
I had my post op this morning -- the doc said i'll be ok to resume being intimate w/my husband today--my cervix looked ok and was healed. My doc said i could probably start ttc again up in january--given that my 1st period after the d&c was not wacky or anything--if it was/is then ttc is to start in feb since it'll be 2mo after the d&c technically. Does anyone believe in psychics? I got a conception reading done -- the woman who did mine said i'd get pregnant end of january/beginning of february and find out later in february--but we'll see what happens. This woman also said a female from my moms side referrenced the initals M and A--the only person i can think of with those initals is my grandma's mom whom is a Myrtle and my great uncle butch whom is Myron A. (he passed nov 2009, his wife passed nov 2011).
ayclobes that is good news hope that everything works out for you and that you get your bfp sooner than later
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been mia, had A LOT going on.things are better now & we'll b back ttc in january! My cycles have been so out of wack lately!

How's every1 doing? Welcome 2 all the new ladies sorry 4 yo losses & I'm sure u've found a peace of mind & comfort here with these amazing ladies!

I hope every1 is great! How r all my expecting ladies?! Even though I haven't been on I thought of all u & said a special prayer 4 every1 :)

Great to hear from you Mirage! And I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well also. We missed you!

Sounds like we'll be TTC buddies again in the new year! My cycle is totally out of whack too at the moment. I've started taking vitex again so I am hoping that that helps.

The witch :witch: showed up today on day 38! So annoying. Hope my cycle gets back on track soon.

Can not wait till Christmas :xmas8: I've decided to fly home next week for 4 days to see my family and I'm surprising them! Will be home in time to spend Christmas with my hubby. I'm trying really hard not to think about what would have been this Christmas. Just trying to stay focused on all of the positives.
Hi mummy01
I take evening primrose and folic acid too. I also take vitex (a natural/herbal supplement) which helps balance hormones because I have irregular cycles. I also take something called mumOmega which my Dr put me on last time I was pregnant and she suggested I stay on it.

Oh and I've decided to try something new and I've just ordered something called Fertility Plus for Women. I also bought the Fertility Plus for Men. I read about it in a book I have called 'The Natural Health Bible for Women'. I'm waiting for them to be delivered but I'm excited to get started on them. Want to get my body baby ready for 2012.

Has anyone heard of these or tried them?
Ayclobes - glad your post op went well and I bet you (and DH) are happy you can be intimate again. I hope your cycles come back normal straight away.

I think I do believe in psychics - I would be excited by that if I were you!
My husband saw a tarot reader just before we got married and they said to him that we had to be careful of miscarriage (I didn't think much of it at the time but after my miscarriages I remembered my husband telling me about his predictions). But that we would have 2 children.

Lucy - how are you going?
Heya Everyone been a bit quiet on here for a few days...

Lily_Hope - I haven't got a clue about mine as my cycle has gone all messed up because of my hormone imbalance. The DH and I have finished xmas shopping for now just the littlens bike to get and my pressies that the DH needs to get.

Hi MrsCD!I hope your cycle gets back on track too. Its so annoying not knowing. What I would give to have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14 every month.
Lily hope - yes, i believe in them. I got my 2nd one back and she confirmed what the other one told me..but was more specific i guess? she said i could/would get pregnant now, but no later than february and i would have a little bump come feb. she said she seen a boy and he was being born at 39w5d via c-section..hmm. then she said that a conception of 2013 in december and a girl that would be born at 36w.

the other psychic said i'd have a further conception date of late 2014..hmm. we'll have to see.
Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone - I hadn't checked in to see how you were all doing in a while.

Ayclobes- glad that you can try again soon if you want to.

Lily- sorry about the long cycle- that would be frustrating!

Lucy - good to hear that you and DH have talked about it- that's helpful.

Welcome to the new girls!! The ladies on this thread are great- you've found a good place :)
lily-hope am doing much better these past few days emotionally at least bc my body is all out of whack i thought that i would be lucky and it all would go back to normal but now i have no idea what is going on i'll tell you guys maybe someone on here can help me figure out what is happening

first my temps are all over the place the dr told me that it was normal bc of the hormones going back to normal but they were not that high when they did the surgery not even to 300
then about 3 days ago i began to feel nauseas its bad in the morning and evening during the day it comes and goes i have been using the ic opk two lines always show up but according to the thing they are negative bc the test never gets as dark as the control linei have taken some ic preg tests and they are neg as well so who knows what is going on my bbs began to get sore lastnight with some painful tingling i don't know what that was about and then today i had a little brown discharge and sorry tmi but i feel wet down there. have any of you guys gone through this? oh if that wasn't enough i have been wanting some freakin baked potaoes which i have indulged in (i know bad for my sugars but i can't help it)
lily-hope am doing much better these past few days emotionally at least bc my body is all out of whack i thought that i would be lucky and it all would go back to normal but now i have no idea what is going on i'll tell you guys maybe someone on here can help me figure out what is happening

first my temps are all over the place the dr told me that it was normal bc of the hormones going back to normal but they were not that high when they did the surgery not even to 300
then about 3 days ago i began to feel nauseas its bad in the morning and evening during the day it comes and goes i have been using the ic opk two lines always show up but according to the thing they are negative bc the test never gets as dark as the control linei have taken some ic preg tests and they are neg as well so who knows what is going on my bbs began to get sore lastnight with some painful tingling i don't know what that was about and then today i had a little brown discharge and sorry tmi but i feel wet down there. have any of you guys gone through this? oh if that wasn't enough i have been wanting some freakin baked potaoes which i have indulged in (i know bad for my sugars but i can't help it)

Hi Lucy! Have you had a period since your ectopic? I don't know much about temps as I have never charted mine. The brown discharge sounds like it could be the start of a period. My boobs sometimes hurt before I get my period.

Did you end up seeing a counsellor?
I just got back from a friends baby shower and I attended one last weekend too. Last weekend I did come home and have a little cry and this weekend it was a little easier. I really enjoyed cuddling my friends babies too today! I was a little worried in the weeks leading up as I thought attending the baby showers would just make me feel upset. I can actually say that I am ok - I'm ready for the new year and I am so ready for my BFP!!!! Oooh I really hope its just around the corner!!!
lily-hope am doing much better these past few days emotionally at least bc my body is all out of whack i thought that i would be lucky and it all would go back to normal but now i have no idea what is going on i'll tell you guys maybe someone on here can help me figure out what is happening

first my temps are all over the place the dr told me that it was normal bc of the hormones going back to normal but they were not that high when they did the surgery not even to 300
then about 3 days ago i began to feel nauseas its bad in the morning and evening during the day it comes and goes i have been using the ic opk two lines always show up but according to the thing they are negative bc the test never gets as dark as the control linei have taken some ic preg tests and they are neg as well so who knows what is going on my bbs began to get sore lastnight with some painful tingling i don't know what that was about and then today i had a little brown discharge and sorry tmi but i feel wet down there. have any of you guys gone through this? oh if that wasn't enough i have been wanting some freakin baked potaoes which i have indulged in (i know bad for my sugars but i can't help it)

Hi Lucy! Have you had a period since your ectopic? I don't know much about temps as I have never charted mine. The brown discharge sounds like it could be the start of a period. My boobs sometimes hurt before I get my period.

Did you end up seeing a counsellor?

hey lily hope no i havent gotten my period yet but that discharge was only for that day and then it was gone (i have been checking ) but i have also been temping and using my cbfm and last night i got high fertility so hope that am going in the right direction, bbs have eased off a bit which am glad but the nausea is bothering me and that empty feeling in my tummy but well see what happens. i read that the sleeping pills i was using can cause side affects so i stopped taking them and besides they were not helping me much at all so i only tried them for two days so lets hope that is what causing all these symtoms
no i didn't get a chance to go to the couselor as i ended up having to go into work early but they told me i could reschedule if need be but to be honest i have been feeling so much better lately well except for the crazy symtoms so i'll see what happens it makes me happy to know that maybe doing something right:thumbup:
Heya Everyone been a bit quiet on here for a few days...

Lily_Hope - I haven't got a clue about mine as my cycle has gone all messed up because of my hormone imbalance. The DH and I have finished xmas shopping for now just the littlens bike to get and my pressies that the DH needs to get.

Hi MrsCD!I hope your cycle gets back on track too. Its so annoying not knowing. What I would give to have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14 every month.

I know I usually cycle every 31/33 days and I usually ovulate 2 weeks later, but since my mc my cycle has been out and I no longer know when I ovulate. Hopefully il get some answers this month as iv got my scans on the 21st and an appointment with the infertility on the 22nd
May I jump in? My miscarriage started Wednesday last week and I passed what I am pretty sure was the bulk of the sac/baby/tissue on Friday. I'm still bleeding at the moment, but we are ttc as soon as it's stopped.

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