TTC Chitchat, advice and Rants!

Yeah I know she will tell her mom...and thats fine. She will find out eventually, I just don't care to tell I go to the Dr. on the 29th so I will have a lot to talk about with him!!! I toss and turn a lot at night too but I don't get up to pee much. I did for awhile but not anymore. I pee a lot more durring the day though. I don't know. Anyhow I have a headache today:( But I have decided it will be a great day so I'm not going to let it get me down!!! I'm so excited that we can go through this together!!! Yeah my due date according to LMP is November birthday is November 8th!!! BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER:) However I'm sure I'll get a better idea when I go to the dr as well!!! YAY
Awwwwwe that's awesome. We're due quite close! Hehe. Yeah let me know how your doctors appointment goes ;) it's great that we will have each other to chat about this too. Ahhh lucky you, no night time peeing! Drives me mad but then I think if my sweet pea (that's the size of him/her at the mo) and I don't mind hehe. Well let your step daughter tell her ! Hopefully she'll surprise you and be nice!!!! Lol. X x
If yours is the size of a sweet pea than you are due even closer to me! It should be the size of a sweet pea in the 6th week and thats where I am! I'll hit 7 weeks on friday and then it will be a blueberry. But thats cute though because my one friend calls my baby sweet pea:) Great minds think alike!!! I did wake up last night to pee but for the most part I don't have to pee bad enough when I wake up to make myself get out of Its funny because I can go hours with out having to pee but then I also have times where I'll pee and I kid you not 10 min later I have to pee again! I think thats crazy!!!
Haha that is crazy!!! I can't wait to the pee eases off a little in the second trimester. I'm so excited to get a bump too! I'm already using cocoa butter creams ready for my expanding tummy! Lol. Mmm I'm 5 weeks and 1 day ish (5wks and 2days in 4 hours as its 8.10pm here) so I'm heading into my 6th week. My baby app was what told me my baby is size of a sweet pea hehe I love reading up about pregnancy, my baby's development and what's going to happen next. I've ordered a few books of the net too so looking forward to reading them! Blueberry... Wow babies grow quick!!
You sound so much like me!!! I have like 6 different aps and I LOVE THEM!!! My husband is like do you need so many and I tell him yes because they all have totally different information each day:) I can't wait for my bump yet...I mean I know its early so I shouldn't show for a while still but I'm so excited!!! I know just the other day it seems it was only the size of an apple seed!!! and in a month it will be a lime! This is just crazy to me! I can't wait for my ultra sound...I just wish I knew when it was! Do you have any appts yet? I'm so excited we are so close together!!! We may actually be even closer because I based mine off LMP and my cycles were long so i'm probably a few days off. How have you been feeling? My boobs hurt more than anything!!! SO PAINFUL I won't let my hubby even touch them. It almost hurts for him to even look at
Oooow my boobs are heavy, hurt around the sides and the nipples tingly but they aren't super painful. I can still shower and it doesn't make me cringe with agony or anything. Im guessing they may change again from mild to worse and back to mild as we go along lol. The main thing apart from constant need to pee is my tiredness. It's honestly knocked me off my feet. I needs naps haha lol not that I'm conplaining I love a little sleepy in the day!! Yeahhhh me too! I love reading those phone app things that tell you a day to day info on you and baby. I read my over n over haha! No I don't have any proper appointments at all yet other than a mini check up at doctors next Tuesday. I have no idea when my scan will be, probably not till i'm approx 12weeks. I wish I could have a scan now though to see my little bean. I worked mine out by just putting in the last day I started my period and the iPhone app set my due date for me etc. it's probably not 100%. Wow a lime!!! Eeeek so big quickly. You bought anything yet? X
See I have to have my back to the water when I shower. Either that or cover myself...its that bad. I think the tiredness gets better...I had that for awhile but its recently gotten better...not that I'm never tired don't get me wrong but I'm not nearly as bad as I was. Today during my lunch hour my friend and I went for a walk and that REALLY helped to keep me awake:) I feel AMAZING!!! Yeah I won't know when my U/S is until I go next thursday. I think it will be either the 9th or the 13th of April!!! No I haven't bought anything yet other than what my step daughter bought for the baby. We have picked out a lot of the major things we want. I was reading that a lot of people register as early as 12 weeks...but many people wait until they know the gender before they register. I want to buy EVERYTHING!!! But I know I should least a little while longer till I'm even farther along and an even less chance of something bad happening!
Ouchie. That does sound uncomfortable :( I hope they settle soon for you. Register? What's this? Yeah I've been lOoking at lots of websites and in magazine at baby stuff but like you, want to wait a little longer. Already bought my pram :) it was in a half price sale till tuesday 20th so had to buy it! Got a really cool baby monitir too, it has a webcam so i can watch our little one whereever i'm at in my house if he/she is sleeping! That's nice for you, a lovely walk with a Friend. I read that exercising like a walk helps stop the tiredness. I'm going to try swimming next week but this week I'm moving house! Started today and hopefully done by tomorrow. Fingers crossed. X
Register is when you pick out what you want and the store keeps a record of it so people know what to buy you. What is a pram? Yeah my husband wants a monitor with the video so we can see the baby:) We haven't gotten one yet though. I hear swimming is GREAT for pregnant woman. It gets you exercise but doesn't put any extra strain or weight on your body!!! YAY:)
Excellent! I love swimming. I'm going to do this next week. I have a swimming pool at my gym :) a pram is a buggie/pushchair ! Hehe. Not sure what you call it. Well I'm officially in my new house. The move went well. Looking forward to decorating my babies nursery next. How are you feeling? Any further symptoms? X x
YAY thats good the move went well! Thats always stressful...even though its usually good stress, so I'm glad you survived! Oh we call those strollers here...but I think buggie is really cute:) I'm excited for you to go swimming that will be awesome! Your baby will thank you (well maybe not literally but you know what I mean!) When are you going to start decorating? I heard you should wait till after you have made it through the first trimester. We are going to find out the gender so after that I think we will decorate. I wanna do it in the second trimester so I'm not so huge and swollen that it isn't any fun. My best friend is going to come visit and help! She is so excited and already has tons of plans for the baby room!!! SO EXCITING. Yesterday I had a REALLY bad headache but other than that I've been doing quite well. I've been getting really random cravings but its always something different. How have you been feeling?!?!?!
How lovely of your friend. I bet that makes you so happy :) she sounds like a good Friend. Yeah I'm the same, wanting to leave it until second trimester, I'm going for neutral colours so it won't matter too much which ever sex we are having. But no doubt we'll add a few girly or boyish bits when we discover the gender. Awww a stroller, yeah I've heard that before. Lol isn't it strange how we gave different sayings/words for the same things. Hehe. I've had the odd headache but tried to sleep it off or drink water and forget about it. It's the constant need to pee that I'm still getting haha. I'm on ginger biscuits for my neaseous and it works too. I don't have it badly only when I'm hungry. Have you and your hubby thought of names yet? Ooo what have been your cravings? X x
Yes she is a GREAT friend. We have been friends since we were 5! She was my maid of honor in my wedding and I was hers! We live like 4 hours away so don't see each other as often as I'd like but we have a beautiful relationship:) I think its funny too. We speak the same language but some words are TOTALLY different! Yes we have thought of names (we started before we were even pregnant). Right now a boy will be Zane Milo and a girl will be Maci Lynn. Neither are set in stone yet but we both really like those names! Zane means a gift from God and Milo was the name of an old man I knew who passed away years ago. He was the most amazing man ever. Since the day he passed away I always said if I have a boy Milo will be his middle name...because if my son is half the man he was I will be the proudest mom! Maci I just think is really pretty. I have an aunt and uncle whos last name is Macy pronounced the same and they are WONDERFUL people!!! Then Lynn is both of my husbands parents middle name so I wanted to honor them with that:) What about you? You guys have any names yet? As for cravings...girl they have been all over the place its weird. Yesterday I had to have Chipotle...(not sure if you have that there or not its a resturant) Then last night I needed steamed veggies and I wanted them again today as well as an english muffin with butter and honey. Now I want a salad with ranch dressing. So its all over the place. I think its kinda weird...oh yeah for about an hour I wanted a Not even sure where the cravings are coming from but it keeps things interesting!!!
Haha how cute. Your cravings made me smile. Your getting alot of cravings then. I haven't had any yet. Still having a hyper sense of smell so I go with that really. I'll have to watch out for the cravings they may creep on me. How lovely about your name choices. They are so nice! And the fact they have meaning to you is wonderful :) yeah I have a name in mind for a boy, Dominic, my husbands best friend died in a accident a few years ago so it would be lovely to name him after him. We aren't sure about a girls name yet. We like a handful of names but nothing is set in stone yet. Awww that's so nice regarding your friendship with your best girl. My best friend lives 2 hours 30 minutes away from me but we too have a strong relationship. She's getting married in may and I'm her maid of honour. I've just been to see her today to tell her my news and she started crying and couldn't stop hugging me. Bless her. I'm so tired now though even after sleeping in the car on the way home. Time for feet up and relax! X
Yeah I thought I would crave like one or two things...not everything at the store! Yeah the sense of smell I don't like. The worst is in the store in the laundry detergent aisle. I can't even go down there. It's a great smell but so strong these days it gives me an instant headache! I like Dominic! And the meaning behind it is sad yet powerful! That's so exciting you got to see your best friend! I'm glad you got to tell her in person!!! Your relationship sounds like my best friend and me:) I'm so happy for you! Hope all is well!!!
Hey. How are you? Feeling ok?

I'v had a mini check up today with the practise nurse at my doctors. All is good and I've booked in my first midwife appointment ;) it's 5th April, I'm so excited. The doctors have given me a booklet about what to expect. I'm really looking forward to meeting her and discussing my pregnancy. Apparently the first meeting is approximately 1 hour long. Your appointment is 29th isn't it? Bet your excited.

Yeah, thank you we really like Dominic too. We need to get thinking of some potential girls names lol.

Yes this thursday!!! I am very excited. I think they are just running some tests and what not. Don't believe I'll get to see or hear my lil bundle of joy but thats long as I know everything is going well:) I'm glad your mini appt went well!!! I look forward to hearing about your apt!!! YAY! I have been feeling alright. Not great but could be WAY bout yourself?
Same really, not the best but it could be worse. I haven't had any sickness yet. I'm hoping I bypass that, fingers crossed. I'm still having nauseous feelings on and off lol and a really bad headache yesterday too :( but that's gone now. I keep grabbing naps when I can. Lol.

How's work? Any hassle from your step daughters mum?

Awww I'm excited for you. Do you meet you midwife? X x
So this morning I had a REALLY bad cramp in my lower abdomen that lasted about 2 min. It kinda scared me...but it went away as quick as it came so hopefully its nothing to worry about. Yeah I've been reeling crappy but I can deal with it. not nearly as bad as some of the horror stories I've heard. I wish I could take naps:( I do on the weekends but I just don't have time during the week. But on vacation I'm sure I'll find time...YAY!!! Work is alright i guess...I don't really enjoy it like I use to...but again it could always be worse. I'd LOVE to be a stay at home mom...we are trying to see if that could happen. Well we had the drama about vacation with Mackenzies mom but once my husband contacted his lawyer and told her she calmed down. I guess you just have to throw the legal system in her face and she realizes you are serious. We arn't going to have a midwife, just an obgyn. So how are you doing today? I'm glad your headache is gone today!!! That sucks to have such a painful headache and can't hardly do anything for it.
Awww it's sad that she has to act up like that so it comes to this. But if that's what it takes and gets her to act human and like a grown up then do it. Hopefully she leaves you both alone during your pregnancy. Ooooo your vacation!!! I bet your so excited now. That's come around super quick. Are you ready for it? I'm quite lucky, I'm self employed and work part time so I get a lot of time for myself to leisure :) I'm going to be a stay at home mum for the first months then start back gradually. It's very exciting. Can't believe in 7 and half months we'll have our little baby Q! Hehe.

X x

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