TTC After Loss Buddy Wanted :-)

May I jump in? My miscarriage started Wednesday last week and I passed what I am pretty sure was the bulk of the sac/baby/tissue on Friday. I'm still bleeding at the moment, but we are ttc as soon as it's stopped.

so sorry for your loss :hugs:
I need a TTC buddy too. I am new to this site and this is my first post. I had a MC on December 2nd and should be ovulating this week. I am soooo excited to be able to try again, yet very nervous! I too made the mistake of telling EVERYONE when I first found out I was pregnant, and I will try my little heart out to keep it a secret until at least 10 weeks this time! GOod luck to everyone! :thumbup:

I have a 1 year old son , I got pregnant again In may 2011 but miscarried at around 4 weeks, I also got pregnant again in july but again miscarried, So I am now TTC again, would be lovely to have a christmas BFP :D

Good luck ladies
May I jump in? My miscarriage started Wednesday last week and I passed what I am pretty sure was the bulk of the sac/baby/tissue on Friday. I'm still bleeding at the moment, but we are ttc as soon as it's stopped.

So sorry to hear of your loss, that must of been really hard and upsetting to see that. I know when I was still bleeding I couldn't stop crying every-time I went to the toilet, it didn't start getting easier till it stopped. I still have tearful moments now and its been 6 months since I miscarried I dont think I will fully ever get over losing my baby.
May I jump in? My miscarriage started Wednesday last week and I passed what I am pretty sure was the bulk of the sac/baby/tissue on Friday. I'm still bleeding at the moment, but we are ttc as soon as it's stopped.

I'm so sorry for your loss. How many weeks were you? :hugs:
I need a TTC buddy too. I am new to this site and this is my first post. I had a MC on December 2nd and should be ovulating this week. I am soooo excited to be able to try again, yet very nervous! I too made the mistake of telling EVERYONE when I first found out I was pregnant, and I will try my little heart out to keep it a secret until at least 10 weeks this time! GOod luck to everyone! :thumbup:

So sorry for your loss. :hugs: Its a nice feeling when you can start trying again. Fingers crossed your get your BFP at Christmas.
So sorry to hear of your loss, that must of been really hard and upsetting to see that. I know when I was still bleeding I couldn't stop crying every-time I went to the toilet, it didn't start getting easier till it stopped. I still have tearful moments now and its been 6 months since I miscarried I dont think I will fully ever get over losing my baby.

Thank you and :hugs: to you. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

I feel a bit like a horrible parent. I actually have been feeling ok yesterday and today. I feel hopeful for the future and can actually talk about what happened without bawling. I miss my baby so much, but I've put my focus on getting back to ttc and losing weight etc. I have waves of sadness/solemness and I probably always will. There will always be that part of me that's waiting to meet my LO.

I don't know.... maybe it's because this all was so crazy from the start. I got my positive pregnancy test and then got a negative qualitative blood test and bawled. Then I kept getting positive tests and had them do another blood test quantitative this time and got the positive but it was only at 10 hCG. Then I got the results of the 2nd quant test and it was only 20 and I bawled again because the numbers suddenly made it feel like it was all wrong. When I started bleeding I bawled again and pretty much bawled for the next 3 days.

Looking back, I knew when I saw that 2nd hCG number that I was losing the baby, I just tried really hard to convince myself that I wasn't.

@Lily_Hope - Thank you. I was 5 weeks when the bleeding started. You are right. It's a nice feeling when you can start trying again. I think in some ways I felt a bit like I was less of a woman when I lost the baby and bd'ing with my hubby made me feel better about myself. Maybe that's just me being weird though. :blush:
:hugs: to all the new girls. I'm so sorry for your losses. You've found a great place for support.
I just wish my body would hurry up and get back to so sick of waiting! To add to it, i think i've caught something..i had a horrible sore throat after work on sunday, and when i went into work yesterday, my boss seen me and told me to go home (knowing i had to work a 15hr shift) she covered both! i'm still not feeling too hot..sorethroat is still there..but I have been feeling a little stuffed up too..boooo!
So sorry to hear of your loss, that must of been really hard and upsetting to see that. I know when I was still bleeding I couldn't stop crying every-time I went to the toilet, it didn't start getting easier till it stopped. I still have tearful moments now and its been 6 months since I miscarried I dont think I will fully ever get over losing my baby.

Thank you and :hugs: to you. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

I feel a bit like a horrible parent. I actually have been feeling ok yesterday and today. I feel hopeful for the future and can actually talk about what happened without bawling. I miss my baby so much, but I've put my focus on getting back to ttc and losing weight etc. I have waves of sadness/solemness and I probably always will. There will always be that part of me that's waiting to meet my LO.

I don't know.... maybe it's because this all was so crazy from the start. I got my positive pregnancy test and then got a negative qualitative blood test and bawled. Then I kept getting positive tests and had them do another blood test quantitative this time and got the positive but it was only at 10 hCG. Then I got the results of the 2nd quant test and it was only 20 and I bawled again because the numbers suddenly made it feel like it was all wrong. When I started bleeding I bawled again and pretty much bawled for the next 3 days.

Looking back, I knew when I saw that 2nd hCG number that I was losing the baby, I just tried really hard to convince myself that I wasn't.

@Lily_Hope - Thank you. I was 5 weeks when the bleeding started. You are right. It's a nice feeling when you can start trying again. I think in some ways I felt a bit like I was less of a woman when I lost the baby and bd'ing with my hubby made me feel better about myself. Maybe that's just me being weird though. :blush:

Your not a horrible parent at all its good you feel good cause now you can concentrate on ttc again and youl be relaxed. The little one you lost will always be in your heart :) I didnt have any of that so as far as I knew my baby was healthy and ok, but then after the mc I thought about it and it did take 4 weeks before I got a BFP so to me that told me something must have been wrong. It must have been so heartbreaking knowing you was going through all of that, I would have tried convincing myself otherwise aswell. Fingers crossed you get a BFP soon :)
hey ladies...gahhh! i just want everything back to normal so i can get back to ttc again ugh. on top of it, i caught something not sure what it is..but i have a kinda bad sore throat and im kinda stuffed up. It started sunday night, and i was supposed to work last night..but my boss seen me and sent me home after working for a couple hours..(i was supposed to work a 15hr shift) so here i am.
Future!!!! I love you scan :) How is it going? You must be sooooo happy. xx
I am supposed to ovulating today or this weekend sometime and I am actually super nervous! I just M/C at the beginging of the month, I was only 4 weeks but it still totally shocked me. I dont think anyone can prepare for that. Anyways, wich me luck! :thumbup:
Hi Mrs Max!
Thank you- I am thrilled :) We're excited to tell our parents at Christmas.
I am supposed to ovulating today or this weekend sometime and I am actually super nervous! I just M/C at the beginging of the month, I was only 4 weeks but it still totally shocked me. I dont think anyone can prepare for that. Anyways, wich me luck! :thumbup:

Hayaddie - your right on that one and you never will be prepared no matter how many m/cs you have. Fingers crossed this months ovulation gives you that BFP in a couple months time :happydance:
Afm - Im looking forward to tuesday and finally getting my scans and finding out whats going on. Then a having xmas with the in - laws, cant wait!
I'm not sure if i've posted about/my blog link on here or not..but feel free to check it out ladies --- I've been blogging about everything and ttc at the same time. I just posted a blog entry today!

I seen 1 of my midwifes last thursday -- she said to keep with the metformin b/c studies have been shown to indicate that metformin can help reduce the risk of miscarriages! and i should prob call 1 of my midwives' office to see what they said about where to go from here..may need to try some clomid/femara/injectibles and see if that will help get us a healthy bean..hopefully =)

I am hoping af will show in january..i'd love to start ttc again then! dh's birthday is 1/10 so im hoping im not fully bleeding on his day..
So today is the day I finally get my scans and find out what the hell is going on!!
I have 2 midwives i have seen-- Jamie & Gina. Gina called yesterday, and told me she finally got ahold of Jamie. Jamie wants me to make an appt with her in reguards to when i'd want to start clomid--at first I wanted to wait til april to start the clomid..but now i kinda wanna start it probably in february, so that would be my 2nd cycle after d&c. Gina said we could ttc january if my af seems normal to me. Gina also said she wouldnt recommend taking the herbal supplements I asked about--Soy Isoflavones, Maca Root ect mainly b/c there have not been studies done on whether either of these help or not. I'm considering starting maca again, not sure when b/c i believe it helped get me pregnant last time..but we'll see. Gina also said that Jamie will have me be on clomid+metformin--i've never been on the clomid while taking metformin before..there have been studies done that has helped women with pcos who take the clomid+metformin and they get pregnant, and have a healthy baby. Plus, Jamie will be monitoring me...i've never been monitored while on clomid here's to good results in the months to come!

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