TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Ready, I have a good feeling it's your month. Will keep everything crossed for your bfp!

I hope the witch stays away for you mammaspath :hugs:

Nite, I hope the time flies by til your appointment! So exciting :)

Lomelly, 15 weeks already! You're an orange! :happydance:
time sure does fly when you hit that 12 week mark and you're no longer scared every day :haha: I am starting to actually enjoy this pregnancy, but am still afraid to buy much. most of the stuff I get will be second hand because firstly, most of that stuff is in very good condition (permitting it was taken care of) and second, who needs to buy brand new everything when they'll be wearing it for a few months?? we're not hard up for money but we're not rolling in it either lol so I've decided that's what we're gonna do. what do you guys think about it?? anyone else buy second hand items?
Lomelly-with my son I had a combo of new and used. We had this great little store that only took things that were in great condition so while I was on mat leave aka poor I bought a lot from there. Another great way to save on clothing is to buy at the end of the season when all is on sale. Old navy, Joe fresh and children's place have amazing sales at the end of the season. Needless to say I have a ridiculous amount of clothing from when he was younger. If you have a girl your options are greater. As far as "equipment" goes licensed resellers usually only sell things that pass safety standards. Shopping for babies is soooo fun. I went looking for a gift for my gf (shower on sun) and spent an hour just looking for stuff for me. Lol
Sap-how ya doing honey?
Nite-any more symptoms or is it easy breezy right now?
Afm-the tww has been adjusted b/c I'm sure I ov Mon night, had discomfort anyways. I hope it was then and not last night b/c I let Dh off the hook for bding. Poor guy has been working stupid hours for a couple of wks now. Anyone experience ov pains? I was very uncomfortable Mon and then yesterday had a couple of moments again. Any ideas? I never felt anything before the Ectopic.
Sounds like your o day was Monday, ready. But those swimmers can last for a few days! Ya there is a place by my moms house that sells only nearly new and even new clothes at less than half the price of regular. I will have to keep my eyes out for sales!! I have a feeling little one will get a ton of clothes from grandparents and aunts and uncles, so that will help while I'm on mat leave. 55% of your wages doesn't go far! But luckily my work offers another 20% for the first six months
Lomelly I think that is a great idea, they do only wear things for a small period of time, so much growing, how exciting!!

Ready this time that I conceived I had worse pains and more discomfort than the other months during ovulation. It was a very strong ovulation, I even got pretty intense cramps that I have never had that bad with O.

AFM: I only had some nausea that one day. My symptoms are sore bbs that come and go, gas gas and gas, have to tinkle a lot, very thirsty, and a little bit of stretching in my lower abdomen. I did have quite a bit of nausea with my DD, so in all honesty that is the only worrisome part for me as with the mc I didn't have it either. Still staying positive for the most part though as its still early right? If little bean is meant to make it by golly it will.
So this is what I found about length of time o pains may be felt:
Painful ovulation, when severe, is referred to as mittelschmerz, a German word that means “middle pain.” Most women who experience painful ovulation usually report a nagging pain that begins as a sharp twinge and diminishes into a dull ache for the next day or so. But for some women, the pain can be severe enough to be disabling and can even be confused with appendicitis. Occasionally, in addition to mid cycle pain and cramping, some women may experience nausea, and/or light menstrual spotting. Mittelschmerz lasts for 6 to 8 hours in most women; however, occasionally it can last as long as twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
So I'm 95.7% sure I ov'd Mon!
I'm glad you are enjoying things now Lomelly, in a few short weeks you may be able to feel the baby...remember, think gas bubbles in your belly and that's what it feels like. Light little flutters.
Nite-every pregnancy is different so the fact that you don't feel nauseous right now has nothing to do with the viability but the difference in babies. Look at me giving all of this "stay relaxed" advice, I'll be 100X more neurotic and paranoid! haha
it just might be too early for morning sickness, nite. I'm sure everything is going fine :) the peeing and the sore BBS are also a great sign

ready I've heard of that.. that's so neat that some can feel it, have you ever had it that strong before??? the only cycle I ever had ovulation spotting was the cycle in jan when I got the BFP, so it could mean good things!!

afm I'm so impatiently waiting to pop. I just look kinda like I ate too many burgers. I'm just thicker around the middle, maybe a bit rounder towards the bottom. waiting waiting for an actual bump.. when did you ladies get your actual bump? I'm pretty tall (5"11 almost) and pretty thin so I don't know if that makes any kind of difference..
I have felt it a little since the Ectopic but never that uncomfortable or for that long. Today its finally not sensitive. I hope it means good things. I have been pretty relaxed about it other than abusing my Dh for 5 days straight. Haha I felt the flutters around 17 wks that I remember and from what I recognized. I'm sure with the next I would feel earlier. I didn't have much of anything until 24 wks but even then just bloated looking.
Thank you for the support lomelly :hugs: I'm super bloated still. I wonder if it will ever go down. When I was prego with my DD I started to get a bump between 4-5 months. I think this time it will happen sooner. Damn appointment is so far away.... I can't wait till I can stop checking for spotting every time I go to the bathroom. It's like an automatic reaction, I couldn't stop if I tried.
I keep checking too it's not just you lol. I had baaaadddddd bloating too, looked more pregnant then than I do now :haha: can't wait to hit 18 weeks!! Maybe I will see/feel something...

Ready, doesn't that sign mean a strong o?? I saw that when I was googling ovulation spotting because never in my life did I have that ... You DH was a champ! And I'm sure he had fun :haha:
Ready, doesn't that sign mean a strong o?? I saw that when I was googling ovulation spotting because never in my life did I have that ... You DH was a champ! And I'm sure he had fun :haha:

I'm not sure Lomelly but now I'm going to have to google my ass off and find out. In the 5 cycles since the Ectopic I have had a couple noticeable ov's but this week was awful. I actually felt a bit sick Mon (that could have been from the pain, my body reacts with nausea/vomitting) when the pain was happening and it didn't subside completely until yesterday. What does a strong ov mean though? Again, I will google that. lol

As for feeling baby I found it best after eating dinner to lie down and that's when the flutters were noticeable. Again, you will think it's gas because it's a similar feeling BUT you will recognize it around the same time each day (usually they have their patterns-not always but mostly). Oh so fun!!!

Nite-I would love to be able to give you some advice on how to be able to relax with this pregnancy but I got nada! I know I'm going to be worrying whenever I get pg but I am getting to a point where I actually can think to myself what will be will be. I'm trying to get back to that mindset before the first m/c last year. I hope the time goes quickly for you so that you can at least put your mind at ease after the dr appt when you now all is well.
Happy Friday Everyone!!!:happydance::happydance:
ok I just had a minor freak out episode.. I went to bathroom and had some discharge.. but the reason that scared me is because it looked almost brown. TMI warning but.... it was like so yellow it looked deep yellow/brown.. and was mixed in with eggwhite like mucus! I don't know if that's normal, I've had yellow mucus before, but never so close to looking brown. It only came on once (there was quite a bit of it though) and have had none since.. back to yellow. Is this something to worry about?? Thank god I have my OB appt on monday, I would be calling him to get in today.
Lomelly I wouldn't be too concerned as brown indicates old. It could be from a previous bd session or maybe you were straining more than normal? Here is what I found on a med site:
Vaginal Discharge
As the pregnancy progresses, you may notice you have increasing vaginal discharge. Typically it looks like egg white, is milky and a bit odorous, and it may remind you of premenstrual discharge, only a bit heavier and more frequent. This discharge is absolutely normal and is just another change your body goes through in response to the pregnancy hormones and the increased blood flow to the area. You can wear panty liners or change your underwear more often than usual if you find the discharge bothersome.

Though the kind of discharge described above is normal, there are some types of discharge that may mean you have an infection. You may have a condition that must be treated:

if the discharge looks like pus;
if it is yellow, green, or smells foul;
if you notice a burning sensation when you urinate; or
if your labia are red, swollen, or itchy.
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (yeast infection) is very common during pregnancy. Signs include a thick, cottage cheese-like discharge accompanied by itching, redness, and burning, as well as painful intercourse and urination.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) may also occur during pregnancy, and because many of them can affect the fetus, it is important that they be treated.

Try not to panic I think you are just fine. Dr. Ready reporting! lol
Here's more:
Increased pregnancy discharge may occur during the second trimester of pregnancy, much like the discharge during early pregnancy. White-colored vaginal discharge is called leukorrhea and is very normal. A brown discharge in pregnancy typically is the result of old blood being eliminated. This brown discharge is not usually serious, but you should let your doctor or midwife know if you're experiencing any brown discharge.
What was life like before Google???? haha

Any bright red discharge signals fresh blood and should be checked out right away, as this could be very serious. I had bright red blood during my last pregnancy in the second trimester, and it caused me and my husband a lot of concern. I had an ultrasound, however, and nothing abnormal was seen. The bleeding stopped after a few weeks, and my son was born at term with no complications. Do get any unusual discharge checked out, though, as it could signal something serious.

During the second trimester, a woman may also experience nasal congestion and nose bleeds, and urine frequency usually diminishes (but will usually be back with a vengeance in the third trimester!)
I will definitely be asking my OB about this.. it didn't look brown, just a very very deep yellow.. no odor, but it could be a yeast infection as I had some uhh.. discomfort down there a day or two ago... was just such a shock, it's usually creamy white or slightly yellow.
Ya it definitely could be a yeast infection. It's very common in pregnancy especially the further along you are. Sorry, I got caught up in the brown discharge. lol
So I've been a bit of a nutcase the last 2 days which normally it's the week befre AF is due that I get a little moody but I have had 0 patience, I'm snappy and then I just want to cry. Yesterday my ds and I had a terrible am. He had a sliver in his foot so I told him I needed to remove it and he freaked out (this is at 7am). He was screaming bloody murder and I wasn't even doing it yet. I yelled at him and told him to shut his mouth. I have never talked to him like that nor lost my cool like that and now I have such horrible guilt (that made me cry last night). I apologized to him and told him it wasn't right that I did it but still, have I totally screwed him up? Something is definitely different this cycle just not sure what it is. Does a strong O mean more hormonal? I just went home on my lunch and put on A Baby Story and started sobbing. And not even when the birth was happening but at the beginning when they talk about getting/being pg.
I need this day to be done, I'm so not in to work today. I have a pile of crap to do and I'm totally procrastinating.
:hugs: Lomelly, I'm pretty certain it's nothing. You get all kinds of weird and wonderful CM during pregnancy, it's kinda icky :haha:

:hugs: Nite, I hope you are ok and not too stressed.

:hugs: Ready, I'm sure DS has forgotten about it already. We all lose our tempers at times, especially where kids are involved. Maybe all your symptoms are a good thing! I would be tempted to poas because I'm a freak :haha:
How are things Sap? I hope things are better!
A mother's guilt is awful, I am constantly worried that I will screw him up some how or another. We hugged it out after but I still feel bad for reacting that way. Poor little mite!
I almost POAS at lunch, haha. I f*$&ing hate the tww almost more than getting af. No that's not true but you know what I mean. The first 7 days goes by soooooooo sloooowly. I'm trying to wait until May2 until I test and that way I will be actually late for AF. If I make it that long and she is late then I may just wait until that wknd. As much as I want to see those lines I really don't want to know too early so I agonize over every day.
Ready: crossing everything that this is your month!!!

Lomelly: that's great that you have your appointment so soon. I am pretty sure that cm gets funky during pregnancy for many people.

Sap: how are things going for you?

AFM: time is going sloooooooooooooooowwly! :haha: May 4th is so far away. DH told his family. Then my step-son over heard. I knew it was a stretch but told him not to tell my DD who is 6. So what does he do...tells her! Oh well I guess.

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