TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

How is everyone doing?

I had the WORST day of nausea yesterday from 10am -6:30pm. It was so aweful. But now my bbs hurt less and I'm worried. I want to be excited but it is so hard.
Nite you had great looking lines early on, a day of nausea (that means levels are increasing) and as for your bbs hurting that could have been from the progesterone post ov so don't stress. Keep calm and let your body do what it needs to. I know easier said than done. Do you have a dr. appt booked?
Nite you had great looking lines early on, a day of nausea (that means levels are increasing) and as for your bbs hurting that could have been from the progesterone post ov so don't stress. Keep calm and let your body do what it needs to. I know easier said than done. Do you have a dr. appt booked?

Not yet, they are supposed to call me to make an appt with a nurse so she can ask me 1 million questions. Lol
Thank you for the support, I really need it right now.
Nausea this early is a great sign!! That's the pregnancy hormone shooting up, so it's great! Before you know it you'll be 12 weeks :) hope dr can give you an appt ASAP, you can tell them you don't know your dates so they give you a scan? I was naughty and did that :haha:
:hugs: Nite, nausea is horrible but a great sign! Hoe you start to relax soon.
Well turns out I just had a stomach bug, darn MS would have been a good sign. My son got it and then my husband and theirs also only lasted one day. Oh well guess its still early.

Mammaspath what is going on with you? When do you test?

Sap and ready hope you are both well today :flower:
I just had a wisdom tooth out! Ouch! Done with minimal freezing and no pain meds... Yet... How's everyone else doing??
I read on a post months ago that this person had decided (she had just got a bfp after a few losses) that with each pregnancy she was going to enjoy every day that she was pg and if it ended in m/c she was still grateful for every day that she WAS pg. I think that is a great mindset! Nite the more that you worry the less that you will enjoy and I know it's easy for me to say (and God only knows how I'm going to be when I get my bfp) but try to embrace what is happening in your body RIGHT NOW. I'll stop preaching to you now:winkwink:

Lomelly-HAPPY 14 WKS, ONLY 26 LEFT!!!:happydance::happydance:

AFM-I am in my fertile period...or so my ticker tells me. My poor dh is working like a mad man this week but I told him he needs to keep some time and energy :winkwink: to make it happen this week. So I'm trying to relax and not get crazy with the "knowing my cycle" and what needs to be done when but how do you do it when you know when things are happening?? I'm not temping or using opks we are just going to go at it like rabbits, toss in a little preseed and hope for the best!
Lomelly-ouchy on the tooth extraction, hope you are doing ok. FYI giving birth w/o meds is like having your head removed and pushed through your hooha!!! LOl sorry, couldn't resist.:rofl:
Lomelly that sounds painful! You are brave.

Ready: Thanks for the advice, I am trying to be as positive as possible. I know that after I had my mc I felt the same way, that when I did get pregnant again I would enjoy it no matter how long it lasted.
Well girl, you are going to have months to enjoy it so may as well start now! Any word on your dr appt?
Ready, labour scares me :haha: I had to have some freezing but the extraction was actually really quick and painless. I think I'll end up having an epidural, I'm not very good with pain... Looks like you have to get some serious BDing done in the next few days ;)

Nite, it is super super hard to be positive after a loss.. I hope you can find some peace, I kinda wish I would have had more peace during this pregnancy because I was so afraid. I do hope you enjoy it!
Lomelly your body is designed to give birth. I'm not going to lie and say its easy or painless but it knows what to do whether you do or not. With my son I was 8.5cm when I got to the hospital and was begging for the epidural (even though that was not part of my birth plan) but because I was so far along they wouldn't give it to me. And when all was said and done I was glad that I hadn't got it. I don't like putting stuff in to my body so it works for me but I have friends that say the epidural was life saving.
Try not to live in fear of giving birth (i was terrified), try to empower yourself by doing what you can to have a "birth-ready" body. The end result is nothing that you can truly imagine until you are holding your child in your arms. Brings tears to my eyes!
The last part is the part I can't wait for :) I'm sure whatever pain will be worth it. When I told my mom I was expecting, the first words out of her mouth were: "you know it really hurts right??" (jabbing fun at me cause I'm not so good with coping with pain, never have been :haha: )
I will try to have faith in my body... I hope its up the challenge! I told DH he might have to take some verbal abuse during the process... :haha:
I'm not sure how your body deals with pain but mine usually vomits and so I spent hours doing that at first. I don't like pain but it was almost like I was watching from outside of my body. Probably my minds way of coping?
When I was 8-9 months pg I was at a park with my dog and a woman approached me explaining that she was a doula and asking me different things as well as going through the birthing process (a little random and bizarre). And then she asked if I had heard of the ring of fire and so I said "the johnny cash song?". So she said no and started to explain (using hands as visuals-one hand is a fist the other makes a circle between thumb and middle finger) as the head is about to exit it passes through the canal and there is a point where its (brace yourself or stop reading now....last chance to stop reading...ok here it goes) the baby's skull passing through the pelvic area and the bone on bone feels like a ring of fire. Like I wasn't crapping myself already about giving birth but then she goes on to tell me that? I was terrified BUT I knew exactly what she was talking about when it happened. Lol ok so you're probably freaking out now,.sorry but I have told all of my friends (i was first to have a child) before they give birth. It's not meant to scare but to be aware. I like to have as much info as possible. Please don't have nightmares tonight.
Bah Lomelly, don't listen to Ready - it's not that bad :haha: (I went med-free :smug:) I bet the tooth extraction is worse!

Happy BD Ready, this has GOT to be your month!

Hope you're feeling better now Nite :hugs: That's some good advice from Ready.

AFM, DH and I talked about splitting up yesterday. It's clear he doesn't care about me anymore, we will just see what happens :shrug: That's why he wanted to stop ttc.
I somehow managed to miss the last page :rofl:

Ring of fire is bad, but doesn't last long - I remember swearing a lot though :haha: I was fully dilated when I got to hospital, hence no meds. I did find the fear of giving birth a hell of a lot worse than the reality. I would so love to do it all over again, but looks like that won't be happening now :nope:
Oh Sap, I'm so so sorry you are going through this right now. I'm sending you tons of :hugs::hugs::hugs:. I have no great advice or any witty humour, I'm just so sorry:hugs:.
And as Sap said the fear of giving birth is a lot worse than the actual procedure. Lomelly you will be fine and amazed at what you will be able to handle. I'm a bit of an ass and like to get people worked up! hahaha...sorry!
AFM-Dh didn't get home until 11pm last night and came up to bed ready to get-it-on and I couldn't get myself up to do it. I'm only on day 11 so that's good but we have some serious bow-chik-a-wow-wow bizness to get going on these next few days!
Oh Sap! I am so sorry are going through this. We are always here for you if you need to vent. Sending massive prayers your way! xx

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