I think I'm having another chemical ladies
As u all know we had one back in April.
I had sharp stabbing pains in overies at 8dpo and then got sore boobs and my nipples got sore like someone had put a cheese greater to them.
I onky did IC tests and only got faint shadow lines.
I continued having twinges and cramps in overies and I had alot of thick white cm.
Then at 12dpo. Boob and nipple pain just vanised.
I did do a frer at 11dpo and it did have a v v v faint line on but not as dark as the one I had in April.
I tested the next day with Frer again and BFN.
AF was 2 days late.
Im on CD3 now and its been heavy. Tonight I had terrible pain in my lower back and stomach and ive passed a load of dark red clots. One was quiet big.
The bleeding has slowed a bit since pasing them.
But this is what happened with my last chemical.
Im really hoping im wrong and im just having a very good clear out but with the vanishing symptoms and clots im fearing the worst.
My last chemical totaly messed with my next cycle causing me to O far to early on CD8.
Last cycle was back to normal and I O on day 14. Was so happy.
And when I started getting symptoms I was so excited and then they just vanished.
Im now worried im gonna end up Ovulating again very early if this is another meaning we won't stand a chance this cycle either