Ttc july 2014

oh and ps

in four/five months - many of us will have little apple seeds growing inside of us!

crazy to think about!
Feb4th2011 what kind of stomach issues are u dealing with?

I can't believe it is march already -- so excited!!!

I started prenatals this month and have been off the pill for a few months. My cycle was doing great and I could even tell by cm when I was ovulating, but this month I went off my antidepressants which I have been on since after my first for PPD and I wasn't able to track my O by cm this month. hopefully I am still on a regular cycle.

coming off yasmin I gained so much weight! it always happened when I came off of it for whatever reason. so annoying.

How long did it take for your to have your first AF after coming off Yasmin?
I had a normal cycle after coming off of it both times.
Feb4th2011 what kind of stomach issues are u dealing with?

I can't believe it is march already -- so excited!!!

I started prenatals this month and have been off the pill for a few months. My cycle was doing great and I could even tell by cm when I was ovulating, but this month I went off my antidepressants which I have been on since after my first for PPD and I wasn't able to track my O by cm this month. hopefully I am still on a regular cycle.

coming off yasmin I gained so much weight! it always happened when I came off of it for whatever reason. so annoying.

Last april I was in the hospital in great pain... CT showed an inflamed lower bowel... and gall stones. So i was dealing with 2 different doctors... its been a crazy year of dr appointments. one more "attack' in July... Gallbladder was removed in sept and no problems since.... until a few days after coming home from Cuba... I was terrified i was getting sick again, but the GI said he thinks its just a bug from Cuba... I have to wait 2 more months to get the go ahead from him to TTC.

I have my yearly physical/pre TTC appointment March 13th! yes its a little early, but my family doctor is going on Mat leave at the end of march so I thought i better get in to see her. I'll most likely be getting referred to a GYNO anyways, so this will just speed up the process.

I have terrible baby fever!!:happydance:
Tentatively joining you gals :) We are TTC with a sperm donor in July, so I have been a bit hesitant to join any groups/posts in case he backs out or something doesn't quite go as planned. However, as it is March already-I have a good feeling and think that this will all work out, and we can actually TTC in July as planned. My partner will be the one conceiving and she has already been taking prenatals for 6 months, at half a dose. We are a little worried about her taking the full dose since she tells me that only one pill makes her stomach feel strange until she eats something, but I think next week we will try the full dose to see how it goes. We've been charting and have started using OPK's this month and so far so good! Looking forward to July 15th-ish which is when our charting is predicting she will ovulate in July ;)
Tentatively joining you gals :) We are TTC with a sperm donor in July, so I have been a bit hesitant to join any groups/posts in case he backs out or something doesn't quite go as planned. However, as it is March already-I have a good feeling and think that this will all work out, and we can actually TTC in July as planned. My partner will be the one conceiving and she has already been taking prenatals for 6 months, at half a dose. We are a little worried about her taking the full dose since she tells me that only one pill makes her stomach feel strange until she eats something, but I think next week we will try the full dose to see how it goes. We've been charting and have started using OPK's this month and so far so good! Looking forward to July 15th-ish which is when our charting is predicting she will ovulate in July ;)
Welcome! That's so exciting!!! I have a friend who is super sensitive to prenatal pills too, she finally found one that didn't effect her. The honest company sells it:):flower:
Awesome, I will have to look into those :) Might be worth it if she has trouble with a full dose.
I've started taking folic acid in the last two weeks, since having my nexplanon removed and I've also started taking cod liver oil too, both really as a way to help my body get nice a healthy in advance. I will start taking actual prenatal vitamins in June. I'm trying to get fit by training for a half marathon and also trying to improve my diet (although given that I've just been out for some beers and come home to devour half a bar of cadburys, that bit isn't quite going according to plan just yet).

Is anyone doing anything else to prepare?
I've started taking folic acid in the last two weeks, since having my nexplanon removed and I've also started taking cod liver oil too, both really as a way to help my body get nice a healthy in advance. I will start taking actual prenatal vitamins in June. I'm trying to get fit by training for a half marathon and also trying to improve my diet (although given that I've just been out for some beers and come home to devour half a bar of cadburys, that bit isn't quite going according to plan just yet).

Is anyone doing anything else to prepare?

I'm taking prenatals (vitabiotics conception) and DH is taking the male version. Just hopign AF will show up soon! Desperate to get on a normal cycle!
I take folic acid every day, and I've been eating healthier. I'm really looking forward to spring so DS and I can get outside and get some walking in! Last weekend it got down to -42... pure insanity. We also have been making a list of things that we need to get down around our home before #2 arrives, making a list of items we will need to purchase for baby and saving money! That's about it for our prep work.

how long after your first did the pain start? I had my gallbladder removed when my daughter was about 5 months. And those 5 months I was in soooo much pain! I also suffer from IBS.

I actually had a really bad attack while pregnant, i think I was about 27 weeks. It was so scary... but the attack last year was when my little guy was 6 months. I had the gallbladder removed 2 weeks before his first birthday. I heard it happens a lot to woman who are pregnant for who have had kids. Like seriously!!! we don't have enough to worry about?!
Blueskygirl I was just wondering if you've had a period yet since having nexplanon removed. I had mine out 4 weeks ago today and I'm getting impatient now. Even though we're not trying yet I want my body to settle into a routine ASAP. Also I started taking folic acid as soon as I had mine removed. But I only remember to take it bout half the time. Need to get better at that!
Hi Ladies

Can I join you please? We have a DD, who is 17 months old and WTT our second child :)
Hi smawfl, welcome!

Molly, I had my nexplanon removed just under 3 weeks ago and still waiting on my first period since having it removed. I'm getting really impatient for it too, I even did a pregnancy test yesterday as I've had sore boobs for about a week and not since of AF yet! It was a BFN, which is fine by me, I definitely want to have the whole of our house deposit saved before I get pregnant but it's always fun to POAS :)

I go away with work for several nights a week and I don't take the folic acid with me so I'm only actually taking it about 3 days a week. I will get better at that in around May I guess.
Hi girls :) Can I join? I have a 26 month DS and hopefully I will have my copper coil removed around july time so we can start ttc 2! xx
Welcome smawfl and tinkerbelle! You have such a lovely profile pic tinkerbelle!
Welcome ladies! There sure are a lot of us all going to be moving to ttc together which is great!

I must admit though that I'm feeling a bit fed up, it's so close now that the time is dragging and annoying me! Jan and Feb flew by but March is going so slowly I just want to start trying and the two and a half pill packs that I have left annoy me every morning! Sorry for being grumpy when everyone is happy and excited but needed to get my grumpiness off my chest! X
Welcome ladies! There sure are a lot of us all going to be moving to ttc together which is great!

I must admit though that I'm feeling a bit fed up, it's so close now that the time is dragging and annoying me! Jan and Feb flew by but March is going so slowly I just want to start trying and the two and a half pill packs that I have left annoy me every morning! Sorry for being grumpy when everyone is happy and excited but needed to get my grumpiness off my chest! X

I know the feeling of impatience too! I also agree March seems to be dragging by much more than January and February did. Hopefully April and May will fly by I'm just trying to stay busy in the meantime! xx
Victoria I know exactly how you feel. My best friend announced she was pregnant back in December and this crazy change occurred in me where I was so broody, I was dreaming about babies and I'd wake up and google stuff about babies. It was really mad as before then I'd know I'd wanted to start trying for a baby this year or next year but when this crazy broodyness came over me I was so frustrated at the thought of having to wait. I'd thought we might starting TTC in April and when my DH said we really needed to wait until July so that we will have bought a house and be secure in that respect I got really annoyed and grouchy about it.

The mad crazy broodyness has gone now fortunately so I'm more relaxed about waiting a few more months so that I know I'm in a position to hopefully take a year off work whenever we are blessed with a baby. I'm sure once we start TTC I'll go mental again and be thinking about it non-stop!...that's what this forum is for! So we can be mental without our friends and family knowing! :)

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