TTC Bonfire babies

Good Morning Ladies

I am due between the 3- 5th, depending if it a 26 or 28 day cycle....I am hoping if I am late, I will wait till the 8th to test. Have an appointment with the fertility specialist on the 12th...would be great to call up and cancel because I am pregnant!!!!

I have no symptoms......normaly have super sore (.)(.)'s but cramping, no extra peeing. Only thing I have is a little bit of constipation, which is making me super gassy!!! I also feel quite clam....not sure if it is because fertility appointment is soon after and I will hopefully get some good news there.

I am also trying to enjoy the life I already have, meeting up with people, applying for jobs....planning holidays....days out etc....also is my sons 2nd bday at the end of starting to plan that now!

morning ladies!!!! mission complete 3 sex seshes in and opk not fading one last night was ok but lot paler and have not done one this morning yet... hope got bdin in at right time!!!!
todays temp was a big rise 35.8 to 36.2... so maybe ov yesterday.. so does that mean eggy there today and sperms in right place??? bless my fella would not let me up to pee after sex and let me put legs over his back hehe fingers crossed... 2 high temps please... then im an temped to put the temo away and forgot about it til the 10th... with all these opk laft about 30 may use a hpt if get the feeling!!!
how is every one else xxx
Charmed - that sounds good!!! Woohoo!! Very exciting! Fingers crossed for those spermies! :hugs:
MrsLQ I love the PMA and the enjoying what we already that attitude. I'm finding it hard this month, really want BFP before Christmas.
Also, really annoyed at sister in law (who already has a 3 month old) asking when we are having irritating! we decided not to tell anyone we're TTC, but because we got married in the summer everyone expects me to pop one out the thing is we do want a baby asap, but it's not like I can just go to the shop and buy one!!! These things take time, but because both sis in laws fell preg straight away (well, one by accident) they expect same from me. I had a cyst on right ovary last year, and although they said it wouldnt cause problems, no ones knows for def! Arrrghgghh, RANT OVER! Sorry girls :hugs:
Justmarried -know that feeling -really want to be pg this year, want a christmas bump, and also by the time new year comes i'll be at least half way through first tri. I am so impatient this time around lol!! :wacko:

charmed -def sounds like you are on track to get that eggy. Go spermies swim swim!! lol :spermy:
Your DH sounds fab -mine is abit too laid back for me at the moment -it will happen when it happens kinda thing -driving me mad lol -even though I know he's right lol :coolio:

MrsLQ - -not long until beginning of Nov!! FX'd for you -although, I hear what your saying about enjoying what we've already got -thats gonna be my motto from now on. Stop and smell the roses; life is already sweet :smug: xx :hugs:

nb, LizzieMoon , Muncho and Rogue AND gossipgirly-( sorry GG !!) -those testing dates are getting closer too girlies- any more symptoms to share?? you should all plan a mass testing day (including you MrsLQ) - going by your tickers you are kind of in sync for testing!!! I may even join in lol - if I go by my dpo then it may be worth it lol :shrug:

Good Luck ladies xx
Baby dust to all xx
This thread has bloomed so quickly, I can't keep up!

Charmed you are so lucky to have a guy so into it! Mines kinda lost interest in the TTC thing, I try to mention cycles etc so as to take the fun and romance out of BD'ing.

i'm just going by my body signs, from Saturday (not so much today) had EWCM so BD last night and try to get him tonight as well, am getting twingy cramp and as I assume OV will be CD15/16 I'm sure its happening!

Rogue I'm sure when I had my first smear test they said mine was tilted/retrovert I'm not worrying about it though, sure it be fine!
Sorry Gossipgirly - see other post , I have edited now :blush::blush:

Hey Zoezo -how are you?? About ready to join us in 2ww I see - go get that eggy!!! :spermy::spermy:

I am feeling so much better today, I spoke to DH about his unusual lack of enthusiasm for :sex: at the mo' - which just happened to also be my most fertile time :dohh:. He hadnt' even realised, he was just a bit pre-occupied with his sis and bro-in-law staying with us. There my crazy head :wacko: was saying 'he's changed his mind about making a baby; or he doesn't fancy me anymore' He is so laid back about it all. Still doesn't seem to comprehend that ovulation happens once and its then a game of hunt the egg. Thinks his Super sperm :spermy:will overcome anything lol -although i think he may get more proactive when it doesnt' happen this month as he is convinced I am preggers alreay -cos, well, it's his Super sperm :spermy:- so why not?? lol I think he'll be more disappointed than me and THEN he'll realise the importance of timing lol.

and Baby dust :dust::dust:for everyone - I WILL get my BFP before Christmas and meantime I am visiting my new nephew practically every day and geting loads of baby cuddles n kisses -he is just so sweet :kiss:

ttfn ladies xx
Good morning everyone (morning for me at least)

I have to be honest and say that I poas yesterday afternoon and of course it was negative on cd26. I'm afraid this is going to be one of those long cycles again, therefore not knowing when I will ovulate if I haven't already.

Tomorrow would be cd28. I'm going to wait until cd40 to test again if AF doesn't show this weekend. But I think my chances are low since I really haven't BD'd quite enough.

I don't know... I just feel like a lost case. Like my cycles are just not going to allow me to get pregnant! Ughh....

Anyway, besides my constant mood swings, fatigue and sleepy-ness I don't feel a thing. By breast don't even hurt! So I'm trying not to read into this too much.

Good luck to all of you who are in the 2ww. I hope we get some BFP's really soon =D
Afternon girls!

Hope everyone is feeling nice and positive today!! :happydance:

Justmarried24 - I have been having a lot of CM as well! According to the lessons I was sent on FF this should most def be a dry spell, so lets keep everything crossed that this is a positive sign!

jaytee - It must be so frustrating to have a long cycle, why dont you go to the doctors and ask for a pregnancy test? They may well then advise you on ways to regulate your cycle?

Wannab - Hope all that PMA is still around for you! I def still feel a lot better now that I am not temping etc.

Charmed - hello you! I think thats a really good to stop temping once you get your 3 days of temp rises, I know last month I spent every day obsessing over where my temp was at and it was certainly not healthy, or romantic!! So go for it girl, it all sounds really positive!!

Muncho - lets hope our CM is a good sign!

MrsLQ - I recognise you from the 10/10 club, lets hope bonfire babies is the one for us!

Sorry if I have forgotten anyone, I'm a bit new! xxx
thank for comments girlies has made me feel very postive... few twinges ov area wises, but cant be anything only on 1dpo lol
funny i had a very metalic taste in mouth yest ovulation day so thats odd and boobs bit achey but could be from 3 sex seshs hehe
i know what u mean fella is brill, just wish he pop question already i want him 2 be mine....blush.....
bro little one still poorly n cant take in studies so having afternoon with girlies, one who 2 kids a 5 month preg and one who telling other pals getting married so bit depressing but me turn soon
glad all happy and healthy..........come PMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAA not PMS lol
hugs to all, welcome newbes i cant not keep up x
Charmed - Hopefully he will pop the question soon! Sore boobs is a sign of ovulation so thats good news!! xx
Isn't it all so annoying?? - that signs of ovualtion, signs of impending AF and signs of early pregnancy all seem to be rather alike lol.

charmed -have you spoken about marriage, is it something you both want at sometime? How long have you been together? Why dont you ask him??

Hi ladies

How are we all? nothing much this end, i cant decide if i have an ache today or if im just imagining it? prob just imagining it. No CM now, dry as a bone :(

arrggghhh its a good job i have friday and monday off and im going to be busy, its driving me crazy..
anyway im off to watch the Michael Jackson film tonight...IM SO SO excited!! i love him :)

For those of you who mentioned Dh not wanting to BD or not complying, i think we need to expalin to them about or bodies, I cant believe im still learning about CM, Ov, BD and i think they just dont understand the importance of the timing - simply beacuse they do not know. Anyway i just worked out my OV dates for Dec and im due to Ov Xmas day/ boxing day..great. With loadsa bloody people around and prob not at home, how difficult is that gonna be..

wanna # how are you guests doing, how long are they here for ?

right im off to tart my self up for the cinema, have a good evening xx
jaytee - It must be so frustrating to have a long cycle, why dont you go to the doctors and ask for a pregnancy test? They may well then advise you on ways to regulate your cycle?

I used to take Provera to induce a late period and then clomid to induce ovulation, however, my husband I decided to do this natural and wait when God thought it was the time to allow us to concieve, I just get anxious whiling I'm waiting, lol I do see a doctor and he is aware of my situation and my decisions, however I have to go in mid November to see what's up if AF hasn't come by then.
Charmed ~ I hope you get asked soon sweetie, I remember being asked and I so so nervous that I first I said NO hahaha, I just couldn't say anything normal! lol Just know that it will happen when it right hun, has he mentioned marriage to you?

As for me ~ BD gets frustrating with my husband as well. it just never seems like we both want it at the same time! So when it does happen one of us is so not into it, sometimes I feel bad but like my mother says "once men have it they crave it all the time, women can go years without it again!" lol So true, it doesn't bother me to go a while without BD, however, for the sake of my husband I give in, lol TTC just makes it a little harder, I try to forget about TTC when making love but its always there in the back of my head.

Well Girls.... its 10:08pm here now and its time for bed, I'm exhausted! Nighters everyone :hugs:
jaytee - It must be so frustrating to have a long cycle, why dont you go to the doctors and ask for a pregnancy test? They may well then advise you on ways to regulate your cycle?

I used to take Provera to induce a late period and then clomid to induce ovulation, however, my husband I decided to do this natural and wait when God thought it was the time to allow us to concieve, I just get anxious whiling I'm waiting, lol I do see a doctor and he is aware of my situation and my decisions, however I have to go in mid November to see what's up if AF hasn't come by then.

I think that is brilliant hun! I really feel so much better about this month now I am not over stressing about everything. Good luck, I really hope the relaxed approach is what works for you! xxx
morning ladies.. well 9dpo and bfn Im def waiting till monday now... I no in myself im out like I feel like af is gaining on me.

Hope everyone is well Im at work tonight so that will take my mind off things a bit! x
morning ladies.. well 9dpo and bfn Im def waiting till monday now... I no in myself im out like I feel like af is gaining on me.

Hope everyone is well Im at work tonight so that will take my mind off things a bit! x

Well as they say - it isnt over until the fat lady sings...or in this case until AF arrives!

AF signs are way too similar so you never know, good luck hun and lost of :dust: and PMA being sent your way! xxx
morning ladies.. well 9dpo and bfn Im def waiting till monday now... I no in myself im out like I feel like af is gaining on me.

Hope everyone is well Im at work tonight so that will take my mind off things a bit! x

I know alot of women who get negatives before 14dpo and then after 14dpo they get their positive. so don't give up hope sweetie.
I'm out, I know I'm out, not enough BD at the right time, he was too tired after getting home from work late, our first TTC cycle was a disaster :( I too get like you (was it you wannabubba?) when you say you think they don't fancy you anymore or want to TTC when they don't want to BD

Zoe x

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