TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

nite!!! what time is your dying to find out what your having!
The scan was amazing! She was cooperative at the beginning and showed us her gender pretty easy. Then she spent most of the time with her hands and her feet up near her face! :cloud9:


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so tell me what kind of gender tests did you do for predicting?
Baking soda test worked, I also had girl dreams, and the Chinese calendar thing.

Its so funny, everyone told me they thought I was going to have a boy but they said that when I was pregnant with DD too.
This one is so funny I had to post. She is arching her back.


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Yay!!! Nite that is soooo amazing! Congrats! Was Dh excited?
I don't know if I can survive the next 3 weeks!
I know the wait is so hard but before you know it it will creep up on ya!

Yes DH was so excited. He texted his whole family the moment we found out. He had already guessed it was a girl.

That is definitely girl right?? :haha:
:haha: Yep, definitely a girl. Love the arching back pic. Just noticed your ticker says you're halfway! :)

Hope the next 3 weeks fly by for you Ready!
Yay Nite!!! :) That is so awesome that she cooperated so well for you!! :D Also another yay for being half way :)

Ready- It's so difficult waiting to find out. I get anxious at pretty much every scan or appointment coming up. I'm grateful that they are getting closer together at this point, but still I get all anxious LOL

So I had a dream the other night that the baby was actually a boy and the scans were wrong for me :haha: I seriously doubt they are wrong, but it kind of freaked me out, seeing as we literally just purchased a bunch of really beautiful used baby girl clothes (a ton of it wasn't even worn- over 400 pieces in total) for $200. I was so pumped and have washed every last thing. Next Assessment is going to be next Wednesday, I'm gonna get them to double (make that...triple?) check the gender! haha

What's everyone up to this weekend? I'm just going to clean the house when I get energy, and maybe if I have time & company head to the lake :)
ready, sounds like a good plan! your MW sounds lovely. I've no idea why they said that, but ah well, I like my OB :) I told him I was nervous at my last appt and he told me not to worry, he does not bite ;)

nite, a girl!!! congrats!!! she looks just beautiful. sassy little thing too, arching her back :haha: isn't it funny how everyone was thinking boy?? sounds like DH is over the moon!

sap, getting closer to move date :happydance:

km, I think that's totally normal to doubt the gender, I still kinda doubt it, even though I had two scans to confirm.. I hope he's a he because DH is so into having a boy now that he knows it's a boy! couldn't hurt for them to triple check you though :haha:

mammas, september is creeping up pretty fast... july is almost over, isn't that crazy? you're a peach already, next thing you know you'll be an eggplant :)

AFM, I am just getting so damn frustrated lately--just with my friend. This girl is unreal.. I just want to scream and hit her, but I can't. backstory: she got with my EX about two years ago, after she slept with him and things just went from there.. complains about what an ass hat he is constantly. thinks he's cheating all the time (which is probably is since that's why we broke up). but will NOT just leave him. they don't live together, or have any real bonds.. that is.. until she got pregnant by him. how did that happen?? because she was "sick of having to always buy the condoms" and didn't think to force him to buy any, or keep her legs shut when he didn't. or make him pull out or something.. the whole thing is just stupid. and she's not a teenager, she's my age (27). so she is about 7 weeks behind me in her pregnancy, and is such a know-it-all about EVERYTHING baby related. "oh you shouldn't get an epi, they can cause ******ation in babies"... excuse me??? lots of people have epi's, just cause you don't want one doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them. "oh you shouldn't dye your hair, you can cause brain damage to baby"... okay.. except my OB who is trained in medicine said it was okay to do it (within moderation).. so really, who am I going to listen to??? the icing on the cake was this: I said I was going to paint baby's nursery. Not me actually paint, but get all the stuff and have my mom and DH do it, and maybe I would just look in from time to time if they needed help (it is VOC free paint, not the toxic stuff). her response?? "do you want your kid to be ********?? it will have cranial issues if you go near paint". excuse me but... she has SMOKED through the ENTIRE PREGNANCY. 3-4 cigs a day, which is a "cut back" for her. she smoked a pack a day when her period was late and she didn't want to take a test because it would have meant cutting back smoking. also the pot she did at that point in time and didn't cut that out till maybe a month ago. I'm going freaking bonkers, I just want to tell her to EFF OFF and have no contact. I've known her for over 10 years though, and she is usually supportive with everything else (like my miscarriage). she's pissing me off even more because my EX is a loser with a crappy part time job making $800 a month, so she will get no support financially from him, and is counting on government grants and credits to make it through with the baby. and moving back with her parents, because she is too irresponsible with money to afford her own place. I know some people do live with their parents again after, but she's using everyone and everything as a crutch to support her irresponsibility and it's just driving me bat shit insane. rant over!!!
Wow lomelly, that would totally be stressful. It is annoying when people think they know more than others, especially when they are making their own fair share of mistakes. :hugs:
Woah, I can see why your friend's driving you nuts Lomelly. You always find that people think they know best, it doesn't get any better once the baby's born!

KM, I was paranoid that they got Holly's gender wrong. I was soo convinced she was a boy, that I didn't really believe the sonographer. I was told that it is more likely that a girl is pronounced boy, than the other way round. No harm in getting it triple checked though :haha:
lomelly - your friend is driving ME nuts..........i'd just buy her a pack of smokes and highlight the surgeon general's warning........then walk away.........she is an idiot...

oh september can't come soon enough!!!! MS is giving me a break today.......yay.....thank goodness cuz im goin to the county fair to see jodee messina and hunter hayes.......yay!
Wow lomelly! She sounds like she is trying to make you feel bad for your choices because she has made some pretty terrible ones. Best to keep your distance and keep your sanity! I have no patience for people like that. On another note, you only have 10 wks left!
Lom- Omg, I am SO sorry you have to deal with someone like that! It is so hard dealing with people who constantly judge you, especially when it is completely uncalled for. I think Ready is right with her trying to feel guilty for things because she is insecure herself. I know plenty of people who get very high-and-mighty with others when they really don't have room to talk. Big :hugs: to you!

Sap- This is seriously the first time I've ever second guessed the gender! lol I'm thinking it probably has a ton to do with stress over not having any truly solid name choices picked out. I find out on Wednesday again :) So triple check will be done! haha

Mammas- Awesome that the m/s is giving you a break! Has the break carried through to today?
nite, thanks for the comfort, I'm new to the pregnancy thing and I can't believe how some people are being.. so many rude comments lol. is your little lady getting more active?

ready, you are right, it just cries out guilt and insecurity.. I've said to her (when she makes those comments, which are usually via text msg) that smoking probably isn't going to do the baby any favours either, to which she says "yea probably".. but keeps smoking... I just shake my head. 10 weeks!! ahhhh it feels so surreal!!

mammas, good idea there, maybe I should have her watch some of the videos they have on youtube about preterm babies and smoking. hope your m/s stays away for good!!

km, doesn't everyone know some of those types? :haha: I think when baby comes I can distance myself from her, because I definitely don't need judgment like that when it comes to caring for a new born.. do you have any names yet?
:hi: lomelly YES! I am totally feeling movement, so much stronger and more often. This week she has just been so much more active, I cant believe how fast that happens. Still not totally noticeable from the outside but I am feeling quite a bit.

Gosh now you guys are making me second guess babies gender.... :haha:
Lom- that would be very good if you can distance yourself. It's toxic to you and stressful, and makes life a heck of a lot smoother when nuisances are no so heavily involved :) we have NOT picked a name yet!!! I had a dream last night though regarding that, I will post it below :)

Nite- awesome that you are feeling movement more and more :) and even though i doubted the gender I had another dream last night and baby was a girl in it, I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about!!!!

So, my dream last night was soooo weird! I dreamt I was somewhere with a large group of people at some outdoor event by a river, and the only people I specifically remember in my dream were my husband and my pregnant SIL. I was 32 weeks ( so what I am now) and went into active labour, and didn't make it to a hospital. Baby was out in one push, and weighed 9lb11.5oz!!! :haha: baby was a girl with very blonde hair. We didn't have a name and I panicked, going through the ones that DH and I had mutually liked and went with Pearl since she looked like a little Pearl :) i had to get my SIL to go to a store and pick up baby essentials like diapers and clothes and stuff and a car seat because we had no supplies with us and we decided against going to the hospital since everything was fine. Haha so odd :)

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