TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Yes lomelly, how did it go??

Sap: how are you doing honey? Hope you are getting some time to relax on this little break.
I'm sooo achey today, I don't get what's going on. It's all in my pelvic area and down my thighs a bit. That with the lower backache is driving me crazy. It wasn't too bad this am but it has increased this afternoon.
it's the same ultrasound place as the last two times.. they wouldn't let DH in either, it's not in their "policy".. it's crap but there's nothing I can do about it :( so now we have to wait till June 5th for the gender scan.. hope all those stretchings down there are the eggy snuggling in tight!
I just don't understand their reasoning? Geez it's 2012 not 1955! Sounds screwbally to me! On another note, in a few short weeks you are going to know what you are having!!!!! That's sooooo exciting.
It has somewhat subsided right now but damn was it uncomfortable for almost an hour. I've been wiggling around at my desk trying to get comfortable. I hope it's good things going on in there, I could really use a boost with this whole ttc bullshit! I know, poor me! Oh wow, I'm starting my pity party party real early this month. hahahahaha Maybe I should actually get some work done today instead of obsessing about supposed symptoms.:comp:
Happy 16 weeks lomelly!
Ps I didn't end up doing too much work! Lol
So I feel out already this month. I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't get a bfp this month. I've tried everything I can think of, bd'd like crazy people, tried to relax, cut stuff out of my diet, exercised...and now I feel like quitting and I'm 6 days away from af.
If i get a bfn any suggestions? I'm a girl that likes to have a plan. I was thinking of trying vitex, it's supposed to boost ovulation. I don't think I need help with that but it couldn't hurt could it?
I don't seem to have any symptoms today, nothing apart from normal post ov things. I'm a little draggy feeling down yonder but that could just be me feeling poopy. Geez, I really have started my pity party early this month.
I'm starting to panic about not being pg as I have my SIL's shower in 3 weeks (that my MIL insisted I help her with) and I'm dreading seeing all of my DH's family and them asking ME when WE are planning on getting pg. None of them (including SIL and MIL) know we had the 2 losses. DH won't be there and I'm not sure how I'll react. My mom will be there so that could be my saving grace.
How are you ladies doing today? Sap where are ya, how are ya?
I'm feeling yucky again. I don't really know how to describe it other than weird sensations that feel uncomfortable mix that in with an achey back and I feel poopy. I have felt sick for almost an hour but it was probably from the bagel I ate as I haven't really been eating bread lately. I don't know what's going on! It's achey right down through my left hip.
Ready: I am pretty sure this is your month. This I the way it gets during the TWW with all of us. We start to have serious doubts. Don't let them get you. YOU have done almost everything you can this month. I promise it will happen, you will be pregnant. When I got pregnant the time before that was my first and only month on vitex. I just took it for the hell of it and it worked, my best friends husband who is a Natriopath told me it couldn't hurt and sometimes we need something like that to normalize us. BUT you are not going to need it. In the next 4-7 days you are going to get your bfp. I just know it.
it's very natural to think you're out, and whether your body can get pg again, and things like that... but you will have no problem! I've got everything crossed for you! I'm unsure about vitex, I know it works for some but not everyone. I took it one month (I was temping at the time) and I found that it lowered my post-o temps and my o temp jump wasn't as strong as it normally was. I hear that if you o regularly you should avoid it, but you hear so many things from so many people it's hard to determine what to do. one cycle couldn't hurt though. I got my first BFP the cycle AFTER vitex (I went off it at the end of the cycle before due to temp shifts)

you're over 6 weeks, nite!! woohoo! getting close to that day!!
Hey girls :)

Ready, those symptoms sound sooo promising! I really think it's your month. I think it's actually impossible not to symptom spot, I am doing it this month and we didn't even BD :rofl:

Nite, your avatar pic is adorable :cloud9: Hope the days til your ultrasound are flying by. I have had transvaginal scans, I found that they're actually more comfortable than abdominal ones and are soo much clearer.

Lomelly, boo that they won't tell you the gender :growlmad: In the UK there are a lot of places that won't tell you - when I was pregnant with Holly I had to have a private gender scan. V. weird that they won't let OH in though :wacko:

AFM, DH came home last night, he's still being weird so who knows. Think I might be a single mum soon :nope:
Hey ladies!
Sap-If it comes down to you and DH separating some times it is for the best. My DS father and I split when he was 8 months old and it really was the best thing. I met my now DH 3 years ago and he is amazing and only gets better as time goes on. But maybe you two are just going through a funk and time will heal it. I hope whatever is decided it is the best decision for you and your DD.:hugs:
AFM-I don't feel like this is the month, I have it in my head that I should be able to feel it. I'm loopy! I did have some weirdness happen yesterday though.
Stupid phone!! I wasn't done yet!!! lol
So I was saying...I was on my feet working for 6 hours yesterday (usually sit at a desk all day) and I had some very strange muscle tightness like as if I was 8 months pg with no belly support. It was very low, just above my bits and pieces. It didn't subside until yesterday eve and is still a little sore like I was doing sit ups yesterday or something. Yes, I'm still holding on to hope but I don't feel positive. Every month there is something that happens that makes me hope I'm pg.
And to top it off I went for dinner/shopping last night with my MIL for my SIL baby shower and she asks me if we are planning to have a family. Really???? She struggled for years TTC and ended up adopting my SIL and DH so just b/c I'm not pg doesn't mean we aren't trying. This is why I'm dreading the baby shower as I anticipate family members asking me. FML! I know, poor me. Sorry but this week I've been so out of whack, negative and sad feeling. SAP I know you are going through way worse I'm just wearing my pity party hat all week. I'll get over myself.
Sap: we are here for you if you need to vent or anything. This may just be a bump in the road but it comes to a split you and DD will be fine. I am also not with DD's father anymore. We split when she was 3. But I am much happier now. I will continue to say prayers for you sweetie.

Ready: I really feel like this is your month. What day are you testing?? When did you o again?

AFM: Sorry I have been MIA. I have been feeling pretty off today. I have been getting up to pee so often its driving me bonkers. Haven't have restful sleep in 3 weeks at least. Starting to feel more symptoms...makes me kinda believe this one is here to stay. My bbs have NEVER hurt this bad, this is worse than when I was breastfeeding DD. With my mmc my bean didn't make it past 6w 1d but I didn't spot till 11 weeks. Ugh why am I judging this pregnancy against the last one? Not fair to this bean at all. Anyways I am having vivid weird dreams and they are bothering me. Last night I dreamed I had a still birth but then 'she' magically came to life when i resuscitated her with a loving hug. Pretty scary. Damn fears....
Nite I remember having crazy dreams when I was pg with ds. The mind is a crazy thing! Only a wk left for ur appt! Yay! Bean will have a hb which will put ur mind at ease.
I ended up poas today with 3rd or 4th pee so of course bfn but I needed to get it out of my system. I ov'd in and around April 16 maybe a day or 2 before. I'm due for af Mon so I should wait until Mon or tues to test but I probably will in the am tomorrow. That way if its bfn I'm pretty sure I will be able to make it until next wk to test. I have blue handled ic's and have heard bad things about them on here so if I don't poas in the am I'm going to pick up a frer for the next poas episode.
Ok, so I poas this am and can see a "hint" of a line. It's dried a bit pinker but I'm terrified that it's an evap and I'll test tomorrow and the frer will be stark white. I don't want to get excited b/c I have read terrible things about these ic's on this site. I've posted a couple of pics in the pg section hoping someone will tweak it but I'll post the originals for you guys to see. I'm ok if you can't see it b/c it's hard to capture it on the camera. Here it goes:


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Omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! I'm shaking! And freaking out!!!!


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Thanks Nite! There was barely anything on the ic, are they crappy? It's the first hint of a line I have seen yet in the past 3 months of using them. I have about 10 left so I'm going to use them over the next few days just to see progression. I meant to get the FRER's with the lines but grabbed these in my haste during my break at work. lol I am excited and nervous but going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts. I have an appt with my ob for blood on Tues and then she will schedule me for an u/s in 2 wks to make sure things are in the right place.
I've had so much discomfort this week and muscle tightness so I hope that's a good sign. I didn't have it at all with the other 2.
Thanks so much to all of you for listening to me be a whiner! My everything is crossed that this bean sticks.

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