TTC Bonfire babies

Hi guys,

Iv had such a lazy day, meant to be doing uni work but ended up watching chat shows getting angry and shouting at the tv at the kids who get drunk and cant remember having sex get pregnant and have kids and dont know who there baby daddy is!! grrrrrrrrr !!

My Oh is being quite good this month and has pushed himself to the limit!! (also Im feeling in a good mood about him cos he he text me asking how my work was going and I said about the chat shows and getting angry and he is bringin me a big bar of choc in! :D now thats love!

Mucho I think the CM is a good thing although im 7dpo today (if the sticks were right) and yesterday I had a really thick white CM (tmi sorry) and then nothing today :/ boobs starting to get tender but thats an af symtom so not really looking hopeful I think I might have to test in a few days dont think im gonna last ...!! xxxx
Dear god

Can you FAST forward 1 week please
Thanks Muncho

Lost the plot:(
Dear god

Can you FAST forward 1 week please
Thanks Muncho

Lost the plot:(

lol!!! :happydance::haha: Muncho, that is about the only thing which has made ne chuckle today! Ta very much for bringin a smile to my face as the wait is doing my brain in! R -x-
Hi guys,

Iv had such a lazy day, meant to be doing uni work but ended up watching chat shows getting angry and shouting at the tv at the kids who get drunk and cant remember having sex get pregnant and have kids and dont know who there baby daddy is!! grrrrrrrrr !!

Were u watchin Jeremy Kyle too?? I was so mad! He's a child!!!!

Aaanyways, thought I'd come join the fun!!! :happydance:

I'm on my 5th cycle, got pregnant last month but MC on the 2nd Oct, so jumped straight back in and tried again this month, even tho my cycle is probably all over the place. Only have one insemination a month (we're using a donor), so we timed it 2 days before I ovulated last month and it work, so did the same again this month (as soon as I got a positive OPK, I usually ovulate 1-2 days after it) so fingers crossed! 6 days til testing, I duno how I'm gona hold out. I'm only 5dpo, but fel sick all day. Had boiled egg and toast for breakfast and havn't been able to stomach anything since.

I wasn't symptom spotting or getting worked up about testing last month so it was a total shock when I got 2 positives at 11dpo, I only POAS cus I was in a bad mood and wanted to make sure I wasn't preg so I cud start planning my weekend, and there was the line on an IC and a FRER!!! But it wasn't meant to be, so here goes again! It might be because I only have an 11 day leutal phase, so trying to lengthen it.

I'm gona test on the 2nd, maybe the 3rd if I can hold out til then!

Bring it on Witchy!!!!!! lol
Ladies , i am here to entertain..
i constantly talk to god likes he's my best mate!! He never listen though!!

wanna, yes i am constantly wishing my life away. Im going to wake up tomorrow and ill be 60 with saggy tits. Here goes:

1) always wish it was Friday
2) awlays wish it was the end of the month ) Pay day)
3) awalys wish days away ready for my next holiday
4) NOW wishing away the 2WW

Cant think of anymore now xx
hehe yes I was lizzie_moon!! He was soo arrogant! fekt sorry for his niave girlfriend tho she doesnt know what she has got herself into!! sorry to hear about ur little angel but good luck for next cycle and welcome :dust: hoping for a sticky bean for you xx
Ladies , i am here to entertain..
i constantly talk to god likes he's my best mate!! He never listen though!!

wanna, yes i am constantly wishing my life away. Im going to wake up tomorrow and ill be 60 with saggy tits. Here goes:

1) always wish it was Friday
2) awlays wish it was the end of the month ) Pay day)
3) awalys wish days away ready for my next holiday
4) NOW wishing away the 2WW

Cant think of anymore now xx

I currently wish away the 2ww, wished away af and wished away the days leading up til 'fertile ' days lol -so that doesn't leave much does it ? lol :sex::sex::sex::sex::sex::sex::sex::test:

p.s welcome to Lizziemoon -so sorry for your loss xx -bloody hate that Jeremy Kyle too lol
Thanks :)

His poor gf, shes a child too, imagine him saying she only did it because she was jealous!

I just took my temp and it's 37.6 but I'm freezing!!!! Duno whats up with that lol
Dear god

Can you FAST forward 1 week please
Thanks Muncho

Lost the plot:(

lol!!! :happydance::haha: Muncho, that is about the only thing which has made ne chuckle today! Ta very much for bringin a smile to my face as the wait is doing my brain in! R -x-

Hey girls!!

How are we all today? I'm still feeling really crappy. Got a pain in my left side that won't go away....and feel very tired! Think it's the miserable weather up north that is depressing!
Is anyone SS yet, or are people trying to be good? :thumbup:
I'm wishing this week away, and I shouldnt as it's my half term break from work so should be doing a lot more than wishin it away lol!
:happydance: Well, here's to staying positive - PMA :happydance:
I know exactly how you feel -my 2nd month ttc too and I jumper head first in, with watching CM and temping and all i got was really stressed lol -worrying about if/ or when I ov'd etc

So I am going to put down the thermometer, and just relax a bit more and hopefully get that BFP, less all the stress lol

I ahve done this 3 times before, and never temped etc before, so it can be done lol.
I think I was just so worried about my advanced age this time around but stressing out doesn't help anyone does it??

xx PMA to all xx

yes I totally agree! Thousands of women manage this without inspecting everything they can and I really want hubby and I to enjoy this process, not feel like its a massive chore! So no more obsessing and I feel so much better already. Although, ask me again in 2 weeks time if I get a BFN and I will prob be a very different person hahaha! Nightmare! I do believe though that less stress can only be helpful! xxx

Wannabubba and nb1984 I totally agree with both of you! This is our first month of TTC, previous 2 months we were NTNP but now were at it full swing and I feel irritated by how obsessed I've become! I've been sympton spotting, and using OPK (despite saying I never would)! OH woke me up this morning for th BD, just out of the blue and it was lovely! I'm 3dpo (I think) so was nice to just have BD for the sake of it! :blush: :happydance:
Anyway, I have sore left breast and a pain in left side that wont go away! Not sure what's up, but let's just keep our fingers crossed we all get BFP this month!!

xxxx :hugs:
Wannabubba and nb1984 I totally agree with both of you! This is our first month of TTC, previous 2 months we were NTNP but now were at it full swing and I feel irritated by how obsessed I've become! I've been sympton spotting, and using OPK (despite saying I never would)! OH woke me up this morning for th BD, just out of the blue and it was lovely! I'm 3dpo (I think) so was nice to just have BD for the sake of it! :blush: :happydance:
Anyway, I have sore left breast and a pain in left side that wont go away! Not sure what's up, but let's just keep our fingers crossed we all get BFP this month!!

xxxx :hugs:

That's what I miss just now the most , BD because we both want to, becuase we both love each other, because it's fun and not just for baby making. Think I am gonna jump my man the min he comes through the door lol (although in the back of my mind, there's still a wee voice saying 'mmmmmm very horny at the moment??' - fertile?? ')

Yep -definately OUT with the temps, OUT with the charts, OUT with stress &
IN with loads of romance, IN with loads of 'us' time and IN with :sex::sex::sex::sex:

Go girlies, have fun xx

Anyway, I have sore left breast and a pain in left side that wont go away! Not sure what's up, but let's just keep our fingers crossed we all get BFP this month!!

xxxx :hugs:

Me too! It's a weird kinda pain, sorta niggly and not like AF cramps..we'll see!!!

At least you guys get to have fun and BD t, make a baby, my OH comes at me armed with a syringe and a pot of spermies, and if she's at work I hafta do it myself!! :cry: lol
That's what I miss just now the most , BD because we both want to, becuase we both love each other, because it's fun and not just for baby making. Think I am gonna jump my man the min he comes through the door lol (although in the back of my mind, there's still a wee voice saying 'mmmmmm very horny at the moment??' - fertile?? ')


lol so funny but soooo true!!! its hard to romance up the whole "i'm fertile now give me some strong swimmers" speech!

Anyway, have to dash so just quickly: currently experiencing mild cramping not like AF and waaay to early on to be feeling strange twinges and cramps like this....hmmmm.....??

PMA and a whole disney film worth of tinkerbell fairy dust to all! Lv. R -x-
Oh girls -I so hope that these cramps /twinges turn out to be something positive,like BFP's, although I will miss you all terribly if you go off to first tri without me lol

Lizzie Moon - I def hear what you are saying about the fun of the baby making process, but to be honest -the romance seems to have been taken away and replaced by 'come on spermies come on spermies, at least when you guys do DTD you both know its cos you want to share some love not just for an end product iykniw?? lol

take care everyone, night night
I am seriously impessed with myself at how little I am obsessing this cycle! Last month around this time I was a total nutter reading into my temps on FF and analysing charts on there!

I am so pleased I told hubby to hide my thermometor!

I had a few twinges on the left this morning, but literally for about 30 seconds, nothing major at all so not sure if ovulation pain or not?! I hope so!

Hope everyone is feeling good! So who is testing first and when? xx
I did plan on waiting til 12th Nov which would be CD31 -normal cycles 27-30 days so that would be first date actually late.

However with FF putting my ov day as CD9 - I am now not so sure -I could test 5th November for my bonfire baby and still be 15dpo -very tempting lol

No I will be strong and wait until until 12th Nov -I really think I am OUT this month anyway so af should be by then.

what about anyone else?

hmmm i due af on 6th, so i sould do 4/5th. NB is that when you are testing?
Morning girlies! How is everyone today? I'm good.
NB - I'm testing on 9th November - well if I can wait until then! Maybe test on 7th cos I'll be 13dpo then, but the witch is due on 9th, so I might try to be strong and wait until then.
Wannabubba - PMA remember! You are not out until the witch arrives!!!
Muncho - how you doing with the wait? 4/5th Nov is not far away!
Rogue - I had some similar strange cramping things last night. Only on my left side! Quite painful at night, but ok today. Just feel very very tired!!
Lizziemoon - How you doing? How long until you test?

Phew, hope I havent missed anyone out and if I have - babydust to everyone!

Well, update on me, dont feel as poorly today. Got a headache and feel tired but on the whole feel ok! Didnt have a good sleep due to twingey feelin on left side....but it's better today! I also have creamy CM today?!?!?! Not sure if that's a good sign or not....thought it was meant to just be dry if I am to get BFP....any ideas any one?



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